Obj: I will learn the format to write an elegy poem
What is an elegy?
 An elegy is a sad poem expressing grief or
sorrow over the death of a person
 It is usually someone the poet admired, loved
or respected; sometimes it simply mourns the
passing of all life and beauty.
Format of an elegy?
 The elegy does not have any specific format;
however, the mood must be a somber (sad)
 Think about using good imagery and other
figurative language devices to express your
 You also might want to focus on the person’s
accomplishments; therefore, you can focus
on what a great loss it is for everyone.
Example: “O Captain! My Captain!”
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 The captain is Abraham Lincoln. The fearful trip is the Civil War.
The ship is the Union. The prize is the preservation of the union.
 The poet refers to the fallen captain as "father," representing his
deep respect for president Lincoln and Lincoln's role as father of
the Union.
 words and phrases such as "grim and daring," "weathered every
rack," "fearful trip," "flag is flung," "bugle trills," "ribboned
wreaths," and "swaying mass" cast a shadow over the
celebration, much in the same way the dead cast a shadow over
any victory in war celebration.
Requirements for an Elegy
 It must be at least 15 lines
 You must use two figurative language
 You must use one sound device
 It needs to express sadness over the loss of
someone you admire.