HYDROLOGY PROJECT-II GOA FUNDED BY WORLD BANK IMPLEMENTED THROUGH MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES GOVERNMENT OF INDIA APRIL 2006 TO MAY 2014 Visit of Final Supervision and Completion Mission of the World Bank during May 5-16, 2014 ABOUT THE STATE The State of Goa is located on India’s west coast between North Latitude 14 53 57 and 15 47 59 and between East Longitude 73 40 35 and 74 20 11.The geographical area of Goa state is 3702 Sq. Kms. and divided into two district namely North Goa (1736 Sq. Kms.) and South Goa (1966 Sq. Kms.)having six and five Talukas respectively. Panaji is the State capital as well as the headquarters for North Goa District and Margao is headquarter for South Goa District. Goa State is having a population of 1.40 million HYDROLOGY PROJECT II- AT A GLANCE CLIMATE There is considerable variation in climate of the State due to elevation , topography and movement of air masses. Climatically the year can be divided into three distinct seasons: Monsoon (June to October) Winter (November to February) Summer (March to May) The State of Goa receives rainfall when southwest monsoon is active. Rainfall is not uniform throughout the State. Long term rainfall records show that an area in Western Ghat region in Eastern part of the State receives an average rainfall exceeding 4500 mm per year, whereas coastal region on Western part receives average rainfall of 2500 mm per year and region in between receives rainfall ranging from 2500 mm to 4500mm per year. Approximately 90 to 95 % of this total annual rainfall is received during the monsoon season and roughly more than two thirds of this in three months i.e. June to August. Accordingly, due to extreme variability with location and in rainfall intensity, a rather dense network of rainfall gauge stations is required to adequately measure and/or record rainfall patterns and distribution across the State. RIVER BASINS The State possesses a vast potential of assured water. This entire wealth of water potential, about 80 to 90% of it gets drained to the Arabian sea during the monsoon period of just four months The surface drainage is helped by a number of nallahs, rivulets and rivers which principally run across the State in a westerly direction and finally into the Arabian sea. RIVER BASINS THERE ARE NINE RIVER BASINS OF WEST FLOWING SHORT RIVERS ORIGINATING FROM WESTERN GHATS AND DRAINING INTO ARABIAN SEA IN THE WEST UNDER ESTUARINE ENVIRONMENT. IN MOST OF THE RIVER TIDAL EFFECT IS FELT OVER A DISTANCE OF 30 KMS FROM MOUTH. Sr.No River Basin Length within State 26 Length within Basin Area salinity zone in Sq.Kms. 26 71 1 TEREKHOL 2 CHAPORA 32 32 255 3 BAGA 10 10 50 4 MANDOVI 52 36 1580 5 ZUARI 145 42 973 6 SAL 40 14 301 7 SALERI 11 5 149 8 TALPONA 32 7 233 9 GALGIBAG 14 4 90 TOTAL 3702 BASIN MAP OF GOA SCOPE OF THE PROJECT The project envisages improvement of management of hydrological data in general and project in particular. The raw data collected from field observation would not be enough for design of hydrology and river basin planning unless it is analyzed, processed and stored in a easily retrievable form in the state data center with conjunctive strengthening and linkage between State and Center. In order to achieve the above target the Hydrology Project Phase-II has been structured in to the following components. Surface Water hydrology Ground Water Hydrology Hydro Meteorology Water Quality EXPENDITURE ON THE PROJECT Loan amount by World Bank: Rs. 15.8362 Crores. State Share: Rs 3.0821 Crores. Total Project Cost: Rs 22.6455 Crores. Expenditure from April 2006 up to March 2014 Rs 18.9183 Crores. Works/ goods for which payment has to be made in the remaining period = Rs 3.73 Crores. ORGANOGRAM FOR HP-II Chief Engineer Water Resources Dept Project Cocoordinator Superintending Engineer Circle I, Panaji Nodal Officer Executive Engineer III S.W & Hydrometeorolog y, Procurement In charge Sr Hydro geologist G.W. In charge Hydro-Geologist1 Asst. HydroGeologist-1 SDII, WD I Porvorim TA-1, JE-3 SDIII, WD II Quepem TA-1, JE-3 SDI, WDIII Bicholim TA-1, JE-3 SD II, WD III Ponda TA-1, JE-3 SD III, WD III Margao TA-1, JE-3 Data Manager Data Center & Laboratory In charge Technical Cell ASW-2 Asst. Hydrogeologist-1 TA-2, JE-2 Surface Water Asst Hydrologist.2 TA-2, Ground Water Asst HydroGeologist.-1 TA-2 Chemist Lab. Attendant-35 Supervisor-10 Helper-10 LAUNCH OF THE PROJECT IN APRIL 2006 Project launch in April 2006 Interactive session held with central agencies at Goa in May 2006 As per advise of Central agencies four expert committees for Surface Water, Ground Water, Hydro Meteorology and Water implement the project formed Quality to FORMATION OF COMMITTEES State Level Steering Committee chaired by Secretary & Commissioner (Water Resources) formed. First meeting held in March 2007 and second meeting held in March 2010. Expert Committees on Surface Water, Ground Water and Hydrometeorology formed and various meetings held. Hydrology Users Committee formed. SURFACE WATER 23 River Gauge stations identified and proposal submitted to Expert Committee for approval. Expert Committee on Surface Water at its first meeting held on 04/01/2007 approved establishment of 6 River Gauge Stations, at its second meeting held on 23/01/2008 approved establishment of 3 River Gauge Stations and at its third meeting held on 09/03/2010 approved establishment of 2 River Gauge Stations. All the approved River Gauge sites are Bridge sites and have been established. SURFACE WATER Sites for River Gauge Stations are: 1. Bicholim(Bicholim river) 7. Orthofond ( Talpona ) 2. Ghoteli (Valvanti river) 8. Paikul (Ragada river) 3. Ugem (Zuari river) 9.Zambauli (Kushawati river) 4.Hassapur(Kalna river) 10. Daucond (Khandepar river) 5. Verna (Sal river) 11. Borus ( Galgibag ) 6. Khadki (Madei river) The collection of data with current meter, counter & bridge outfit from the above RG Sites has started from July 2009 and June 2010. The data is entered in SWDES & submitted to CWC, Hyderabad on 30/08/2013 for Inter-Agency data validation SURFACE WATER 3 Nos Accoustic Doppler Current Profiler’s (ADCP) are procured in Dec 2012 and data is being collected from the GD sites. 3 Nos Crane have been fitted on 3 Nos TATA 207 DI vehicles for operation of the ADCP from the bridges to collect the data. 11 Nos Radar Water Level Sensors are installed at 11 GD sites and data is transmitted via telemetry to the Data Centre, Porvorim and the data is stored in the server The data on real time basis of the water levels in the 11 sites is available in the website http://goawrdhpii.com LOCATION MAP RWLS & GD SITES ADCP SITES Khadki Daucond Crane fitted on TATA vehicle ADCP operation with Crane fitted on TATA vehicle RIVER GAUGE SITES Kudchire (Bicholim) Sonal (Sattari) Sonal (Sattari) Paikul (Sattari) STAFF TAKING READING AT GD STATION RWLS SITES Daucond Uguem Ardhofond DATA CENTRE & LABORATORY LEVEL II+ The building of Data Centre and laboratory was inaugurated on 27-7-2010 and became functional after posting of the surface and ground water personnel and equipments. Presently Data Center receives real-time data from hydro meteorological sites i.e Automatic Weather Station & Automatic Rain Gauge Station, Surface water levels from the river gauge stations and Ground water levels from Ground water level monitoring stations spread all over Goa. A Server is established in the data center where all the data is received and stored. Under Real Time Data Acquisition System, the flood monitoring of 15 Nos stations will be done on real time with radar water level sensor and earth receiving station. The data received in the Data Centre will be stored in the server and SMS will be generated about the flood levels and sent to pre-determined mobile numbers. DATA CENTER AND LABORATORY LEVEL II+ AT PORVORIM Rear view Front view DATA CENTER AND LABORATORY LEVEL II+ AT PORVORIM Perspective View Data Center HYDRO METEOROLOGY Expert Committee on hydro meteorology at its first meeting held on 23/01/2007 approved establishing of 2 full climatic stations and 6 rain gauge stations. Sites identified are as follows: FCS:1.Pajimol (Sanguem) 2. Karapur Tisk (Bicholim) ARG:1. Opa (Ponda), 2. Dhargal (Pernem), 3. Valpoi (Sattari), 4.Colvale (Bardez), 5. Canacona, 6.Cuncolim (Salcette) The collection of data from the above stations has started from July 2009. The data is entered in SWDES & submitted to National Data Center, IMD, Pune on 19/09/2013 for Inter-Agency data validation HYDRO METEOROLOGY 4 Nos Automatic Weather Stations are installed & commissioned at the following locations. 1.Pajimol (Sanguem), 2. Karapur Tisk 3. Verna 4. Canacona 6 Nos Automatic Rain Gauge Stations are established at the following locations. 1. Opa (Ponda) 2. Dhargal (Pernem) 3. Valpoi (Sattari) 4.Colvale (Bardez) 5.Canacona 6.Cuncolim (Salcette) The data is received in Data Centre Porvorim through telemetry and stored in the server. Presently the data from Verna & Canacona is available on real-time basis on http://goawrdhpii.com LOCATION MAP OF AUTOMATIC WEATHER STATIONS,AUTOMATIC RAIN GAUGE STATIONS,FULL CLIMATIC STATIONS & STANDARD RAIN GAUGE STATIONS COLVALE ARG and SRG at Veluz, Valpoi ARG and SRG at Cuncolim AWS at Canacona ARG AND SRG AT OPA ARG AND SRG AT CHAPOLI ARG AND SRG AT DHARGAL PERNEM FCS & AWS AT PAJIMOL SANGUEM FCS & AWS AT KARAPUR TISK GROUND WATER Sites for establishing 110 Ground water monitoring stations identified. Expert Committee on Ground Water at its first meeting held on 26/02/2007 approved establishment of 110 Ground water monitoring stations. (50 open wells, 60 piezometers out of which 41 new and 19 improvement) Ground Water monitoring network consisting of 47 open wells and 57 piezometers established. 25 Piezometers have been installed with DWLR besides 5 under PDS. The monitoring of water level for Ground Water has started since May 2008 and the data collected is entered in Excel Sheets. The data is sent to CGWB, Bangalore for data validation Telemetry to 22 ground water monitoring network stations and 5 under PDS has been Installed . LOCATION MAP OF OPEN WELLS & PIEZOMETERS PIEZOMETERS WITH DWLR AND TELEMETRY PIEZOMETERS WITH DWLR AND TELEMETRY WATER QUALITY Civil work for construction of laboratory level II+ and data center is completed. Procurement of Laboratory Instruments for level II+ is completed. Supply order for procurement of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and Gas Chromatograph is issued. Supply order for procurement of Total Organic Carbon Analyzer will be issued shortly. 126 Ground water monitoring stations will be utilized for GW Quality monitoring. PURPOSE DRIVEN STUDIES Purpose driven studies under Ground water titled “EVALUATION CONSEQUENCES DEVELOPMENT ESTATE AND OF OF AT DOWNSTREAM GROUND VERNA WATER WATER INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT” was taken up and final report is submitted to PCS for approval. LABORATORY LEVEL II + AT PORVORIM GOA TRAININGS Sr. No. of No. trainees Course title Place Duration 1 2 World Bank procurement Procedures in (National Institute for Financial Management) Faridabad 28/11/05 to 9/12/05 2 2 Workshop on Financial Management reporting and other key issues under Hydrology Project II New Delhi 23/1/07 to 27/1/07 3 3 NWA, Pune 24/05/07 to 25/05/07 4 1 New Delhi 29/07/07 to 31/07/07 5 2 Roorkee 24/4/08 to 30/4/08 6 1 New Delhi 03/06/10 to 05/06/10 7 3 New Delhi 19/10/10 to 23/10/10 8 24 Porvorim 08/11/11 to 09/11/11 9 24 Goa 07-12-2011 10 11 12 2 2 2 NWA,Pune NWA,Pune NWA,Pune 6/10/07 to 14/10/07 28/2/07 to 2/3/07 24/05/07 to 25/05/07 13 3 Workshop on Financial Management reporting Workshop on Financial Management Issues on Hydrology Project Phase-II. Workshop on Financial Reporting under HP-II Workshop on Development of Hydrological Design Aids ( SW ) under Hydrology Project II Workshop to Review the Progress of Implementation of Purpose Driven Studies of various implementing agencies under Hydrology Project II Training on DWLR Training on Automatic Weather Stations and Automatic Rain Gauge Training of trainers Programme in Hydrometry Training of trainers Programme in Hydrometry Training Programme on WISDOM Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in NIH Roorkee Water Resources Management at N. I. Hydrology 10/3/08 to 14/3/08 14 15 2 2 16 2 17 30 18 19 15 20 22 21 22 23 30 24 25 2 Workshop in Financial Management in HP-II Training for Desk Officer under HP II Training on Surface Water Data Processing & its validation using HYMOS Software. Workshop on "SWDES" at Porvorim, Data Centre, Hydrology Phase II by N.I.H Roorkee. Training on ARC GIS Software Training on ARC GIS Software One day interactive sanction basic Water Quality Training on Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Automatic Weather Stations and Automatic Rain Gauge at various sites in Goa. Training on Surface Water Data Proecessing & its validation using HYMOS Software. Training programme by CWPRS on VSC of current meters and counters used in river gauge stations Training of Supervisors in Hydromet Course under HP-II. Training Programme on Application on geoinformatics in water sector New Delhi New Delhi 8/9/06 to 15/9/06 23/04/10 to 30/04/10 NWA,Pune 7/11/06 to 17/11/06 Porvorim 16/11/11 to 19/11/11 Porvorim Porvorim 20/09/10 to 24/09/10 13/12/10 to 17/12/10 Porvorim 10-08-2011 07-12-2011 Pune Porvorim Pune 9/2/09 to 20/2/09 Pune 6/8/06 to 19/8/06 26 2 Training Programme on Application on geoinformatics in water sector NWA,Pune 28/2/07 to 2/3/07 27 3 Training Programme on WISDOM NWA,Pune 28/2/07 to 2/3/07 Training Programme on WISDOM Pune 16/04/07 to 27/04/07 28 29 2 World Bank procurement Procedures at ASCI Hyderabad July 2006 30 1 Training for Geotechnical and Hydrological instrumentation conducted by National Water Academy, Pune Pune 28/1/07 to 3/2/07 31 3 Hydro meotrology Traning Pune 16/04/07 to 27/04/07 32 2 Senior Level Refresher Course conducted by IMD under HP-II IMD ,Pune 10/07/07 to 15/07/07 33 5 Two day workshop on "Financial Management Reporting System" at National Water Academy, Pune Pune 17/6/09 to 22/6/09 34 2 Training for Desk Officer under HP II New Delhi 23/04/10 to 30/04/10 35 10 Basic Hydromet Observer Course for (3 weeks) at CTI Pune Pune 14/6/09 to 4/7/09 36 2 Workshop on web based financial Management Reporting System Pune 18/05/11 to 23/05/11 37 2 Workshop on Financial Management reporting NWA,Pune 10/03/10 to 14/03/10 TRAINING IN SWDES BY NIH HIS-CHART FOR DATA FLOW IN HYDROLOGY PROJECT -GOA USER AGENCIES Sub Division at Quepem Ground Water (South) data Collection Sub Division II at Ponda Data Centre at Porvorim Sub Division at Porvorim Ground Water (North) data Collection HYMOS secondary Wisdom Data Storage Works Division III Compilation Data at Ponda Processing SWDES & Primary validation FCS Raw data Sub Division II at Ponda Sub Division II at Margao FCS Raw data SWDES & Primary validation River gauge stations Raw data River gauge stations Raw data Karapur Tiska Hassapur Kudchire Ghoteli Khdaki Zambaulim Sal Pajimol Sanguem Galgibag Dhaucond Rain gauge stations Raw data Uguem Rain gauge stations Raw data Opa Karaswada Talpona River gauge stations Raw data Rain gauge stations Raw data Paikul Dhargal SWDES & Primary validation Valpoi Cuncolim Chapoli Canacona DATA AVAILABILITY Rain Gauge Data sent to IMD, Pune for Validation Sr. No. 1. Name of the station Period Chapoli (SRG) 08/07/2009 to 31/12/2012 2. Cuncolim (SRG) 08/07/2009 to 31/12/2012 3. Opa (SRG) 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2012 4. Pajimol (FCS) 08/07/2009 to 31/12/2012 5. Dhargal (SRG) 01/06/2009 to 31/12/2012 6. Valpoi (SRG) 01/06/2009 to 31/12/2012 7. Colvale (SRG) 01/06/2009 to 31/12/2012 8. Karapur (FCS) 07/07/2009 to 31/12/2012 DATA AVAILABILITY River Gauge Data sent to CWC Hyderabad for Validation Sr. No. 1. Name of the station Ardhafond 2. Borus 3. Ghoteli 4. Hasapur 5. Khadki 6. Kudchirem 7. Paikul 8 Verna 9. Uguem 10. Daucond 11. Zambaulim Period 14/10/2010 to 10/01/2011, 14/06/2011 to 31/01/2012, 11/06/2012 to 31/01/2013. 12/10/2010 to 24/12/2010, 09/06/2011 to 30/11/2011, 18/06/2012 to 03/12/2012. 21/07/2009 to 02/02/2011, 06/06/2011 to 20/12/2011, 12/06/2012 to 31/10/2012. 15/07/2009 to 13/01/2010, 25/06/2010 to 31/12/2010, 10/06/2011 to 22/12/2011, 18/06/2012 to 31/12/2012, 10/06/2013 to 25/06/2013. 02/07/2010 to 28/02/2011, 10/06/2011 to 31/12/2011, 17/06/2012 to 30/11/2012. 22/07/2009, 13/08/2009 to 28/01/2010, 24/06/2010 to 16/12/2010, 20/06/2011 to 14/12/2011, 16/06/2012 to 31/10/2012. 16/07/2009 to 21/12/2009, 28/06/2010 to 17/12/2010, 11/06/2011 to 24/11/2011, 17/06/2012 to 29/10/2012, 06/11/2012 to 09/11/2012. 23/09/2009 to 11/10/2009, 06/07/2010 to 31/10/2012, 09/06/2011 to 13/10/2011, 07/06/2012 to 17/10/2012. 23/06/2010 to 31/12/2010, 10/06/2011 to 30/11/2011, 18/06/2012 to 12/12/2012. 03/07/2010 to 09/12/2010, 14/06/2011 to 30/11/2011, 19/06/2012 to 30/11/2012. 23/09/2009 to 18/12/2009, 30/06/2010 to 26/12/2010, 08/06/2011 to 28/12/2011, 18/06/2012 to 30/11/2012. COST OF THE PROJECT- AS PER PIP Sr. No Components Cost % Investment Costs 1. Institutional strengthening 2. Horizontal Expansion Total 247.24 10.92 % 1042.23 46.03 % 1289.57 56.95 % Recurrent Costs 1. Institutional Strengthening 239.14 10.56 % 2. Horizontal Expansion 735.86 32.49 % Total 975.00 43.05 % Grand Total 2264.57 100.00 % COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY- AS PER PIP Sr. No Description Percent age % Loan Amount by W B 552.77 24.41 497.49 055.28 Foreign 302.41 13.35 302.41 000.00 Local 202.55 8.94 162.05 040.51 3 Consultancy Services 076.12 3.36 068.51 007.61 4 Training 155.71 6.88 155.71 000.00 5 Operation &Maintenance 326.37 14.41 212.50 113.87 6 Staffing 648.62 28.65 472.40 176.22 TOTAL 2264.55 100.00 1871.06 393.49 1 Civil Works 2 Goods Equipment, vehicle Total Cost State Share COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY- AS PER ACTUAL Sr. No Description Total Cost Perce ntage % Loan Amount by W B State Share 1 Civil Works (A)- Expenditure incurred 371.03 16.94 310.49 60.54 (B)- Expenditure to be incurred 55.17 2.52 49.65 5.52 0 0.00 0.00 0 Local (A)- Expenditure incurred 698.94 31.91 651.10 47.84 Local (B)- Expenditure to be incurred before May 31, 2014 228.62 10.44 228.62 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 2 Goods Equipment, vehicle Foreign 3 Consultancy Services 4 Training 22.53 1.03 22.53 0 5 Operation &Maintenance- (A)Expenditure incurred 88.29 4.03 66.22 22.07 Operation &Maintenance- (B)Expenditure to be incurred 6 0.27 4.50 1.50 711.04 32.46 533.28 177.76 9 0.41 6.75 2.25 2190.62 100.00 1873.14 317.48 6 Staffing (A)- Expenditure incurred Staffing(B)- Expenditure to be incurred TOTAL COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY- PIP VS ACTUAL Sr. No Description As per PIP Total Cost 1 Civil Works 2 Goods Percent Loan age Amount % by W B As per Actual State Share Total Cost Percent Loan age Amount % by W B 552.77 24.41 497.49 55.28 426.20 19.46 Foreign 302.41 13.35 302.41 0.00 Local 202.55 8.94 162.05 40.51 927.56 42.34 76.12 3.36 68.51 7.61 0.00 4 Training 155.71 6.88 Operation 5 &Maintenance 326.37 14.41 155.71 0.00 212.5 113.87 6 Staffing 472.4 Consultancy 3 Services TOTAL 648.62 28.65 State Share 360.14 66.06 0.00 0.00 879.72 47.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.53 1.03 22.53 0.00 94.29 4.30 70.72 23.57 176.22 720.04 32.87 540.03 180.01 0.00 0.00 2264.6 100.00 1871.1 393.49 2190.62 100.00 1873.14 317.48 COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY- AS PER ACTUAL Component wise Expenditure from April 2006 to Mar 2014 Rs in Lakhs 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 2011- 2012- 20132007 2008 2009 2010 2011 12 2013 14 TOTAL Civil 3.68 24.21 89.87 86.44 Good 19.55 15.02 36.81 111.59 68.83 149.16 167.01 130.98 698.94 Training 1.74 0.86 0.39 O&M 2.07 41.60 148.77 173.94 272.24 95.00 1.73 1.19 80.21 25.16 10.52 9.22 5.86 2.16 50.93 371.03 1.11 22.53 63.98 799.34 26.70 42.16 168.67 347.99 332.20 452.43 274.70 246.99 1891.84