SCILAB: TEACHING MATHEMATICS WITH A COMPUTATIONAL TOOL David Angulo Rubio WHAT IS SCILAB MOTIVATION The way mathematics courses are being developed. Students have to struggle to against abstractions and do not get to see any of the applications. Mathematical concepts are important in order to understand the results supplied by Scilab Teaching mathematics could be definitively more effective if suitable computational methodology and software were introduced TOOLBOXES AVAILABLE SCILAB ENVIRONMENT AND BASIC FUNCTIONS Scilab has the ability to store values, so that they can be used later COMPARISONS AND LOGICAL OPERATORS ScilLab provides the user with a number of programming constructs very similar to those available in Fortran and other high-level languages. WORKSPACE AND WORKING DIRECTORY Scilab Environment Visible Workspace Memory Space where all variables and functions are stored. It’s useful to check this workspace to check where a variable or function has been defined or not LOOPS IN SCILAB FOR WHILE: CONDITIONAL CONSTRUCTS IN SCILAB MATRIX OPERATIONS Matrix Operations built-in into SciLab: •Addition, •Subtraction •Multiplication •Transpose •Inversion •Determinant, •Trigonometric •Logarithmic •Exponential, and many others MATRIX OPERATIONS SUB-MATRICES SELECT-CASE SCILAB SCRIPTS OR PROGRAMS. Type the following SCILAB script into a file called prog1.txt STATISTICS FUNCTIONS IN SCILAB FUNCTION EXAMPLE: CALCULATION OF FROBENIUS NORM OF A MATRIX PLOT COMMAND: SIMPLE X-Y PLOTS In the solutions of linear or nonlinear equations, it is often convenient to be able to plot the function to visualize the location of the roots of the function PLOT COMMAND: SIMPLE X-Y PLOTS PLOTTING DATA IN 3D 3D GRAPHS USING GRIDS DATA FITTING AND INTERPOLATION SIMPLE LINEAR INTERPOLATION SIMPLE LINEAR INTERPOLATION SIMPLE LINEAR INTERPOLATION POLYNOMIALS IN SCILAB DEFINING A POLYNOMIAL : IDENTIFYING VARIABLE, DEGREE AND COEFFICIENTS OPERATIONS WITH POLYNOMIALS POLYNOMIAL FRACTIONS MATRICES WITH POLYNOMIAL ELEMENTS DETERMINANT OF A POLYNOMIAL MATRIX EVALUATING A POLYNOMIAL OR POLYNOMIAL MATRIX REFERENCES Urroz, G.,2001,“Programming with SCILAB” Urroz, G.,2001,“Graphics with SCILAB” Urroz, G.,2001,“Introduccion to SCILAB” Annigeri,S.,2004,“ SCILAB: A Hands On Introduction” Urroz, G.,2001,“Data Fitting and Interpolation with SCILAB” Benmahammed , K.,2010,“SCILAB” Campbell, L. Chancelier,J. and Nikoukhah, R.,2006,“Modeling and Simulation in Scilab/Scicos”