2013 Manuals

• Testing Calendar
• Manuals
• Test Administration
- Optional Test Administration Procedures and Materials
- English Language Arts
2013 Calendar
2013 STAAR
• grades 3–8 mathematics
• grades 3–8 reading
• grades 4 and 7 writing
• grades 5 and 8 science
• grade 8 social studies
• end-of-course (EOC) – fifteen tests
2013 Calendar
2013 STAAR
• STAAR Spanish
- grades 3–5
- grades 3–8
• STAAR Modified
- grades 3–8
(except for reading and writing)
(except for English I, II, and III reading and
(except for English III, Algebra II,
chemistry, physics, and U.S. history)
- world history will be offered as an operational
field test
• STAAR Alternate
- grades 3–8
(except Algebra II, physics, and chemistry)
2013 Calendar
• grades K – 12
- all English language learners
classified as limited English
proficient (LEP)
TAKS and
TAKS (Accommodated)
• exit level
- English language arts,
mathematics, science, and
social studies
• grade 11
- English language arts,
mathematics, science, and
social studies
TAKS and
TAKS (Accommodated)
exit level retest
- English language arts,
mathematics, science, and
social studies
2013 Calendars
2013 Calendar
• TAKS grade 10 assessments are no longer available.
• STAAR Modified is not available for English III, Algebra II, chemistry,
physics, and U.S. history.
• STAAR Modified will be offered in world history only as an operational
field test.
• Retesting opportunities have been added for grades 5 and 8 mathematics
and reading.
• Shipping dates for English I, II, and III scoreable materials are one week
earlier than other EOC scoreable materials for the July and December
2013 Calendar
Scheduling of Tests
• TEA will continue to allow districts flexibility regarding the 2012-2013 testing
calendar (detailed in letter dated 7/22/11).
• If a conflict exists, districts are provided flexibility to change the administration
dates (of certain content-area tests) to accommodate local needs without
having to contact the agency.
• Districts may adjust the testing calendar for reading, mathematics, science,
and social studies assessments in grades 3-8.
• EOC tests (with the exception of English I, II, and III) are administered within
a window.
• Districts do not have the flexibility to change testing dates for
English I, II, and III or grades 4 and 7 writing.
2013 Manuals
2013 District and Campus Coordinator Manual
2013 Manuals
2013 District and Campus
Coordinator Manual
• Limited to action items
• Streamlined and simplified
content (bullet points and
• Action-oriented checklists
embedded in text
(also available on website)
• “Notes” column for jotting
down information
• “Notes” column with
live links to resources
2013 Manuals
2013 District and Campus
Coordinator Manual
• DTC and CTC activities
• Activities are designated “DC,”
“CC,” or “DC/CC”
• At district request, some
supporting material has been
included in the manual
2013 Manuals
Updates to the District and Campus
Coordinator Manual
• Expanded Calendar of Events to run January 2013‒December 2013
• Added instructions from online Additional Resources to DCCM
• Paired online Additional Resources to items in the Coordinator Manual
more often
• Added emphasis in Coordinator Manual on principal’s role
• Added emphasis in manuals for test administrators to notify
campus coordinators and for campus coordinators to notify district
coordinators when questions or concerns arise
• Added information about STAAR L where appropriate
2013 Manuals
2013 District and Campus
Coordinator Manual
• Added more information about
the organization of the manual
and how to use it
2013 Manuals
2013 District and Campus
Coordinator Manual
• Features a list of links to all
of the online resources so
hard-copy manual users
get a better idea of extra
information available online
2013 Manuals
2013 District and Campus
Coordinator Manual
• Responsibilities for campus
principals outlined in greater
2013 Manuals
2013 District and Campus
Coordinator Manual
• STAAR L information
added where applicable
2013 Manuals
2013 District and Campus
Coordinator Manual
• Even though some have been
added to the Coordinator
Manual, all online resources
have been updated and remain
posted online
2013 Manuals
Administrator Manuals
- Grades 3-5
- Grades 6-8
- End-of-Course
• Include general information and test
administration directions for STAAR,
STARR Spanish, STAAR L, and
STAAR Modified
• Due in districts by February 22, 2013
• Will only be shipped once
Must be retained
throughout the year!
2013 Manuals
Test Administrator
• Same style as Coordinator
• Scripts cover multiple
subjects and programs
• To accommodate some
differences in programs,
the scripts use callout
• Wider boxes have programspecific and subject specific
2013 Manuals
Updates to Test Administrator Manuals
• Removed sections in test administrator manuals that directed test
administrators to verify student data and to pack materials
• Added a section page number list on the Test Administration
divider page to highlight the start of the different scripts
• Added more detailed information to the Guide to the Test
Administration Directions section, which is located just before the
- added general accommodation information
- makes this required reading for test administrators
• Added separate scripts for online STAAR L
2013 Manuals
Test Administrator
Page numbers are listed
at the beginning of the
Test Administration
Directions section for the
Guide to the Test
Administration Directions
and for the scripts
2013 Manuals
Test Administrator
The Guide to the Test
Administration Directions
has specific information
about accommodations,
including oral
administration, that must
be read by the test
administrator prior to the
administration of the test.
2013 Manuals
Test Administrator
The Guide to the Test
Administration Directions
- directions about call-out
- details on how to make “SAY”
directions test specific, and
- information about the
distribution of reference
materials and the use of
optional test administration
2013 Manuals
Test Administrator
Guide to the Test
Administration Directions
- includes information about
the use of testing
- describes the Oral Administration
accommodation, and
- reiterates that the test
administrator must have training
and guidance from the campus
coordinator regarding the use of
accommodations prior to the
test administration.
2013 Manuals
Test Administrator
STAAR L scripts for online
testing are separate from
other scripts
2013 Manuals
Test Administrator
Please retain
your manuals
for use
the calendar year.
2013 Manuals
TAKS (Accommodated),
and TAKS‒M
- Exit level and grade 11
- Due in campuses by January 8
STAAR Alternate
-Available online
STAAR Optional Test Administration
Procedures and Materials
Allowed for any student who needs them, not necessarily every student
Students must have a need and have previously used in the classroom
Use on test is not recorded on the answer document
Documentation is not required beyond what is necessary for planning
on testing day
The Optional Test Administration Procedures & Materials document is
located in the following places:
2013 District and Campus Coordinator Manual
District and Campus Coordinator Manual Resources webpage
STAAR Test Administrator Manuals
Accommodation Resources webpage
Optional Test Administration
Procedures and Materials
What procedures and materials are available to
ALL students?
Preferential seating
Special lighting conditions
Signing or translating test
administration directions
Reading the test aloud to self
Reading aloud or signing the
personal narrative, expository,
literary, or persuasive writing
Reading assistance on the
grade 3 mathematics test
Scratch paper or other material
to use as workspace
Minimizing distractions
Colored overlays
10. Magnifying devices
11. Blank place markers
12. Highlighters, colored pencils, or
STAAR English I, II, and III
• Separate test booklets for reading and writing
• Separate answer documents for reading and
• Separate scores for reading and writing
STAAR Modified English I and II
• Separate test booklets for reading and writing
• A combined answer document for reading and
• Separate scores for reading and writing
Mandatory Sampling
English III Reading and English III Writing
• Selected campuses statewide
• Participants are English III students whose
graduation requirement is TAKS
• Participants will take either an English III reading
or an English III writing test, not both
• English III student information MUST be included
in your student-data upload in order to receive
precoded labels.
STAAR Writing: New Tracking Method
• A new graphic is being used on all STAAR
writing tests to help students correctly link each
prompt in the test booklet to its corresponding
lined page in the answer document.
• The graphic is located at the top of each prompt
page and the top of each lined page.
• The graphic is a 3½-inch rectangle containing a
unique set of symbols (triangles, squares, or
diamonds) for each composition students have
to write.
READ the following quotation.
A famous businessman once said,
“Players win games; teams win
THINK carefully about the following statement.
Sometimes you can accomplish good things by yourself but
better things with other people.
WRITE an essay explaining whether it is better to work by yourself
or with a group.
Composition Retention and Duplication
• Districts are not permitted to retain copies of
student compositions or short answer
• Districts may not order electronic copies.
• The April 2013 English II expository and
persuasive student essays will be posted to the
Texas Assessment Management System in
summer 2013.
• Applies to students in grades 5 and 8 who
take STAAR and STAAR Modified
mathematics and reading assessments
• Does NOT apply to English language
learners in grades 5 and 8 who
– are eligible to take a STAAR L
mathematics assessment
– are eligible to take a STAAR reading
assessment with linguistic
• Students have three testing opportunities:
beginning of April, middle of May, and end
of June.
• To meet SSI promotion requirements,
students must meet Phase-in 1 Level II
standard in reading and mathematics.
(Does not apply to ELL in grades 5 and 8
who are eligible to take STAAR-L.)
• Scheduled to be delivered to districts in January
– the SSI parent brochure (in English and Spanish),
which has been combined for 5th and 8th grades
to simplify distribution
• Scheduled to be posted to the Student Assessment
Division’s website in February
– Two sets of SSI forms applicable to the
20122013 school year: one set for 5th and 8th
grade mathematics and one set for 5th and 8th
grade reading (both sets in English and Spanish)
– an abbreviated SSI manual (formerly called the
GPC manual)