Unit B - PennDOT Driver and Vehicle Services

School Bus Driver Training
Unit F
Safe Driving
 At the end of this session school bus operators will be
able to:
 Describe the basic elements of safe driving, including
primary causes of crashes and methods to reduce those
crash risks
 Articulate an awareness of limitations of the bus and of
the driver
 Develop an ability to recognize potential dangers
associated with driver, vehicle, natural, and man-made
 Know the steps necessary to successfully negotiate
hazardous situations
Why Road Safety is Important
In the United States each year:
 Over 6 million reportable crashes
 Over 2.5 million people injured
 Over 40,000 people killed
 Rate ~= 1.5/100MVM
 Crashes cost $230.6 billion
Putting this into Perspective
 Crashes are the leading cause of death for people
between the ages of 3 and 33
 An average of 117 persons die each day in motor vehicle
crashes – one every 12 minutes
 Daily financial loss is $630 million per day
Putting this into Perspective
 One road departure fatality occurs every 21 minutes
 One intersection fatality occurs every hour
 One pedestrian fatality occurs about every two
High Cost of Crashes
Crash Severity of
Property damage only
Serious injury
Fatality accident
Average cost per
The Good News?
 School bus transportation is safe!
 Safest mode of ground transportation
 In Pennsylvania, 5,839 total crashes over 10 years
 Less than ½% of the total crashes in PA!
 In only 36% of those crashes the school bus was
considered the prime unit or about 1/10 of 1 percent
Crash Causes
 Human factors
 Vehicle factors
 Roadway environment
Crash Causes
57 %
Crash Causes
Driver behavior
 Speeding
 Failure to use safety belts
 Aggressive driving
Crash Causes
Roadway Environment
 Roadway design
 Roadside hazards
 Roadway conditions
Crash Causes
Vehicle Factors
 Failures in vehicle or its
 Poor or neglected
Pennsylvania School Bus Crashes
 Most people involved in school bus crashes, whether
occupants of the buses or of other vehicles involved,
were uninjured.
 Among persons injured in these crashes, most injuries
were suffered by occupants of other vehicles, not by
occupants of the school buses or school vehicles.
Pennsylvania School Bus Crashes
 Top five driver actions implicated when school bus was
the prime unit (main contributor)
 Failure to Stop (21.3%)
 Other Improper Driving (20.2%)
 Improper Turn (16.%7)
 Speeding (9.5%)
 Tailgating (8.6%)
 NOTE: Backing (5.4%)
 Most crashes occur in urban areas (74.7%)
Rear-end Collisions
Crash Factors
1. Driver Action: Tailgating
2. Driver Gender
3. Number of Improper Driving Violations
Crash Factors
Odds of
Tailgating ::
61 ::
Males ::
1.5 ::
1 or More Violations ::
1.5 ::
Not Tailgating
No Violations
Drivers in rear-end collisions are very likely to be noted as tailgating. They are
somewhat more likely to be males then females, and to have one or more improper
driving violations on record.
Head-on Collisions
Crash Factors
1. Driver Action: Wrong Side of Road
2. Road Surface Condition:
Crash Factors
Odds of Crashing
Wrong Side :: Not Wrong Side
22 :: 1
Dry Road :: Not
2 :: 1
Drivers in head-on collisions are very likely to be noted as driving on the wrong
side of the road. The road surface is more likely to be dry than wet or snow/ice
Backing Collisions
Crash Factors
1. Driver Action: Careless Backing
2. Weather Condition: Clear
Crash Factors
Odds of Crashing
Careless Backing :: Not Careless Backing
610 :: 1
Clear Weather :: Inclement Weather
4 :: 1
Drivers in backing collisions are very likely to be noted for careless backing.
The weather is more likely to be clear than inclement.
Angle Collisions
Crash Factors
1. Driver Action: Fail to Stop
2. Illumination: Dark
3. Any Adverse Environmental
4. Number of Fail to Stop Violations
Crash Factors
Odds of Crashing
Fail to Stop :: Not Fail to Stop
33 :: 1
Dark :: Not Dark
3 :: 1
No Adverse Conditions :: Adverse Conditions
2 :: 1
1 or More Violations :: No Violations
1.25 :: 1
Drivers in angle collisions are very likely to be noted for failing to stop. These
collisions are more likely to occur at night with no adverse conditions (no wind,
rain, deer on road, etc.). These drivers may have previous fail to stop violations
Sideswipe Same Direction Collisions
Crash Factors
1. Driver Action: Careless Passing or Lane
2. Number of Speeding Violations
Crash Factors
Odds of Crashing
Careless Passing :: Not Careless Passing
157 :: 1
No Violations :: 1 or More Violations
1.75 :: 1
Drivers in sideswipe same direction collisions are very likely to be noted for
careless passing or lane change. They may have previous speeding violations
on record.
Sideswipe Opposite Direction Collisions
Crash Factors
1. Driver Action: Wrong Side of Road
2. Any Adverse Environmental Conditions
3. Number of DUI Violations
Crash Factors
Odds of Crashing
Wrong Side :: Not Wrong Side
8 :: 1
Adverse Conditions :: No Adverse Conditions
3 :: 1
1 or More Violations :: No Violations
2 :: 1
Drivers in sideswipe opposite direction collisions are likely to be noted as driving
on the wrong side of the road. Adverse environmental conditions (e.g., wind, rain,
deer on road) are likely. These drivers may have previous DUI violations on
Hit Fixed Object Collisions
Crash Factors
1. Driver Action: Speeding/Too Fast for
2. Driver Gender
3. Road Surface Condition:
4. Weather Condition: Clear
Crash Factors
Odds of Crashing
Speeding :: Not Speeding
4 :: 1
Females :: Males
2 :: 1
Dry Road :: Not
1.75 :: 1
Clear Weather :: Inclement Weather
1.25 :: 1
Interpretation: Drivers in hit fixed object collisions are likely to be noted as
speeding/too fast for conditions. These drivers are more likely to be female than
male. These collisions are more likely to occur on dry roads in clear weather.
Hit Pedestrian Collisions
Crash Factors
Crash Factors
Odds of Crashing
1. Driver Action: Other Improper Other Improper Driving
Not Other Improper Driving
Drivers in hit pedestrian collisions are likely to be noted as other improper
 This Unit will examine things YOU can do to help
reduce the collisions just discussed.
The Driving Task
Three phases:
1) Information
2) Decision
3) Action
The Driving Task
Three phases apply to all
 Loading students
 Unloading students
 Using radio
 Braking
 Steering
 Shifting
As drivers, we all
have to make
when we drive
How many triangles?
Information - Sight
Information: Touch and Hearing
Right or Left?
Decision Example 1
Decision Example 2
Preventing Decision Errors
 Pay attention
 Spread decision points
 Adequate sight distance
 Advance warning or information
Vehicles Influence Action
 How many?
 How fast?
 What kind?
Roads Influence Action
 Traffic control
 Surface
 Geometry
Road Users Influence Action
Your JOB Influences Action
Unique nature of work
Student passengers
 If it all starts with Information, where do we get
information when we drive?
Traffic Control Devices (TCDs)
Driver Conditions: Knowledge
 Why are traffic control devices important to the
driving task?
 Regulations
 Principles
 Signs
 Pavement markings
 Traffic signals
What is a Traffic Control Device?
 Sign
 Signal
 Pavement Marking
 Other (miscellaneous)
Why are TCDs
Important to School Bus Drivers?
 Information phase
Traffic Control Device Principles
 Fulfill a need
 Command attention
 Command respect
 Have a simple, clear meaning
 Allow adequate time for response
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (MUTCD)
 National standard for all
traffic control devices on
public roads
Traffic Signs
 Functional class
 Regulatory
 Warning
 Guide
Regulatory Signs
 Used to control actions of road users
 Require law, ordinance, or regulation
 Authority varies with agency
Stop Signs
 Octagonal in shape
 Red and white in color
 What do you do with pedestrians?
 What about student loading & unloading?
 What do you do with cross traffic?
 Where do you stop? What if there is a crosswalk?
 Rolling stops
Multiway Stops
 Stop signs at each approach
 What do you do if you arrive first?
 What happens if two vehicles reach the intersection at
the same time?
Yield Signs
 Triangular (3-sided) in shape
 Who has right-of-way?
 When do you proceed?
 Is this the same as merge?
Turn Restrictions
 Symbol signs
 Prohibit unsafe movements
Speed Limits
 Maximum legal speed
 Reasonable and prudent driver
Warning Signs
 Warn of conditions
on or near road
 Posted in advance of condition
 Overuse reduces effectiveness
What do These Signs Mean?
A curve where there is a potential for a
vehicle roll over
Curve to the right with a recommended
Lane Ends
Cross Road
Slippery When Wet
Narrow Bridge
School Advanced
Object Markers
 Objects adjacent to the roadway
 Bridge piers, abutments, culvert headwalls
Work Zone Signs
 Orange and black
 Diagonal shape
 Maintenance, construction, or utility work
 Stay alert
 Exercise extra caution
 Slow down
Work Zone Signs
Indicates work is in progress on the roadway
Indicates which lane is closed
Indicates traffic flow is controlled by a person
Work Zones
Guide Signs
 Provide navigational
 Guide and inform
 Minimize confusion
Pavement Markings
 Convey warnings or information without diverting
attention from road
 Convey certain regulation and warning such as no
parking or pedestrian walkways
 Used alone, produce results other devices can’t such as
passing zones or through intersections
Pavement Markings
 Longitudinal pavement markings
Yellow: delineate traffic flow in opposite direction
White: delineate traffic flow in same direction
delineate roadways that shall not be
delineate parking spaces for people with
 Transverse markings are usually white
Pavement Markings
What does a single broken centerline mean?
Pavement Markings
What does a double solid yellow centerline mean?
Pavement Markings
What does a combination solid yellow and broken yellow
centerline mean?
Pavement Markings
What does this pattern mean?
Pavement Markings
What do these pavement markings communicate?
Pavement Markings
What do these pavement markings communicate?
Edge Lines
Generally used with center lines
Road shifts or narrows
Guide past obstacles
Mark paved shoulders
 Use these for guidance in poor weather conditions!
Transverse Lines
 Stop lines
 Railroad clearance lines
 Crosswalks
Traffic Signals
 Power operated device by which motorists are warned
or directed to take a specific action
 Help assign right-of-way
 Help control intersection traffic flow
Signal Terminology
Signal Face
 Contains 3, 4, or 5 sections
Signal Section
 Each light is a section
 Must be red, green, or yellow
 Modern sections are 12”
Signal Terminology
Interval - Period of time that one color illuminates
on the signal face
Red Interval
Green Interval
Yellow Interval
Traffic Signals
 What do you do?
 Right turn?
 One way street?
 Pedestrians?
Red Interval
Traffic Signals
 What do you do?
Yellow Interval
Traffic Signals
 What do you do?
 Pedestrians?
Green Interval
Traffic Signals
Flashing red and flashing yellow
 What do you do?
Driver Conditions: Expectancy
 What drivers expect
of the road
 Surprise is bad!
Expectancy Example 1
Expectancy Example 1 (cont.)
Expectancy Example 1 (cont.)
Driver Conditions
 So far, we’ve discussed KNOWLEDGE and
 What other driver condition is critical to safely
operating a bus?
Driver Health
 Annual physical exam
 Occasional illness
 Alcohol and drugs
 Pennsylvania has zero tolerance for drug and alcohol
use by school bus and school vehicle drivers. Refer to
Sections 1612, 1606 and 3802 of Title 75.
Alcohol and Driving
Alcohol enhances your ability to Alcohol is a drug that will make you
less alert and reduce your ability to
drive safely.
Some people can drink a lot and Everyone who drinks is affected by
not be affected by it.
If you eat a lot first, you won’t get
Coffee and a little fresh air will help
a drinker sober up.
Food will not keep you from getting
Only time will help a drinker sober
up; other methods just don’t work.
Stick with beer – it’s not as strong A few beers are the same as a few
as wine or whiskey.
shots of whiskey or a few glasses
of wine.
What is a Drink?
All of the following drinks contain the same amount of
 12 oz glass of 5% beer
 5 oz glass of 12% wine
 1 ½ oz shot of 80 proof liquor
How does Alcohol Affect Driving?
Slower reactions to hazards
Driving too fast or too slow
Driving in the wrong lane
Running over the curb
Straddling lanes
Quick, jerky starts
Not signaling, failure to use lights
Running stop signs and red lights
Improper passing
Drugs and Driving
 Illegal drugs are always unlawful to possess and use
 Prescription medicine
 Can affect eyesight, hearing, judgment
 Read the labels
 Talk to you doctor or pharmacist
 Work with your supervisor
Driver Conditions
 So far, we’ve discussed KNOWLEDGE, EXPECTENCY,
 What other driver conditions are critical to safely
operating a bus?
Concentration and Attitude
 DEFEND yourself
 ACT to prevent
Concentration and Attitude
 Be alert and attentive
 Be positive
 Focus on your work
 Be careful of being an aggressive driver
 Do you speed excessively?
 Do you tailgate slower vehicles?
 Do you race to beat red lights or run stop signs?
 Do you weave in and out of traffic?
 Do you pass illegally on the right?
 Do you fail to yield the right of way to oncoming vehicles?
Mitigate Aggressive Driving
 Plan ahead
 Concentrate
 Relax
 Drive to posted speed limit
 Be late rather than unsafe
 Set an example for younger passengers
Attention and Monitoring
 Challenge for school bus operators:
 Students
 Road
 Traffic
 Your bus
 Determine what you need to observe
 Prioritize your monitoring and attention
 Balance between many items
 Safety first
 E.g., Pre-trip, monitor gauges; When loading students,
concentrate on them!
Attention and Monitoring
Attention and Monitoring
 There is a LOT to monitor as a school bus operator
 Highest rate of injury in PA school bus crashes
involved speeding and distracted, or speeding and
 Crash data also showed some crashes are more likely to
occur with no adverse weather conditions.
Don’t get complacent!
Pay attention and monitor your behavior!
Driver Fatigue
 Who has driven their own vehicle while tired?
 What behavior did you notice?
 How were your actions different when you were
fatigued compared to when you were alert and well
Warning Signs of Driver Fatigue
Your eyes feel heavy
You blink and yawn frequently
You become less attentive to the road
Your head feels heavy and you have trouble keeping your
head up
You can't remember the last few miles driven
You drift from your lane or hit a rumble strip
You experience wandering thoughts
Difficulty focusing or keeping eyes open
You have to jerk your vehicle back into the lane.
You tailgate or miss traffic signs
Avoid the Consequences
of Driver Fatigue
 Get a good night's sleep
 Be alert and recognize early warning signs of fatigue
 Avoid alcohol and medications (over-the-counter and
prescribed) that may impair performance
 Don't rely on your students, the radio or opening a
window to keep you awake
 Eat sensibly and avoid heavy meals
 Remember not to use any drug that hides fatigue - the
only cure for fatigue is rest
Cell Phones and
Texting While Driving
Cell Phone /Other Related Tasks
Risk of Crash or Near Crash event
Light Vehicle/Cars
Dialing Cell Phone
2.8 times as high as non-distracted driving
Talking/Listening to Cell Phone
1.3 times as high as non-distracted driving
Reaching for object
(i.e. electronic device and other)
1.4 times as high as non-distracted driving
Heavy Vehicles/Trucks
Dialing Cell phone
5.9 times as high as non-distracted driving
Talking/Listening to Cell Phone
1.0 times as high as non-distracted driving
Use/Reach for electronic device
6.7 times as high as non-distracted driving
Text messaging
23.2 times as high as non-distracted driving
Cell Phones and
Texting While Driving
 Safest course of action is to refrain from using a cell
 Only use your cell phone in emergency situations
Driver Conditions Summary –
We examined:
 Knowledge
 Expectancy
 Health
 Concentration and attitude
 Attention and monitoring
 Driver fatigue
 Cell phones and texting
Driver Conditions Summary –
We learned:
Observe traffic defensively
Visualize the route and what you are going to do
Keep extra space between you and the vehicle ahead of you
Have a systematic pattern of mirror checks
Maintain a safety circle around the bus
Remind yourself of the responsibility you have transporting
 Do not talk/text on your cell phone while driving
 Count the students as they get off the bus and watch where
they all go
 Drive mindfully, not mindlessly
Vehicle Conditions
 Discussed in detail in Unit E
 Pre-trip conditions
 Is the school bus you are assigned to drive in safe
operating condition?
 Will it respond instantly and effectively to all controls?
 Have you checked it over?
 Did you report deficiencies to your supervisor and have
they been corrected?
Vehicle Conditions
 Discussed in detail in Unit E
 Operating (on-the-road) conditions
 Sight: constantly check all gauges for proper readings,
check lights, and watch for smoke or fire
 Smell: constantly check for telltale odors of smoke,
exhaust fumes, gasoline, oil, and burning rubber
 Sound: listen for unusual noises such as engine
knocking or clashing gears
 Touch: often you will feel the first sign of trouble. Be
alert for loss of steering, brakes, transmission, power, or
other vehicular functions
Environmental and Roadway
 Scanning ahead
 Driving on slippery surfaces
 Reduced visibility
 Equipment adjustments
 Heavy wind
 Highway hazards
 Pedestrian hazards
 Other vehicle hazards
Scanning Ahead
 Have a clean windshield and properly adjusted
 Develop the habit of scanning 360 degrees around the
bus: front, sides, and rear.
 Don’t stare too long at a particular object, as you will
be less aware of clues from your larger field of indirect
 Focus farther ahead as your speed increases and slow
down if your view becomes limited by hills or curves.
Habits for Improving
Scanning and Perception
 Use Efficient Eye
 Use Systematic Search
 Search for Conflict
Know What to Look For
Projected Path of Travel
Eye Habits for Bus Control
• Picture Path of Travel
• Look Down Middle
• Look Far Ahead
Search The Scene Ahead
Search 12-15 seconds ahead
Search from side to side
Search the Road Surface
 To detect changes in direction
 To assess speed of other cars
 To check for pedestrians between parked cars
Detect and ANTICIPATE Changes
Highway conditions
Other traffic
Sight distance
Roadway surface
Oil, water, ice
Search Mirrors and Dash
Check inside and outside mirrors
Check every 5-8 seconds
• Check dash regularly
Look for Clues
• Mailboxes, utility lines, houses, cloud of dust
Driving on Slippery Surfaces: Crashes
 Drivers were more likely to be noted for driving too
fast for conditions in rain-fog and especially in snowsleet conditions than in clear weather conditions
 Drivers were more likely to be noted as driving on the
wrong side of the road under snow-sleet conditions,
perhaps indicating loss of control of the vehicle on
slick roads and/or difficulty in seeing the center
Driving on Slippery Surfaces: Crashes
 Although 75% of prime school bus crashes overall
occurred in urban areas, snow-sleet crashes were more
likely to occur in rural than urban areas, perhaps due
to lower levels of winter services on rural routes.
 If your drivers operate buses in rural areas, be
particularly careful in adverse weather
Driving on Slippery Surfaces: Crashes
 Snow-sleet crashes were likely to involve single-vehicle
hit fixed object crashes.
 This suggests school bus operators are not
adjusting their speeds based on weather
 Head-on collisions were twice as likely to occur on dry
roads as on other road surface conditions.
 It appears that some drivers attempt risky
maneuvers on dry roads that they perhaps avoid
in less favorable conditions.
Driving on Slippery Surfaces:
Driving Recommendations
Start on time, but adjust to conditions
Safety first, schedule second
Use windshield wipers in inclement weather
Use of headlights is mandatory
Check brakes immediately after driving through deep
puddles or standing water.
 If they fail to work properly, pump the brakes to help dry
them while the vehicle is moving.
 For air brakes, cautiously apply steady pressure.
 Set a regular speed, and drive slower than posted speed
Driving on Slippery Surfaces:
Driving Recommendations
 Start the bus in the lowest appropriate gear for better
traction if ice or wet snow is on the driving surface
To avoid getting stuck or spinning the wheels, try to
keep the bus moving slowly and steadily forward in
When approaching intersections and when stopping,
pump the brakes once or twice so that the wheels won’t
lock on the ice. With air brakes, use gentle but steady
Make turns smoothly; avoid applying the brake
Avoid skidding
Driving on Slippery Surfaces:
Driving Recommendations
 Plan ahead for expected hazardous areas of the route
 Bridges,
 Stretches of road that have been slippery in the past
 Uphill stops
 Intersections
 Maintain a greater than normal safe following distance
from other vehicles
 When pulling onto the highway, allow for longer
acceleration time required for school buses
Reduced Visibility: Weather
 Follow local pre-trip inspection guidelines
 Keep the windshield clear
 Stop the bus and remove snow or ice build-up
 Don’t hesitate to leave the roadway at a safe spot to sit
out a heavy shower, snow squall, or thick fog
 Always remember to keep in contact with your
Reduced Visibility: Bright Sunlight
 Carry sunglasses and use them when necessary
 Adjust visors to block out direct sun
 Avoid looking directly at the sun, bright reflections, or
glare; they can affect your vision for several seconds
 Clean the windshield inside/outside
Reduced Visibility: Night Driving
 ~6% of crashes involving a school bus occurred at
 Fatalities were more likely to occur in dark than
daylight or dawn-dusk conditions
 Improper highway entrance/exit was least likely to be
noted in daylight conditions and most likely to be
noted in dark conditions
 This might suggest that drivers may have
difficulty pulling onto roadways in dark
Reduced Visibility: Night Driving
 Failure to stop was less likely to be noted in dark
conditions than in dawn-dusk or daylight conditions,
perhaps because drivers are more cautious when
visibility is poor.
 Improper turning was more likely to be noted in dark
conditions than in daylight or dawn-dusk conditions.
Reduced Visibility: Night Driving
Change other driving techniques
Increase your following distance
Exercise extra caution
Don’t look directly at oncoming lights
Don’t look off into the darkness
Use pavement markings and delineators as guidance
 Note that your eyes need to adjust to night lighting
and driving in dark conditions.
Equipment Adjustments
 Keep headlights and windshield clean
 Always use low beams on sharp curves and when
traffic is approaching
 Keep headlights on low beam in cities or towns and in
fog or haze
 Keep your instrument panel lights dim
 If oncoming drivers fail to dim their lights, don’t blind
them with your high beams
 Don’t tailgate
Equipment Adjustments
 Dual purpose: see and be seen
 Required use by law:
a) Insufficient light or on overcast days
b) Between sunset and sunrise
c) Inclement weather
d) Certain work zones
 Low beams:
 use during fog, snow, and rain; or
 within 500’ of oncoming traffic; or
 within 300’ of vehicle you are following
High beaming is
not a punishment
Heavy Wind
 Because of height of bus
 Can act like a sail
 Know your routes
 Use extreme caution when passing other vehicles,
especially large trucks
Highway Hazards
 Geometry
 Curves
 Hills
 Dips
 Lane width
 Shoulders
Intersections: Crashes
 60% of crashes involving school buses occur at
 Drivers who crashed at T or Y intersections had fewer
total training hours than drivers who crashed at midblock or 4-way intersection locations
 This suggests that navigating through
intersections can be tricky and more experienced
drivers have learned strategies to help
Intersections: Crashes
 Adverse environmental conditions were more likely to
be noted at mid-block locations than intersections
 Intersection crashes were more likely to be in urban
areas, perhaps due to greater exposure at high traffic
 A greater number of injuries were sustained in midblock than intersection crashes perhaps because of the
speeds involved
 A greater number of vehicles were involved in 4-way
intersection than T or Y intersection or mid-block
Intersections: Crashes
 Angle collisions
 Failure to stop
 More likely in darkness
 It appears that some bus drivers have a tendency to roll
past stop signs when the way appears to be clear, fail to
see an oncoming vehicle under low light conditions, and
collide with the oncoming vehicle
 Rear end collisions also more common
 Tailgating
 More likely if you have a previous violation
 Be particularly vigilant
Intersections: Right-of-Way
 This concept legally establishes who has the right to
use the conflicting part of the road and who has to
wait until the other does so.
 Right-of-way laws are designed to prevent collisions by
prescribing which vehicle must move last.
 Note that the law only names the vehicle that must
yield right of way; it never states that any vehicle
expressly has the right to proceed.
 Intersections:
 Controlled
 Uncontrolled
Yield Control
 Approach with caution
 Reasonable speed for geometry and traffic conditions
 Yield, NOT merge!
Stop Control
 Stop at stop line
 Stop 4’ in advance of crosswalk
 Stop at nearest point where driver has best view of
approaching traffic
 Best line of sight
 Look in all directions at least twice
 Remember the acceleration capabilities of your bus
 Don’t take chances!
Signal Control
 Red signal: STOP
 Use right turn on red with extreme caution
 Follow local procedures and policies
 Yellow signal: Prepare for stop…do not accelerate
 Green signal: Check before proceeding for pedestrians and
other traffic
 Be careful when making the left turn; yield to oncoming
 Flashing yellow: Slowly proceed with caution
 Flashing red: Stop completely, check, proceed with caution.
 Counterclockwise
 Yield before entering
 Circulate until desired
exit is reached
 Pedestrians are not
allowed; they cross at
Pedestrian Crossing
Splitter Island
Bicycle Treatment
Center Island
Yield Line
Why Do They Work?
 Drivers don’t need to stop unnecessarily
 Average speed is very low (15 - 20 mph)
 Left turn volume does not greatly impact operation
 All traffic movement given equal priority
 Traffic queues move continuously
Large Vehicles (Buses) on
Truck Apron
Last Notes on Intersections
 Uniformed Police Officer
 Always has authority over signs and signals
 Private roads
 When leaving a driveway, always yield right-of way
 Rule of thumb: School bus never have right of way – be
 Whenever possible don’t back out of a driveway
 Crossing main (divided) highways
 Check and recheck
 Use extreme caution
 NEVER take a risk
Roadside Hazards
 Key is to stay on the road!
 Be careful of surfaces that are:
 Loose
 Rough
 Slippery
 Slow down!
 Crash data indicates:
 Bus drivers may be too overconfident in good and bad
weather, leading to a crash
 Driving too fast for conditions
Pedestrian Hazards
 Greater number of fatalities associated with hit pedestrians
(and head-on collisions) than any other crash
 Pay particular attention:
 During student loading and unloading (Unit C)
 School areas
 Kids getting out of cars
 Crossing between parked cars
 At intersections
 Right on red
 Peds failing to pay attention to traffic control devices
 In hours of darkness
Pedestrian Hazards
 Urban and rural pedestrian hazards
Pedestrian Hazards
Pedestrian Hazards
Hazards From Other Drivers
 Drivers in a hurry
 Drivers losing control of their vehicles
 Lack of communication
 Vehicle slowing down…
may be about to turn
 Parked car with a driver in the driver’s seat, engine running, or
turned wheels…
may be about to pull out from the curb
 Parked car with a driver in the driver’s seat…
may be getting ready to exit his vehicle
 Pickup and delivery vehicles with backup lights on…
may be about to back into another street or driveway
Hazards from Other Drivers
 Inadequate adjustment by other driver to various
roadway or environmental conditions
 Failure of other driver to observe
 Not responding to an upcoming intersection or to your
Not looking at the road or what is in front of him/her
Dirty windows, bright sunlight, or other objects
obscuring or restricting the other driver’s view.
Other driver’s vehicle being detectable to you only by
reflection, headlight glow, or dust cloud.
If you cannot see them, they can’t see you!
Aggressive Drivers
 Get out of their way
 Do not challenge
 Stay relaxed, avoid eye contact and ignore rude
Don’t block the passing lane if you are driving slower
than most of the traffic
Put your pride in the back seat and DO NOT
Do not try to teach another driver a lesson
Wear your seat belt.
Aggressive Drivers
 Report aggressive drivers to the appropriate authorities
 Vehicle description
 License plate
 Location
 Direction of travel.
 If you have a cell phone, and can do it safely, pull to the
side of the road and call the police and/or your
 Do NOT unload any students if an aggressive driver
pursues you. Call for help.
Slow Moving Vehicles
 Amish buggies
 Do not blow your horn
 Leave enough room when passing
 Farm equipment
 Heavy vehicles
 Vehicles going up steep grades
 Watch for reflective orange triangle bordered with red
Work Zones
 May be confusing
 Unexpected events
 Expectancy!
 Higher crash rates
Unique Traffic Control Devices
Electronic arrow panels
Merge Right
Merge Left
Unique Traffic Control Devices
Work Zone
 Advanced warning area
 Transition area
 Activity area
 Termination area
Scan for Hazards
Work Zone
 Areas for concern? Safe driver maneuvers?
Work Zone Safe Driving Tips
 Obey speed limits
 Follow flagger instructions
 Do not tailgate
 Be alert for lane shifts and closures
 Expect the unexpected
 Look for motorcycles…then look again. Look twice at
intersections, especially when turning left.
 Respect motorcyclists’ rights.
 Anticipate a motorcyclist’s maneuvers
 Allow plenty of following distance
 Check and re-check your blind spots.
Controlling Speed
 School bus crash data indicates:
 Most severe injuries occur in crashes that involve speeding
 Speeding and tailgating are listed as factors in 18% of crashes
where school buses were the prime vehicle
 Driver actions with highest injury rates, by far, were:
Combination of speeding & distracted driving
Combination of speeding & tailgating
Among single driver action categories, the highest injury rate was for
 The message: SLOW DOWN!
 Safety first, schedule second
Proper Following Distance
 Speeding and tailgating are a deadly
 Keep space between your vehicle and other
 Know your bus!
Four Second Rule
 Select a fixed object on the road or roadside ahead
 When the vehicle ahead of you passes that mark, start
counting until you reach the same spot
 If you reach the same mark before your count is
complete, you are following to closely
Four Second Rule
 NOT a be-all / end-all!
 You need to adjust this based on conditions
 Add a second to the 4 seconds if you are:
 traveling over 40 mph
 driving on a wet or loose surface or other poor roadway
 following motorcycles or large vehicles
 following another school bus
 driving at night
 driving in adverse weather conditions
 being tailgated
If YOU are Being Tailgated:
 Avoid quick changes
 Increase your following distance
 Don’t speed up
 Avoid tricks
Why is Perception Important?
 Stopping distance has three basic components:
1. Perception Distance
2. Reaction Distance
3. Braking Distance
 Sometimes the first two are referred to as PIEV
PIEV distance
+ Braking distance
Stopping distance
What is Different in a Bus?
 Brake lag distance
 The distance your vehicle travels after you have applied
the brake pedal, but before the air brakes are activated
 Normally, this is discounted in stopping sight distance
 Air brakes add .5 seconds brake lag = at least 32 feet at 55
Stopping a Bus
PIEV distance
+ Braking distance
+ Brake lag distance
Stopping distance
Stopping a Bus at 55 MPH
PIEV distance (120 feet)
+ Braking distance (170 feet)
+ Brake lag distance (32 feet)
Stopping distance (322 feet)
About the length of a football field!
Remaining ‘Stopping’ Points
 Keep your brakes well maintained
 Keep adequate following distance
 Slowing down decreases stopping distance
 Adjust following distance and speed based on
 Go with the flow of traffic as long as it is safe
Safe Driving Summary
 Prepare
 Attitude
 Scan/Perceive
 Give yourself time to
decide and act
 Act defensively
 Use your tools
 Know the rules
The Driving Task
 Difficult!
 Minimize distractions
 Concentrate
 Think safety first
 Attitude
 Learn to anticipate
 Expect the
 Fault ultimately does
NOT matter
Break the Bad Habits
 Fatigue
 Cell phones
 Grooming
 Reading
 Eating and drinking
 Failure to obey laws
 Aggressive driving