How to write a complex sentence.

* Complex sentences add variety to your writing
and help provide more information in one
* To be successful in 8th grade Language Arts, you
will need to write complex sentences and this
short video will show you how.
* A basic complex sentence includes an
independent clause and a dependent clause.
* An independent clause has a subject and a
predicate AND can stand by itself:
We ordered peperoni pizza.
* A dependent clause has a subject and a
predicate BUT it cannot stand alone. A
dependent clause usually includes a
subordinating conjunction.
when we went to Johnny’s Pizza
* When you combine an independent clause with
a dependent clause and a subordinating
conjunction, you have a complex sentence.
We ordered peperoni pizza when we
went to Johnny’s Pizza.
* Examples:
* Matt finished chopping the wood although he
was tired.
* Avery practiced her piano until she didn’t feel
nervous anymore.
* Jonathan got up extra early since he did not
finish his homework last night.
subordinating conjunctions
if since because
although until when
while after before
* In a regular complex sentence you do not have
to add a comma between clauses.
We all ran to the car when it started to rain.
* In an inverted complex sentence the
dependent clause comes first and you MUST
add a comma.
When it started to rain, we all ran to the car.
* Advanced complex sentences use pronouns as
subordinating conjunctions.
* The scared boy, who had cut his knee, ran into
the pharmacy.
* The squirrel, that lived in the great oak tree,
scampered up the branches away from the
barking dog.
* Review:
1. A complex sentence has an independent
clause and a dependent clause.
A dependent clause usually includes a
subordinating conjunction.
An inverted complex sentence must include a
Advanced complex sentences use pronouns
as subordinating conjunctions.
On the back of your Cornell
Notes, write a paragraph
about the music you like
the least. Include at least 3
complex sentences but do
not use the same
subordinating conjunction.