Energy balance

Leaf Energy Balance
Leaf temperature has already been implicated in
photorespiration. What determines leaf temperature?
Leaves, unlike most animal bodies, do not store a significant
amount of energy. Leaf temperature is determined by
dynamic balance between energy input and energy loss…
If a leaf is holding a constant temperature, then:
Rn = H + E
Rn is radiant energy input (solar energy absorbed).
H is sensible heat loss due to convection and conduction,
and E is latent heat loss (energy loss from transpiration and
evaporation of water from the leaf).
We need to examine each of these terms and how they affect
the energy balance of leaves. First, radiant energy…
We begin with light absorption by leaves. Leaves absorb
radiation in the visible and shorter wavelength ranges, i.e.
<700 nm. Leaves also reflect a portion of this spectral range.
However, leaves also absorb and radiate energy in the long
wavelength region of the spectrum (>700 nm, infrared).
The energy of a photon is given by h, where  is frequency,
or the inverse of wavelength. Shorter wavelength = higher
frequency and greater energy.
The amount of energy emitted by a surface is given by the
“blackbody” or Stephan-Boltzmann equation:
 = T4
 is the flux density of energy emitted in W/m2.
 is the emissivity of the surface.
 is the Stephan-Boltzmann constant, 5.67x10-8 W/m2/K4.
The emissivity of real objects, including leaves, is in the range
0.9 <  < 0.98.
So the key to radiation from an object is its temperature,
measured in degrees Kelvin.
The sun, at 6000K, radiates ~73,000 W/m2.
The earth, global average temperature ~290K, radiates ~400
A leaf during daylight at ~300K radiates ~500 W/m2.
The radiant energy balance during the day is normally
positive; more energy is absorbed than radiated. During the
night that balance is usually reversed; more energy is radiated
than absorbed.
However, the whole picture is more complicated than that
The second term in the equation for energy balance is
sensible heat loss, comprising energy loss due to convection
and conduction.
First conduction. This is direct transfer of heat energy from
one body to another (bodies diffusely defined).
In this case one body is the leaf itself, and the other ‘body’ is
surrounding atmosphere. Due to surface resistance, there is a
boundary layer of air around a leaf that is the main portion
with which conductive exchange occurs.
Even if the leaf is smooth surfaced, there is a boundary layer.
However, many leaves have various forms of projections
(trichomes, hairs, etc.) that tend to retain a more isolating
boundary layer.
The leaves of tomato plants are covered by trichomes…
The leaves of stinging nettles have two kinds of ‘hairs’, the
hollow stinging, needle-like large hairs and smaller hairs. The
smaller ones are important in creating a boundary layer.
In some species the hairs are reflective, and reduce the
amount of radiant heat energy absorbed. Such leaves (or other
plant structures) may appear white or pale due to light
Boundary layers can insulate the leaf from being heated in
hot air, as well. They influence both conduction and…
Convection is transport of energy by a volume of fluid (here
air). It is far more important in leaf energy dynamics.
Convection is limited by the occurrence and existence of the
boundary layer, since that layer ‘disconnects’ the leaf from
the air movements around it.
Here’s the basic diagram:
There is something called a characteristic dimension of a
leaf that is determined by its size and shape (and, of course,
surface texture due to trichomes, hairs, etc.), and is directly
proportional to the boundary layer resistance of the leaf.
Leaves with a small characteristic dimension tend to remain
at temperatures close to actual air temperature. Leaves with
large characteristic dimensions can diverge in temperature
from ambient temperature, either above or below surrounding
air depending on radiant energy input and stomatal resistance
that affects latent heat exchange (evaporation and
Finally, there is latent heat exchange. This is the energy lost
by the leaf as the result of evaporation (including
transpiration) from the leaf. The energy required to change
state from liquid to vapor (the heat of vaporization) is 2450
joules/gm at 20°C. The number of grams of water vaporizing
in transpiration is affected by stomatal resistance (rs in the
figure that follows), air temperature, boundary layer resistance
(indicated by leaf characteristic dimension), wind speed
(affecting convection), and relative humidity.
It is apparent that without shortwave input leaf temperature
decreases as LCD (leaf characteristic dimension, interpretable
as boundary layer resistance) increases.
With shortwave input leaf temperature increases as LCD
increases; the increase is larger with greater boundary layer
The final segment of the chapter is about adaptation to
extreme climate. There are really two temperatures of
interest, whether the extreme is high temperature or low –
one is called an activity limit, which means the temperature
at which a plant ceases to function effectively, and the other
more extreme, is the lethal limit, beyond which a plant dies.
Exposure to high temperatures
Beyond a temperature of ~40C (consult table 3.2 for more
detailed data), plants shift from normal protein synthesis to
rapid synthesis of a characteristic set of heat shock proteins.
Many are homologous across a very wide taxonomic
spectrum of plants, e.g. HSP70. Higher plants synthesize a
group of small HSPs , all in the range of 15-18 kDa. These
proteins protect against short exposures to high temperatures.
One, appropriately named, ubiqitin, apparently identifies
denatured proteins for proteolysis.
When high temperature exceeds tolerance limits, the usual
cause of cell death is loss of membrane integrity, with
resultant ion leakage.
Nobel studied acclimation in agaves and cacti. Plants can
adapt. He raised the growth temperature from 30/20
(day/night) to 50/40, and found that the temperature causing
cell death increased by 1.6 to 15.8 among species. For these
hot desert species, the lethal temperatures were generally >60
C. We don’t really know how this acclimation is achieved.
Low temperature injury
Low temperature injuries occur in two ways: tropical plants
typically suffer what is called chilling injury (wilting, growth
inhibition, germination failure, reproductive failure) below
temperatures of ~10C. Damage from short exposure is
The more serious form of damage is freezing injury. Some of
the tissue water freezes. Without acclimation freezing injury
can occur at -1 to -3C. With acclimation tissues can survive
to -40C, and seeds can survive to much lower temperatures.
The mechanism of chilling injury is also membrane damage,
increasing permeability. The transition is usually rapid/abrupt
with temperature decrease in sensitive plants. It has been
suggested that membranes change from ‘fluid’ to ‘gel’.
A different suggestion is that microtubule function is
associated with chilling injury.
Freezing injury results (both directly and indirectly) from ice
crystal formation. Typically, ice crystals form initially
extracellularly and in cell walls. Difference in the vapor
pressure of ice and water cause cells to lose water. Some
damage may result from dehydration and solute concentration
within cells. Other damage can result from intracellular ice
crystal formation.
Plants, as well as insects, are able to acclimate and achieve
tolerance in part chemically. In plants, it is typically soluble
carbohydrates and abscisic acid. Another protection is
supercooling. Ice formation requires nucleation sites; inside
cells such sites can be absent, so that water cools below even
the freezing point set by solute concentration.
Some trees can prevent ice formation down to a temperature
called the homogenous nucleation temperature (a temperature
where ice crystals form spontaneously even without nucleation
sites). Oaks, elms and maples can avoid ice formation down to
-41 to -47C.
Chilling can even be advantageous. The text mentions cold air
drainage. Cold air is denser than warm air and sinks. In
northern Scandinavia the arctic birch Betula pendula is
attacked by a moth that can totally defoliate plants. However,
the moth has limited temperature tolerance (at least for an
arctic species), so that birches at lower elevations in ‘bowls’
avoid fatal damage, while those higher up are killed.
What follows (if I can find the slide) is a picture of this
situation from northern Finland.