Quality Assurance Services
Part A: Overview of BOE / Committee process and your role in it
Part B: What’s new this year?
Part C: The regulatory requirements
Faculty feedback
Discussion points / Case Studies
Questions / issues
• Assessment Cycle
• Types of Meetings
• Chairs Role
• Other Roles
Discussion Points
• Approval of assessment by ex /exs
• Absence of examiners
• Assessment design and approval prior to delivery
• Coursework and examinations (mitigation at POA)
• Marking and internal / external moderation
• Faculty Mitigation Panels and University Unfair Practice
• Examination Committees
• Boards of Examiners (including pre-Board)
• Publication of results (within 5 working days)
• Appeals
• Re-assessment
• Reconvened Board of Examiners
• Appeals
• Has authority to confirm module marks – ex / exs input required at Levels 5, 6 and 7
• Has authority to progress students at Level 4
• Will note any cases of cheating, plagiarism or unfair practice
• Authority to award “stand alone” credit
• Can implement FMP outcomes relating to Level
4 progression / credit
• Determine student progression and award outcomes
• Make recommendations on the conferment of awards
• Apply outcomes to students’ individual extenuating circumstances with due regard for FMP report
• Apply outcomes to cases of unfair practice as defined by UPB
• Determine the outcomes of re-assessment
Hold a pre-meeting with the scheme or course leader and advise on any issues that might arise at the Board or Committee
Chair the meeting and ensure that the principles governing the Board or Committee are carried out with respect to standards, equity and fairness
Ensure attendance at the meeting is appropriate
Ensure that the all the items on the agenda are considered and that the decisions made are clear and framed by correct progression and award requirements
Advise the Board or Committee on regulatory issues which arise
Ensure that the decisions of the Board or Committee are subject to appropriate discussion
Sign the Board/ Committee marks sheet and ensure that these are also signed by external examiners
8. Check and sign the results lists
Take any Chair’s Actions identified by the Board, at the time, and notify the scheme or course leader
10. Check the unconfirmed minutes to ensure that the process of decision making is reflected appropriately – then confirm within 2 weeks
Role of Course Leader
• Provides accurate and timely information to the board or committee
• Attends both board & pre-board and briefs the chair on key matters
• Presents specified agenda items including:
– Matters arising from external examiner reports
– Exceptional matters affecting the cohort
– Determination of outcomes
Role of Module Leader
• Provides moderated marks to the CL in a timely fashion
• Brings to the Chairs attention:
- any matters affecting module assessment
- any errors on the marks spreadsheet
• Partakes in meeting decisions
• Works with the CL to counsel students appropriately relative to outcomes
Approval of assessment by ex / ex
C5.9.3External Examiners
Scheme/Course Leaders (or equivalent) will ensure that external examiners approve the form and content of proposed examination papers, coursework and other assessments which count towards an award above the level of CrtHE or towards the CrtHE if target award.
Absence of examiners 1
Externals are required to attend both committee (C12.1.9/ 3.14) and Board (C12.1.10)
C12.3.13 Committee Membership
• the Chair of the Board (or nominee)
• Subject Group Leader
• the Scheme/Course Leader (or equivalent)
• all staff making a significant contribution to the modules under consideration
C12.2.13 Membership of Boards of Examiners
• the Chair
• the Scheme/Course Leader (or equivalent)
• all internal examiners with significant responsibilities
• at least one external examiner
Absence of examiners 2
C13.12.5 Absence of Internal Examiners
Unavoidable absences should be covered by:
• written comments
• a substitute when the absent person is representing a team of tutors.
C13.12.7 Absence of External Examiner: Advance Notice Given
• written report from the external examiner is available to be tabled at the Board;
• the Chair of the Board will attempt to arrange the attendance of another member of the external examiners team/ another external examiner if no team
C13.12.8 Absence of External Examiners: No Notice Given
• the Board of Examiners should still take place;
• all decisions must be subject to the written consent of the external examiner;
• consequently all initial decisions should be subject to “Chair’s Action
• Refreshed agendas
• Revised mitigation process (codes coming up)
• 20 credit profiles now at Levels 4 and 5
• Declining number of “level incomplete / old progression regs” students
Mitigation Codes
E Extension Requested
EG Extension Granted
ED Extension Refused
EE Extension Error
AA Authorised Absence Requested
AG Authorised Absence Granted
AD Authorised Absence Refused
AE Authorised Absence Error
CE Capped Resit Error
M Mitigation Requested
MA Mitigation Granted Cat A
MB Mitigation Granted Cat B
MR Mitigation Refused
MS Mitigation Spent
ME Mitigation Error
Discussion Points
Contained awards
Outstanding matters
Articulation case study
Repeat Part Level
• Majority of progression decisions will now be based on a single set of current requirements
• Application of former and current methods relating to classification remains a constant
• A student’s “ADMIT
TERM” remains critical
To proceed from L4 to L5, students must have:
• Pursued a programme of study of 120cp minimum at L4
(including APL)
• Submitted in all components
• Achieved a minimum of 40% or more in modules equivalent to
100cp at L4 or above
• Achieved an average of
30% or more in each module
• Achieved an overall level average of 40%
May be re-assessed in all modules atcomponent level
No compensation
To proceed from L5 to L6, students must have:
• Pursued a programme of study of 120cp minimum at L5
(including APL)
• Submitted in all components
• Achieved a minimum of 40% or more in modules equivalent to
100cp at L5 or above
• Achieved an average of 30% or more in each module studied
• Achieved an overall level average of 40%
May be re-assessed in all modules at component level
No compensation
Credits studied (inc. APL)
Passed Credits Min. (@ 40% or more)
Overall Level Average - Across all modules
Min. Fail Mark
Re-assessment allowance
Re-assessment undertaken
120 @ Final Level
All Components
40% Min.
Re-assessment in all modules
At component level
No compensation
• Group 1 Students: Admit term = 2011/12 or earlier
• Group 2 Students: Admit term = 2012/13 or later
“Did the student start their current registration prior to August 2012
(is their ‘Admit Term’ 2011/12 or earlier)?”
YES = FORMER & CURRENT methods (Group 1)
Best 105/ Profiling/ Weighted Average
NO = NEW method only (Group 2)
Best 105
Masters students will study modules worth 180 credit points minimum and will need to pass modules worth at least 160 credit points to achieve their award.
This means they:
• must achieve modules equivalent to 160 credit points with a mark of 40% or more
• must achieve an average across the whole of the level of 40% or more
• may fail 20 credits and still achieve the award but they must attain no less than 30%
PG Dips – 100 out of 120 credits
PG Certs
– 60 out of 60 credits
Does this MA student get a PG Dip contained award?
Raised by Chairs in advance of these sessions:
Can outstanding matters from other Boards be brought to Boards for “capping off”?
– Students who disengaged some years ago and are now seeking credit/ CA’s
– how does it really work in the reports?
Component marks – are always integers (i.e. - no-one receives a component mark of 42.6);
Module Marks/ Level average – may include decimals but would display as integers/ “back office” arithmetic does not round
Apply weighting of 25 or 75% may include decimals but would display as integers/ “back office” arithmetic does not round
Final outcome would be rounded up or down but would be presented as a full integer
Repeat Part Level
If a student achieves passes in 50% + of a level, BoE outcome is generally “repeat part level”.
Regs allow students to repeat full level – how are they given the option?
Guide to BOE and EC https://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/partners/boards-ofexaminers.htm
Quality Manual https://www.leedsbeckettt.ac.uk/partners/qualitymanual.htm
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