Initial Tropical Training for Satellite Analysts AFWA/XOGM Tropical Section Originally produced by:TSgt Nast Revisions by: Paul McCrone 1 Sources AWS/TR-95/001 AWS TR240 NAVEDTRA 40970/40971 JTWC Forecasters Handbook NEPRF TR-85-01 Tropical Weather Course (Keesler) Tropical TIPS 2 Overview Primary Physical Controls of the Tropics Planetary-Scale Circulation in the Tropics Non-Severe Weather Systems and Tertiary Circulation's Basic Analysis and Circulation Models Monsoons Climate Anomalies Tropical Cyclones Severe Weather in the Tropics Tropical Forecasting 3 Primary Physical Controls of the tropics Earth’s Energy Budget Effects of Land-Sea Distribution Terrain Effects Diurnal Effects 4 Primary Physical Controls of the tropics 5 AWS/TR-95/001 Page 11 Figure 2-1 6 Earth’s Energy Budget 7 Earth’s Energy Budget Vertical – – heat transfer mechanisms Radiation - not very significant Sensible heat transfer » Conduction - molecular boundary layer » Convection - air warmed by conduction – Latent heat transfer - Most important vertical mechanism in tropics » Condensation (latent heat becomes sensible heat) » Evaporation (Sensible heat becomes latent heat) 8 Earth’s Energy Budget 9 10 Earth’s Energy Budget Horizontal – Heat Transfer Horizontal heat transfer mechanisms Sensible heat transfer through warm- or coldair advection About 40% of earth's total horizontal heat exchange occurs through ocean currents. Latent heat transfer. – – Moisture advection. Latent heat release aloft, carried poleward by the Hadley cell. 11 Earth’s Energy Budget 12 Effects of Land-Sea Distribution Determines climate type (monsoon, maritime, Continental.). Max seasonal variations occurs over land. Most convection and latent heat-sensible heat conversion takes place over land. Land-sea breeze circulation's are a direct result. 13 Terrain Effects High altitude more typical of mid-latitude weather. Rainfall: – – Leeside or windward location usually most important factor. In trade winds, heaviest rain usually on slopes just below trade-wind inversion. 14 Terrain Effects Whether a location is on the leeside or windward side is a very important factor Rainfall 15 Diurnal Effects Temperature Range Clouds Rainfall 16 Diurnal Effects Temperature – – – Range On small islands and coastlines 3-5°C with prevailing onshore flow. On inland locations or coasts 5-10°C with prevailing land breeze. In the interior in the dry season > 10°C. 17 Diurnal Effects Clouds – Oceans Maximum (0400-0700L), minimum (1400L-1900L) – Land Daytime maximum, nocturnal minimum 18 Diurnal Effects Rainfall Nocturnal max over oceans, and small islands. – Shower maximum over land in afternoon. – Monsoon areas and areas in disturbances have night to early morning maximum. – 19 Planetary-Scale Circulation in the Tropics Definitions and General Characteristics Primary Weather Zone Tropical Wind Profiles Upper Tropospheric Features 20 Definitions and General Characteristics Classical – Definitions. Ancient Greeks - Tropics of Cancer to Capricorn (23.5N to 23.5S) – – Alexander Supan - Average Annual Temp > 68 F (20°C) Early 1900s - W.P. Koppen World is divided into climatic Zones A to F. A= tropical rainy, Af = rain forest, Aw = savanna, Am = monsoon. 21 Definitions and General Characteristics Dynamic Definitions - allow for seasonal, longitudinal variations. – Dividing line H H between midTropospheric H H easterlies and westerlies (axes of STRs). H H 22 Definitions and General Characteristics Tropical weather characteristics – Cumulus clouds predominate. – Conditionally unstable. – Air temperatures comparable to ocean surface temperatures. – Predominately easterly low-level flow. 23 Definitions and General Characteristics Climatology is more important in the tropics than it is in the midlatitudes – Weather dominated by semipermanent, slowly migrating systems Subtropical Ridge (STR) Equatorial Trough (ET) 24 Primary Weather Zones and Systems Subtropical – Ridge (STR) Surface Centered on five oceanic anticyclones. Over the oceans: – shrinks and retreats equatorward in winter, grows and builds poleward in summer. (inducing TUTT formation) 25 Primary Weather Zones and Systems Subtropical – Ridge (STR) Surface Axis tilts ENE-WSW in Northern Hemisphere, ESE-WNW in Southern Hemisphere. Ridge axis normally 23-35 degrees latitude North and South 26 Primary Weather Zones and Systems 27 Primary Weather Zones and Systems Subtropical Ridge (STR) H Aloft H »Slopes to equator H L with height. H »Position of axis at 200 H mb is 15-20° latitude. H »More elongated east-west than the surface ridge. – 28 Primary Weather Zones and Systems Trade-wind – – – region Region of low-level prevailing easterlies between STR and ET. NE trades in Northern Hemisphere, SE trades in Southern Hemisphere. General subsidence with capping tradewind inversion. 29 Equatorial Trough (ET) Other – – – – – terms Near equatorial trough (NET). ITCZ or ITC. Doldrums. Meteorological or thermal equator. Near-equatorial Tradewind Convergence (NETWC). 30 Equatorial Trough (ET) Location, – – – strength, circulations vary Generally found where trade winds from each hemisphere converge Low pressure from heating and upward motion May be axis of convergence or series of cyclones 31 Equatorial Trough (ET) Several – – – – streamline configurations: Near Equatorial Convergence Zone (or trade-wind trough). Monsoon trough Confluent westerlies. Equatorial Buffer Zone 32 (ET) Streamline Configurations Near Equatorial Convergence Zone (or trade-wind trough). Confluent zone between trade winds of each hemisphere. – Usually over oceans, but can extend over adjacent land areas. – 33 Trade Wind Trough 34 (ET) Streamline Configurations Monsoon trough – Often a series of cyclonic centers: Heat lows (over land primarily). Thunderstorm clusters, non developing. Monsoon depressions. Tropical disturbances. 35 (ET) Streamline Configurations Monsoon trough – Locations Africa - Sub-Sahara in July and Kalahari-Madagascar in January. Central America - East Pacific: south of Central America all year and occasionally crosses into Caribbean. 36 Africa - Sub-Sahara in July 37 (ET) Streamline Configurations Monsoon trough – Locations South Asia - West Pacific: Iraq to northern India through SE Asia to Guam. Australia - along the northern coast from December through February. 38 39 40 (ET) Streamline Configurations • Confluent westerlies. Locations: West of Central America in fall. NW of Australia in Southern Hemisphere summer. Winds generally light, speed convergence increasing downstream. 41 (ET) Streamline Configurations H H C Monsoon Trough C Confluent Westerlies Tradewind Trough H H H (ET) Streamline Configurations Equatorial Buffer Zone – July: Southern Hemisphere SE winds become SW entering monsoon trough. Equatorial Buffer Zone – January: Northern Hemisphere NE winds become NW entering Southern Hemisphere monsoon trough. 43 (ET) Streamline Configurations Equatorial – Buffer Zone B Buffer Cells Weak, closed circulations near equator where curving winds "cut off". No net inflow or outflow. Labeled with a "B" on streamline analysis. 44 Tropical Vertical Wind Profiles: Deep Easterlies Low-level east winds remain easterly with height Found within 15° of equator May extend to 30° in summer hemisphere Not in all seasons or regions Narrowest north-south extent at 200 mb 45 Tropical Vertical Wind Profiles: Shallow Easterlies Shallow – – – Easterlies Low-level easterlies become westerly with height Average 15-30° latitude, closer to equator in winter hemisphere Example - Hawaiian islands (20°N) in shallow easterlies all year 46 Tropical Vertical Wind Profiles: Shallow Westerlies Low-level westerlies become easterly with height. Found in monsoon regions in summer. Examples: western Pacific, Indian Ocean, western Africa (shallower in Africa). 47 Upper-Tropospheric Features Subtropical Jet (STJ) Found 20-35°N and 25-32°S (average). – Causes – Upward branch of Hadley cell circulation. Conservation of angular momentum accelerates air to east as it moves north. 48 Sub Tropical Jet 49 Upper-Tropospheric Features Tropical – – – – Easterly Jet (TEJ) Feature of northern hemisphere (NH) summer monsoon in Asia Very persistent in NH summer months Location: central Africa to SE Asia (from 5 degrees to 20 degrees North latitude) Strongest winds (80-100 kts) over Arabian Sea between 40,000-55,000 ft (200-100 mb). Highest observed winds: 152 kts 50 Upper-Tropospheric Features 51 Upper-Tropospheric Features Tropical – Easterly Jet (TEJ) Causes Uniquely high temperatures and heights of the isobaric surfaces of the Tibetan Plateau during summer (See Southwest Monsoon later) The above causes an upper-level high to develop over Tibetan Plateau. Flow from high conserves angular momentum as it moves south, accelerates toward the west. 52 Upper-Tropospheric Features Tropical – Easterly Jet (TEJ) Causes Creates upper level divergence over India, and speed convergence over eastern Africa This circulation contributes to the widespread lifting and convection north of the jet over southern Asia, and strong subsidence and aridity (dryness) over North Africa and Middle East. 53 54 Upper-Tropospheric Features Tropical Upper-Tropospheric Trough (TUTT) Forms in summer hemisphere over mid-oceans. Subtropical ridge - part that moves poleward over land masses (North America, eastern Asia). Subequatorial ridge - part that stays near equator over the ET. 55 Upper-Tropospheric Features Tropical Upper-Tropospheric Trough (TUTT) - Continued Level: Most intense - 200 mb. Orientation: ENE-WSW Season: Late April - Mid November (most intense in August 56 Upper-Tropospheric Features Tropical Upper-Tropospheric Trough (TUTT) - Continued Position: South of Surface Subtropical Ridge over trade winds (convergent weather associated with TUTT occurs in tradewinds) Major Convergent Weather: Few degrees southeast of upper level center Weather in axis or Cyclonic Cell Center: Few clouds, general sinking motion 57 Upper-Tropospheric Features Tropical Upper-Tropospheric Trough (TUTT) - Continued Temperature: Cold trough (3-5 degrees colder than environment, Isold TCU and TSTMs in TUTT, and center of cells Axis Windshift: Often an abrupt 180 degree turn at trough axis Cirrus Tracers: Indicates > 50 kts either side of TUTT or embedded cell. 58 59 Non-severe Weather Systems and Tertiary Circulations •Lines •Tropical Waves •Vortices •Land and Sea Breezes •Valley and Mountain Breezes 60 Non-severe Lines Lines - synoptic scale convergence with length much greater than width. – Squall lines – Cold fronts – Shear lines – Surge Lines – Near Equatorial Convergence Zones 61 Shear Line 62 63 Non-Severe Tropical Waves National Hurricane Center (NHC) definition - a trough or cyclonic curvature maximum in the trade-wind easterlies. Sometimes called “Tropical Easterly Waves” in the Atlantic. Originally, this term was based on older research on the tropics that was based on sparse surface and upper air data. 64 Non-Severe Tropical Waves When NHC started using METSAT imagery in 1967, they saw new aspects of the so-called “wave” that didn’t fit the theoretical model. Not as common as previously thought; many systems called waves were actually vortices This model is falling out of favor with many in the tropical community. 65 Non-Severe Tropical Waves AFWA/XOGM policy is to not use this term (“wave”) to describe tropical phenomena of any kind, despite the fact that NHC and other DoD units use it - we believe many so-called “waves” are actually vortices, and that the term is overused. Further, it has been shown that these “waves” very seldom develop into cyclones. 66 Non-Severe Tropical Waves If you call it anything, call it a “tropical disturbance”. The next slide shows examples of phenomena that used to be called “waves” 67 The late, great “Tropical Easterly Wave” 68 Non-Severe Tropical Waves Characteristics – – Many stem from upper-level cyclones (cold lows). Characteristics of Atlantic (easterly) waves. Form over Ethiopian Highlands June to October. Move across baroclinic zone south of Sahara often form squall lines. Dampen under STR axis in eastern Atlantic and strengthen near Lesser Antilles. 69 Inverted “Vee” or Screaming Eagle - really a circulation 70 Screaming Eagle 71 Non-Severe Vortices Fair weather vortices - (Equatorial anticyclone, heat low, and TUTT)… Bad weather vortices - (Tropical cyclones, monsoon depression, west African cyclones, and mid Tropospheric cyclones). 72 Fair Weather Vortices Equatorial anticyclones – – – Found where monsoon trough is more than 10° from equator Surge from opposite hemisphere crosses equator and turns anticyclonically Curved band of cloud seen at leading edge of anticyclone 73 Fair Weather Vortices Heat lows/ heat troughs – – – Low-level air rises over hot land with subsidence aloft. Lowest pressure coincides with highest temperature. Examples Sahara and SW Asia in summer (may be part of monsoon trough). Southern South America, southern and eastern Africa all year. 74 Bad Weather Vortices Mid-tropospheric cyclones. – Subtropical cyclones. Cut-off portion of deep mid-latitude trough in the tropics in winter. Example: "Kona" storms in Hawaii, cause SW winds and heavy rains. – Arabian Sea cyclones Major rainmaker on west coast of India in SW monsoon. Cloud pattern resembles a typhoon. 75 Tertiary Circulations Land and sea breezes – Sea-breeze characteristics. Sets up a few hours after sunrise. Moves inland until late afternoon to evening. Strong breezes may extend 30 - 50 miles inland. – Land-breeze characteristics. Generally shallower with weaker winds than sea breeze. Normally does not penetrate as far offshore as sea breeze penetrates onshore. Land breeze front often triggers convection, especially converging land breezes 76 Rainfall - Special Cases Prevailing flow onshore: Prevailing flow offshore Daytime max on inland slopes Afternoon max on coastline Day Sea Breeze Nighttime max on coastline Night Land Breeze 77 Sea Breeze 78 Sea Breeze 79 Land Breeze 80 Tertiary Circulations Orographically-induced winds. – Valley breeze. Slopes warm during day. Upslope wind. Clouds and convection over peaks during daytime. – Mountain breeze. Slopes cool at night. Downslope wind. Clouds and convection in valleys at night. 81 Tertiary Circulations Orographically-induced winds. – Mountain gap winds. Funneling through passes when surface gradient across mountains is strong. Example: Tehuantepecer winds off Mexico. 82 Tehuantepecers 83 Tehuantepecers 84 Tehuantepecers 85 Basic Analysis and Circulation Models •Definitions •General Techniques •Draw Asymptotes •Streamlining to satellite Images •Recommended Procedures •Auxiliary Analysis Techniques 86 Definitions Streamline - solid lines which are tangent to the instantaneous wind direction Isotachs - lines which connect points of equal wind speed. Not necessarily parallel to the flow Isogons - lines which connect points of equal wind direction Asymptotes - special streamlines onto which other streamlines intersect (confluent) or emanate from (diffluent) 87 Definitions Singular point - a point into which or from which more than one streamline can be drawn. Examples are: – – – – Vortices Neutral points (Cols) Cusp Buffer Cell 88 General Techniques Streamline spacing should not necessarily correspond to wind speed. Try to find neutral points and vortices first. Consider all wind reports carefully before ruling them out. Draw arrowheads and tails at edges of charts and at singularities. 89 Drawing Asymptotes In general – Convergers begin at neutral points and flow into cyclones – Divergers begin at anticyclones and end at neutral points (Cols) 90 Rules for Drawing Asymptotes Rules for confluent asymptotes. Flow should converge smoothly from either side. They should line up with convective cloud bands on lowlevel charts and clear areas on upper-level charts. 91 Rules for Drawing Asymptotes Rules for diffluent asymptotes. Flow should diverge smoothly from a single axis In low-levels, they should be in clear areas (on satellite pictures) or in areas of closedcell stratocumulus. In upper-levels, they should overlay areas of upper-level clouds 92 Rules for Drawing Asymptotes Rules for linked vortices. – Two like-vortices must have a neutral points in between. A series of cyclones is bounded by diffluent asymptotes. A series of anticyclones is bounded by confluent asymptotes. 93 Recommended procedures Overlay current chart on 24-hour continuity and mark important features in yellow. Keep previous chart for reference. Overlay current chart on satellite image, or draw the significant features from the image on your chart. 96 Recommended procedures Tentatively mark major features (large cyclones and anticyclones, hurricanes, etc.). Start streamlining near dominant features like the STR and undisturbed trade-wind areas. Work in toward complicated areas. Light winds occur with cols, high centers, buffer cells, and areas of sharp curvature. Strong winds occur with cyclones and broad areas of little curvature. 97 Auxiliary Analysis Techniques Vertical Time Cross-section – – An analysis of changes in the atmosphere with time over a station Useful in the tropics because small changes in the vertical over a station become readily apparent Vertical Space Cross-section – – An analysis of a cross section of the atmosphere along a line or route at a particular time. Selected where reporting stations are available reasonably close to the line of interest. 98 Auxiliary Analysis Techniques Checkerboard Can Diagram show current weather over an area Diurnal weather pattern recognition and monitoring Is used to represent climatology Identifying small changes in weather that may be masked by normal diurnal patterns 99 Auxiliary Analysis Techniques Skew-T – / Rawinsonde data. Determine thermodynamic variables Stability - determine indices particular to station. Moisture availability - LCL, CCL, LFC, etc. Height rises/falls. Analysis same as in mid-latitudes. 100 Monsoons *** Monsoon rains flooding Bangladesh (AP report from 22 July 1999) DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) - Two days of torrential rains flooded another 10 villages in northern Bangladesh, marooning at least 20,000 people, authorities said Tuesday. Rescue teams were dispatched with food and medicine after heavy rains swelled the Padma and Jamuna rivers in an 101 Monsoons *** Monsoon rains flooding Bangladesh (con’t) area about 65 miles north of Dhaka, the Bangladeshi capital. Last week, 55,000 people were washed out of their homes when the Gumti River overflowed its banks and submerged 200 villages in Comilla district, 55 miles east of Dhaka. Most of those people are now camped on the muddy river embankment. 102 Monsoons Definitions – – Glossary of Meteorology, Huschke, 1959: "A name for a seasonal wind. Derived from Arabic 'Mausim', a season": Monsoon is one of those overused words in meteorology, often used to describe any regularly occurring summertime rainy period. 103 Monsoons Definitions – Colin Ramage, 1971, defined a monsoon in terms of four criteria: Prevailing wind directions shifts by at least 120° between January and July. Average frequency of occurrence of the prevailing wind in both January and July exceeds 40%. Mean resultant winds in at least 1 of these 2 months exceeds 3 m/s (6 kts). Definite lack of migratory systems. 104 Monsoons General characteristics of monsoons – Summer Surface pressure falls over continents due to heating. Increased pressure gradient between continent and nearby ocean causes onshore flow. Circulation forms. – – – Rising air over continent. Offshore return flow aloft. Sinking air over oceans. 105 Monsoons General characteristics of monsoons – Winter Surface pressure rises over continents due to cooling. Pressure gradient reverses from summer situation, causing offshore flow. Circulation forms: – – – Rising air over ocean. Onshore return flow aloft. Sinking air over continent. 106 107 Monsoons Asian Monsoon African Monsoons Australian Monsoons Central American Monsoons 108 Monsoon Seasonal Locations 110 111 112 113 114 The Asian Monsoons Division of Asia into 3 monsoonal regions – East of Tibet Damp – cold winters, wet summers. West of Tibet Mostly – Desert. South of Tibet Dry mild winters, hot wet summers. 115 The Asian Monsoons Summer (Southwest) Monsoon (Jul-Aug) – – – The Himalayan Mountain range prevents CAA Monsoon trough extends from NE Africa to near Guam Tropical Cyclones Rare – – – in South Asia in summer. Vertical shear associated with TEJ. Subsidence over oceans. Monsoon trough anchored over land. Typhoons increase over western Pacific in summer. 116 The Asian Monsoons Summer (Southwest) Monsoon (Con’t) – Onset: Main Driving Force - extreme differential heating between land and water areas, which results in: – – – – – Strong Subtropical highs in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) Strong heat lows develop over Northern Africa, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Northern India, and SE Asia. Strong surface heating that causes the land mass to become warmer then the equatorial region Over land, heights are lower in the low levels and higher in the upper levels (compared to equatorial region) creating a strong pressure gradient force Low level flow is directed out of the SH Subtropical Ridge, across the equator and into monsoon trough. 117 The Asian Monsoons Summer (Southwest) Monsoon (Con’t) – Moisture: Air travels a great distance over water and becomes high in mixing ratio (moisture content). Upward vertical motion within the trough produces condensation and release of large amounts of latent heat. Latent Heat warms the atmosphere which results in stronger pressure gradient force (PGF). 118 The Asian Monsoons Summer (Southwest) Monsoon (Con’t) – Coriolis: As southeasterly winds cross the equator, the coriolis force turns the winds to southwesterly, resulting in the Indian Ocean/Westpac buffer zone. Southwesterlies tend to produce upward vertical motion, resulting in another mechanism for the release of latent heat and stronger PGF. 119 The Asian Monsoons Summer (Southwest) Monsoon (Con’t) – Key Features: TEJ - Tropical Easterly Jet (mentioned previously) Somalian Jet – A low level jet that extends from the east coast of Africa across the North Arabian Sea (NAS) – Core of Jet: between 3000 and 5000 ft (850 mb) – Max winds: 55 kts 120 The Asian Monsoons Southwest Monsoon Key Features (con’t) – Somalian Jet Dynamics: Winds Cross the equator near Africa and turn to southwesterlies Terrain over Eastern Africa creates a barrier and wind speeds increase due to a channeling effect Winds parallel the coast of Somalia while heat lows inland and friction create cross isobaric flow over land This results in low level diffluence and upwelling of cold water off the Somali coast. Cycle then feeds off itself - clear skies bring more heating, stronger diffluence, cooler sea surface temps, and stronger wind speeds. 121 The Asian Monsoons 122 The Asian Monsoons Southwest Monsoon Key Features (con’t) – Monsoon Depressions Bad weather vortices that form in the monsoon trough. Most common in northern Bay of Bengal, occasionally over land or the Arabian Sea. Resemble Tropical Cyclones on satellite images. Seldom become Tropical Cyclones, but they can develop as such Characteristics. – – – – Horizontal diameter: 100 km Can persist a week or more, usually 3 - 4 days. Locally very heavy rain (mainly in southwest quadrant ), winds commonly 40 kts sustained. Can be cold core. 123 The Asian Monsoons Southwest Monsoon Key Features (con’t) – Mid-Tropospheric Disturbances North-South wind shear causes these systems to develop Most common in Northern Arabian Sea. Occur between the low level westerlies and the upper level easterlies (600 mb) Characteristics. – – – Horizontal diameter: 500 km Unlike monsoon depressions, they can persist for many days. Also produce locally very heavy rain 124 The Asian Monsoons Southwest Monsoon Key Features (con’t) – Onset Vortex: Cyclonic Circulation off the southern coast of India (in the NAS) prior to the onset of the SW Monsoon Caused when the southwesterlies are deflected around the Ghats Moutains (Southern India) Characteristics. – – – – Vorticies are small and last 2-3 days Also produce locally very heavy rain (they dumped 10 cm of rain in 24 hours!) Existence is not always noticeable from year to year Rarely, can become tropical cyclones 125 The Asian Monsoons Southwest Monsoon Key Features (con’t) – Breaks in the Monsoon: A decrease in rainfall in central India Caused by an extreme northward shift in the Tropical Easterly Jet and Monsoon trough Causes an increase in rainfall over the foothills of the Himalayas and extreme southerm tip of India 126 The Asian Monsoons Winter (Northeast) Monsoon (Nov.-April) – – Siberian High sets-up, CAA kills Indian Ocean cyclones Crachin" can form in coastal Southern China northern Indochina. Persistent stratus regime. Rain, fog, drizzle, low visibilities. Sets in about January, may last till April. 127 The Asian Monsoons Winter (Northeast - NE) Monsoon (Con’t). – – Mainly southern Asian region During NE monsoons, strong winds flow from the extremely cold continental High centered near Lake Baykal in southern Siberia (near Mongolia) in a series of surges often greater than gale force speeds 128 The Asian Monsoons Winter (Northeast - NE) Monsoon (Con’t). – Onset: Sun position migrates southward (decrease in solar declination), thus decreasing solar insolation (heating) over Asia. This will, in turn, fill the heat lows south of the Tibetan Plateau The Tibetan Plateau cools rapidly, resulting in a temperature/pressure reversal. Polar outbreaks begin to occur north of the Himalayas as the Siberian High continues to intensify. 129 The Asian Monsoons Winter (Northeast - NE) Monsoon (Con’t). – Onset (con’t): Surface winds over Asia become northeasterly. As this takes place, the upper level anticyclone which feeds the Tropical Easterly Jet weakens. This allows the more conventional subtropical westerly jet to become predominant. By the last week in November, the NE monsoon is normally established. This seems to be a fairly firm time, and corresponds to a dramatic decrease in tropical cyclone activity in the South China Sea. 130 The Asian Monsoons Fall/Spring Transition – Spring. Mei-yu (Baiu) front is most active from Japan to Taiwan. Peak formation time for tropical cyclones – Fall. Cold surges start in Southeast Asia Tropical cyclones increase. 131 132 133 134 The African Monsoons West African Monsoons – July: North African summer monsoon, South African winter monsoon. Heat low forms over Sahara. High over southern Africa and South. Atlantic. Pressure gradient sets up strong southerly flow. Circulation shallower than Asian monsoon (onshore flow up to 850 mb). 135 137 1000 mb Winds 138 925 mb Winds 139 850 mb Winds 140 700 mb Winds 141 500 mb Winds 142 400 mb Winds 143 300 mb Winds 144 250 mb Winds 145 200 mb Winds 146 150 mb Winds 147 The African Monsoons West African Monsoons – January: North African winter monsoon, South African summer monsoon Cooling produces high pressure over Sahara. Heat low forms over Kalahari, not as intense or dry as over Sahara. Precipitation – – – Drought over North Africa. Scattered Thunderstorms over southern Africa. Precipitation less organized and persistent than Asian or North Africa monsoon. 148 The Australian Monsoons Summer (Northwest) monsoon – – Low pressure over Australia, high over Asia. Monsoon trough Anchored from low near 13°S, 170°E Extends across northern Australian interior to southern Africa. Monsoon strongest N - NW of Australia due to land/sea temperature contrast and the NW flow from buffer zone. 149 The Australian Monsoons Winter (Southeast) Monsoon – – – Easterlies over most of Southern Hemisphere tropics. Continuous STR northern Australia. STJ strongest (> 100 kts), near 30°S over central Australia. 150 The Central American Monsoons Regional Effects Region normally dominated by NE trade winds. – Channeling causes 3 quasi stationary cyclones on Pacific side of Central America which anchor monsoon trough. – Northern Hemisphere easterlies to north and Southern Hemisphere westerlies to south maintain cyclones. 151 The Central American Monsoons Panama Bay cyclone Strongest – – – anchoring cyclone of the three. Reinforced by warm ocean currents. Southwesterly flow channeled cyclonically by Andes year-round. Persistent feature May through January. 152 The Central American Monsoons Lake Nicaragua cyclone Anchored between Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Weaker than Panama bay cyclone, persists May November. Gulf of Tehuantepec (Guatemalan) cyclone. Weakest of the three. Maximum strength in October Merges with NECZ to west, which is anchored over SST thermal maximum. 153 The Central American Monsoons American Monsoons don't meet Ramage's Criteria because Semi-annually reversing North-South pressure gradients do not form. – Instead, Central America has a "transitional" monsoon. Oscillates north - south semiannually. Location determined by strengths of NE trades and Southern Hemisphere southwesterlies. 154 The Central American Monsoons Monsoon Surges – Often caused by low-latitude (10 - 20°N) tropical cyclones. Acceleration of southwesterlies from south of monsoon trough. NE flow aloft back into Southern Hemisphere. 155 The Central American Monsoons Monsoon Surges (Con’t) Atemporalado Index – “Atemporalado”: term used to describe a winter rain event in Central America due to a vogorous cold front or shear line that crosses far enough south. – Often results in Tehuanapecers. 156 The Central American Monsoons Monsoon Surges (Con’t) Rule of Thumb: Take SLP difference (DP) between Merida Mexico and Houston TX. • • • • If DP < 12 MB, no SURGE If DP 12-14 MB, marginal SURGE If DP 15-19 MB, Nominal SURGE If DP >20 MB, STRONG SURGE 157 Surge 158 Tropical Anomalies El Nino / Southern Oscillation (ENSO) - Warming of equatorial Pacific waters ~ - Occurs at irregular intervals of 2 to 12 years 30 - 50 Day Oscillation - Observed cycles in tropical storm frequency worldwide Quasi-biennial Oscillation (QBO) - Periodic wind direction change in stratosphere - 2 year cycle of increased occurrence of Atlantic Hurricanes 159 160 Tropical Cyclone Weather Precipitation – – Tornadoes – Reaches a maximum over oceans in the right rear quadrant Reaches a maximum after landfall in the right front quadrant Most likely near time of landfall due to strong shearing Storm surge – Storm surge is responsible for most of the deaths along the coast. 161 Severe Weather In The Tropics •Severe Thunderstorms •Non-Convective Winds 162 Thunderstorms More common in tropics than in high latitudes 82 % of thunderstorms are over South America, Africa, and Indonesia 18% of thunderstorms are over water Most are not severe by mid-latitude (midwest) standards 163 Severe Thunderstorms Hail – Tornadoes and waterspouts – Rare in tropics The typical WBZ in tropics above 12,000 ft and is usually over 15,000 ft Most common in the U.S. and Australia. Location – Most severe storms occur when continental polar air penetrates the tropics and squall lines or shear lines develop 164 Severe Thunderstorms 165 Severe Winds Severe Winds (winds greater than 30 kts) – Nonconvective - usually due to orographic channeling Surges through Taiwan Strait (up to 50 kt winds) Shearlines moving through Central America (Northers, Tehuantepecers) 166 Tehuantepecers 167 Tropical Forecasting Short-Range Forecasting. Medium-Range and Long-Range 168 Schools of Thought in Tropical Forecasting Climatological Method. Day-to-day weather varies little from climatology. – The best guide to forecasting is detailed knowledge of climatology. – 169 Short-Range Forecasting Techniques Persistence and Extrapolation. Works 80% - 85% of time (up to 95% in monsoon or wet/dry climate). – Satellite data is great aid in extrapolation. – 170 Medium-Range and Long Range Forecasting Techniques Climatology is best forecast beyond two to three days Numerical Weather Prediction – – Current models barely beat persistence over 24 hours Models work best when weather is linked to mid-latitude systems 171 ? 172