Use of Python for VIVO Application Programming Why Python? Making Reports Adding Papers to VIVO Python1,2 is a popular, easy to learn language very well suited for use with VIVO and the semantic web. Python is available for Mac, Windows and Linux, has simple procedural syntax and clear syntax for object oriented development. Python is trivial to install and standard installations include and integrated development environment, IDLE. Python scripts read bibtex, use SPARQL calls to find available VIVO URIs, and templates to generate RDF. UF authors are identified and papers linked to profiles. Journals, authors and publishers are created if needed. Python string functions improve and standardize text. Reports summarize actions taken. Python is open source, and has a strong development community. Many libraries are included in the standard distribution and many more libraries are available through standard python archives. Installing additional libraries typically requires a single command. Python has a very short learning curve. Experienced programmers can install and write python programs on their first day. Python has outstanding support for data structures, the Internet, exception handling, XML, string manipulation, CSV files, and interaction with other systems. Python is very fast to compile and execute. A 200,000 line Excel CSV can be read, and summarized in a few seconds. Python and VIVO Making Web Pages Simple Python functions can make SPARQL queries, and template libries can be used to make RDF. Python associative arrays (dictionaries) can store data from VIVO and provide extremely efficient look-up. A single query can return all people in VIVO which can then be placed in a dictionary. Subsequent code can refer to the dictionary without having the make additional queries. Python code can quickly retrieve RDF, parse it, find additional URIs and retrieve additional RDF, thereby following demantic web graphs and identifying data properties and values. At the University of Florida, Python is used to report from VIVO logs, generate web pages, and create RDF for ingest of people, papers, and positions held. The techniques demonstrated here can be used to ingest and report on any data in VIVO. Code from these examples will be available at VIVO repositories. Mike Conlon, Nicholas Rejack and Laura Guazzelli UF Clinical and Translational Science Institute, University of Florida Adding People to VIVO From a spreadsheet, RDF can be generated by Python to add people to VIVO, linking them to their home department. Once people are in and identified via UFID, subsequent scripts can attach grants, papers, photos, courses taught, positions held. See the UF Implementation Poster3 for additional information on processes used at UF to generate VIVO data to represent scholarship at UF. Useful Libraries Some useful Python libraries for use with VIVO: Pybtex – read bibtex files into python structures Tempita – simple, flexible templates Csv – read and write CSV files Minidom – read, manage, write XML data Re – regular expressions in python Datetime – ISO standard datetime processing pyRTF – make RTF documents Urllib – create URLs, fetch web content Entrez – query, read, process PubMed files Rdflib – tools for working with RDF Vivotools – UF tools for SPARQL query, generate VIVO URIs Getting Started Visit, download python and click to install. Get a good, quick read python book. Spend a day writing code. Spend a day studying code examples. Write something simple, make it work. Write something more sophisticated. Ask questions. Use Google to find Python examples and additional libraries. Use libraries to build on existing functions. The UF code example use Python 2.7.3. We use Python 2.7.3 because it is supported by Google App Engine4. Using Google App Engine, you can create on-line python web sites and applications using Google infrastructure at no-cost. References 1Python Home Page. Accessed 8/16/2012. 2Ceder, VL The Quick Python Book, 2nd ed. Greenwich, CT: Manning, 2010, 336 pgs. ISBN 97819335182207 3Conlon, M, Barnes, CP, Sposato, V, Rejack, N, Schmidt, E, Collante, W, Guazzelli, L, Williams, S, Raum, N. Implementation of VIVO at the University of Florida. Conference Poster, VIVO 2012, Miami, FL. 4Google App Engine Home Page. Accessed 8/16/2012.