New Senior Member Introduction - brackett composite squadron 64

Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Senior Professional Development
New Senior
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
On behalf of the Commander, we would like to welcome
you as one of the newest “Senior Members” of the
Brackett Composite Squadron 64, Civil Air Patrol.
In the following slides we will attempt to share a useful
overview of every aspect of Civil Air Patrol, and the areas
where you might most effectively participate.
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
New Member Kit
In the past, each new member was issued a CAP Folder which contained a New
Member Kit which contained the following documents:
• Senior Member Welcome Booklet
• Respect on Display
If you never received this kit, each of these Documents should be downloaded at these
locations respectively:
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
Senior Members
To avoid future confusion, the term “Senior Member” is
used in two ways within Civil Air Patrol:
1. To designate an adult member of Civil Air Patrol. This
could represent anyone joining CAP over the age of 18,
or a cadet that chooses not to remain a cadet until the
age of 21.
2. As the basic entry grade (rank) of a new adult member.
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
During this presentation you will be
introduced to these three basic areas of CAP
• The 3 Key Missions of CAP
• The Structure of Civil Air Patrol
• The Civil Air Patrol Core Values
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
The 3 Primary Missions of Civil Air Patrol are
• Aerospace Education
• Cadet Programs
• Emergency Services
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
Aerospace Education for Senior Members
Brigadier General “Chuck” Yeager Award – Automatically awarded at the
completion of basic Senior Aerospace Education Training. This training is
available online, and all members are encouraged to take the training
and earn this Award. For details, contact your Mentor or Professional
Development Officer, or Unit Commander. The underlying study material
for the Yeager Award is “The Journey of Flight”
Scott Crossfield Award – Awarded by National Headquarters to members
who have earned the master level rating in the Aerospace Education
Specialty Track and served as Aerospace Education Officer.
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
Cadet Programs
Any new member that has a desire to serve on the Cadet
side of the Squadron is welcome and encouraged to do so.
Since the Cadet side operates as a relatively separate
entity, if this one of your particular areas of interest please
ask to be put in touch with the Senior Staff of Cadet
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
Emergency Services
Historically Civil Air Patrol pilots have flown over 95% of all the Air Search Missions in the
United States. Members can receive specialized training for Emergency Services areas such
• Air Operations – Mission Pilots, Observers, Scanners
• Ground Operations – Urban Direction Finding Teams and Ground Search and Rescue
• Base Operations – The areas of Command, Logistics, Finance, Air and Ground Operation
oversight, Public Affairs, Mission Safety, etc.
An entire area dedicated to Emergency Services can be found on the Squadron 64 Web site:
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
The Structure
As the United States Air Force Auxiliary, Civil Air Patrol has
an Organizational Structure similar to the US Air Force.
• National Organization
• Regions
• Wings
• Groups (where applicable)
• Squadrons
• Flights (where applicable)
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
You are a member of:
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Los Angeles Group 1
California Wing
Civil Air Patrol
The charter designation for this squadron is PCR-CA-282.
You should memorize this designation, along with your
CAPID as they will be used throughout your time as a
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
Three Squadron Types
Cadet Squadrons – These squadrons are made up mostly of cadets and have a
limited senor (adult) staff to provide guidance and leadership.
Composite Squadrons – Composite Squadrons consist of two independently
operating divisions, Cadet activities, support and supervision, and Senior
activities, support and supervision.
Senior Squadrons – Are composed entirely of Senior Members with no Cadet
membership. Most of the Senior Squadrons within CAP support the
Emergency Services mission as their primary goal.
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
CAP Core Values
Integrity – Doing the right thing even when no one is watching.
Volunteer Service – Service to the Community, County, State and Nation.
Excellence – Performing at your personal best at all times.
Respect – The foundation principle for acceptance of all members regardless
of race, color, creed, gender, national origin or physical ability.
Each of these values will be discussed in detail as you progress through your
Professional Development in Civil Air Patrol. Your first step as a new member will
be to complete “Level I Training”. Consult with your assigned Mentor, Professional
Development Officers or Unit Commander.
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
Initial and Ongoing Senior Member Training is available in the
following areas, and is done at your personal pace and desired level
of participation.
Aerospace Education - already discussed
Emergency Services – already discussed
Professional Development
Progression through the Five Levels of Achievement in CAP.
Level I
Foundations (The only mandatory level of participation)
Level II
Technical Training
Level III
Level IV
Command and Staff
Level V
Progression through the Technician, Senior, and Master Ratings in your selected
Specialty or Specialties made at the completion of Level I.
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
This presentation was not intended to be an exhaustive discussion of all the ways you can
participate within our Squadron, but meant to give you an overview of the various levels,
extent, and areas of participation.
It is quite likely that this presentation has triggered as many new questions as answers given
– this is good.
To have your additional questions answered, enter into a dialog with your personally
assigned Mentor, Professional Development Officers, or Unit Commander, preferably in that
Welcome to Squadron 64. The Commander, Staff, and fellow Members encourage your full
participated and will provide all the assistance you need for a successful career in Civil Air
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64
New Senior Member Introduction
Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64