Unit 10: Sheep Feeding

Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Chapter 10
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Unit 10 Objectives:
Outline life-cycle feeding programs for sheep
Knowledge of nutrient needs and additive
Understand nutrient related diseases and
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Largest single cost of production in all
types of sheep operations
 Must support optimum production,
promote efficiency, be economical to feed,
minimize metabolic problems
 Breeding Flock
Ewes are most important to sheep operations
Produce wool
Raise lambs
Both greatly influenced by nutrition
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Genetics are important, but the feeding
program is crucial
Sheep producers can realize more income over
investment than all other meat animal
Recommended flock size is 100 or more ewes,
minimum of 35 (1 ram)
Choosing a Lambing System
Early Lambing (Jan-Feb)
 Lamb prices are highest in May & June when most early
lambs can be marketed
 More labor available to tend to the flock
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
 Parasite problems are less and less severe
 Stocking rate can be higher
 Don’t need expensive facilities
Late Lambing (Mar-Apr)
 Roughages can provide most of feed for ewes and
 Lambing facilities don’t need to be as good for early
 Less care and management needed before and during
breeding season for good conception
 Lambs can be marketed w/out feeding much
 Lamb prices are substantially lower in fall & early
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
 High quality pastures are a must
 Parasite control is critical, risk for infestation is high
Feed Requirements
1 ewe and her lambs
 4 bu grain & 800 lbs of hay/yr
 5-6 mos good pasture grazing, 2 mos winter pasture
(or 800 lb more hay)
Poor quality hay = more grain supplementation
Feeding for Maintenance
Mature ewes (3-8 yrs)
 Feed enough to maintain physiological function from
weaning until 15 wks gestation
 Prevent weight loss in previous lactation
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
 Pasture is adequate for maintaining ewes, if good
quality is available
Feeding & Care at Breeding Time
Remove ewes from pasture ~2 wks before breeding
 Some research indicates hormone interferences with
reproductive success while on legume pastures
Begin to condition the ewes in order to bring them
into breeding about the same time and shorten
lambing window
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Feeding after Breeding
Gestation = 147-150d
First 3.5 mos
 Maintain body condition with good pasture and/or hay
Last 1.5 mos
 Poor care at this point can result in:
 Lambing paralysis or pregnancy disease
 Weak lambs
 Drop in milk production
 Low wool clip
 Light wool clip
 Energy requirements are increasing during this period
 Protein, min/vit as well
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Rations may vary due to time of lambing
Pasture Ewe Nutrition
Present and previous stocking rate of pasture greatly
affects nutritional content
 Overgrazed pastures are unproductive and unpalatable
Pasture forages
 Grass plants
 Utilize a mixture of cool/warm season grasses
 Legumes
 Can provide higher protein source than mature
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Pasture supplementation
 Depends on condition of the pasture
 May have to supplement:
 Energy, CP, P, Vit A, water
 Use care to not increase cost too much
Pregnancy Disease
Lambing Paralysis or Ketosis
Caused by lack of usable CHO’s
Usually affects older ewes (especially those carrying
Most cases occur with ewes in poor condition
Acetone smell on the breath, lagging behind flock,
staggering, paralysis
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
 Increase energy content prior to lambing
 Maintain proper body condition
 Administer molasses, propylene glycol, or dextrose
 If exhibited by a group of ewes, add ¼ to ½ lb of
molasses to diet
Feeding the Lactating Ewe
Nutritional requirements are 2-3x greater than
Ewes w/ twin lambs produce 20-40% more milk than
singles, nutritional requirements adjust accordingly
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Milk production peaks ~2-3 wks after lambing and
lasts until ~8th wk
Milk production of 3-6+ lbs daily
Milk provides primary source of nutrition for lambs
for 1st mo or 2
Don’t force the ewe to eat right away after lambing
 Provide lots of clean/fresh water
 Little bit of feed
 Increase slowly about day 3
Splitting the amount fed/feeding decreases acidosis
 Nursing 1 lamb = feed 1x/d
 Nursing 2 lambs = feed 2x/d etc.
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Ensure proper mineral supplementation
Feeding Lambs
New life
Must nurse w/in first hr
Most do w/in 30 min
Ensure proper antibody transfer to ewe to lamb
Consume at least 6-8 oz of colostrum
Bottle feed, if necessary
Largest portion of lamb loss due to starvation in 1st wk
 Orphan lambs, milk production problems, etc.
 Triplets, and weak lambs
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Using milk replacer
 Should switch quickly after birth
 House in clean/dry area w/ other lambs
 Goal is ½ to 1 lb milk replacer consumption/d
 2 feedings
 Wean ~3wks to reduce feeding cost and increase rate
of gain in the lamb
Access to dry feed & water
Feeding Market Lambs
Early lambs
 Healthy lambs will begin eating dry feed at 10d of age
 Creep feeding is recommended to increase weaning wts
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
 25lb wt at 25-30 d artificially reared
 18-19% CP diet fully fortified until 50lb BW
 Lambs normally reared – no weaning necessary
as ewe takes care of it ~40lbs
 Reduce stress
 Maximizing gain & conversions
 10-16% CP diets
 Should gain rapidly & efficiently until 75100lbs (especially crossbred lambs)
 After 100lbs BW, reduce to 13-14% CP diet to
save cost
 Some producers will feed the same feed from
creep until ~100lbs BW
 Simplifies feeding
 ~15% CP diets
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
 For grow/finish lambs: shelled corn, hay, and
 BMP’s
 Start lambs on complete pellet to ensure
 Vaccinate for enterotoxemia 2x
 Make gradual ration changes (7-10d)
 Feed 2x/d at regular times
 Feed high quality hay
 >12” bunk space/lamb
 Free choice salt, plenty of water
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Feeding methods
 Self-feeding
 Saves labor
 Increases the grain feeding amount
 Hand-feeding
 Feed 2x/d
 Easily identify lambs not eating/sick
 Most used method when feeding silage
 Pasture
 Several options – can use early, then finish
lambs on grain; pasture until finished
 Takes longer to finish lambs on 100% pasture
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Reduces cost/lb gain
 Keep rations vit fortified to reduce diseases,
improve immune response
 Late
 Good pasture is key
 Top lambs can be marketed right off pasture
 remaining lambs can be fed
Enterotoxemia in Nursing Lambs
 Overeating
 Usually affects the largest, fastest gaining
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Clostridium perfringens bacteria
Treat w/ antitoxin
 Effective for 2-3 wks
 Vaccination
effective for 5-6 mos
 Some vaccinate ewes 1 mo before lambing
 Vaccinate early weaning lambs 2x prior to
 Vaccinate older lambs when moving
Feeding Replacement Ewe Lambs
 Breeding
ewes as lambs to lamb at 1 yr of
age (7-8 mos old)
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
 Gets ewes in production sooner
 Shortens generation interval, increases genetic
 Increases lifetime production
 Identifies most productive ewes
 Keep replacement lambs off possible finished-type diets
Control diet to minimize over conditioning
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Can be fed up to 1.5% of diet
Don’t use in creep rations, range rations, lamb
rations w/ low energy
Grow/finish only
Mix carefully
Additives & implants
Chlorotet/Oxytet in creep rations for nursing lambs &
finishing rations improves gain & efficiency
 Best response under stress conditions
 Be aware of feeding rates
Unit 10: Sheep Feeding
Bovatec for Coccidiosis control
 Results inconsistent
 3-5% improvement in gains in nursing & feeder lambs
Ammonium sulfate or chloride
 .5% inclusion minimizes urinary calculi