UC TAP and UC TAG: Continuing Efforts to Enhance Transfer to UC • • • • • Panelist introductions Brief overview August 1 – the undergraduate application is available How campuses are using the UC TAP tool New/continuing issues with UC TAG process/application It all starts with the UC TAP tool UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 TOOLS FOR PROSPECTIVE TRANSFER STUDENTS UC Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP) UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (UC TAG) UC Undergraduate Application UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 UC TAP SERVES STUDENTS INTERESTED IN ANY OF THE NINE GENERAL CAMPUSES UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 UC TAG SERVES STUDENTS INTERESTED IN ANY OF THE SIX TAG CAMPUSES (who meet campus TAG criteria) • • • • • • UC Davis UC Irvine UC Merced UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 THE UC UNDERGRADUATE APPLICATION SERVES STUDENTS INTERESTED IN ANY OF THE NINE UC CAMPUSES UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 HOW DO THEY INTERSECT? • UC TAP is used to begin the UC TAG application • UC TAP self-reported information can be imported into the UC application (student’s discretion) Fall 2014 - 10,650 students imported their self-reported information from UC TAP to the UC application. UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 HOW ARE CAMPUSES PROMOTING AND USING THE UC TAP TOOL? A communication tool (deadlines, events, updates, etc.) Student appointments (before, during, and after) Ongoing advisement over several years Target specific subpopulations UC Transfer Preparation Programs are using UC TAP UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 UC TAP BY THE NUMBERS • Last year on September 1 - 76,553 student accounts • This year on September 1 - 105,934 student accounts UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 WE’VE ONLY JUST BEGUN! • We need your help to spread the word • We’re working with high school prep programs • Reaching underrepresented students and underserved populations UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 FALL 2015 UC TAG – THE LATEST • • • • • Matrix is up to date, as are campus web sites Campus contacts have been updated Some alignment with UC-M and UC-E requirements No changes to campus processes planned Decision/Next Steps release schedule: 11/3, UCSB; 11/5, UCI; 11/ 7, UCR; 11/12, UCSC; 11/14, UCD & UCM UC campus faculty continue to set TAG criteria UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 As announced at this year’s Ensuring Transfer Success • UC Santa Barbara will no longer offer TAGs for the College of Engineering. • UC Santa Cruz has added major-prep screening criteria in chemistry, physics, and sociology. UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 RECURRING/NEW TAG ISSUES ADDRESSED • Concurrent enrollment programs • Repeated courses • Evaluation tools for UC Davis and UC Santa Cruz Are there issues that haven’t been addressed? UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 UC TAG BY THE NUMBERS – 2014 vs. 2015 (represents TAG applications begun as of 9/1 both years) • • • • • • Davis: Irvine: Merced: Riverside: Santa Barbara Santa Cruz UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 1,231 / 1,659 621 / 1,002 67 / 63 307 / 540 580 / 864 383 / 565 DON’T FORGET ABOUT SECURITY – YOU’RE IN CHARGE Each California community college has at least one administrator who responds to requests to access UC TAP / UC TAG tools. • Only approve individuals you know • Inactivate accounts of individuals that have left/retired • Establish at least two administrators, if possible UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014 THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU… WE CAN’T SAY IT ENOUGH! It’s all about the future – It’s all about the students. UC COUNSELOR CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2014