Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Thessaloniki, Greece ACCENT Plus ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITION CHANGE THE EUROPEAN NETWORK ACCENT-Plus Symposium September 17-20, 2013 Particulate matter emissions from natural sources in Europe - A case study of the impact of natural sources to PM pollution levels Natalia Liora1, Konstantinos Markakis1,2, Anastasia Poupkou1, Spiros Dimopoulos1, Theodoros Giannaros1, Dimitrios Melas1 1 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Physics, Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece. ( 2 Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique/Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France Thursday 19 September ACCENT Plus Symposium 2013 Urbino, Italy MAIN OBJECTIVES – PRESENTATION OUTLINE Main objectives : Quantification of the emissions of particulate matter (PM) originated from natural sources in Europe Comparison of natural with anthropogenic PM emissions. Study of the contribution of natural sources to PM pollution levels in the study area Presentation Outline : 1. General Description – Model application 2. Short Description of methodology 3. Emissions Results 4. Air Quality Simulations 5. Conclusions 2 Model Application •European Region •30km spatial resolution grid •4230x4020 km² Natural Emissions Natural Emission Model (NEMO) (developed in Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics (LAP), AUTH (Markakis et al (2009), Poupkou et al (2010) ). Fortran90 Sources : BVOCs, Windblown Dust, Sea Salt, PBAPs Application year : 2010 Hourly Temporal Analysis Meteorology Mesoscale Meteorological model WRF (version 3.2.1) Anthropogenic Emissions TNO - MACC Emissions (Kuenen et al., 2011) (resolution : 1/8o x 1/16o) (year 2007). MOSESS (Markakis et al., 2013) : spatial and temporal resolution 3 PM Concentrations CAMx Air Quality Model (version 5.3) WRF-CAMx runs for 12-21 July 2010 Methodology – Short Description Windblown Dust Natural Emissions Primarily based on the methodology used on the LOTOS-EUROS model developed by the Netherlands Organization (TNO) (Schaap et al.,2009) Parameterization of threshold friction velocity as a function of soil particle size, soil moisture and drag partitioning Soil texture map compiled from the European Soil Database (Van Liedekerke and Panagos, 2006) Meteorological data : 10m Wind Speed, precipitation, air temperature Sea Salt The SS production is dependent on wind speed, sea surface temperature and water salinity (Sofiev et al.,2011) Relative humidity dependency (Lewis&Schwartz,2006) Primary Biological Aerosol Particles (PBAPs) Emission factors for plant debris and fungal spores emissions (Winiwarter et al., 2009). USGS (United States Geological Survey) land Cover Database – 1km spatial resolution 4 Natural and Anthropogenic Emissions 5 Sea Salt Windblown Dust Spatial Distribution of Annual Natural PM10 Emissions Dust emissions are maximum in the Mediterranean countries, mainly due to the low precipitation levels and where wind speed is also high. • The soil moisture is lower in southern Europe Sea salt emissions are highest in the Mediterranean Sea where sea temperature is maximum In the Northern part of Atlantic ocean and in Baltic sea , sea salt emissions are the lowest 6 Comparison of Natural with Anthropogenic PM Annual Emissions NEMO 2010 PM10 (ktn) PM2.5 (ktn) Windblown Dust 942 66 Sea Salt (dry) 4103 1057 PBAPs 117 - Total Natural Sources Anthropogenic Sources 5162 1123 4592 2954 PM10 PM2.5 25.9 % 42.1 % 47.1 % 72.5 % 1.2% 1.6% 9.7% NATAIR 2003 PM10 (ktn) Windblown Dust 1500 Sea Salt (dry) 4490 PM10 emissions originated from natural sources are 10% higher than those of anthropogenic sources due to the high sea salt emissions which are comparable with the anthropogenic ones PBAPs 135 The contribution of windblown dust is about 10% PM2.5 emissions originate mainly from anthropogenic sources (72%) Sea salt emissions represent about 25% of PM2.5 emissions * Reference: NATAIR, 2007 7 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% PM10 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% PM2.5 % Contribution of natural and anthropogenic sources to total PM2.5 emissions % Contribution of natural and anthropogenic sources to total PM10 emissions % Contribution of natural and anthropogenic sources to total monthly PM emissions JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC PM2.5 Emissions (ktn) PM10 Emissions (ktn) 3000 2000 1000 0 winter spring summer autumn Sea Salt is the major contributor to total emissions during summer and autumn Windblown Dust peak in February (31%) (higher emissions in winter and spring) Windblown dust and sea salt have almost the same contribution in winter 1000 500 0 winter spring summer autumn Anthropogenic sources are the major contributor the whole year During summer sea salt and anthropogenic emissions are comparable No significant contribution of windblown dust 8 Air Quality Modelling 9 Air Quality Simulations CAMx simulated the Emission, Dispersion, Chemical reaction and Removal of pollutants in Europe Emission for the following sources: • Anthropogenic sources •Windblown Dust •Sea Salt •Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) Chemical Boundary Conditions (BCs) : IFSMOZART model WRF – CAMx runs were performed for the period 12 to 21 July 2010 for the following emission scenarios: 1) Scenario 1: anthropogenic + natural emissions 2) Scenario 2: Scenario1 without windblown dust 3) Scenario 3: Scenario1 without sea salt 10 Windblown Dust PM10 Emissions 12 to 21 July 2010 Windblown Dust 10m Wind Speed Rain Dust events appear in limited areas over Europe (central and southern Europe) high wind speed, no precipitation episodes 11 Sea Salt PM10 Emissions - 12 to 21 July 2010 Sea Salt Salinity 4% 0.9% 1.8% 3.8% 10m Wind Speed SST SS emissions show a similar spatial distribution with annual emissions Lower wind speed, salinity or SST leads to lower sea salt production 12 Contribution of Windblown Dust to PM10 levels 12 to 21 July 2010 1st - 2nd Scenario % Difference of PM10 levels due to windblown dust emissions 1st Scenario % Contribution of Windblown Dust to PM10 levels PM10 Dust Emissions The contribution of windblown dust emissions inside the domain to PM10 concentrations is relatively small and ranges from 1 to 10 % The contribution of windblown dust to PM10 levels is moderate in central and northern Europe while in the southern and eastern part is significant associated mainly with the dust transport from Africa and Asia 13 1st Scenario Sea Salt contributes highly at the northern part of the domain to PM2.5 levels due to BCs while in the southern part of the domain sea salt contribution is smaller and it is linked mainly to the local sea salt emissions PM10 Emissions % Contribution of Sea Salt to PM2.5 levels Anthropogenic Sources % Difference of PM10 levels due to sea salt emissions 1st - 3rd Scenario % Difference of PM2.5 levels due to sea salt emissions Sea Salt Contribution of Sea Salt to PM levels 12 to 21 July 2010 A small increase of 5 to15 % in PM2.5 levels is observed in the western Mediterranean when SS emissions are included while an increase of 20 to 40 % in PM10 concentrations is found. In the Aegean Sea, the increase in PM10 concentrations reaches +110% (+40% for PM2.5) 14 Conclusions Considering the PM emissions in Europe, • Natural sources represent about 53% (sea salt 42%) of PM10 emissions and 28% of PM2.5 emissions on an annual basis • Sea Salt is a dominant PM10 emission source in summer (63%) and autumn (59%) • Windblown Dust emissions contribute mainly in winter (23%) and spring (12%) Considering the PM concentrations from a 10-day run during July 2010, • The impact of sea salt emissions to PM levels in the Mediterranean Sea is considerable • In the northern part of the domain sea salt contribution is high mostly due to BCs • The impact of windblown dust emissions is identified over limited areas in Europe • The contribution of windblown dust to PM10 levels over Europe is mostly related to the dust transport from the boundaries 15 Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the FP7 EU project MACC II (Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate Interim Implementation: Grant agreement no 283576). We would like to thank for the IFS-MOZART model data and for the TNO anthropogenic emission data provided in the framework of MACC II. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Kuenen J, van der Gon HD, Visschedijk A, Dröge R, van Gijlswijk R (2011). MACC European emission inventory for the years 2003-2007. The Netherlands Organisation report, TNO-060-UT-2011-00588. Lewis&Schwartz, (2006). Comment on “size distribution of sea-salt emissions as a function of relative humitidy”. Journal Atmospheric Environment 40 (2006), 588-590 Markakis K, Katragkou E, Poupkou A, Melas D (2013). MOSESS: A new emission model for the compilation of model-ready emission inventories. Application in a coal mining area in Northern Greece. Environ Model Assess (in press) doi: 10.1007/s10666-013-9360-8. Markakis K., Giannaros T., Poupkou A., Liora N., Melas D., Sofiev M., Soares J. (2009). Evaluating the impact of particle emissions from natural sources in the Balkan region. 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