Year 1: Focus on Aligning Program-wide Curriculum


Are any of these questions familiar?

How do teachers know what to teach?

How do we know when a student is ready to advance?

What is an effective way to place students?

How can I ensure that students are ready for the next level?

How could our program be more consistent?

How could classes be better aligned?

Minneapolis – Adult Education

Curriculum Alignment Project

2012 COABE National Conference - Norfolk, VA

Curriculum Coordinators: Janice Bisch, Heather

Turngren and Amy Vickers

Curriculum Questions

How do teachers know what to teach?

How do we know when a student is ready to advance?

What is an effective way to place students?

How can I ensure that students are ready for the next level?

How could our program be more consistent?

How are classes better aligned?

Today’s Objectives

Participants will gain knowledge of

 a process to weave 21 st century and transitions skills into all levels of ABE and ELL classrooms

 the collaborative process developed and used to create learning targets and assessments

 related curriculum resources


MPS-AE didn’t meet state NRS goals a few years ago

MPS-AE applied curriculum alignment as one strategy for NRS goal improvement

Curriculum Coordinator positions were created

Curriculum Coordinators began the curriculum alignment plan

Goals of Curriculum Alignment Project

Minneapolis AE course guide

21 st Century & Transition Skills are explicitly included in every class and at every level

Career pathway creation

Program-wide curriculum consistency

Curriculum is written once and actively used in the classroom

3-Year Curriculum Alignment Project

Year 1: 2010 – 2011 Focus on Aligning Program-wide


Year 2: 2011 – 2012 Focus on Instructional Methods

Revised: Focus on Implementation of Aligned Curriculum

Year 3: 2012 – 2013 Focus on Lesson Plans/Planning

Revised: Focus on Instructional Methods

Curriculum Alignment Project: Year 1

Focus on Aligning Program-wide Curriculum

Year 1: Focus on Aligning Program-wide


MPS-AE Workteams

Contract staff have monthly obligated meeting times

Teams of teachers grouped by curriculum area

Monthly meetings facilitated by chairs

Chairs & Curriculum Coordinators meet

Year 1: Focus on Aligning Program-wide


Teams of teachers worked on 8 – 10 learning outcomes of what students should know and be able to do upon completing each class

Year 1: Focus on Aligning Program-wide


Creating Learning Outcomes

A learning outcome is the combination of learning objectives with the teacher-specified assessment chosen to measure to what degree the learning objective is met.

Objective + Assessment = Learning Outcome

Year 1: Focus on Aligning Program-wide


21 st Century & Transition Skills







Critical Thinking

Year 1: Focus on Aligning Program-wide


Year 1: Focus on Aligning Program-wide


Mid year shift:

Request by staff for assessment training

Connected with District curriculum resources to have more alignment with K-12 and AE

Created learning targets to be used by all staff

(registration, teachers, counseling, administration, planning, etc.)

Year 1: Focus on Aligning Program-wide


Learning Targets

Learning outcomes were changed to “I can…” statements which we call learning targets

Define what a student should know and be able to do to complete a class

Year 1: Focus on Aligning Program-wide



Common assessments measure learning targets

Created by teachers when possible (helps to avoid copyright issues)

Varied formats (checklists, rubrics, multiple-choice, essay, fill-out documents, online, projects, etc.)

Year 1: Focus on Aligning Program-wide



Writing 3

ELL Core 3

ABE Math 1

Minneapolis Adult Education

ELL Writing 3

Class Description:

This is the third course in the

ELL writing sequence. It includes writing and typing for work, life, and school.


Exit Requirements:

Completion of class content

Career Pathways:

ELLWriting 3

Learning Targets

This list defines what a learner will know and be able to do upon completing this class.


ELL Writing - Assessments





ELL Writing 3 Assessment 1

Learning Target: I can write or type present perfect tense in sentences.

Writing Prompt:

Write 5 sentences about what you have done since you moved to the United

States. Use a different verb in each sentence.


ELL Core Level 3

ELL Core Level 3 - Assessments

ABE Math 1

ABE Math 1 - Assessments

Assessment 1 Beginning Whole Number Review Page 17

New Basic Skills with Math Whole Numbers

Jerry Howett

Cambridge Adult Education 1999

ISBN 0-835-95736-5

Learning Targets:

1. I can read and write whole numbers.

2. I can identify digits, whole numbers, place values, and the value of a digit in a certain place.

3. I can round and estimate whole numbers when solving real math problems.

Student completes review on notebook paper.

Curriculum Alignment Project: Year 2

Focus on Implementation of Aligned Curriculum

Year 2: Focus on Implementation of

Aligned Curriculum

Key points of implementation:

All current classes will have learning targets with corresponding assessments by the end of the school year

Learning targets and assessments are actively used in each classroom

Year 2: Focus on Implementation of

Aligned Curriculum

In each classroom we …

Use learning targets and assessments

Communicate learning targets to learners

Using assessments to provide feedback to learners

Year 2: Focus on Implementation of

Aligned Curriculum

As a program we …

Have classes that are more focused

Continue to develop assessments

Evaluate learning targets and assessments

Year 2: Focus on Implementation of

Aligned Curriculum

Process for


Learning Targets and


Changes are posted on website quarterly

Use learning targets & assessments in classroom

Reflect on


Targets & assessments in Workteams



Target &

Assessment changes

Curriculum Alignment Project: Year 3

Focus on Instructional Methods

Year 3: Focus on Instructional Methods

Staff members will complete an E-training module about learning targets and assessments

Staff members will develop career pathways

Staff members will improve various aspects placement, advancement, feedback, and advising model

Teachers will meet in small groups (PLCs) to share classroom assessment data and discuss ways to improve instruction

Instructional Feedback Loop

Use assessments in classroom

Implement instructional changes

Analyze assessment data in


Recommend instructional changes

Revisiting Goals of Curriculum

Alignment Project

Minneapolis AE course guide

21 st Century & Transition Skills are explicitly included in every class and at every level

Career pathway creation

Program-wide curriculum consistency

Curriculum is written once and actively used in the classroom

Lessons Learned



Recognize that it takes time and practice


Integrating national and state trends

Explicit opportunities for feedback are crucial

Questions and/or Comments?

Minneapolis ABE

Janice Bisch –

Heather Turngren –

Amy Vickers –
