File - Washington Middle School

Globe Section 1
Hemispheres- divides the earth into halves
Equator- divides north and south
Prime Meridian- Divides east and west
Parallels- circle the earth and show latitude
Latitude- distance measured in degrees N & S of
Globe Section 1
 Globe is a sphere
 Homolosine Projection- equal-area tennis ball
 Mercator Projection – shows shapes but not the
 Robinson- Shows size and shapes of land and
oceans, Poles are off
 Azimuthal Projection- shows earth so that a
straight line from central point to any other point,
sizes and shapes are distorted
Globe Section 1
 Two important parallels are the Tropic of Cancer
and Capricorn
Cancer- N of the equator 23 1/2 N
Capricorn- S of the equator 23 1/2 S
Artic Circle- 66 1/2 N
Antarctic Circle- 66 1/2 S
Globe Section 1
Meridians- N to S (pole to pole)
Longitude- distance measured in degrees E & W
Grid System- Lat & Long lines crossing
Absolute Location- using grid system
Great Circle Route- shortest distance between two
Globe Section 2
 Map Key- explains symbols on the map
 Compass Rose- N,S,E,W
 Cardinal direction- N,S,E,W
 Intermediate direction- between
 Scale- measures distance
Globe Section 2
 Political maps- human made boundaries
 Physical map- mountains, rivers
 Relief- colors used to show how rugged
 Elevation- height above sea level
 Contour map-Contour lines- line for each major
level change
Globe Section 2
Thematic maps show one specific idea or theme
(show anything you want)
Land use maps
Geological map
Population density map- average number of
people living in a square mile
Climate map- average temps
Chapter 1 Section 1
 5 geographical Themes
Human-environment interaction
 5 Fields of Learning
1 History- record of the past (helps you orient you in time
and space
2 Geography- is the study of people, places and
3 Government- people and groups within a society that
have authority to make laws carry out laws and settle
disagreements (laws are the rules people must follow)
Chapter 1 Section 1
Limited government- everyone including those who
make the laws must follow them
 Democracy- people have authority to make laws
 Republic- people make laws through elected
Chapter 1 Section 1
Unlimited government- rulers can do whatever they want
Totalitarianism- people have no say
Citizenship- legal member of a country (rights, such as vote
, pay taxes and receive benefits from the government)
4 Economics- study of how people manage their
money (this is about choice)
Scarcity-conflict between people’s desires and their limited
Natural (trees)
Human (goods and services)
Capital- (machines and equipment)
Chapter 1 Section 1
Two type of economies
 Command- government decides prices
 Market- individual business decide prices
5 Culture- beliefs, customs, laws, basically how people
Culture trait- each way of life
 Religion
 Language
 The way they dress
 Music
Chapter 1 Section 2
 Culture Region- an area of the world in which
share similar beliefs, history, and languages
 Multicultural- many cultures (U.S. and Canada)
unlike parts of the Middle East
 Interdependence- how one part of the world
depends on another part of the world for it goods
services (oil, food)
Chapter 2 Section 1
 Tectonic plate- giant slabs of Earth’s surface
 5 Geographic Themes
 Location- where is where a place is
Absolute Location- exact place
Latitude lines- run parallel to the equator
Longitude lines- meridians run with the Prime Meridian
Relative location- location of one place in relation to
another location (next to someplace)
Chapter 2 Section 1
 Place- is the area around the place (rivers mnts,
 Region- group of places that have physical feature
(natural) or human characteristics (languages)
 Movement- people, goods and ideas move
Migrate- move from one area to settle in another
Emigrate- leave a country
Immigrate- to enter a country
Push factors- make you leave
Pull factors- make you want to go to a place
Chapter 2 Section 1
 Human-Environment Interaction- humans adapt
to, depend on, and modify the world around them
Humans may harm or help the environment
 Clear meadows,
 Pollution
Environment can harm itself
 Volcanoes, hurricanes
Chapter 2 Section 2
 Cartographer- person who makes maps
 Thematic map- shows one specific idea
 Map projection- putting Earth’s curved surface on
a flat map
 Geography is also the use of charts, graphs and
Chapter 3 Section 1
 North America includes
Greenland worlds largest Island
Central America and the Caribbean island
 South America and Latin America receive their
heritage from Spain and Portugal
 Latin America includes South America and Mexico
and the Caribbean islands
Chapter 3 Section 1
 Middle Latitudes from Arctic Circle to the Tropic
of Cancer
 Earliest settlers arrived 12,000 to 35,000 years ago
 Geographic Regions
 Atlantic Coastal Plain- Gulf of Mexico to the east coast
 Appalachian Mountains
 Central Lowlands- West of the Appalachian to the Great
 Great Plains to the Rocky Mountains
 Rocky Mountains- western part of the continent from
Alaska to Mexico
Chapter 3 Section 1
 Intermountain Region- Between the Rocky
Mountains and western coastal mountains
 Canadian Shield or Laurentian Plateau- covers
most of Greenland around the Hudson Bay and into
the Great Lakes
 Landforms- features of the Earth’s surface
 Glacier- thick sheet of ice that moves slowly
across land
 Mississippi and Missouri rivers are the longest
in the U.S.
Chapter 3 Section 2
 Weather- state of the atmosphere near Earth at a
given time and place
 Precipitation- rain
 Climate- weather in a region over a long period of
Chapter 3 Section 2
 Vegetation Zones- what grows in these areas
 Polar and Tundra 4-20 in.
 Forests 10-80 in.
 Rain Forests as much as 167 in.
 Grassland around 30 in.
 Desert less than 10 in.
Chapter 3 Section 2
 U.S. Canada rich in natural resources
 Soil
 Forests
 Oil
 Coal
 Water
 Farm Raise cattle
 Ship goods
 Fish
 Energy
Chapter 4 Section 1
 U.S. many cultures
 Melting pot
 Salad bowl
 Patchwork quilt
 English from England in the U.S.
 French in Canada
 Spanish in the south from Spain
 Immigrant someone who chooses to move into
a country
 Native Americans the first to arrive in U.S.
Chapter 4 Section 1
 Europeans were the next to arrive in the late
 Slaves in the colonies began in 1500’s and
enslaved Africans from Africa came in 1619
 1800’s the Chinese's came to work in mines and
on railroads
 Rights in the U.S.
 1865 freed slaves 13th amendment
 1920 women could vote
 Equal opportunity- all equal
Chapter 4 Section 1
 Citizenship- duties and rights of a citizen
 Democracy- rule of the people
 Republic- people hold power and rule through
their elected officials
 U.S. is a republic
 Political process- citizens change policy
 Patriotism- love of your country
Chapter 4 Section 1
 Duties of a citizen
 Pay taxes
 Benefits and services you receive
 Cast and informed vote
 Serve on juries
 Decide and protect rights
 Serve in the military
 if needed
 Volunteer for activities that promote the common
 Obey laws
Chapter 4 Section 2
 United States constitution- written by the
country’s first leaders for the laws on the land
(government) they have lasted for over 200
 Gain independence from Great Britain in 1783
 Constitution defines the following
 Government
 Leaders of the government
 Citizens rights
 Limited government-citizens have the power
and elect officials to help govern the people
Chapter 4 section 2
 Unlimited government- leaders have almost
total power (dictators)
 Constitutional amendment change or
addition to the Constitution
 Bill of Rights in 1791 gave a specific definition
of the rights of the people
 Federal system divided the power of the U.S.
between the federal government and the state
 Federal government the president of the U.S.
Chapter 4 Section 2
 State government has the Governor
 Three Branches of government
 Executive Branch- President
 Legislative Branch- Congress
House Of Representatives
 Judicial Branch- federal courts
Supreme Court (nine justices or judges)
Chapter 4 Section 3
 Goods something you buy
 Service is something you receive that is not a
 Production- making of goods
 Factors of production- are the ingredients of
the elements needed for production to occur
Natural resources- forests, soil
Labor resources- workers with skills
Capital resources- machines, factories
Entrepreneurs- people who bring all of things
Chapter 4 Section 3
 U.S. one of the wealthiest countries in the
 Gross domestic product (GDP)- tells the total
value of the goods and services that a country
produces each year
 Free enterprise/Market economy- compete
with little government involvement it is the
setting for exchanging goods and services
 Consumers- people who use goods and service
 Profit- money that remains after all costs are
paid (supply/demand)
Chapter 4 Section 3
 Supply- number of items offered at each price
 Demand number of items bought at each price
 Other Economic systems
 Command Economy- government decides which
goods to produce and the price
 Traditional Economy- Social roles and classes
determine who gets what in the economy
 Market economy is the one the U.S. uses
 Tariffs- taxes on imported goods (this raises
the prices on imported goods then people will
want to buy domestic goods
Chapter 4 Section 4
 Values- principles and ideals by which people
 School until 16
 Any religion you would like to study
 Globalization- spreading around the world
 Technology new ideas and machines
 Negative technology
 Pollution
 Loss of cultures and ideas
Money affects countries if you have money you
have the new technology
Chapter 5 Section 1
 5% of Canadians come from the first nation
the rest come from all over
 First Nation are people that are originally
from Canada
 France and England started the first
settlements of Canada
 French Indian War 1754-1763 control North
 France lost the war and gave up most of the
Canadian land
Chapter 5 Section 1
 1867 Dominion of Canada along with Nova
Scotia and New Brunswick became selfgoverning nation with the British monarch
remaining the head of state
 1871 Canada gained the remaining land to go
from ocean to ocean
 1931 Canada equal with the United Kingdom
and joined commonwealth of Nations
 1982 Canada separated from England
 Multiculturalism- acceptance of many
cultures instead of just one
Chapter 5 Section 1
 Canadian citizens have most of the same rights as
U.S. citizens
Land area second to only Russia
Very small population 31 million
Vancouver “Gateway to the Pacific” largest port
Refugees- people who flee one country because of
war or persecution
Toronto- 1/12 of Canada’s population and ¼ of its
40% of Toronto's population are foreign born 10%
arrived after 1991
Chapter 5 Section 2
 Canada 10 Provinces and 3 territories
 Responsibilities of central government
 National defense
 Trade
 Banking
 Immigration
 Criminal Law
 Postal Service
Chapter 5 Section 2
 Responsibilities of Provincial Government
 Administer Education
 Property Rights
 Local Government
 Hospitals
 Provincial Taxes
 Territorial Government still have self-government
but with limited responsibilities
Chapter 5 Section 2
 Constitutional Monarchy- constitution to
explain powers of government and allegiance
to the monarch
 Canada government
 Legislative- Parliament
 House of Commons
 Senate
 Judicial (US)
 Executive
 Prime Minister (president) (Majority leader)
 Head of State- is a monarch official
 Queen has little if no power
Chapter 5 Section 2
 Canada has a democracy and this democracy
is responsible for protecting the people rights
Charter of Rights- defines the people rights
 Separatists- people who want the province of
Quebec to become an independent country
 Canadian Multicultural Act 1988 protects
Canadians heritage
Chapter 5 Section 3
 Canada rich in natural resources
 Most Canadians work in the service and
manufacturing industries
 Industry refers to any area of economic
 Central Canada
 Grasslands
 Good soil
 St. Lawrence river
 Farming (vegetables, fruit and grains
 Northern territories iron ore,gold,silver and
Chapter5 Section 3
 80% of Canada raw materials exported
 Exports goods traded to other countries
 Main exports:
 Wood and paper products
 Fuel
 Minerals
 Aluminum
 Wheat
 Oil
 Imports goods brought into a country
Chapter 5 Section 3
 Most of Canada's imports come from the U.S.
as well as its exports go to the U.S.
 NAFTA- low barriers Mexico, Canada and the
U.S. trade more freely now
 Transportation is Canada major industry
 Transportation Corridors- paths that make
transportation easier
 St. Lawrence Seaway
 Transportation Barriers- geographic features
that prevent a slow down transportation
 Rocky Mountains
Chapter 5 Section 4
 National Identity- sense of belonging to a
 Bilingual- speak two languages
 English
 French
 Francophone- French speaking people that live
in Canada
 Culture Regions- people of the same culture
live here
Chapter 6 Section 1
 Latin America:
 Mexico
 Central America
 Caribbean
 South America
 Mexico major physical feature
 Mountains
 Plateaus
 Plains
Chapter 6 Section 1
 Mexico major mountain ranges
 Sierra Madre Occidental
 Sierra Madre Oriental
 Sierra Madre del Sur
 Mexico highest mountain peaks
 Orizaba
 Popocatepetl
 Both are volcanoes
 Mexico City is the worlds 2nd most populated
City (now it is the 10th and Mumbai in India is
the most populated)
Chapter 6 section 1
 Earthquakes and smog cause problems for
Mexico City
 Central America forms land bridge between
Mexico and South America
 80% of Central America mountains or covered
with forests
 Rain forests are abundant here
 40 volcanoes in Central America make it the
most active volcano area in North and South
Chapter 6 Section 1
 Caribbean Island lies east of Central America
 Most of these islands are volcanoes
 The remainder of the islands began as coral reefs
 Coral reef dead skeletons of animals built up
around volcanoes
Chapter 6 Section 1
 Isthmus of Panama connects South America
and North America
 Andes mountains stretches over 5,000 miles it
is the longest continuous mountain range on
Earths surface
 Mount Aconcagua in Argentina highest peak
in the Western Hemisphere 22,841 feet high
 Pampas- plains of southern South America
 Amazon River begins in Peruvian Andes 4,000
miles to the Atlantic
Chapter 6 Section 1
 Tributaries- streams or rivers that flow into larger
bodies of water
 Deforestation- cutting and clearing away of forest
 Most of Latin America lies in the Tropical Zone
 El Nino- air that blows towards North and South
America warming it and causing rain
Chapter 6 Section 2
 Maya civilization began:
Eastern Mexico
Western Honduras
El Salvador
 Maya invented the concept of zero and calendar
 Maya also used hieroglyphics the first form of
 Maya also used farming
 Maya decline and spread out in Central America
Chapter 6 Section 2
 Aztec empire capital in Tenochtitlan 200,000
 Mexico got its name from the Mexica tribe
 Chinampas floating gardens they grew crops on
Chapter 6 Section 2
 Inca
 Columbia
 Ecuador
 Bolivia
 Northern Chile
 Northwestern Argentina
 Inca used terraces to farm on hill sides
 Inca created the road system
 Machu Picchu- Inca city most famous for the
Inca stone work
Chapter 6 Section 2
 Spanish Influence
 1519 Hernan Cortes captured Aztec ruler
 1529 Francisco Pizarro defeated Atahualpa the Inca
 Columbian Exchange occurred between Spain
and North and South America
 Columbian Exchange- exchange of goods and
ideas between countries
Chapter 7 Section 1
 Hernan Cortes first Spanish to arrive in
 Many of Montezuma’s own people helped over
throw him he was very cruel
 Montezuma Aztec
 The fall of Tenochtitlan in 1521 was the end of
the Aztec empire
 This was the beginning of Spanish rule
 Spain ruled Mexico for the next 300 years
Chapter 7 Section 1
 Spanish brought horses, cattle, sheep and pigs
 They also brought ironsmithing and shipbuilding and
new religion (Christianity)
Peninsulares- 1st class ruling class in Mexico born in
Spain and because they were from the Iberian
Peninsula in Europe they received their name
Criollos- 2nd class people who were born in Mexico but
parents born in Spain
Mestizo- 3rd layer or class Spanish and Native
American heritage
Slaves – 4th class Africans they brought with them
their traditions as well
Chapter 7 Section 1
 Encomienda- Spanish men given villages to oversee
and collect tributes for the Spanish
Native Americans remained poor and lived a hard life
they were like slaves
Father Miguel Hidalgo lead a charge against Spain in
a speech called Grito de Dolores he was killed in the
1821 Mexico gained freedom from Spain
Native Americans gained little as the classes remained
the same
Mexico could not settle the northern territory they
had the US do it
Texas became part of the Mexican territory
Chapter 7 Section 1
 Texas left Mexico and won independence in 1836
 1845 Texas became part of the US
 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo forced Mexico to
 Gadsden Purchase of 1853 gave US more of Mexico
and the boundaries were adjusted later
Chapter 7 Section 2
 Benito Juarez 1858 Mexico’s president
 1857 New Constitution
 1858-1860 War of Reform trying to get the constitution
to agree with all of the people
Until the 20th century a few remained in power and a
few were wealthy the rest remained in poverty
1910 800 families owned 90% of the land
1910-1920 Mexican revolution
Armies from all areas fought each other
Hacienda large ranches
Ejido community farm owned by villagers
Chapter 7 Section 2
 Institutional Revolutionary Party – (from the
revolution) presidents came from this party from 1929
- 2000
 Vicente Fox elected president from the National
Action Party
 31 states make up Mexico
 Mexico 3 branches of government
 Executive
 Legislative
 Judicial
 Same as the US
 Government remains the same from federal to local
Chapter 7 Section 3
Farming has been Mexico main industry
25% of Mexican workers are farmers
They work on community farms called ejido
Some of the community farms have been broken up
into privatized farms under Mexican president in 1991
 Distribution is the process of moving products to their
 Government helped with the expansion of industry in
 Oil is the only business still owned by the government
Chapter 7 Section 3
 Maquiladora- a factory that imports duty-free parts
from the United States to make products that it
exports back to the US
Most of the maquiladora’s are owned by foreigners
They use them for the cheap labor that is in Mexico
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Mexico's most important natural resource is oil
Mexico’s government controls the oil industry
Oil is Mexico biggest export and the US is the largest
Tourism is the second largest business in Mexico
Chapter 7 Section 4
 Mexico three main cultures:
 Native American
 Spanish
 Mexican
1 in 5 Mexicans lives in Mexico City
Mexico City 18 million people second to only Tokyo Japan
Smog a large problem in Mexico City
Small out lying towns still have the traditional life style of
Outdoor markets are held once a week in the small villages
Rural Mexico poverty is a problem
Education is limited in rural areas
Many have moved to the urban areas to find jobs
September 16th Mexico Independence Day
Chapter 8 Section 1
 Central America
El Salvador
Costa Rica
 Caribbean Islands- West Indies
 They include 13 nations and 11 dependencies
 Dependency- place that is governed by or closely
connected with another country
Chapter 8 Section 1
 Puerto Rico – United States
 Caribbean
 Like the US Natives forced into slavery and
they either died of diseases or killed in wars
 Later Africans came from Africa as slaves
 Mulattos- African or European ancestry
 Central America
 Unlike the Caribbean's were most Native
Americans died in Central America about 1/5
of the population are Native Americans
Chapter 8 Section 1
 Ladinos- Spanish, Native American and Africans these
are mixed European and Native American and make
up 2/3 of the population
1500- 1800 European nations ruled Central America
and the West Indies
Europeans found wealth in Central America with gold
and sugar
Central America found its freedom in the early 1800’s
Panama- canal opened by the US in 1914
The US leased the land from Panama until 1999 when
they gave it back to Panama
Chapter 8 Section 1
 Spanish-American war- 1898 US declares war
on Spain in less than a year war over and US
kept military base in Cuba and Puerto Rico
 Nearly all of the countries have spent time
under dictator
 Dictator- a person who has a complete control
over a country's government
 Now Central America is under democracy
Chapter 8 Section 2
 In the early years the Caribbean Islands grew one crop
sugar cane
 Single-Product Economy- rely on crop for income
 This is very unstable many factors enter into this
 Rain
 Government
 Prices
 Just a few
 Diversity became a must- invest in a variety of
 Other crops, pineapples bananas
 Textiles, medical supplies, electronic equipment
Chapter 8 Section 2
 Tourism has become one of the main industries
 Central America developed coffee
 US based fruit company called UFCO and bananas
became a large export
 Central America had two exports Bananas and
coffee now they have machinery, furniture, cloth
and medicine
Chapter 8 Section 2
 Caribbean cultures
 Languages
 Religions- Roman Catholic most wide spread
however each island does have its own specific
 Music
 Central America culture
 Language- Spanish
 Religion- Catholic
 Crafts- weaving, embroidery, pottery, silversmith
Chapter 8 Section 3
 After the Spanish-American War Cuba became
independent and the US kept a military base
there called Guantanamo Bay
 Cuba started under dictator and now is
communist country and is controlled by a
 Fidel Castro came into power in 1959 and then
sided with the Soviet Union
 Communism- government plans and controls
a country’s economy, government
(government owns the country’s farms,
factories, and business)
Chapter 8 Section 3
 Cuba’s economy - when the Soviet Union fell so did
Cuba’s economy the Soviet’s supported the economy
and kept it alive they traded with them
Cuba must sell their goods on the open market and it
has caused Cuba to suffer
Children go to school from the ages of 6-12 then decide
if they want to continue
All schools are free including colleges
All health care is free as well
Since 1990 after the fall of the Soviets Malnutrition
has become a problem
Malnutrition- food shortage causing poor health
Chapter 8 Section 3
 Communist rule or a Dictator- people do not have
the same freedoms as we do in the US
Chapter 8 Section 4
 Central America which includes Guatemala
gained independence from Spain in 1821
 US has ties with Guatemala UFCO had large
land holdings in Guatemala and did not want
land redistributed and the US helped
overthrow the government
 1985 a democracy was put in place similar to
the US with a executive, legislative, and
judicial branch of government
 Department- governors that head Guatemala
Chapter 8 Section 4
 Turn of the century Guatemala was one of the
richest countries in Central America
 Agriculture is the main industry
 Economy also relies on manufacturing,
textiles and clothing
 US is the largest importer of Guatemala goods
 Tourism is a growing industry as well
 More than half of the population in
Guatemala are Maya the rest are ladinos
Chapter 8 Section 4
 Children go to school from ages 7-13 however 1/3
do not
 15% attend high school
 Rural people do not have bathrooms, running
water, electricity
 Urban people have all of the modern connivances
as the US
Chapter 9 Section 1
 Spanish explorer in 1531 arrived in Peru
 Portugal claimed Brazil and built most of their
colonies on the coast
Like in the US the Native died from overwork and
Slaves were then imported into South America to work
on the sugar plantations
South America fights for its freedom starting in 1810
Simon Bolivar freed the northern South America
Jose de San Martin defeated Spanish forces in the
1825 nearly all of Spanish South America was free
Chapter 9 Section 1
 Brazil gained its independence in 1822 without a fight
 The Prince of Portugal gave them their independence
and for this he was named the emperor
1800-1990 a struggle for power took place in different
parts of South America with different leaders and or
Bolivar tried to unite South America but he could not
Pan-America- all of the Americas
Bolivar tried to create an US with states
However in 1948 Latin America joined the US in the
Organization of American States (OAS)
They make sure human rights are not violated
Chapter 9 Section 1
 Europeans began to influence South American
culture with immigration
 They also helped build industry as well
 Most of the different cultures and ethnic groups
live in different regions and are not mixed much
Chapter 9 Section 2
 Transportation Barriers in South America
 Rain forest
 Andes Mountains
 Transportation Corridors
 Amazon River
 Natural Resources
 Minerals
Iron ore
Chapter 9 Section 2
 Fertile Land (Agriculture)
 Fishing Grounds are very important natural resource
 Manufacturing is very important for
 Venezuela, Chile, Argentina
 Shoes, furniture, beverages, textiles
 Brazil (most important)
 Cars, trucks
 Computers, televisions, airplanes
Chapter 9 Section 2
 South America created the free-trade zone
 Free-trade zone is people and goods move
across borders without being taxed this would
be all through the Americas
 Economic Indicators- statistics that show how
a country’s economy is doing
 South America is trying to improve their
economy at all times
 South America has seen urbanization ( moving
to the cities)
Chapter 9 Section 2
 Better jobs, healthcare and schools in the cities
 Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires two of the larger
cities in the world
 Slums also occur in the cities as houses can not be
built fast enough
Chapter 9 Section 3
 Brazil has the greatest population and is the
largest country and its gross domestic product
is larger than any other country
 Since 1985 Brazil has a democratic government
 Government has helped the economy grow by
supporting the economy
 Brazil is second only the US in exporting of
 Brazil is the leading producer in the world in
coffee, oranges, bananas, and corn
Chapter 9 Section 3
 Unemployment- not enough businesses to hire
workers (not enough jobs)
Inflation- general increase in the price of goods and
Brazil brought over more enslaved Africans than any
North or South American country
Native Americans make up less than 1% of Brazils
4 out of 5 Brazilians live in cities (Sao Paulo and Rio
do Janeiro two of the largest cities)
Brasilia- new capital inland to help spread the
population it is not over populated
Chapter 9 Section 3
 Brazil official language is Portuguese
 It has many languages as well that are used
because of the vast cultures
 Religion- Catholic
 20% are non-catholic
Chapter 9 Section 4
 Peru three different landforms
 Mountains
 Rain forest
 Desert
 All three are transportation barriers
 Andes Mountains runs entire length of Peru and
divides it half
 East of Andes are rain forests or (selva)
 Western side are deserts (Atacama Desert) most of the
people live here
 Live near oasis ( fertile region in the desert formed
around a river or spring)
Chapter 9 Section 4
 Peru imports certain foods
 Grains
 Vegetable oils
 Some meats
 Peru grows
Sugar cane
Dairy in the south
Meats from, cattle, sheep, alpaca and goats
 Fish along the coast
 Peru mines most of it is in the rain forest and makes it hard to mine
 Silver
 Copper
 Bismuth
Chapter 9 Section 4
 Peru independent from Spain in 1821
 Peru Communist groups have been fighting
democracy since the early 1980’s
 Guerrilla Warfare (small groups using surprise
attacks) has been their main focus
 More Native Americans live in Peru than any
other South American Country 45% (Inca)
 Quechua people who live in the Andes
highlands and speak Inca
 Most people live in cities or towns
Chapter 9 Section 4
 Lima, Peru’s capital population is about 7
 Lima lacks some of the basic services
 Electricity
 Running water
 Public transportation
 Peru’s rural farmers are poor and try to farm
very small pieces of land
 Peru Catholicism is the most popular with 90%
of the population
Chapter 10 Section 1
 Europe waterways:
 Mediterranean Sea
 Danube River
 Rhine River
 Volga River 2,200 miles long the longest in Europe
 Peninsulas- bodies of land surrounded by water on
three sides
 Scandinavian Peninsula: Norway and Sweden
Fjord: long narrow, deep inlet of the sea located between steep
 Iberian Peninsula: Portugal and Spain
Pyrenees Mountains separate it from the rest of the continent
 Italy’s Peninsula: Italy
Chapter 10 Section 1
 Ural Mountains divide Europe from Asia
 Great European Plain- France to the Ural Mountains
 Plain- large flat area of land usually without many trees
 Cold in the Mountains in the winter and it is warmer
on the flat land the mountains protect the rest of the
country from the cold weather
 Natural Resources:
 Coal (Germany Ruhr Valley)
 Iron Ore (Russia and Ukraine)
 Rich Soil
 Plentiful Rainfall (20-40 inches
Chapter 10 Section 2
 Greek Peninsula is mountains and is very difficult to
farm and settle
 Olives and Grapes are two of the few crops that are grown
 Fishing a large industry
 City-State included a central city called a Polis and
surrounding villages it has its own laws and
government (kind of like a county and county seat and
the surrounding towns)
 Greeks began to settle in the Aegean Sea on the small
islands around it
 Some Greeks settled in Spain and North Africa and
used the natural resources to send back and trade
with in Greece
 Wheat, Timber, Iron Ore
Chapter 10 Section 2
 Oligarchy- system in which a few powerful and
wealthy rule (Sparta was ruled this way)
 This happened a great deal in the city-states
 Tyrant ruled some of the other city-states
 Democracy formed in some of the other city-states
 Athens a very large city-state that had democracy and
it was for males and the wealthy
 Sparta ruled by oligarchy of two kings
 Sparta and Athens fought with each other
 Persians tried to conquer the Greeks so Sparta and
Athens joined together to defeat them
Chapter 10 section 2
 Literature came from the Greeks to honor
their gods and ancient myths
 Philosopher- a person who studies and thinks
about why the world is the way it is (Socrates,
 Plato and Aristotle started the school Lyceum
 King Philip II of Macedonia conquered Greece
and later he died and his son Alexander the
Great took over and conquered land all the
way into Asia and beyond (Mediterranean
 When Alexander died the land was divided
back up again amongst his Generals
Chapter 10 Section 3
 Rome began as a group of villages on the Tiber
River in now Italy
 Rome was ruled by kings until 509B.C. then it
became a republic
 Rome had a senate that was very powerful and
had leaders to help it run smoothly
 Most members of the Senate were called
Patricians- members of a wealthy, landowning
family who traced their family back to Rome
 Plebeian- ordinary working male citizens of
Chapter 10 Section 3
Rome ruled most of the Italian Peninsula
Carthage ruled North Africa and southern Spain
Rome overthrew Carthage and became the ruler
Rome eventually controlled most of the land
around the Mediterranean Sea
 Roman republic ended when Julius Caesar a
successful governor and general conquered all of
Rome and became a dictator in 46 B.C.
 Empire- nation or group of territories ruled by a
single leader Octavian (Augustus) son of Caesar
Chapter 10 Section 3
 Augustan Age great growth and knowledge
 Pax Romana very large Roman Empire last 200
 A.D. 14 Christianity began to spread in the
beginning they were persecuted or fed to the lions
by the Romans
 Constantine Roman Empire in A.D. 306 made it
the new official religion
Chapter 10 Section 4
 Roman Empire collapsed in the 5th century
 Middle Ages (Medieval)- period of history
between the fall of the Roman Empire and the
beginning of the modern world (bad time)
 Charlemagne (Charles the Great)- late 700’s
tried to bring peace
 Pope sides with Charlemagne and people
thrive, education, well being improve
 Monks and Nuns increased during this time
|chapter 10 section 4
 Land owned by nobles, kings and high church
 Nobles were in charge and developed
 Feudalism- a system of political ties in which
the nobles, such as kings, gave out land to less
powerful nobles called a (vassal), such as
knights. In return the land and the noble
would give the lord anything they needed from
men to money to arms for battle
 Fief- parcel of land that was given to the vassal
or the noble
Chapter 10 Section 4
 Manorialism- Lord owned the land which is called a
manor, peasants (serf) worked the land and for their
protection the Lord they gave them food and they
worked for him
Peasants worked their land and the land of the lord
Guild- protect workers rights
11th century farmers left and moved to town and
learned a trade
Pope thought he was the most powerful person of the
Nobles forced King John to sign the Magna Carta in
1215 limiting the kings power
Chapter 11 Section 1
 Crusades- 11th to 13th century expeditions of western
European Christians to capture the Holy Lands
Renaissance- 14th to the 16th century creativity and
Renaissance- started on the Italian peninsula (rebirth
of Europe)
Italian City-States- new wealth from banking, trade
and manufacturing
Aristocrats became the wealthy, the nobles and lords
no longer were that powerful
Aristocrats pushed education, arts and fine living
Patron people who gave money to improve the citystates
Chapter 11 Section 1
 Leonardo da Vinci- (1452-1519) during the Renaissance grew to
great lengths
William Shakespeare- wrote plays during the 17th century
Reformation – 16th century movement to change church practices
Martin Luther challenged the idea that you did not have to pay
for your sins
1517 Luther wrote the 95 theses and translated the Bible into
German this was the beginning of the revolt against the Roman
Catholic Church
Protestants- Luther’s followers because they protested events at
an assembly that ended the church's tolerance of their beliefs
Chapter 11 Section 2
 Spices most important item that was traded
during the Renaissance
 It helped keep food from spoiling
 15th century Europeans search for new route to
Asia for spices
 Portugal became the first country to explore
trade routes
 Da Gama in 1488 found to all water route to
Asia around Africa
 Cape Good Hope tip of Africa
Chapter 11 Section 2
 1492 Queen Isabella of Spain funded
Christopher Columbus to find all water route
to Asia
 1519 Ferdinand Magellan (Portugal)
Circumnavigate the world
 John Cabot (England) found Canada or
 Europeans began to use imperialism on the
countries they settled and created colonies
 Imperialism- controlling the government and
economy of another country
Chapter 11 Section 3
 Europe during the 1600’s developed many
things, including steam powered locomotive
the era was called the industrial revolution
 Scientific Revolution – 16th and 17th century
brought stars and planets with telescope and
also the microscope
 Industrial Revolution- (late 1700’s) Machines
began to replace humans for some functions
 People moved from the country to cities
 Labor force- people during the revolution
Chapter 11 Section 3
 1838 75% of the work force were women and children
 Capitalism- system in which factories and other businesses make
and sell goods
Capitalism brought on by the industrial revolution from disease
and dirty cities
French revolution- 1789 brought a new constitution free and
equal citizens
France still in trouble
Reign of Terror- 1793-1794 executed 17,000 people and beheaded
the king and queen
Napoleon Bonaparte- 1799 brought them together
Bonaparte used nationalism to help the country out
Nationalism- pride in one’s country
Chapter 11 Section 4
 Russia geographically the worlds largest nation is on
two continents Europe and Asia
1547 first czar 16 yr. Ivan the Terrible
Czar- emperor unlimited type of government (one
person is the ruler)
Poor became poorer and the farmers and peasants
Peter the Great – 1682-1725 defeated Sweden and built
St. Petersburg
Peter- made Russia stronger but it did not help out the
Russian peasants
Chapter 11 Section 4
 Catherine the Great- 1762-1796 increased Russia’s land
mass and as well as Peter did improved education and
the arts
Catherine did not improve the life of the peasants
Russia two types of people rich nobles or poor
1825 nobles tried to overthrow czar but failed
1861 Alexander II freed the serf but imposed a tax on
them and then gifted them land and forced them to
pay a tax they could not afford
The land gifted to them was unsuited for farming
Bloody Sunday- 1905 a group of workers marched to
the royal palace they were killed
Chapter 11 Section 4
 Russian Revolution- WWI Russia was forced into
the war and this led to the down fall of Nicholas II
 1918 Nicholas II and all of his family killed this
ended the czar rule of the last 400 years
Chapter 12 Section 1
 Nationalism- pride in your country
 Ethnic group- people with similar languages and
traditions, but who are not necessarily ruled by a
common government
Constitutional Monarchy- king or queen, but also a
ruling body of elected officials
Colonialism- western European nations spent much of
their wealth on building strong armies and navies
They did this to defend their colonies in other
Colonies are important they provided goods and raw
materials to the home country
Chapter 12 Section 1
 Dual Monarchy- one ruler governs two nations
Chapter 12 Section 2
 A young Serbian killed Archduke Franz
 Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
 Russia sent troops to defend Serbia
 Germany declared war against Russia
 Russia supported Serbia because they had
similar ethnic backgrounds (Slavic)
 This was all the start of World War I (WWI)
Chapter 12 Section 2
 Alliance- an agreement among people or nations
to unite for a common cause
 Alliances (1914-1918)
 Central Powers:
Turkey (Ottoman Empire)
Chapter 12 Section 2
 Allies:
 Russia (dropped out in 1917)
 France
 United Kingdom
 Italy (joined 1915)
 United States (joined 1917)
 WWI 22 million civilians and soldiers killed
 Allies won the war
 Germany and Allies signed Treaty of Versailles
Chapter 12 Section 2
 Treaty of Versailles end of war and Germany to
pay for the war and give up valuable territory
 This treaty changed the way Europe looked
and divided the countries into smaller
 Europe very poor and Germany upset so they
elect Adolf Hitler as president
 Hitler believed in Fascism- supports strong
central government controlled by the military
and led by a powerful dictator
Chapter 12 Section 2
 Holocaust (Hitler started against the disabled
and Jews) millions of people were deliberately
killed and other starved to death
 Hitler invaded Poland and World War II began
 Alliances (1939-1945)
 Axis Powers
 Germany
 Italy
 Japan
Chapter 12 Section 2
 Allies
United Kingdom
France (until June 1940)
Soviet Union ( formerly Russia)
United States ( joined 1941 after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor)
 After WWII NATO was formed (North Atlantic Treaty
Organization) Western Europe, US and Canada each
promised to each other if attacked by Soviet Union
 Marshall created the Economic Cooperation Act 1948aid to western Europe in the form of agriculture,
industrial, and financial
 This aid stopped an economic depression in Western
Chapter 12 Section 3
 Iron Curtain- invisible wall between Eastern
and Western Europe
 With the defeat of Germany in WWII Russia (
Soviet Union, USSR) became the most
powerful European country
 Soviet Union establish communist
government in Eastern Europe
 Puppet government- one that does what it is
told by an outside force or government (Soviet
Union in charge)
Chapter 12 Section 3
 Communism (Soviet Union) one party system
 One-Party System- all parties but one are against the
law when you voted you get the choice of only one
Joseph Stalin helped overthrow the czars and ruled
until his death in 1917-1924
Stalin decide what to produce, how much to produce
and who could buy it
They controlled everything about the economy
Collective farm- government-owned and employed
large numbers of workers
Farm workers did not even get enough food to feed
Chapter 12 Section 3
 Secret Police arrested people Stalin did not trust for
no reason sometimes
Western Europe countries constitutional monarchies
or democracies
Eastern Europe countries communist with Soviet
Warsaw Pact- Eastern European countries banned
NATO - Warsaw Pact did not trade or get along it was
called the Cold War
Cold War- political non-cooperation
Cold War lasted almost 40 yrs.
Each side afraid to go to war in fear of the nuclear
Chapter 13 Section 1
 Life under communist rule was very difficult people
were poor and had little say if any in the government
Soviet government used propaganda (material
designed to spread certain beliefs
Soviet’s did not want the ethnic groups to breakaway
from the rest of the country so they told them how
good they had it and how every place else was a bad
place to live
Soviets controlled everything they killed religious
leaders if they spoke out against the government
They told the newspapers and book people what and
how to print news stories
Chapter 13 Section 1
 All told the Soviet Union controlled all aspects of
everyone's life.
Private Property Rights- the right of individuals to
own land and or industry
Soviet Union promised wealth to all surrounding
countries this did not happen people were forced to
follow rules and fear was used to enforce these rules
Khrushchev ruled from 1958-1964 and let the writers
and citizens have a few freedoms he was deposed
(removed from power)
Prague Spring 1968 Czechoslovakia began to have
more freedoms Soviet’s sent troops in to gain back the
Chapter 13 Section 1
 Détente- lessening tension, between the members
of NATO and Warsaw Pact
 By 1980’s economic conditions did not improve
and Warsaw Pact countries wanted change
Chapter 13 Section 2
 Gorbachev- did not solve the problems and he released
his grip on some of the other countries
1991 Soviet Union begins to fall apart
Countries set up their own government and elected
Governments in the old Soviet Union are now
parliament republics (a form of government led by the
head of the political party with the most members in
parliament (Prime Minister)
Most of the countries have a president who has
ceremonial power rather the political
Chapter 13 Section 2
 Coalition government- political parties joined
together to form a government
 Change has been hard under Soviet rule people
were poor and in the beginning of a new
government will remain the same for a time
 Economies are changing from command
economies to free-market economies
 Some countries make this change quick and
are doing fine others have taken longer and
are struggling even today
Chapter 13 Section 2
 These new countries do not have a military so they are
trying to join NATO to help protect them
Ethnic Cleansing- killing members of minority ethnic
Yugoslavia Serbs wanted to rule and they tried to
Ethnic Cleans Yugoslavia
NATO attacked the Bosnian Serbs and ended the war
1999 Milosevic who was behind the first ethnic
cleansing tried it against the Albanians in Kosovo a
region in Serbia
NATO again stopped him and he was removed from
office and tried for war crimes
Chapter 13 Section 2
 Russia is slowly gaining ground and their economy is
slowly getting better
They are free to practice their own religion and read
what they want
Crime has increased dramatically because people are
still poor and starving
Russia’s government is a democratic form of
They have a president and a legislature called a Duma
People have prospered and some have fallen
depending on their education and availability to
The economy will improve but it will take time
Chapter 13 Section 3
 European Union- (EU) Europe joined to help with
Now former communist countries would like to join to
help out their economies
At one time each country had their own currency
(system of money)
Euro- currency now used by all of the countries
Tariff- duty or fee that must be paid on imported or
exported goods
Each country use to charge a tariff to the other
Chapter 13 Section 3
 EU is trying to get the countries to share in
each countries wealth
 This would increase their Standard of Living (
quality of life based on availability of goods
and services)
 EU is also trying to help clean up the Eastern
European Countries forests and
manufacturing just to name a few
 Court of Human Rights- protects the rights of
all its citizens in whichever member country
they live in
Chapter 14 Section 1
 United Kingdom
 Official name is United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
 Capital is London
 Four different political regions
Northern Ireland
 British monarchy has ruled these regions for hundreds
of years
 Government constitutional monarchy
Chapter 14 Section 1
 Government
 Monarch symbol of power
 Parliament is which has the power two parts
 House of Lords- made up of nobles
 House of Commons made up of elected officials and this is
the most powerful
 Prime Minister leads the government from the House of
Commons largest party
 Wales and Scotland have their own governing
bodies now
Chapter 14 Section 1
 Northern Ireland is little different
 Irish Catholics have wanted Ireland to secede from
Great Britain and the Irish Protestants do not want
Good Friday Accord agreement in 1998 to stop fights
and the formed the Northern Ireland assembly which
represent both the Catholics and the Protestants
India and Canada former British colonies and their
governments are model after Britain's government
UK has coal, natural gas and oil to run their factories
but has few other natural resources
Many citizens make a living in mining or
UK also imports food and raw materials
Chapter 14 Section 1
 UK produces only about 2/3 of the food need to
feed its population
Chapter 14 Section 2
 Sweden their government is a constitutional
The monarch has ceremonial powers and cannot make
laws just as the UK
People are elected to four years terms in the Swedish
parliament called the Riksdag
Riksdag 349 members and the nominate the Prime
They also appoint a Ombudsmen
Ombudsmen- protects citizens rights and make sure
Swedish courts and civil service follow laws
Government includes four parties
Armed Neutrality- they have an army but do not take
sides during wars
Chapter 14 Section 2
 Economy relies on privately owned businesses and
international trade
 Exports many goods:
 Metals
 Minerals
 Wood
 Engineering and communication are the major
 80% of the population live in urban areas near cities in
the south
 Labor Force is highly educated and have a high
standard of living
 Main source of energy is Hydroelectric power
Chapter 14 Section 2
 Acid Rain is a very big problem for Sweden
and its neighbors it is killing the forests
 They are starting to clean up the economy and
 90% are native Sweden's and are members of
the Lutheran Church and they speak Swedish
 Skerries- small islands off the coast of Sweden
Chapter 14 Section 3
 Charles de Gaulle exiled to UK from France in
1940 during WWII
 Gaulle lead the French Resistance- spied on
German activity and sometimes assassinated
high-ranking German officers
 Frances government is a Parliamentary
 Government power is split between president
and parliament
 President elected to a 7 year term 2002
changed to 5 year term
Chapter 14 Section 3
 President duties include
 Guardian of the constitution
 Authorities do not abuse their power
 Parliament has two parts the Senate and the National
President choose the Prime Minister who head
Government is very active in their economy
After WWII France very poor they did a few things to
stimulated their economy
French government took over several different
industries: banks, insurance, electric, coal, steel,
schools, hospitals, transportation
Chapter 14 Section 3
 France calls this nationalism which is a form of
Socialism- economic system in which some of the
businesses and industries are controlled by the
France gets 75% of its power from nuclear power
plants higher than any other nation in the world
7% of the labor work on farms
France exports more agriculture goods than any other
European community
European community- an association developed after
WWII to promote economies unity for Western Europe
Impressionism- a style of art
France culture is rich in arts and literature
Chapter 14 Section 4
 Germany is now the largest country in Europe
 West Germany helped out by US, UK and set-up
democratic government and is the one of the
wealthiest of the Europe countries
East Germany helped out by the Soviet Union is poor it
also had a communist government until the fall of the
Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and it liberated all of Eastern
Germany and the other Soviet held countries
East Germany was rebuilt called the Reunification
Reunification- reuniting East and West Germany
Chapter 14 Section 4
 Reunification has caused problems between
east (Ossies) and west (Wessies) Germany,
 West complains about paying to improve the
 East still complains about not having enough
 Germany very proud of its music and
 Germany is also famous for building high
quality machinery (cars)
Chapter 14 Section 5
 Poland was under communist rule until 1989 with the
fall of the Berlin Wall
 Solidarity- trade unions joined this to unite all
 Poland received a new constitution in 1997
 Government has two houses
 Upper house (Senate) of 100 members
 Lower House 460 members
 Lower House chooses the Prime Minister from the
largest party
 1990 Poland changed from Command economy to Free
market economy
Chapter 14 Section 5
 Poland suffered at the start of a free market economy
 They could not compete with foreign made goods and
businesses failed and people lost their jobs
By 1999 business in Poland could compete with foreign
A way to measure the strength of a counties economy
is to look at consumer spending (if they are buying
cars and things like that)
Poland's writers were censored and many become
Dissident- person who openly disagrees with a
government policies
Chapter 15 Section 1
 North Africa and Southwest Asia receive little
 Water is mainly in oasis
 Fertile soil- productive soil that provides
nutrients for plants to grow
 Three major rivers in North Africa
 Nile 4,000 miles longest river in the world
 Tigris
 Euphrates
Chapter 15 Section1
 Hunter-gathers: found food by hunting, fishing, and gathering
wild grains, fruits and nuts
Soil in North Africa and Southwest Asia is poor too sandy or too
much salt
The soil next to the rivers is the only fertile soil
This soil is fertile because of the flooding which brings down
fertile soil
Irrigation is important to areas not near the rivers
North Africa and Southwest Asia rely on Three major bodies of
 Mediterranean Sea
 Red Sea
 Persian Gulf
Chapter 15 Section 1
 Turkey is one of the few areas in this region that
receives rain
 Turkey has grasslands and forests
Chapter 15 Section 2
 Hammurabi- emperor of ancient
Mesopotamia 1792-1750 bc
 Mesopotamia- land between rivers this area
includes modern Iraq, northeast Syria, and
part of southeast Turkey
 Fertile Crescent is called sometimes because of
its shape and fertile soil
 Sumerians- first settlers of Mesopotamia they
had three major challenges
Chapter 15 Section 2
 Challenges of City-States
 Protection they built strong high walls
 Lack of water so they built irrigation canals
 Trade it was difficult to trade they had to import a great deal
of goods because they had little to build with
 City-States had ziggurat- temple built on a pyramid
shape tower this was a guardian tower
 City-States had two rulers
 Priests who controlled religious and economic life
 King controlled political and military life
 Some Kings conquered other city-states and became
Chapter 15 Section 2
 Class-system: society divided into different
social groups
 Three classes
 Kings Priests and Wealthy property owners top
 Middle class skilled workers, merchants, and
 Bottom class slaves
 Cuneiform- Sumerians first system of writing
 Scribes- society’s record keepers the few who
could read and write
Chapter 15 Section 3
 Egypt is covered with sand and the Nile river that runs
through it is the only source of fertile area
Nile river was the major source for transportation
Egypt used the Nile River for filling canals to use for
Papyrus- paper like material it is a plant
Pyramids built as well as other temples and
monuments used bricks from the sand and water
Egyptians built pyramids for kings or pharaohs
Hieroglyphics- writing system that uses pictographs
to stand for words or sounds
Chapter 15 Section 3
 Re- living son god or a pharaoh
 Horus- sun god linked to the pharaoh
 These gods guided the people on their day-to-day
activities and after life
Chapter 15 Section 4
 Jerusalem has three majors religions
 Jewish
 Christians
 Muslims
 Monotheism- belief in only one god
 Polytheism- belief in many gods
 Hebrew- god named Yahweh
 Yahweh talked to Abraham
 Abraham followers called Jews or Judaism
Chapter 15 Section 4
 Christians believed in Jesus called Christ
 Christianity- based on the life and teachings of
Muhammad born in Mecca
Muhammad founder of Islam
Muslim- a person that believes in Islam
Qur’an- sacred text of Islam
Chapter 15 Section 5
 Five Pillars of Islam:
 1st Stating that there is only one God, and that Muhammad is
God’s prophet
2nd Praying five times a day in the direction of Mecca
3rd Giving to the poor and needy
4th Fasting during the month of Ramadan
5th Making a pilgrimage or haj to Mecca
Caliph- chosen to continue Muhammad’s work
Theocracy- government rules by a religious leader
founded by the Caliph
Islamic people translated a great number books
Chapter 15 Section 5
 Ottoman Empire- Muslim’s that controlled
what is now Turkey and parts of North Africa,
Southwest Asia and Southeast Europe
 Constantinople- (Istanbul) Turkey its capital
 Sultans- Ottoman Empire rulers
 Janissaries- special group of soldiers loyal to
the sultans
 1924 Ottoman lost its power