Test Coordinator Training Spring 2015 Overview 1 Roles in Assessment DTC—District Test Coordinator STC—School Test Coordinator • Acts as DTC for Charter/BIE Schools • All schools within a district have STCs TA—Test Administrator Proctor Others involved in testing 2 DTC, STC, TA Requirements • Professionally licensed • Gainful employee of district or school • DTC/Charter STC: appointed by superintendent (public) or director of school (charter and BIE) and must be officially signed up with PED. 3 Training PED DTC STCs TAs Charter/BIE STC TAs DTCs/STCs Communicate with all staff and families! 4 Test Coordinator Training Responsibilities • Provide training to STCs, Principals, and TAs 2x year • Provide clear directions on what is allowed/not allowed • Provide manuals to staff in advance of training • GO THROUGH ONLINE TRAINING PROCEDURES AND HAVE ALL TAs PRACTICE ON COMPUTERS! • Provide and review testing schedules and calendars • Ensure availability of allowable support materials/tools (calculators, rough draft paper, No. 2 lead pencils, etc.) • Develop and enforce local secure tracking procedures. 5 Test Coordinator Administration Responsibilities • • • • • • COMPLETE ALL DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REQUIREMETNS FOR ALL ASSESSMENTS. Ensure accommodations are assigned and administered appropriately Ensure schools have posted conspicuous signs near copy machines, entry doors, office and classroom doors Ensure TAs and Proctors have appropriate certification and training Inspect schools to ensure secure storage of assessment materials. Check tracking procedures Report irregularities to the PED/conduct investigations 6 Test Coordinator Documentation Responsibilities • Ensure assessment records are organized and filed properly for 5 years • Maintain STC training agendas and TA signatures • Account for all confidentiality forms for individuals involved in handling assessment materials (5 years) • Submit completed Verification Forms to PED • Principal and Superintendent’s Verification Forms must be signed within 10 days AFTER testing is completed 7 TA Responsibilities • Administer assessments to assigned students according to directions and manuals • Offer accommodations as directed • Maintain security of assessment materials • Protect confidentiality of students • Read the DFA script as written • Strictly monitor students during testing • Maintain an appropriate and fair testing environment • Report irregularities immediately to STC and principal • Set standard for professionalism 8 Proctor Qualifications • Any staff or community member who has been trained in proper test administration and test security • Must sign Confidentiality Agreement 9 Proctor Responsibilities • Assist TA, but not act as test administrators* • Hall monitor/restroom escort • No parents in child’s or relative’s classroom * Trained proctors (preferably EAs/IAs may administer 1-on-1 accommodations. 10 Principal & Superintendent • Verify that procedures are followed correctly • Sign Verification forms • Superintendent’s Verification—send to the PED • Principal’s Verification—maintain at school/district 11 NMSAP Components PARCC: Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers • • • • • • • • • • • Accountability Assessment English Language Arts and Mathematics Grades 3 – 8 and High School CCSS-aligned Fall semester block and retests available Nov/Dec 2015 Test Development/Policies: PARCC Consortium of 11 States Vendors: PARCC, Inc. and Pearson Online platform: TestNav Student Data Management System: PearsonAccess Next Reports: Coming Fall 2015 Helpdesk: 888-493-9888, parcc@support.pearson.com 12 NMSAP Components SBA/HSGA: Standards Based Assessment/ High School Graduation Assessment • Science • Grades 4, 7, 11 (and fall 12 retakes) • Spanish Language Arts (SLA) • Grades 3-8, 10 and 11 (and fall 12 retakes) • Vendor: Measured Progress • Online platform: iTester • Student Data Management System: iServices • Reports: iServices • Helpdesk: 866-676-6722, nmhelp@measuredprogress.org 13 NMSAP Components NMHSCE: New Mexico High School Competency Exam • • • • • • • • • Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies For students in cohorts of 2011 and earlier Provided until 2016 Accountability and Graduation Vendor: Measured Progress Paper only Student Data Management System: iServices Reports: iServices Helpdesk: 866-676-6722, nmhelp@measuredprogress.org 14 NMSAP Components NCSC: National Center and State Collaborative • Accountability Assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities • Eligibility criteria – impairments must affect students in multiple settings • English Language Arts and Mathematics • CCSS-aligned • Grades 3 – 8 and 11 • Grades 12/12+ retests in fall • Test Development/Policies: NCSC Consortium of 24 States (Tier 1 and Tier 2). NM is a Tier 2 state. • Vendor: TBD • Online platform: TBD 15 NMSAP Components NMAPA: New Mexico Alternate Performance Assessment • • • • • Science (Grades 4, 7, 11) Social Studies (Grade 11) Grade 12/12+ retests in fall Vendor: TBD Currently paper only 16 NMSAP Components W-APT, ACCESS for ELLs and alt-ACCESS: English Language Proficiency Assessment • Grades K-12 • W-APT should be administered during students’ first 20 days in school if home language survey indicates the need. • Students must W-APT into EL status prior to taking ACCESS. • ACCESS determines level of proficiency. Under 5 (cum) is EL status. Over 5 still requires language support services. • Vendors: WIDA and Metritech • Paper 2015, moving to online • Ordering Helpdesk: 800-747-4868, mtinfo@metritech.com • Test Helpdesk: 866-267-7735, help@wida.us 17 NMSAP Components EoCs: End of Course Exams • Graduation: • Primary Demo of Competency for Social Studies • ADC for Reading, Writing, Math, Science • Educator Effectiveness • Grades 4 – HS • Core, elective, and CTE • Upcoming: CTE certification tests • Paper – download from SOAP, copy, track for security measures, input scores into STARS • Online – Blackboard, no copying, auto-scored (MC), delegated grading (ER), rosters immediately available, PED received data, no cost! 18 PRICING • PARCC CBT: Grades 3-8 $23.97 (ELA and Math) High School: $12.47 PER TEST (ELA or Math) • PARCC PBT: Grades 3-8 $32.97 (ELA and Math) High School: $17.97 PER TEST (ELA or Math) • SBA Spring: $19.92 • HSGA Fall Retest: $28.53 • NMHSCE: $55.00 • NCSC: TBD • NMAPA, AAHSG: TBD • W-APT: no cost • ACCESS for ELLs: $13.96 • EoCs: District Dependent (No per-student cost if using Blackboard) 19 EES Approved Interim Assessments Vendor Contact Email Phone Discovery Susanne Thompson susanne_thompson @discovery.com HoughtonMifflin: Riverside Heather Pillman heather.pillman@hm 800.323.9540 hco.com NWEA Brenda Hein brenda.hein@nwea. org Renaissance Learning Tracy Daw tracy.daw@renlearn. 877.988.8048 com ext. 1073 240.662.6710 503.624.1951 20 NMSAP Manuals and Rules • • • • • • NMSAP Procedures Manual: Outlines all procedures, regulations, and special circumstances with regard to all statewide assessments PARCC Accommodations Manual: Provides details about allowable accommodations and coding for PARCC tests PED Accommodations Manual: Provides details about allowable accommodations and coding for tests ADC Manual: Gives options for students to meet graduation requirements through Alternative Demonstrations of Competency EoC DFA: Provides information about End-of-Course Exams (for graduation and educator effectiveness) 6.10.7 NMAC: State rules for Test Security & Administration 21 Assessment-Specific Manuals PARCC, SBA/HSGA, NMHSCE, NCSC, NMAPA, ACCESS: TCM: Test Coordinator’s Manual DFA: Directions for Administering Available on Test-specific Sites. 22 Assessment-Specific Websites PARCC: www.parcconline.org, www.pearson.parcc.com SBA/HSGA, NMHSCE: http://iservices.measuredprogress.org NCSC: www.ncscpartners.org ACCESS: www.wida.us 23 Training Requirements PARCC/SBA/HSGA/EoCs DTC/STC attends PED trainings 2x annually. TAs must be trained by DTC/STC 2x annually. NCSC TAs complete online training modules and pass quiz. NMAPA/AAHSG TAs must attend training once every 3 years. ACCESS and W-APT Training modules online at www.wida.us. DTCs can track TA progress in online training and quizzes. 24 PARCC/SBA Participation • All public school students must participate in assessments: Grades 3−8 and HS. • Students on the career and standard graduation options take PARCC in HS and SBA Science in 11th grade. Accommodations are allowed for students with IEPs. • Students on the ability graduation option (with severe cognitive disabilities) take the NCSC/NMAPA grades 3-8 and 11. • BIE schools may use PARCC/SBA for federal accountability. 25 According to ESEA and NMSA, students may not refuse accountability testing. Federal and state laws require all students to participate in state accountability assessments (ESEA; HR1, Title1, Part A, Subpart 1, Section 1111, (b), 3, C http://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/pg2.html and Section 22-2C-4 NMSA 1978 http://ped.state.nm.us/ped/GradDocs/requirement/NMSA%20 22-2C-4.pdf). These laws do not offer an exemption or right of refusal to test. 26 If Students Do Not Test… Counts against school in A – F School Grading. Federal Law requires 95% participation rate. No requirement to provide alternate activities for students whose parents do not want students tested. Scheduling: PBT •Districts and charters may create their own schedule within allowed testing window. •Schedule must follow 11 requirements outlined in Secretary Skandera’s memo dated May 2012. 28 PBT Scheduling 1. Test within PED-designated window. 2. No testing on materials-packaging day. 3. All materials must be returned on/by designated shipping day. 29 PBT Scheduling 4. Make-up testing must occur during testing window. 5. Test sessions must follow required order. (Makeups may have exceptions.) 6. All schools in district must follow same schedule. 30 PBT Scheduling 7. No breaks during a session. 8. For SLA grades 5-8 writing sessions must be administered consecutively—only a short stretch/bathroom break in between. 31 PBT Scheduling 9. Test on any school day, Monday to Friday. 10. Test in mornings, afternoons, or both. 11. Schedule up to three (3) SBA sessions or two (2) PARCC sessions per day. 32 CBT Scheduling 1. For computer-based testing (CBT), schools may create their own schedules. 2. For CBT, schedule each unit/session within a grade/course as close together as possible. 3. No more than 2 units/sessions per day. 4. A school may schedule as many units/sessions a day as needed for multiple groups of students. 5. Schools may schedule units/sessions back-to-back for students, but must give students a short break between units. 33 PARCC Administration Flowchart • • • • Administration: Performance-Based Assessment, End-of-Year Unit: Literary Analysis Unit, Research Simulation Unit, etc. Session: Grouping of students, composed of units Section: Calculator or non-calculator sections of Math units * *Grades 3-5 ELA/L does not include Unit 2 34 PARCC Test Units Grades 3-5: 8 units total ELA/L Mathematics PBA EOY Total 3 units 1 unit 4 units 2 units 2 units 4 units Grades 6-High School: 9 units total ELA/L Mathematics PBA 3 units 2 units EOY 2 units 2 units Total 5 units 4 units 35 Unit Testing Time English Language Arts/Literacy PBA Unit 1 (LA) PBA Unit 2 (RS) PBA Unit 3 (NW) EOY Unit 1 EOY Unit 2 Grade 3 75 75 60 75 - Grade 4-5 75 90 60 75 - Grades 6-11 75 90 60 60 60 LA: Literary Analysis • RS: Research Simulation • NW: Narrative Writing Mathematics PBA Unit 1 PBA Unit 2 EOY Unit 1 EOY Unit 2 Grade 3 75 75 75 75 Grade 4-5 80 70 75 75 Grades 6-8 80 70 80 75 Alg I, Geo, Int Math I, Int Math II 90 75 80 75 Alg II, Int Math III 90 75 90 75 36 Administration Time – Guidelines for Scheduling Task 1. Students enter lab and settle. 2. Complete preliminary test preparation after students arrive (includes reading instructions to students and answering questions). 2. Distribute test materials to students/help students log-in. 3. Administer unit (times vary by unit). 4. Complete end-of-unit activities, including closing units and collecting test materials. Total Approximate Time 5 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes 60-90 minutes 10 minutes 100-130 minutes 37 Test Assignment Guidance PARCC: See “Important PARCC Test Assignment Procedures for 2015.” SBA Science: Grades 4, 7, and 11 Spanish Language Arts: ELs in their first 3 years in US schools or 4th or 5th years with an approved EL waiver. Testing Order SBA (Science and SLA): Follow the order in the test book. PARCC: There is no specific order for content area – schools may administer ELA/L or Mathematics first. Within PARCC content areas, units must be administered in sequential order (except for make-up testing). For example: Unit 1 -> Unit 2 Students may alternate between content areas. For example: Unit 1 ELA/L EOY -> Unit 1 Mathematics EOY -> Unit 2 ELA/L EOY -> Unit 2 Mathematics EOY 39 Make-Up Testing • If students miss a unit, they may skip the unit to continue testing with their testing group and make up the unit at another time. • Schools must schedule make-up testing within the testing window. • Schools may combine students for content areas if the unit testing times and administration scripts are the same. For example: Grade 3 ELA/L PBA and Grade 4 ELA/L PBA 40 Scheduling Tips • Consider mobile labs/computer carts. • Reserve room(s) for extended time testers and non-CBT accommodations (where applicable). • ES, MS, and HS will have different schedules. • Preserve instructional time to the greatest possible extent. • Consider computer-based courses. • Daily schedule may change for ALL students, esp. in HS. • Block schedule? Rotations? Classroom teacher or different TA? Think outside the box! For More Information For more information and resources on scheduling, please view the Scheduling Tool Kit on PARCC Online: http://www.parcconline.org/assessment-administrationguidance. Resources include scheduling FAQs, schedule templates, and sample schedules. PARCC test sessions must be scheduled in PAN. See “Step-by-Step Guide to Creating PARCC Test Sessions in Pearson Accessnext.” 42 Questions? 43