Colin Bretagne
Quality Assurance Analyst
GWAVA Retain 2
What is GWAVA Retain?
•A System For:
•E-Mail Archiving
•Legal Compliance
•Litigation Preparedness
•Minimizing Costs of eDiscovery & Fines
•Post Office Size Management
•Rapidly Growing GroupWise Message Stores
•Old Data in Retain, Current Data in GroupWise
•Increased GroupWise Performance
•Access to Historical Data
•Web Based End-User Self Service
•Policy Based ESI Management
•GWAVA Retain is NOT a Backup or Disaster Recovery
© GWAVA Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
•Trusted Application
•SmartPurge / Retention flags
•Flexible OS platforms supported
•Linux, Windows
•Flexible DB support
•MySQL, MS SQL, PostrgeSQL, Oracle
•Flexible storage options
•Hitachi HCAP, NetApp SnapLock, EMC Centera, Caringo,
Amazon S3 Cloud
•Incredible Performance & Speed
•True SiS out of the box
•One to one storage to minimize storage costs
•Compression and encryption
© GWAVA Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
•Retain Worker
•Collects data and sends it to Retain Server.
•Retain Server
•Web interface, search and storage manager, scheduler
•Data Store
•Default storage engine uses hybrid SQL Database + File System
•Stubbing and alternate storage engines supported
•All components can be virtualized
© GWAVA Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
•3 Phases:
•1) Install Retain System.
•Pick your OS, Storage, Database
•Download and install product
•2) Initial data collection. “priming”
•One time only – then catch up jobs
•Consider Redline/Vertigo to examine existing
GroupWise system
•3) Import native archives.
•Native archives
•Data sent directly to Retain Server
•Competitor’s archives
© GWAVA Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
•Clean your GroupWise first!
•Decide what is to be archived (mandated or best practices)
•Storage Considerations.
•Retain allows considerable flexibility in storage
•You are never boxed in with Retain; adding storage is
•Server components can be spread out
•Reload integration
•Data consolidation
•Multiple PO locations
•Reducing the load on production POA’s
•Retain does not delete anything from GW
•Stubbing considerations
© GWAVA Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Retain 1.8
Restore stub functionality
Fixes to migration tool (GW)
PDF exporting capability from within search console
Single sign on capability (webacc & c3po)
New Retain menu item in GW client
Caringo storage device integration
Sles 11 support
SQL server 2008 support
MySQL 5.1 support
© GWAVA Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Retain 2.0
•Amazon S3 Cloud Support
•Export to Rich Client
•Exalead High Performance Indexing Engine
•Litigation Hold
•Currently in open public beta
•Scheduled release date: Week of November 1st
•Email: beta@gwava.com for more information
© GWAVA Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Minimum System Hardware Requirements
• 2 HD disks with appropriate space for indexing needs.
•(Exalead indexing will consume about 20% of total archived
mail space.)
• 16 GB of available ram
• Dual core processor
Recommended System Requirements
• 4-8 core system
• 32 GB Ram
• 8 SCSI or SAS Hard Disks, (or 1 per processor core), to
maximize disk I/O performance while indexing. RAID 5 is fine.
© GWAVA Inc, Confidential & Proprietary
Thank You!
Unpublished Work of GWAVA, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This work is an unpublished work and contains confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information of GWAVA, Inc. Access
to this work is restricted to GWAVA employees who have a need to know to perform tasks within the scope of their assignments.
No part of this work may be practiced, performed, copied, distributed, revised, modified, translated, abridged, condensed,
expanded, collected, or adapted without the prior written consent of GWAVA, Inc. Any use or exploitation of this work without
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General Disclaimer
This document is not to be construed as a promise by any participating company to develop, deliver, or market a product.
GWAVA, Inc., makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents of this document, and specifically disclaims
any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, GWAVA, Inc., reserves the
right to revise this document and to make changes to its content, at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity
of such revisions or changes. All GWAVA marks referenced in this presentation are trademarks or registered trademarks of
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