Cuisine of Belarus

Cuisine of Belarus
 Belarusian zakuski
Khaladnik – cold borscht with sour cream,
often accompanied by a hot boiled potato.
The Belarusian
khaladnik (Belarusian:
халаднiк), a cold
borscht made of beets,
beet leaves or sorrel
and served with sour
cream, hard-boiled
eggs, and boiled
potatoes, has been a
popular dish also in
Polish and Lithuanian
cuisines since the late
18th century.
Belarusian cuisine has more than 300
potato dishes!
Most famous Belarusian potato dish known all around the world is
draniki or potato pancakes.
10-12 potatoes;
2-3 eggs;
3-4 tbl spoon of flour;
1 onion;
2-3 tablespoon sour cream;
salt to your taste.
Grate potatoes and onion together, drain out excess potato juice.
Whip eggs and mix everything with flour and sour cream. Put some
oil on a pan and let it get hot. Put a small portion of the draniki
puree on the pan and let it get golden fried from one side. Turn it
over and fry it from the other side. Serve with sourcream or
Meat Dishes
Belarusian Bitki (bitochki)
1 kg ground beef;
200 g onions;
2 eggs;
100 g melted butter;
Finely chop onion and add together
with eggs to the beef, add salt and
mix well. Form bitochki (some form
them as meat balls and others as
cutlets) and fry in the melted butter.
Serve with boiled potatoes and
8-10 potatoes;
2 tablespoons of four;
1 egg;
1 tablespoon butter;
1 onion;
100 g sour cream;
salt, pepper to taste;
frying oil or fat.
Boil potatoes in skin, peel, grate,
add flour, butter, egg, salt and
pepper. Mix well and form balls
each about 20 g. Bake in oven till
they turn golden brown. Chop the
onion and fry it. Put sour cream
and onion over kartoflyaniki and
simmer for 5 minutes. Can be
served with fried mushrooms or
finely chopped onion.
Blini or Pancakes
Belarusians didn’t use yeast in Traditional
Old Belarusian cuisine thus they didn’t
cook pirogi (pies) or blini in those times.
However Belarusians had their own type of
blini called “raschinnie” and made from
oatmeal flour. To cook such blini
Belarusians would mix oatmeal flour with
water and let it get sour.
You can try out the following recipe
variations of that dish.
Oatmeal Blini
180 g Oatmeal flakes;
250 ml milk;
20 g Butter;
3 Eggs;
2 tablespoons of sugar;
Baked Apples filled with honey
powdered sugar
You can also add nuts, forest
berries and cinnamon
Wash the apples and carefully cut
out the cores. Fill in the apple with
honey. You can also add your
favorite type of nuts or berries. Bake
the apples in the oven. Before
serving sprinkle them with some
powdered sugar.
We like to eat different food. We
would prefer to have a big meal
rather than have a snack. If we
have a meal then it is big and tasty.
Having a meal for the Russians is
not only a process of eating and
drinking in order to be full up but it’s
a period of time to relax and get
pleasure from the food and
conversation with friends. We don’t
like to eat fast.
May be a special atmosphere of
having a meal is more important
than the meal itself.
We believe Russian cuisine caters
for any taste because the dishes
are really diverse.
Some special facts about what
the Russians eat and the way we
do it from our point of view.
 BORSCH is made of broth, beets, and tomato juice with various vegetables. Vegetables
include onions, cabbage, tomato, carrots. Broth is usually made from beef and is heated while
ingredients are added. Typically, it is served with white bread and Smetana.
 1 kg of beef
 500 gr of potatoes
 300 gr of cabbage
 400 gr of beet
 200 gr of carrots
 200 gr of onions
 3 tablespoons of tomato juice
 2-3 laurels
 Some parsley, salt, pepper, oil.
 4 liters of water
The time of cooking is about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Put the meat into the boiling water and boil it
for about an hour. Then add sliced potatoes. Let it boil for about 20 minutes. At this time heat
the sliced beet, carrots and onions, the tomato paste in the oil. Then put it into the broth. Slice
the cabbage and put it into the broth too. Add the parsley, laurels, salt, pepper and boil for 5
minutes. Serve hot with cream.
 KOTLETY(cotelettes, meatballs), a Western European dish popular in
modern Russian households, are small pan-fried meat balls, not dissimilar
from Salisbury steak and other such dishes. Made primarily from pork and beef
(sometimes also from chicken or fish), they are easily made and require little
time. Milk, onions, milled beef and pork are put in a bowl and mixed
thoroughly until it becomes relatively consistent. Once this effect is achieved,
balls are formed and then put into a hot frying pan to cook. When meat was in
short supply, a portion of it could be substituted with bread to protect the size
and flavour of the kotlety.
Russian pirozhki made with onion,
mushroom, meat and rice stuffing.
Six typical fillings for traditional
pirozhki are:
Fish sautéed with onions and mixed
with hard-boiled chopped eggs.
Chopped boiled meat mixed with sautéed onions and eggs.
Rice and boiled eggs with dill
Mashed potatoes mixed with dill and green onion.
Sautéed cabbage.
Sautéed mushrooms with onions and sometimes carrots.
Ingredients for dough: 1 tablespoon of yeast, 350 gr of water, 1\2 of teaspoon of
sugar, some flour, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of oil.
Mix everything and put the dough into warmth for 15-20 minutes. Then cut the
dough into not large peaces, put the filling you like, and fry in boiling oil on
a pan.
Kvass is a Russian bread-based drink and an ingredient in many soups.
The basic method of preparing kvass is that out of water, flour, and malt
liquid, a dough is made which is subjected to fermentation. This fermented
"zator" is diluted by water; yeast, sugar, and aromatic additives are mixed in
and then it is brewed. The role of additive can be played by fruit and berry
juices (cherry, raspberry, lemon, etc.), as well as ginger and mint
1 can of green peas (400г)
 300 gr of meat or boiled
 4 eggs
 350 gr of potatoes
 100 gr of salted cucumbers
 1 onion
 some salt
 some mayonnaise
The meat or sausage, eggs, potatoes, cucumbers and the onion cut into
small peaces. Mix everything, add the green peas, the salt and
mayonnaise. Put into cold for about an hour. It is ready!
 500 ml of milk
 2 eggs
 2 tablespoons of oil
 1 tablespoon of sugar
 200 gr of flour
 1 teaspoon of soda
 Some salt
Mix everything so that the dough is fluid. Let it stay for about 20 minutes.
Then pour some of the dough on the frying pan with bit of oil and fry
them until they are brown.
Cameroon is a country which is very rich in culture and food. There are very many
tribes and almost all these tribes have their traditional dishes. We cannot write about
all of them. We have taken some from the English speaking Regions and some from
the French speaking Regions. Cameroon is a bilingual country. These dishes are very
popular and a party or reception cannot be complete without them. To cook most of
our traditional dishes, we use palm oil and pepper. Some people cannot eat food that
has no pepper. We eat most of our traditional meals with our fingers not spoons.
A traditional dish from Manyu
Division in the South West Region.
A traditional dish of the Duala tribe
in the Littoral Region.
 Ingredients
sliced eru ( vegetable ), water leaf, smoked fish
(strong canda ), meat, crayfish, ‘canda’ ( cow skin
), pepper, salt, palm oil, maggi.
bitter leaf ( vegetable- washed and boiled with
‘canwa’ (limestone ), peeled groundnut paste,
meat, smoked fish, fresh crayfish ( optional ),
pepper, garlic, salt, maggi, onions, groundnut oil.
 Boil the meat, smoked fish, canda, with pepper,
salt and maggi. When the meat is ready and the
water reduced, add the water leaf, eru and palm
oil in that order. Stir so that it mixes well. Leave on
the fire again for about 15 minutes then you put
off the fire. Serve with water fufu or garri.
 Boil the meat, smoked fish, garlic, pepper, salt
and maggi. After that you add the groundnut
paste. Boil until the groundnut paste is well
cooked. Add the quantity of bitter leaf which is
equal to the groundnut paste. Continue boiling
for about 15 minutes. Heat the groundnut oil in a
frying pan and fry the onions in it. When the
flavor comes out, pour it in the pot of ndole. your
ndole is ready. Serve with miondo, bobolo,
plantains or rice.
This is a delicacy that cuts across all the Regions in Cameroon. Most people eat it at night. We have mini restaurants that
specialize only in preparing this. We also have women who roast fish along the streets at night. Adults go to such places to
entertain friends. Some people buy and take to their homes to eat. In Limbe, there’s a big place along the shores of the sea
where women roast fresh fish coming directly from the sea. “ Burning fish and pepper. “
( TARO )
This dish is from the North West and West Achu is from the North West and West
Regions of Cameroon.
Regions NKUI.
This dish is from the North West and West
You have the achu soup and the fufu made of
Regions of Cameroon. Some tribes in the North
pounded cocoyam. In the soup you can find meat,
West serve it with chicken cooked in palm oil. It is
cow skin (canda ) and smoked fish. The fufu is soft
called ‘kaati kaati’
and wrapped in plantain leaves to keep it warm.
You use your forefinger to eat achu.
Nkui is from the West Region of
Cameroon. It is prepared on very
special events like marriage and when
a woman gives birth. It is believed that
nkui washes the womb of the woman.
Like okra soup, nkui has a slimy
This dish is from the North Region of
Cameroon. It is eaten with the fingers.
The Komi have access to a variety of meat from the domesticated animals
they raised, with reindeer being the most commonly eaten by the KomiIzhma in the north. They also eat fish, game and migratory water fowl.
Gathering is also an important part of the Komi economy. Every family
would gather berries such as mountain cranberry, bilberry, cloudberry,
rowan-berry and wild strawberry. These would be either eaten fresh or
preserved for winter as jams etc. In the Pechora area families also gathered
cedar (Siberian pine) nuts.
We thank all the