A revitalization through the transformation of the former power plan of The Hague MY FASCINATION ART PUBLIC BUILDING INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE case selection vacant buildlings architecture comprising huge spaces built before 1950 introduction to my project analasis problem statement masterplan program design conclusion first impression introduction to my project analasis problem statement masterplan program design conclusion first findings introduction to my project analasis problem statement masterplan program design conclusion case introduction coal Ketel Ketel Ketel Ketel Turbine Pumps Pumps Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Energy ns fo rm Steam Tra Steam at o rs Ketel coal Energy Transformators introduction to my project analasis problem statement masterplan program design conclusion CONTENT ANALYSIS urban architectural PROBLEM STATEMENT MASTERPLAN THE PROGRAM DESIGN POINTS OF DEPARTURE CONCEPT BUILDING PARTS . the street . central hall . expo hall . museum floors . hotel TECHNICAL DESIGN ANALYSIS urban qualities & issues urban qualities & issues urban qualities & issues Scheveningen bad Den Haag HS introduction to my project analysis problem statement masterplan program design conclusion urban qualities & issues 1 2 1 2 3 3 urban qualities & issues - morphology- A A’ AA’ urban issues - paths- MASTERPLAN -linking paths of non motorized traffic- the power plant link to city center link with neigbourhood connect area’s historical centre MASTERPLAN square waterfront park new building blocks MASTERPLAN park waterfront square architectural qualities&issues - complex- 1906 1956 Office 1906 Machine hall1 ˜1920 Trafo station 1949 Machine halls1954 small side buildings Actual building complex architectural qualities&issues - facades- photo east facade architectural qualities&issues - facades- photo west facade architectural qualities&issues - facades- architectural qualities&isues - construction- architectural qualities & issues - construction- VALUE ASSESSMENT positive negative urban water,tram and road landmark function open space architecture large windows large dimension hall building technology large steel structure old machine hall blind facades secundairy buildings PROBLEM STATEMENT & STARTING POINT building for machines factory scale new program for people human scale The new historical experience factory scale & human scale PROGRAM PROGRAM CHOICE personal building context city new program FURTHER ANALYSIS THE HAGUE FEATURES Despite the city is known as a bureaucratically city: -Former industrial city, important part of the history of The Hague. -Tourist city nr.2 of The Netherlands AMBITIONS -Wants to invest extensively in attracting more tourists to the city The government wants to increase the tourism of The Hague until 2020 every year with 3 percent and increase the overnights in hotels with half a million. To achieve this ambition: - organize anual events - invest in more tourist attractions in the city - hop on hop of busses TREND & DEVELOPMENT Focus on the creative sector -> Creative City The Hague. The creative city will be a link between the creative industry and the client: The creative economy. THE PROGRAM personal building context city new program: MUSEUM HOTEL MEETING ROOM LOUNGE HOTEL RESTAURANT CINEMA BAR STUDY PLACE LIBRARY SHOP MUSEUM HOTEL SHARED FUNCTIONS THE PROGRAM o fot e in e l k e q a m tt e u THE PROGRAM 06:00 Museum expo’s Restaurant Cafe Auditorium Library/study Workshop Shop Hotel 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 24:00 FACILITIES THE HAGUE -museums- existing GEM gemeente museum mesdag collectie panorame mesdag beelden aan zee haags historisch museum mauritshuis escher museum beelden aan zee mauritshuis escher museum Modern Art Art about history of The Hague Artworks between 1400-1900 Photography Modern Sculptures missing Contemporary Art : haags historisch museum gemeente museum panorame mesdag ? FACILITIES THE HAGUE -hotels- 4 3 20 existing 47 70 33 7 14 31 6 12 0 20 5 25 30 Hotels in the Hague Medium size & medium price Small size & small price 5 78 2 19 16 10 7 6 18 9 7 10 11 9 23 15 92 25 23 missing more personal and small hotels with a special experience PROGRAM SCPECIFICATION MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY & MODERN ART PERMANENT EXPO TEMPORARY EXPO EXPO HALL SCULPTURE ROUTE COLLECTION PERMANENT COLLECTION PERMANENT COLLECTION Large value of art hide away in depots DEPENDANCE OF.... PERMANENT COLLECTION PERMANENT COLLECTION Large value of art hide away in depots DEPENDANCE OF.... Tate modern -THE museum of modern & contemporary art of the UK - Also former power plant PERMANENT COLLECTION SELECTION OF ARTWORKS paintins, drawing, sculptures, installations contemporary & modern art: abstract, expressionism, minimalism David Nash, Cube, Pyramid & Sphere Rothko, Light Red Over Black Winters, Morula II Olafur Elliason, Your double lighthouse project DESIGN POINT OF DEPARTURE general relation with direct context entrances at more sides blind facades secundairy buildings POINTS OF DEPARTURE factory scale large dimension hall large steel structure & human scale integrate assemble activities open up invite SPATIAL CONCEPT SPATIAL CONCEPT SPATIAL CONCEPT SPATIAL CONCEPT SPATIAL CONCEPT SPATIAL CONCEPT Park CONCEPT IN ITS CONTEXT bicycle sun terrace Square & Parking DESIGN PRESERVE < > ANALOGY < > RENEW CONTRAST STREETEXPO HALLCENTRA HALLOTHER PUBLIC SPACESMUSEUMHOTEL _STREET _EXPO HALL _CENTRAL HALL _OTHER PUBLIC SPACES _MUSEUM _HOTEL CONNECTION AREA INDUSTRIAL AMBIANCE OLD STRUCTURE ROUGH MATERIALS CONCRETE STEEL VIBRANT SPACE FREE ENTRY EXPO HALL INDUSTRIAL AMBIANCE MAXIMUM HIGHT OLD ROOF TRUSSES OLD WALL with openings CENTRAL POINT LIGHT, BRIHGT SPACE INDUTRIAL OLD ROOF GLASS ROOF LIGHT MATERIAL FLOOR TILES WALLS OLD STRUCTURES BIG WINDOW OPENINGS NEW WALLS NEW MINIMAL EXPOSPACES OLD STRUCTURE NEW WALLS, FLOORS, PLAFOND MATERIALS inside ANLAOGY KIND OF MATERIAL CONTRAST FINISH OF MATERIAL outside ANALOGY RED STRIPE CONTRAST CONCRETE FACADE NEW EFFICIENT VOLUME FACADE PERFORATES STEEL - CLIMATE CONTROL - ANALOGY WITH COLOR - CONTRAST WITH MATT BRICK ‘STREET’ level 0 ‘STREET’ ‘STREET’ EXPO HALL EXPO HALL EXPO HALL CENTRAL HALL CENTRAL HALL CENTRAL HALL CENTRAL HALL OTHER PUBLIC FUNCTIONS restaurant depot museum shop office ground floor multi functional study/library museum workshop first floor museum cafe OTHER PUBLIC FUNCTIONS OTHER PUBLIC FUNCTIONS THE MUSEUM MUSEUM section III section I! section A perspective section d perspective section b perspective section a main section I section IV section IV hotelrooms expo hall restaurant/ cinema section D section I section I section C secttion B perspective section c circulation zone library/ depot museum museum shop office climate zones MUSEUM MUSEUM MUSEUM MUSEUM 1 Halfen hoekplaatanker type WPA-A prefab betonnen dakrand harde isolatie gevelopbouw plaatmateriaal isolatie 200mm gevelconstructie. HEA profiel 220X220mm prefab beton element isolatie 120mm waterkerende dampopenlaag spouw 30mm prefab polycon gevelplaat 80mm 2 aanzicht 1/50 B section B 1/50 27746 + p vertical detail 1/5 1 1 aanzicht 1/50 Halfen hoekplaatanker type WPA-A prefab betonnen dakrand harde isolatie 2 gevelopbouw plaatmateriaal isolatie 200mm gevelconstructie. HEA profiel 220X220mm prefab beton element isolatie 120mm waterkerende dampopenlaag spouw 30mm prefab polycon gevelplaat 80mm 3 2 24600 + p 23527 + p hemelwaterafvoer onder afschot isolatie onder afschot dakligger IPE 220 mm hemelwaterafvoer onder afschot isolatie onder afschot dakligger IPE 220 mm 3 17740 + p IPE raadligger 1000 x 300 mm draagconstructiedak IPE kolom 300 x 250 mm bestaande spant IPE balk 300 x 180 mm draagconstructie gevelelement Halfen trek/druk huls met bout 3 houten stijlbalk 40 x 90 harde isolatie waterdichte afsluiting waterkerende dampopenlaag schueco aluminium kozijnen 50 x 180 met HR ++ glazing aluminium afsluiting gevel bovenzijde IPE raadligger 1000 x 300 mm draagconstructiedak IPE kolom 300 x 250 mm bestaande spant IPE balk 300 x 180 mm draagconstructie gevelelement Halfen trek/druk huls met bout houten stijlbalk 40 x 90 harde isolatie waterdichte afsluiting waterkerende dampopenlaag 5 doorsnede I 1/100 Schueco aluminium kozijnen 50 x 180 met HR ++ glazing aluminium dorpel Halfen hoekplaatanker type WPA-A 9460 + p 5 schueco aluminium kozijnen 50 x 180 met HR ++ glazing aluminium afsluiting gevel bovenzijde wandopbouw leemstuc 2mm gipsplaat 20mm stijl en regelwerk bestaande baksteengevel 220mm dampremmende laag isolatie 120mm waterdichte deampopenlaag spouw 30mm prefab betonnen gevelplaat 80mm vloeropbouw gepolierde betonnenvloer 80mm met wapening op 30mm PE-folie kanaalplaatvloer 240mm akoestische ondervloer isolatie 200mm 5 aluminium hoekprofiel IPE-balk 800 x 300mm draagconstructievloer Schueco aluminium kozijnen 50 x 180 met HR ++ glazing aluminium dorpel 6 Halfen hoekplaatanker type WPA-A wandopbouw leemstuc 2mm gipsplaat 20mm stijl en regelwerk bestaande baksteengevel 220mm dampremmende laag isolatie 120mm waterdichte deampopenlaag spouw 30mm prefab betonnen gevelplaat 80mm vloeropbouw gepolierde betonnenvloer 80mm met wapening op 30mm PE-folie kanaalplaatvloer 240mm akoestische ondervloer isolatie 200mm aluminium hoekprofiel IPE-balk 800 x 300mm draagconstructievloer 2250 + p Peil = 0 6 wandopbouw wandafwerking 20mm bestaande baksteen 220mm dampremmende laag Halfen trek/druk plug met bout type DS isolatie 120mm waterdichte dampopenlaag spouw 30mm polycon prefab gevelplaat 80mm vloeropbouw polished concrete floor 80mm met wapeningsnetten op 30mm dampremmende PE-folie harde drukvaste isolatie 170 mm dampremmende PE-folie fundering 7 floorplan level MUSEUM Art versus Architecture = start of my museum design. Art has to be the main subject in the space the architecture is the decor BUT the spaces need to have a certain architectural quality -variation in spaces -interesting light design -rest points different spatial experiences rest different spatial experiences rest MUSEUM - layout- MUSEUM -the artworks- MUSEUM - the artworks- MUSEUM - the artworks- MUSEUM - route- ground floor museum wing/ MUSEUM - route- ground floor museum wing/ MUSEUM - route- ground floor museum wing/ MUSEUM - route- MUSEUM - route- ground floor museum wing/ MUSEUM - route- MUSEUM - route- HOTEL -floorplans- ground floor hotel fifth floor hotel other floors hotel HOTEL -emphasize entrance zone- HOTEL -view to expo hall- HOTEL -dynamic facade- facade hotel closed windows facade hotel with opened windows HOTEL -perforated steel panels TECHNICAL DESIGN -stucture- TECHNICAL DESIGN -climate system- Three important vlaues Light intensity Reletive humidity Temperature lux RH T TECHNICAL DESIGN -climate system- Recommended for Museum The Netherlands Requirements Tate Modern RH= 50% T = 15-25 C RH= 50% T = 18-24 C RH fluctuation seasonal fluctuation T fluctuation seasonal fluctuation RH fluctuation = 10% T fluctuation =3K = 5% = 10% =2K = -10 + 5 K TECHNICAL DESIGN -all air system- 10800 TECHNICAL DESIGN -all air system12856 6610 6710 constructie schema level2 4500 10800 3300 7500 13460 10095 10800 12856 6610 6730 10800 2620 TECHNICAL DESIGN -all air system- TECHNICAL DESIGN -all air system- conventionel Baopt system Benefits: - energy reduction - 100 % mixing air - flexibility of air in- and outlet - draft -free TECHNICAL DESIGN -sustainablility- WKO pv cells green roofs CONCLUSION -new function- vergelijking met oude situatie tekening werking niewe gebouw. 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