Powerpoint on IBX - Ingraham High School

APP and IB at Ingraham HS
aka IBx
February 20, 2013
Tonight’s Program
Robert Vaughan ~ Advanced Learning
Dean Ferguson ~ English
Kurt Spann ~ Science
Peggy Sjong ~ Math
Carrie Richard ~ Counseling
Alexander Barbar, Alexander Hoppe, Sarah
Jenkins ~ IBx Students
Garfield’s increasing enrollment
APP Enrollment
• APP enrollment in grades K-8 is growing.
• APP high school enrollment has been increasing, and is
expected to continue to increase for many years.
The Plan
• Create another APP pathway for highly gifted students
based on an accelerated IB Diploma Program – IBx.
• IBx allows APP qualified IB students to complete the IB
Diploma in their sophomore and junior years.
GHSP at Interlake HS
Gifted High School Program at Interlake High School in Bellevue, Washington
• Started in 2007
• First graduating class in June 2010
• Each grade has a cohort of 30 – 40 students
• Class of 2010 had 12 National Merit Scholars
Course of study
English, World Language, World History, Chemistry, AP Calculus
AB, Physical Education
IB Diploma program (year 1)
IB Diploma program (year 2)
College Electives, High School Electives, Internship
The Accelerated IB option at
Ingraham High School
The IBx option for Accelerated Progress Program students at
Ingraham High School
• Enrolled 47 APP 9th graders in fall 2011 and 46 in 2012
• Will see the first IB Diplomas awarded in July 2014
• Anticipates growing t 50-60 students or more at each grade level
The IB Diploma Programme
Depth and breadth
• six subject areas
• “Higher” courses and “Standard” courses
• taught over two years
Challenging assessment
• international examinations and examiners
• criterion referenced exams
• final result based on May exam and work
during school year
Complete program
• six different exams (3 HL and 3 SL)
• independent research project (4,000 words)
• critical exploration of knowledge issues
• development of skills out of the classroom
More information at: http://www.ibo.org
IB courses offered at Ingraham HS
Ingraham High School’s 25 IB course offerings are based on current student interest.
Consideration is being given to adding philosophy and economics .
World languages
Social studies
English literature (Higher level)
English language & literature (Higher level)
French (Higher and standard level)
Japanese (Higher and standard level)
Spanish (Higher and standard level)
20th century history (Standard level)
History of the Americas (Higher level)
Psychology (Higher and standard level)
Business Management (Standard level)
Biology (Higher and standard level)
Chemistry (Standard level – alternates with Physics)
Physics (Standard level – alternates with Chemistry)
Mathematical studies (Standard level)
Mathematics (Higher and standard level)
Computer science (Standard level)
Further Math (Higher level)
Visual arts (Higher and standard level)
What IB courses will APP students take?
Shading indicates exams offered.
Subject Area
Group 1:
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Honors Intro to Lit. &
IB Literature HL,
year 1
IB Literature
HL, year 2
English & social science
courses taught by
university faculty
Group 2:
French, Spanish, Japanese
2nd or 3rd year of study
3rd or 4th year of study
4th or 5th year of study
– SL, HL
5th or 6th year of study
Group 3:
Individuals & Society
World History 2,3
IB History of the
IB 20th Century History
Americas 1,2
1, 2
IB social science electives
or special subject seminars
in the humanities
Group 4:
Natural Sciences
1, 2 honors
IB Biology SL,
year 1 HL -cohortIB Physics SL (14/15)
Group 5:
Geometry h
Algebra 2 h
Algebra 2h
IB Math Studies SL
IB Math SL,
IB Math HL, yr 1
IB Biology HL
year 2 HL
IB Chemistry 1,2 SL
Math Studies SL
Math SL
Math HL, yr 1
Math HL, yr 2
IB Further Math HL,
yr 1
Group 6:
Not all electives are
offered each year or at
Higher Level.
Visual Arts
IB Computer
Second Science
Third Language
7th period
(2nd semester)
(1st semester)
Visual Arts
IB Computer
Second Science
Third Language
Additional IB sciences that
may include
Chemistry HL &
Physics SL
AP Statistics
IB Math HL, yr 2
AP Statistics
IB Further Math HL,
yr 2
Please refer
to your
The Senior Year
• Two college courses (English & a social science) taught at Ingraham
by local college professors.
• Continued study of IB subjects not yet taken.
• Special subject seminars taught by IB faculty.
• Plays, musicals, sports.
• Internships.
• Creativity – Action – Service leadership.
The IB Diploma Programme
Depth and breadth
• six subject areas
• “Higher” courses and “Standard” courses
• taught over two years
Challenging assessment
• international examinations and examiners
• criterion referenced exams
• final result based on May exam and work
during school year
Complete program
• six different exams (3 HL and 3 SL)
• independent research project (4,000 words)
• critical exploration of knowledge issues
• development of skills out of the classroom
More information at: http://www.ibo.org
Comparison of AP and IB exams
General Structure of exam components
50 %
50 %
Short response or
longer essay
Teacher graded
work during year
20 %
Short response
40 %
Longer essay
40 %
Comparison of AP and IB exams
English literature exams
IB at HL
IB at SL
1 essays (1500 – 1900 words) written during the
course and graded externally
(25% of grade)
Same as HL
(25% of grade)
60 minutes
55 multiple-choice questions
based on literary text excerpts
(45% of grade)
120 minutes
1 essay from choice of two text excerpts
(20% of grade)
90 minutes
Same task as HL
(20% of grade)
120 minutes
3 essays, two on text excerpts,
one from general prompt
(55% of grade)
120 minutes
1 essay from choice of sixteen general prompts
(25% of grade)
90 minutes
Same task as HL
(25% of grade)
30 minutes
1 oral commentary based on texts studied
graded by teacher
1 oral presentation based on texts studied
graded by teacher
(30% of grade)
30 minutes
Same tasks as HL
(30% of grade)
Comparison of AP and IB exams
History exams
IB at HL
IB at SL
55 minutes
80 multiple-choice questions
(50% of grade)
60 minutes
4 short-answer/structured document based
(20% of grade)
60 minutes
Same tasks as HL
(30% of grade)
60 minutes
1 document based essay
(22.5% of grade)
90 minutes
2 essays from choice of thirty general prompts
(six prompts per topic, essays must be from two
different topics)
(25% of grade)
90 minutes
Same tasks as HL
(45% of grade)
70 minutes
2 essays from choice of four
general prompts
(27.5% of grade)
150 minutes
3 essays from choice of twenty-four general
(35% of grade)
Historical investigation (1,500-2,000 words)
graded by teacher
(20% of grade)
Same task as HL
(25% of grade)
Comparison of AP and IB exams
Biology exams
IB at HL
IB at SL
80 minutes
100 multiple-choice
(60% of grade)
60 minutes
40 multiple-choice questions
(20% of grade)
45 minutes
30 multiple-choice questions
(20% of grade)
100 minutes
4 shortanswer/structured
(40% of grade)
135 minutes
Section A: several short-answer
questions (half based on data provided)
Section B: 2 structured questions from a
choice of four, each requires creating a
(36% of grade)
75 minutes
Section A: several short-answer
questions (half based on data provided)
Section B: 1 structured question from a
choice of four, each requires creating a
(32% of grade)
75 minutes
In two of eight sections: several shortanswer questions and an essay question
(20% of grade)
60 minutes
In two of eight sections: several shortanswer questions
(24% of grade)
1 interdisciplinary project and a mix of
short- and long-term investigations /
labs graded by teacher
(24% of grade)
Same as HL
(24% of grade)
Comparison of AP and IB exams
Math exams
IB at HL
IB at SL
105 minutes
All multiple-choice questions
28 questions with no calculator
17 question with graphing
(50% of grade)
120 minutes
Short- and extended-response
questions with no calculator
(30% of grade)
90 minutes
Short- and extended-response
questions with no calculator
(40% of grade)
90 minutes
Section A: 2 problems in 30 minutes
with graphing calculator
Section B: 4 problems in 60 minutes
with no calculator
(50% of grade)
120 minutes
Short- and extended-response
questions with graphing
(30% of grade)
90 minutes
Short- and extended-response
questions with graphing
(40% of grade)
60 minutes
Extended-response questions
with graphing calculator
(20% of grade)
2 pieces of work assigned and
graded by the teacher
(20% of grade)
Same as HL
(20% of grade)
Comparison of AP and IB exams
Sample exams available online*
College Board > AP Courses and exams > Course home pages
International Baccalaureate > Diploma programme > Assessment >
Sample exam papers
*See handout for sample questions from the May 2011 exam session.
IB Diploma students at university
"We would much prefer the IB
diploma candidate. It is the best
high school preparatory
curriculum an American school
can offer."
Marilee Jones
Dean of Admissions
Massachusetts Institute of
“Washington admissions
directors say…a 4 or above on
the 7-point IB test tells them
that a student has done well on
a national test designed to
measure mastery of collegelevel material.”
Seattle Times, 02.07.2010
Students Graduating from a 4-Year University *
IB Diploma
IB Diploma
US population
25+ years old
All Students (IB
and non-IB)
IB Certificate
*Source: US Census, the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) of NCES, and the National Student Clearinghouse
“I stand in awe of students who receive an IB diploma.”
Philip Ballinger, Director of Admissions, University of Washington
Ingraham IB candidates performance on IB exams:
4-year averages
Percent of test-takers passing a college-level test during
high school : 86%
Percent of diploma candidates receiving the diploma:
Ingraham: 79%
World: 80%
Average points by candidates earning the diploma: 30.5
Do IB Diploma students have a life?
While IB Diploma students take on a demanding
course of study, they are well represented in
sports, clubs, and performing arts groups at both
Ingraham and Chief Sealth High School.
IB Diploma students must also participate in
extra-curricular activities including
volunteering in fulfillment of the program
Photos courtesy of West Seattle Blog, and Seattle Film and Music
The IB Learner Profile
The attributes and descriptors of the
IB’s learner profile define the type of
learners the IB hopes students will
strive to be:
• inquirers
• knowledgeable
• thinkers
• communicators
• principled
• open-minded
• caring
• risk-takers
• balanced
• reflective
Photos courtesy of Seattle PI and Ingraham High School
Thank you for attending this evening.
If you have further questions, please call or e-mail
Guy Thomas, IB Program Coordinator.