BME Success Project; Reducing the BME attainment gap Dr Helen Barefoot @helenbarefoot UK and UH demographics UK- domicile students by country and ethnicity (Blandford et al., 2011) National picture regarding BME student performance and UH context 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Overall White Mixed Asian Black Chinese Percentage of good degrees awarded according to ethnicity (Data includes both Home/EU Overseas students) 2009-2010) UK-domiciled first degree and undergraduate qualifiers(UH obtaining a good degree by academic year and ethnicity (Blandford et al., 2011) Employment Building understanding of the BME attainment gap to inform the Equality Objectives Student Challenges Equality Objectives • Objective 1 – Further improve equality guidance for, and the support and treatment of, staff and students • Objective 2 – Further enhance engagement and communication with staff and students on equality • Objective 3 – Reduce the differential in academic attainment between White and Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) students by 10 percentage points by 2014/15 • Objective 4 – To identify and remove barriers hindering the recruitment and progression of staff of protected characteristics • Objective 5 - Extend the collection and improve the use of equality monitoring data to meet the Equality Duty Top Tips to support BME student success • Learn student names • Invite participation from all students • Manage student groups to move students beyond friendship groups • Assess your own racial or cultural biases • Consider opportunities for students to be inspired by BME role models (e.g. guest lecturers, video clips or interviews) • Whenever possible, use anonymous marking Toolkit Development Inclusive group work 4 3 4 3 5 2 1 1 4 1 5 2 2 2 3 5 3 1 2 1 3 5 4 4 5 5 4 3 1 2 Tutor’s desk •Set first task in pairs e.g. checking understanding of previous seminars •Set next task in 3s and give people roles in the group Developing the Graduate Attributes Employability Social responsibility Respect for others Useful resources • University of Hertfordshire Curriculum Design Toolkit Inclusive Culture project work • Guidance on teaching in racially diverse classrooms on Harvard’s website (The Derek Bok Centre for Teaching and Learning): TEACHING IN RACIALLY DIVERSE COLLEGE CLASSROOMS • Guidance on many aspects associated with inclusive teaching from Sheffield University's Centre for Excellence in Inclusive Teaching (including case studies plus hints and tips) • The Open University's guidance on Inclusive teaching • The Higher Education Academy's weblinks to Inclusive Teaching ssues_Accessibility_and_Inclusive_Practice • National Union of Students’ Race for Equality report