Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon
A report by Aurora Waclawski
What is a Peregrine Falcon?
A peregrine Falcon is a small but very fast
falcon. They are one of the fastest birds there
are. It is a bird of prey, eating mostly rodents
and other birds. The female is oddly 30% bigger
than the male. They are normally about 34 to 50
cm long and their wingspan is 80 to 120 cm
The life cycle of a Peregrine Falcon
The life peregrine falcon has many stages. First it hatches. It stays
with it’s mother up to a year, then it goes down south. On the third
year it mates and lays eggs. Sometimes it doesn’t mate because it
can’t find one. After laying eggs for a few years it sadly dies
A Peregrine’s habitat
A peregrine falcon can live in
many different places.
They like high places so they
nest on the edge cliffs if they
can find one or on top of
buildings. They like isolated
places (away from other birds).
They live almost all over the
world besides Antarctica midGreenland and a few others. I
they are in the north for
breeding season they go south
for the winter
How Peregrines breed.
Are born
and raised
After three
They have
Mostly what they do is lay eggs
and then take care of the
When it is breeding season the
peregrines go up to the tundra
where they feed upon the
plentiful source of birds. When
they meet the male they do a
dance in the air and then after
a while the female lays a chick.
When the chick is a month old
the mother starts hunting.
Most young birds breed on the
third year.
How peregrines fly to catch prey
They have a very efficient way to
catch prey.
Their wings are adapted for lots of
thrust so they can handle fast
speeds better. They also have a
special structure in their air way so
their lungs don’t blow up. It either
perches or circles in the air to spot
the prey. When it finds the prey it
pinpoints it then zooms down with
half closed eyes. When it is close
it extends it’s talons and slices
through the prey and then picks it
A Peregrine’s Behavior
They have many behaviors. They are usually solitary unless they are
breeding. When they scratch the ground they are trying to see if there
could be a good nest there. They will eat many things if they need to.
 Vocal sounds
Cacking means that they are being disturbed.
Wailing means that they are very hungry and can’t find food