ULM Project Ulrich Lemmin Baikal-Selenga workshop, Geneva, 31 October 2012 Scientific objectives • Study the dynamical processes occurring in the boundary layer between the atmosphere and lakes or land using a light, highly mobile, airborne platform. • Study areas: o Air/water exchange of heat and gases o Micrometeorology o Sediment suspension in rivers and lakes o Biomass dynamics in lakes o Vegetation dynamics on land o Aerosol dynamics o Forest fires Scientific objectives • Understanding of o System dynamics of air/water interaction o Climate change effects o Greenhouse gas transport o Atmospheric pollution distribution • Applications in o Environmental monitoring o Land/lake management o Biomass assessment o Carbon accounting Scientific objectives These studies will provide information which will be complementary to o Satellite data, providing temporal resolution higher spatial and o Ground-based measurements, providing greater point density. This allows studying boundary layer dynamics with unprecedented resolution. process Partners • Switzerland: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (EPFL) • France: Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, Orme des Merisiers, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France. • Russia: o Moscow State University o BAIKAL Institute of Nature Management (Siberian Branch of RAS) Principal airborne platform: ULM ULM Project Proposed sub projects: 13/17 ULM Project Time table: Lake Geneva May 2013 Lake Geneva-Lake Baikal June 2013 Lake Baikal July 2013 13/17 ULM on Lake Geneva 13/17 Possible scientific objectives for flights over Lake Geneva and Baikal • Study the dynamical processes occurring close to and above the lakes, which are mainly due to the presence of mountains. The airborne lidar offers a unique opportunity to identify the structure of the lower atmosphere in the vicinity of the lakes. Modeling groups are required for the posttreatment (one identified in France). • Assess the capability of forest to regrow after forest fires in the Lake Baikal area. The lidar will measure the canopy top. Forest fires are frequent in this area and have occurred at different periods in the past. The study areas remain to be defined around Lake Baikal. Expérience Léman – Baïkal Firing through the helice Typical flight plans with lidar for atmospheric studies Two ULAs (ULM in French) will fly in formation. The ULA carrying the Raman lidar (lidar-ULA) will fly ahead between 3000 and 4000 m above the ground level (agl). The ULA carrying the fluxmeters will fly behind the lidar-ULA and will be equiped by a Rayleigh-Mie lidar. Instruments used The instruments make up the payloads of 2 ultra-light aircrafts (ULA). ULA 1 (remote sensing) Raman lidar Meteorological probe (pressure, temperature, relative humidity) GPS Artificial horizon ULA flight above Gibraltar bay (Summer 2011) Expérience Léman – Baïkal 12 Instruments used The instruments make up the payloads of 2 ultra-light aircrafts (ULA). ULA 2 (in situ measurements) Rayleigh-Mie lidar Meteorological probe (pressure, temperature, relative humidity) Pyranometer (visible solar irradiance) Artificial horizon GPS 13 ULM project 13/17 ULM project 13/17 Airborne lidar experiment from Lake Geneva (Léman) to Baikal Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, Orme des Merisiers, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Contact: patrick.chazette@cea.fr Expérience Léman – Baïkal 16 Scientific objectives during the main trip between Lake Geneva and Lake Baikal • Identification of the biomass burning plume encountered during the trip between the Lake Geneva and Lake Baikal (directly from the measurements) • Characterization of the biomass burning plumes using the aerosol optical properties (directly from the measurements) • Use of the lidar-derived parameters (vertical atmospheric structures, aerosol extinction coefficient) to constrain the regional chemistrytransport models for assessing the contributions of forest boreal fires to the atmospheric composition (requires modeling groups) 17 Leman-Baikal project In the area along the trajectory, the atmosphere is poorly documented from measurements at such spatial resolution. Only satellite observations are available. Lac Baïkal Lac Leman Flight plans as previously defined 18 Collaboration with Russian and French partners: • EPFL scientists are invited to participate in the overland flight and the work around Lake Baikal. • Russian partners have defined areas of collaboration and prepared project proposals. 13/17 ULM project 13/17 ULM project 13/17 Collaboration with Russian and French partners in the Lake Baikal area: • Specific study areas (hot spots) are being defined. 13/17 ULM project; Lake Baikal: Selenga delta . Can be a “hot spot” for studies on: • Lake Baikal • Interaction lake-river • River sediment dynamics • Forest fire and vegetation • Aerosol dynamics over land and over lake 13/17 ULM project 13/17