EVENTI LIVE Trieste e Carso > from 08/12/2014 to 14/12/2014 Trieste accende il Natale 2014 Traditional concert by Band Refolo "Xmas style" along the square and streets of the city center DATE: Monday 8th December 2014 HOUR: 16.00 LOCATION: Piazza Goldoni,Piazza Borsa,Piazza Unità TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Trieste Tel. 040 6751 WEB: http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it Stagione teatrale "Guerra di note, note di guerra" - the forgotten music 1914-1918 with Marzia Postogna, Massimiliano Borghesi and Cristina Santin Visite guidate Walking tour accompanied by guide to discover charming places rich in art and culture, where religions and knowledge, science and literature meet. Price: 8,50 euro per person, free with Fvg Card. Beginning: 10.30am. DATE: Monday 8th December 2014 HOUR: 10.30 LOCATION: Infopoint Turismo Fvg - Via dell'Orologio 1 - Tel. 040 3478312 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Turismo Fvg - Via Carso 3 Cervignano del Friuli Tel. 800016044 WEB: http:/ / www.turismofvg.it/ code/ 15132 Nadal in bottega de Giusto Remembering Carlo Fortuna , a show on Xmas, the triumph of peace and love on all, also the shop of Giusto! Tickets: 9 euro, reduced 7 euro DATE: Monday 8th December 2014 DATE: Monday 8th December 2014 HOUR: 17.00 HOUR: 17.30 LOCATION: Teatro Verdi Via San Giovanni 4 Muggia Muggia LOCATION: Teatro dei Salesiani - Via dell'Istria 53 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Muggia Tel. 040 3360340 ORGANIZED BY: Teatro La Barcaccia teatrolabarcaccia@libero.it WEB: http:/ / www.benvenutiamuggia.eu WEB: http:/ / www.teatrolabarcaccia.it Tres Anna Galliena, Marina Massironi, Amanda Sandrelli: three extraordinary actresses for a comic text focused on the problems of the new century Admission: from 24 euro DATE: Monday 8th December 2014 HOUR: 20.30 LOCATION: Teatro Orazio Bobbio - Via del Ghirlandaio 12 TRIESTE Aspettando Natale a Miramare At 11.00am "Discover the treasures at the museum " Paola Granzotto will guide the little boys and girls discovering the Miramare Museum in a funny treasure hunt for kids 5-10 years At 3.00pm a thematic guided tour into the castle DATE: Monday 8th December 2014 HOUR: LOCATION: Castello di Miramare TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Teatro Contrada Tel. 040 948471 ORGANIZED BY: Castello di Miramare Tel. 040 224143 WEB: http:/ / www.contrada.it WEB: http:/ / www.castello-miramare.it Natale con noi al Villaggio del Pescatore At 4pm Father Xmas will arrive on a boat bringing sweets to all kids At 4.30pm children's choir under the tree At 5pm lighting of the tree At 5.30pm entertainment on the square and food and wine tasting DATE: Monday 8th December 2014 HOUR: 16.00 LOCATION: Villaggio del Pescatore - piazza Duino-Aurisina ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Duino Aurisina Tel. 040 2017372 WEB: http:/ / www.comune.duinoaurisina.ts.it Storia in città As part of the meetings titled "the Question of Trieste ", Roberto Spazzali will speak about "The B zone and the exodus" Free admission subject to availability DATE: Tuesday 9th December 2014 HOUR: 17.30 LOCATION: Palazzo Vivante TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Trieste Tel. 040 6751 WEB: http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it Natale con noi a San Pelagio At the Skerk House, theatrical performance for kids and young people by the theatrical group Vigred DATE: Tuesday 9th December 2014 HOUR: 17.30 LOCATION: San Pelagio - Casa Skerk DuinoAurisina ORGANIZED BY: Associazione culturale SKD Vigred WEB: http:/ / www.skvigred.org Nativitas Around the fire Female vocal Ensemble Il Focolare . Director G. Sion DATE: Tuesday 9th December 2014 HOUR: 19.00 LOCATION: Chiesa di Ns. Signora di Lourdes - Altura TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Usci Fvg Tel. 0434875167 WEB: http:/ / www.uscifvg.it S paesati Presentation of the book by Sandro Lano and Michele Brusini titled "Uallai" with Gianfranco Schiavone (ICS -refugee office ) Free admission Nati per leggere From 4pm to 5pm readings for kids 6 months to 3 years and from 5pm to 6pm for kids 3 to 6 years DATE: Tuesday 9th December 2014 DATE: HOUR: 18.00 HOUR: LOCATION: Caffè San Marco - Via Battisti 18 TRIESTE LOCATION: Biblioteca Quarantotti Gambini Via delle Lodole 6 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Ass. Spaesati ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Trieste WEB: http:/ / www.miela.it WEB: http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it Tuesday 9th December 2014 Songs under the Xmas tree Evening on music with the Choir of the united World College of the Adriatic directed by Master Stefano Sacher, with some songs in English, French and Swahili. To follow Andrez Lopez (Spain), Ximena Guerrero (Guatemala) and Robert Petrosyan (Armenia) with some songs for voice and guitar . At the end the unforgettable Stille Nacht and Jingle Bells. Free admission DATE: Tuesday 9th December 2014 HOUR: 18.00 LOCATION: Circolo Ufficiali Via dell'Università 8 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Collegio del Mondo unito dell'Adriatico tel. 040-3739280 WEB: http:/ / collegiomondounitoadriatico.it Jazz al Knulp HISKE OOSTERWIJK TRIO Hiske Oosterwijk - voice Michele Calgaro - guitar Alex Sipiagin - trumpet DATE: Tuesday 9th December 2014 HOUR: 21.00 LOCATION: Libreria Knulp - Via Madonna del Mare 7a Tel. 040 300021 TRIESTE,TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Circolo Jazz Thelonius Tel. 3200480460 WEB: http:/ / www.knulp.org Incontri alla Lovat Gabriele Salvatores presents "Il ragazzo invisibile" (the invisible boy) Free admission DATE: Tuesday 9th December 2014 HOUR: 17.45 LOCATION: Libreria Lovat - Viale XX Settembre (3. piano OVS) Tel. 040 637399 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: WEB: Libreria Lovat - Viale XX Settembre (3. piano OVS) Tel. 040 637399 http:/ / www.librerielovat.com Storia in città As part of the meetings titled "Resistance and civil war in Europe", Prof. Tullia Catalan (Uni Ts) will speak about "The Jewish Resistance" Free admission subject to availability DATE: Wednesday 10th December 2014 HOUR: 17.30 LOCATION: Museo Revoltella - Via Diaz 27 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Trieste Tel. 040 6751 WEB: http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it Incontri al Circolo della cultura e delle arti "Little drops in the life ocean " Marisa Madieri and the emotion of writing with Ermanno Paccagnini, Bruna Ivancic and Pedro Ladron de Guevara. Claudio Magris will take part wiith a testimonial . By Prof. Elvio Guagnini Free admission Natale con noi ad Aurisina Lighting of the Xmas tree . To follow some songs performed by the school kids DATE: Wednesday 10th December 2014 HOUR: 16.30 DATE: Wednesday 10th December 2014 LOCATION: Aurisina centro Duino-Aurisina HOUR: 17.00 ORGANIZED BY: LOCATION: Biblioteca Statale Crise - Largo Papa Giovanni XXIII n. 6 TRIESTE Comune di Duino Aurisina tel. 040 2017372 WEB: http:/ / www.comune.duinoaurisina.ts.it ORGANIZED BY: Circolo cultura e arti Tel. 040 366744 WEB: http:/ / www.circoloculturaartits.org Alpi Giulie Cinema At 6pm Voci dal Lagorai (Italia - 2012) 33', directed by Claudio Valeriani Guardiano di Stelle (Italia - 2012) 38', directed by Giuseppe Brambilla At 8.30pm Piccola Terra (Italia - 2012) 54', directed by Michele Trentini Free admission DATE: Wednesday 10th December 2014 I Mercoledì del Conservatorio "American songs" Shirley Close (soprano) Silvano Zabeo (piano) Free admission - mandatory reservation DATE: Wednesday 10th December 2014 HOUR: 20.30 LOCATION: Sala Tartini - Conservatorio Tartini - Via Ghega 12 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Conservatorio Tartini Tel. 040 6724911 WEB: http:/ / www.conservatorio.trieste.it/ HOUR: LOCATION: Teatro Miela - Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 3 Tel. 040 365119 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Monte analogo WEB: http:/ / www.miela.it Hemingway, 60 anni dal Nobel Hemingway, 60 anni dal Nobel At 9.15am, the Great Hall of the Department of Humanities of Via Tigor will host a conference entitled "Hemingway, in sixty years by Nobel", which will turn the spotlight on the literary style of the novelist and his figure of inspiration for writers as well as only writer of the twentieth century, of which the most important novels, and not only that, they have become successful films The celebrations in honor of Hemingway will continue, at 6pm, at the Cafe degli Specchi in the Piazza Unità d'Italia , with the inauguration of the exhibition "Ernest Hemingway: A Journey Through the Nobel Prize" which will be on display of memorabilia that belonged to the American writer, some of which have never been put on display before the public in any part of the world, aware that it is a world Heritage Site.. DATE: Wednesday 10th December 2014 HOUR: 9.15 LOCATION: Università degli Studi - Dip. Studi Umanistici TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: robertovitale@scfor.units.it WEB: http:/ / www.units.it DATE: Wednesday 10th December 2014 HOUR: 18.00 LOCATION: Caffè degli Specchi - Piazza Unità d'Italia TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: robertovitale@scfor.units.it WEB: http:/ / www.units.it Hemingway, 60 anni dal Nobel Screening of the film in original language "The Old Man and the Sea", a 1958 film based on the novel by Hemingway that earned him the Nobel Prize for Literature. DATE: Wednesday 10th December 2014 HOUR: 20.00 LOCATION: American corner - Piazza S. Antonio Nuovo TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: robertovitale@scfor.units.it WEB: http:/ / www.units.it Caffè delle scienze Conversations between researchers and public: "The Earth moves: landslides and great landslides " with Massimo Giorgi "Gliders to investigate the sea: the submarine Gliders " with Elena Mauri Free admission DATE: Thursday 11th December 2014 HOUR: 17.30 LOCATION: Caffè Tommaseo - Riva 3 Novembre 5 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Uni TS - Dipartimento scienze vita Tel. 040 5588627 WEB: http:/ / www.caffedellescienze.eu Le stanze della musica Special guided tour dedicated to a particular musical instrument. On program the historical piano explained from the students of Prof. Gon DATE: Thursday 11th December 2014 HOUR: 17.30 LOCATION: Palazzo Gopcevich - Via Rossini 4 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Trieste Tel. 040 6751 WEB: http:/ / www.comune.triste.it Nativitas It is a Xmas with friends Choir Antonio Illersberg. Director T. Riccobon DATE: Thursday 11th December 2014 HOUR: 18.30 LOCATION: Comunità Famiglia La Fonte Prosecco TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Usci Fvg Tel. 0434875167 WEB: http:/ / www.uscifvg.it Nativitas Nascitur Lux Mundi Cappella Tergestina . Director: M. Podda DATE: Thursday 11th December 2014 HOUR: 20.30 LOCATION: Chiesa di Santa Caterina da Siena - Via dei Mille TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Usci Fvg Tel. 0434875167 WEB: http:/ / www.uscifvg.it Natale con noi a Duino For celebrating the 90 years of the writer Alojz Rebula, presentation of the riedition of the books "Devinski skolar" and "V Sibilinem vetru" with Tatiana Rojc and Igor Tuta DATE: Thursday 11th December 2014 HOUR: 20.00 LOCATION: San Pelagio presso la Stalca Duino-Aurisina ORGANIZED BY: Associazione culturale SKD Vigred WEB: http:/ / www.comune.duinoaurisina.ts.it Lo Schiaccianoci Giovedì Minervali The Nutcracker is not a candy novel for Xmas but a story about the trauma of growth , on the necessary waiver to the serene carefree of childhood and the shadow of adolescence . Francesca Nodari will speak about some news on the activity by Giuseppe Lorenzo Gatteri in Trieste DATE: Thursday 11th December 2014 HOUR: 17.00 LOCATION: Biblioteca Statale Crise - Largo Papa giovanni XXIII n. 6 2. piano TRIESTE Balletto di Roma e Teatro Sloveno ORGANIZED BY: Società di Minerva Tel. 040 661030 http:/ / www.teaterssg.it WEB: http:/ / www.societadiminerva.it DATE: Thursday 11th December 2014 HOUR: 20.30 LOCATION: Teatro Sloveno - Via Petronio 4 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: WEB: Nati per leggere Readings for kids in Italian and English DATE: Thursday 11th December 2014 HOUR: LOCATION: Biblioteca Guglia - Piazza Repubblica 4 Muggia,TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Trieste WEB: http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it Istria Veneta Five lessons by Prof. Luca Bellocchi . The forth lesson will be titled "The altarpieces at Museum Sartoro " Total price for the 5 lessons : 50 euro DATE: Friday 12th December 2014 HOUR: 18.00 LOCATION: Libreria Knulp - Via Madonna del Mare 7a Tel. 040 300021 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Luca Bellocchi Tel. 040 54696 WEB: http:/ / www.knulp.org Incontri al Circolo della cultura e delle arti Concert for violin and harp with the violinist Dragana Gajic and the harper Ester Ban . Music by Spohr, Boccherini and Sain Saens . By Master Zanettovich Free admission DATE: Friday 12th December 2014 HOUR: 17.30 LOCATION: Sala Victor de Sabata - Ridotto Teatro Verdi - Via San Carlo 4 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Circolo cultura e arti Tel. 040 366744 WEB: http:/ / www.circoloculturaartits.org Pupkin Kabarett Second monthly appointment with Pupkin Kabarett after the reform (for the first time on Friday with a repeat on Monday) The group of crackpots continues in the new season looking for sensational news, topics untouchable, new theatrical expressions Admission: 10 euro DATE: Friday 12th December 2014 HOUR: 21.01 LOCATION: Teatro Miela - Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 3 Tel. 040 365119 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Bonawentura WEB: http:/ / www.miela.it Polvere d'oro nei tuoi occhi Incontri alla Knulp "A show on the poetic world -and not onlyMiroslav Kosuta, on the souls who can listen to the heartbeat of silence, the whistle of the wind, the bora, out, around and within him, look at the sky, blue and full of clouds ... and live your dreams. " Meeting entitled "High speed: Opportunity or Scam?" This will be discussed along with Riccardo GOGHERO (vice president of Etinomia). DATE: Friday 12th December 2014 HOUR: 20.30 LOCATION: Teatro Sloveno - Via Petronio 4 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Teatro Sloveno WEB: http:/ / www.teaterssg.it DATE: Friday 12th December 2014 HOUR: 20.30 LOCATION: Libreria Knulp - Via Madonna del Mare 7a Tel. 040 300021 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Knulp WEB: http:/ / www.knulp.org Aspettando il Natale a Roiano On Friday starting from 3.30pm, a fashion event with the students of the course "Taglia, cuci ed indossa" 2014 by Erminia Bernobi Dionis DATE: Friday 12th December 2014 HOUR: 15.30 LOCATION: Roiano TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: ass.roianopertutti@gmail.com WEB: http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it Notte al museo For corageous kids 6 to 11 years old who want to live a fantastic adventure from 8.30pm to 9am through unknown countries Price: 35 euro per person DATE: Saturday 13th December 2014 HOUR: 20.30 LOCATION: Museo di Storia Naturale - Via dei Tominz 4 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Arteventi Tel. 3425401400 WEB: http:/ / www.arteventiudine.it Ronza che ti passa Guided nature workshop for kids . Fori nfo and reservation: WWF- Area Marina Protetta di Miramare from Mont o Fri 2-5pm mobile 0039 366 9571118 DATE: Sunday 30 November 2014 HOUR: LOCATION: ORGANIZED BY: WEB: Aula didattica WWF - San Giovanni di Duino DuinoAurisina,Sistiana Comune di Duino Aurisina in collaborazione con WWF AMPMiramare Sabatine 2014 As part of the second edition of the Jewish choir review, cultural evening, special and informal meeting among words and music DATE: Saturday 13th December 2014 HOUR: 21.00 LOCATION: Antico Caffè San Marco - Via Battisti 18 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Ass. coro Kol Ha Tikvà WEB: http:/ / www.kolhatikva.altervista.org Nativitas Holy Mass for Xmas Musica Chapel of the church B. V. del Rosario . Director: E. Macrì DATE: Saturday 13th December 2014 HOUR: 20.30 LOCATION: Chiesa della Beata Vergine del Rosario Piazza Vecchia TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Usci Fvg Tel. 0434875167 WEB: http:/ / www.uscifvg.it Concerto di Natale Xmas concert with traditional songs waiting for Xmas DATE: Saturday 13th December 2014 HOUR: 16.00 LOCATION: Casa di riposo Stuparich - Borgo San Mauro Duino-Aurisina ORGANIZED BY: WEB: Associazione corale R. M. Rilke con il patrocinio e la collaborazione del Comune di Duino Aurisina. Info: 339 2799830 - cororilke@libero.it www.cororilke.it http:/ / www.comune.duinoaurisina.ts.it I Mercoledì del Conservatorio Opening concert for the Academic Year 20142015 of the Tartini conservatory Orchestra of the students of the conservatory Nicola Losito (piano) . Director: Antonino Fogliani Free admission. Mandatory reservation DATE: Saturday 13th December 2014 HOUR: 20.30 LOCATION: Sala de Banfield Tripcovich TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Conservatorio Tartini Tel. 040 6724911 WEB: http:/ / www.conservatorio.trieste.it/ Natale con noi ad Opicina From 8am to 8pm in the city center of Opicina , craft and second hand market by dell'Ass. culturale "Cose di Vecchie Case" DATE: Saturday 13th December 2014 HOUR: 8.00 LOCATION: Opicina TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Consorzio Centro in Via WEB: http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it Incontri alla Knulp Meeting entitled "The strategy of the high voltage. Trusses and coup in Italy in the 70s" Claudia Cernigoi DATE: Saturday 13th December 2014 HOUR: 17.00 LOCATION: Libreria Knulp - Via Madonna del Mare 7a Tel. 040 300021 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Knulp WEB: http:/ / www.knulp.org Aspettando il Natale a Roiano On Saturday starting at 3.30pm, magic show for adults and kids with the "Mago Francesco"and "Topolino". To follow a show by "Teatro interesshante" of the theatrical company "Oltre quella Sedia" directed by Marco Tortul titled: "IN CON TRA" DATE: HOUR: LOCATION: Roiano TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: ass.roianopertutti@gmail.com WEB: http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it Incontri alla Stazione Rogers As part of the events titled "Architecture, culture, politics" , Maurizio Meriggi in "False architecture in Cina" DATE: Sunday 14th December 2014 HOUR: 11.00 LOCATION: Stazione Rogers - Riva Grumula 14 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Stazione Rogers Tel. 040 3229416 WEB: http:/ / www.stazionerogers.eu Saturday 13th December 2014 Nativitas Holy Mass in Gregorian Chant Friends of Gregorian Chants . Director: P. Loss DATE: Sunday 14th December 2014 HOUR: 11.00 LOCATION: Santuario di Muggia Vecchia Muggia,TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Usci Fvg Tel. 0434875167 WEB: http:/ / www.uscifvg.it Nativitas Singing Xmas in the world Società Polifonica di Santa Maria Maggiore . Director: B. De Caro Choir Ermes Grion. Director : D. Marcuzzi Nativitas Sunday in Advent in Gregorian chant Group Gregorian Laetare. Director: R. De Luca DATE: Sunday 14th December 2014 HOUR: 12.00 LOCATION: Chiesa di Santa Caterina da Siena Via dei Mille 18 tel.040943793 TRIESTE Usci Fvg Tel. 0434875167 ORGANIZED BY: Usci Fvg Tel. 0434875167 http:/ / www.uscifvg.it WEB: http:/ / www.uscifvg.it DATE: Sunday 14th December 2014 HOUR: 16.00 LOCATION: duomo dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo Muggia,TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: WEB: Trieste accende il Natale 2014 Show and Xmas Parade: parade inspired to the dance of snowflakes with Xmas characters and stilts performing along the streets of the city center Ti racconto una fiaba The most beautiful novels for adults and kids . On program: "Xmas stories" . Age: 3 and up Admission: : 7 euro DATE: Sunday 14th December 2014 HOUR: 11.00 LOCATION: Teatro Orazio Bobbio - Via del Ghirlandaio 12 Tel. 948471 TRIESTE Comune di Trieste Tel. 040 6751 Greco Agency ORGANIZED BY: Teatro La Contrada Tel. 040 948472 http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it WEB: http:/ / contradateatroragazzi.it DATE: Sunday 14th December 2014 HOUR: 16.00 LOCATION: Piazza Unità d'Italia e centro città TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: WEB: Sito paleontologico del Villaggio del Pescatore The paleontological site is open from 10am to 5pm and kids can also take part to the workshop titled "Fossil hunt" DATE: Sunday 14th December 2014 HOUR: 10.00 LOCATION: Sito paleontologico Villaggio del Pescatore Duino-Aurisina ORGANIZED BY: Cooperativa Gemina con il patrocinio del Comune di Duino Aurisina. Info: 3289287073 cooperativagemina@gmail.com WEB: Natale con noi a Duino During the Holy Mass the Rilke Choir will sing some Xmas songs taken from its repertoire DATE: Sunday 14th December 2014 HOUR: 11.00 LOCATION: Chiesa dello Spirito Santo Duino Duino-Aurisina ORGANIZED BY: Circolo culturale sloveno Tel. 040 201334 WEB: http:/ / www.comune.duinoaurisina.ts.it http:/ / www.comune.duinoaurisina.ts.it Natale con noi ad Opicina Extraordinary opening of the shops with opening time 10am-1pm/3.30pm-7pm DATE: Sunday 14th December 2014 HOUR: LOCATION: Opicina TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Consorzio Centro in Via WEB: http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it Festival Viktor Ullmann Concert dedicated to the concentration and degenerated music . Closing concert with the Orchestra Abimà and the Choir Clara Schumann Admission : 5 euro DATE: Sunday 14th December 2014 HOUR: 18.00 LOCATION: Sala Tripcovich - Largo Città di Santos TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Teatro Verdi WEB: http:/ / www.musicalibera.it Pista di pattinaggio su ghiaccio Polvere d'oro nei tuoi occhi "A show on the poetic world -and not onlyMiroslav Kosuta, on the souls who can listen to the heartbeat of silence, the whistle of the wind, the bora, out, around and within him, look at the sky, blue and full of clouds ... and live your dreams. " Traditional Ice Skating Opening time: every day 10am -11pm for a great fun! DATE: From 28th November 2014 to 11th January 2015 HOUR: DATE: Saturday 14th December 2014 LOCATION: Piazza Ponterosso TRIESTE HOUR: 16.00 ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Trieste Tel. 040 6751 LOCATION: Teatro Sloveno - Via Petronio 4 TRIESTE WEB: http:/ / www.retecivica.trieste.it ORGANIZED BY: Teatro Sloveno WEB: http:/ / www.teaterssg.it Fiera di San Nicolò On Monday 1st December at 11.30am grand opening of the traditional St. Nicholas fair with 108 stands with various articles . Opening time: 8am to 11pm Trieste - Una città in guerra To observe the facts of the Great War World with a particular point of view : this is the artistic project of the Casa del Lavoratore Teatrale. DATE: DATE: from 1st to 8th December 2014 From Tuesday 2 December 2014 to Monday 22 December 2014 HOUR: HOUR: LOCATION: Viale XX Settembre TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Trieste Tel. 040 6751 WEB: http:/ / ww.comune.trieste.it LOCATION: Teatro Politeama Rossetti Viale XX Settembre, 45 TRIESTE,TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Teatro Stabile del Friuli-Venezia Giulia- Largo Giorgio Gaber, 1 34126 TRIESTE Tel.: 040 3593511 - Fax: 040 3593555 Email: info@ilrossetti.it WEB: http:/ / www.ilrossetti.it Visite guidate del Teatro Lirico G. Verdi di Trieste Guided visit of the Lyric Theatre G. Verdi. From Tuesday to Friday: from 8.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m. On Saturday from 9.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m. Price: &euro 3,00 The visit will last about 40 minutes. Language: italian but it is possible, upon agreement, to have it also in English or German This service is dedicated to individuals but also to groups (max.40-50 persons). For the numerous groups booking required. Contact Number: +39 040 6722307 DATE: From Wednesday 3 December 2014 to Saturday 31 January 2015 HOUR: LOCATION: Teatro Lirico G. Verdi TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Teatro Lirico G. Verdi Riva Tre Novembre, 1 Trieste Numero di telefono del centralino: +39 040 67 22 111 WEB: http:/ / www.teatroverdi-trieste.com Natale con noi a Duino Xmas market with books, various object to decorate the house or to make a gift ..for all ages. Grand opening on 3rd Dec at 7.00pm with the music of the young group . Opening time: from 15th to 18th dec and 20th dec 3.306.00pm, 21st dec 9.30-11.30am/3.30-6.00pm DATE: HOUR: LOCATION: San Pelagio Duino-Aurisina ORGANIZED BY: SKD Vigred tajnistvo@skdvigred.org WEB: http:/ / www.comune.duinoaurisina.ts.it Trieste accende il Natale 2014 Bight Xmas in 3D: light games projected on the Town Hall facade DATE: from 6th December 2014 to 6th January 2015 HOUR: LOCATION: Piazza Unità d'Italia TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Trieste Tel. 040 6751 Ass. culturale Puglia Club Ts WEB: http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it from 15th to 21st December 2014 Osmize aperte Open Osmize from 8th to 14th December 2014 : Zerial Erik (San Giuseppe della Chiusa Tel. 040 820223) , Amici del KK Adria (Longera Tel. 338 3976187) Pipan Vasilij (Malchina Tel. 040 299453) Sardo David (Samatorza Tel. 040 229270) Giovannini Sergio (Trieste Tel. 340 7220080) Starec (Bagnoli Tel. 338 7399413) DATE: from 8th to 14th December 2014 HOUR: LOCATION: Osmize sul Carso TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Osmize sul Carso WEB: http:/ / www.osmize.com Fvg Card Discovering Friuli Venezia Giulia will be easier and cheaper with FVG Card, the electronic passepartout which gives the possibility to visit regional museums and to take part to free Tourism FVG guided tours including reductions for theatres, natural parks, sea transports and thematic parks. The price of FVG Card is euro 15,00 (Card 48h), euro 20,00 (Card 72h), euro 29,00 (Card 7 days ) DATE: Le ho mai raccontato del vento del Nord A modern tale telling how , from a mail sent for mistake , could born a friendship and after a stark feeling DATE: HOUR: LOCATION: Teatro Politeama Rossetti Viale XX Settembre, 45 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Teatro Stabile del Friuli-Venezia Giulia- Largo Giorgio Gaber, 1 34126 TRIESTE Tel.: 040 3593511 - Fax: 040 3593555 Email: info@ilrossetti.it WEB: http:/ / www.ilrossetti.it from 8th to 14th December 2014 HOUR: LOCATION: Infopoint Turismo Fvg - Via dell'Orologio 1 - tel. 040 3478312 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Turismo Fvg - Via Carso 3 Cervignano del Friuli Tel. 800016044 WEB: http:/ / www.turismofvg.it/ Offerte/ FVG-Card Let it Be: A celebration of the music of THE BEATLES A performance to relive The Beatles meteoric rise from their humble beginnings in Liverpool's Cavern Club, through the heights of Beatlemania, to their later studio masterpieces, with live performances of early tracks including Twist and Shout, She Loves You and Drive My Car, as well as global mega-hits Yesterday, Hey Jude, Come Together and, of course, Let It Be. Travel back to the magical sixties when all you needed was love, and a little help from your friends DATE: From Monday 8 December 2014 to Wednesday 10 December 2014 From Tuesday 9 December 2014 to Sunday 14 December 2014 HOUR: LOCATION: Teatro Politeama Rossetti Viale XX Settembre, 45 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Teatro Stabile del Friuli-Venezia Giulia- Largo Giorgio Gaber, 1 34126 TRIESTE Tel.: 040 3593511 - Fax: 040 3593555 Email: info@ilrossetti.it WEB: http:/ / www.ilrossetti.it Natale con noi a Duino Xmas market with more than 20 expositors with unique handmade things. Rich entertainment program from 5 to 6.30pm Opening time 4-8pm DATE: from 10th to 13th December 2014 HOUR: LOCATION: Centro culturale Igo Gruden Aurisina Duino-Aurisina ORGANIZED BY: Circolo culturale sloveno Tel. 040 201334 WEB: http:/ / www.comune.duinoaurisina.ts.it Stagione teatrale Zelig Cabaret presents Max Cavallari with "Parzialmente fico" (partially beauty ) Admission: from 10 euro Trieste ciama...Batman & Robin rispondi.... A comedy that will finally clarity about who was Batman, because he dressed like that, because he chose Trieste, just because Robin. All this brought on the stage along with music arranged for the case known ballets and formidable. fun Fri and Sat 8.30pm, Sun 4.30pm Tickets: 11 euro, reduced 9 euro DATE: from 11th to 13th December 2014 HOUR: 20.30 LOCATION: Teatro Verdi Via San Giovanni 4 Muggia Muggia,Muggia DATE: ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Muggia Tel. 040 3360340 HOUR: WEB: http:/ / www.benvenutiamuggia.eu LOCATION: Teatro Silvio Pellico Via Ananian TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Teatro Armonia Tel. 040 660428 WEB: http:/ / www.teatroarmonia.it Aspettando il Natale a Roiano The event offers about 30 exhibitors with a variety of craft and second hand articles DATE: from 12th to 14th December 2014 HOUR: LOCATION: Roiano TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: ass.roianopertutti@gmail.com WEB: http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it from 12th to 14th December 2014 Risate sotto le bombe A funny comedy written by Giorgio Umberto Bozzo and the comic Gianni Fantoni who with lightness and liveliness that distinguishes the shows of Marinetti, will tell the human and artistic misadventures of this ramshackle theatrical company . A funny trip in the dark years of the war lived through extraordinary songs that will be performed live. Fri and Sat at 8.30pm, Sun at 4.30pm Tickets from euro 20 DATE: from 12th to 14th December 2014 HOUR: LOCATION: Teatro Orazio Bobbio - Via del Ghirlandaio 12 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Teatro Contrada Tel. 040 948471 WEB: http:/ / www.contrada.it Nadal in bottega de Giusto Remembering Carlo Fortuna , a show on Xmas, the triumph of peace and love on all, also the shop of Giusto! Tickets: 9 euro, reduced 7 euro Show: Saturday at 8.30pm, Sunday at 5.30pm DATE: Walking tour accompanied by guide to discover charming places rich in art and culture, where religions and knowledge, science and literature meet. Price: 8,50 euro per person, free with Fvg Card. Beginning: 10.30am. 13th and 14th December 2014 HOUR: LOCATION: Visite guidate Teatro dei Salesiani - Via dell'Istria 53 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Teatro La Barcaccia teatrolabarcaccia@libero.it WEB: http:/ / www.teatrolabarcaccia.it DATE: 13th and 14th December 2014 HOUR: 10.30 LOCATION: Infopoint Turismo Fvg - Via dell'Orologio 1 - Tel. 040 3478312 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Turismo Fvg - Via Carso 3 Cervignano del Friuli Tel. 800016044 WEB: http:/ / www.turismofvg.it/ code/ 15132 Trieste accende il Natale 2014 Exhibition of craft Cribs opening time: Mon. to Sat. 3-6pm, Sun 10am-12/3-6pm. Closed on Dec. 24th and 31st DATE: from 14th December 2014 to 18th January 2015 HOUR: LOCATION: Museo del Presepio Via dei Giardini 16 TRIESTE ORGANIZED BY: Comune di Trieste Tel. 040 6751 Ass. Triestina Amici del Presepio WEB: http:/ / www.comune.trieste.it © Infopoint Turismo Fvg – Via dell’Orologio 1 – 34121 Trieste Tel. 040 3478312 Fax. 040 3478320 mail: info.trieste@turismo.fvg.it Opening time: Mon-Sat 9am-6pm, Sun 9am-1pm/2-6pm