Identity Theft??? ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 1 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 2 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 3 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 4 The fact remains that the Division of Safety & Buildings has not lost its “IDENTITY” as a Regulatory Agency which believes in “Education First, and Enforcement Second” Contrary to what some people say, “Code’s Don’t Cost Money…. They Save Money….” ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 5 2009 International Existing Building Code With Wisconsin Amendments Training As Developed by Randy Dahmen, WI PE John Spalding, WI Architect WI Dept. of Commerce, Safety & Buildings Division, Madison, WI & LaCrosse, WI Web Site: COMMERCE.WI.GOV/SB ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 6 Additions, Alterations & Renovations Comm 66.0300 (Ch. 3 Not adopted), 66.0607, IEBC 711, & 808 Additions, alterations renovations or repairs--Such actions in an existing building, building system or portion shall conform to the provisions of the IECC as they relate to new construction without requiring the unaltered portions of the existing building or building system to comply with this code. Such actions are not allowed to create an unsafe or hazardous condition or overload existing building systems. Exceptions--ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 7 Change in Occupancy International Existing Building Code (IEBC) Comm 66.0901(2) Buildings undergoing a change in occupancy that would result in the increase in demand of for either fossil fuel or electrical energy shall comply with IECC ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 8 2009 International Building Code With Wisconsin Amendments Training As Developed by Randy Dahmen, WI PE John Spalding, WI Architect WI Dept. of Commerce, Safety & Buildings Division, Madison, WI & LaCrosse, WI Web Site: COMMERCE.WI.GOV/SB ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 9 Frost-Protected Shallow Foundations IBC/Comm 62.1809 Where design is relied upon for a heated or semi-heated structure, permanent, legible notices shall be posted near the thermostats of all building heating appliances that indicate the following: This is a frost-protected shallow foundation design The minimum monthly average temperature the structure is to be maintained to avoid frost damage to the foundation ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 10 2009 International Energy Conservation Code With Wisconsin Amendments Training As Developed by Randy Dahmen, WI PE John Spalding, WI Architect WI Dept. of Commerce, Safety & Buildings Division, Madison, WI & LaCrosse, WI Web Site: COMMERCE.STATE.WI.US/SB ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 11 Vapor Retarder Requirements ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 12 Misc. Requirements IBC 1405.3 (Note New Location in ICC) Vapor Retarders Class I & II vapor retarders shall be provided on the interior side of framed walls. Exceptions: Framed walls Below grade portion of any wall Construction where moisture or its freezing will not damage the materials ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 13 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 14 IECC Offers Multiple Building Envelope Compliance Options For: Ch. 4 Low Rise Residential Buildings (< 3 stories) (Non-Transient--Do NOT use with for Hotels, Motels, etc.) Ch. 5 Commercial (Any Height) and High Rise Residential Buildings (> 4 Stories) ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 15 Insulation & Fenestration Requirements by Climate Zone Table 402.1.1 Insulation and Fenestration Requirements by Componenta b CLIMATE FENESTRATION SKYLIGHT b ZONE U-FACTOR U-FACTOR 1 2 3 4 except Marine 5 and Marine 4 6 7 and 8 GLAZED b,e FENESTRATION SHGC CEILING WOOD R-VALUE FRAME WALL R-VALUE MASS WALL i R-VALUE FLOOR RVALUE BASEMENT WALL R-VALUE c d SLAB R-VALUE & DEPTH CRAWL c SPACE WALL R-VALUE 1.20 0.65j 0.50j 0.35 0.75 0.75 0.65 0.60 0.30 0.30 0.30 NR 30 30 30 38 13 13 13 13 3/4 4/6 5/8 5 / 10 13 13 19 19 0 0 5 / 13f 10 / 13 0 0 0 10, 2ft 0 0 5 / 13 10 / 13 0.35 0.60 NR 38 20 or 13+5h 13 / 17 30g 10 / 13 10, 2 ft 10 / 13 0.35 0.35 0.60 0.60 NR NR 49 49 19 or 13+5h 21 15 / 19 19 / 21 30g 38g 15 / 19 15 / 19 10, 4 ft 10, 4 ft 10 / 13 10 / 13 a. R-values are minimums, U-factors and SHGC are maximums, R-19 batts compressed into a nominal 2 x 6 framing cavity such that the R-value is reduced by R-1 or more shall be marked with the compressed batt R-value in addition to the full thickness R-value. b. The fenestration U-factor column excludes skylights. The SHGC column applies to all glazed fenestration. c. “15/19” means R-15 continuous insulated sheathing on the interior or exterior of the home or R-19 cavity insulation at the interior of the basement wall. “15/19” shall be permitted to be met with R-13 cavity insulation on the interior of the basement wall plus R-5 continuous insulated sheathing on the interior or exterior of the home. “10/13” means R-10 continuous insulated sheathing on the interior or exterior of the home or R-13 cavity insulation at the interior of the basement wall. d. R-5 shall be added to the required slab edge R-values for heated slabs. Insulation depth shall be the depth of the footing or 2 feet, whichever is less in Zones 1 through 3 for heated slabs. e. There are no SHGC requirements in the Marine Zone. f. Basement wall insulation is not required in warm-humid locations as defined by Figure 301.1 and Table 301.1. g. Or insulation sufficient to fill the framing cavity, R-19 minimum. h. “13+5” means R-13 cavity insulation plus R-5 insulated sheathing. If structural sheathing covers 25 percent or less of the exterior, insulating sheathing is not required where structural sheathing is used. If structural sheathing covers more than 25 percent of exterior, structural sheathing shall be supplemented with insulated sheathing of at least R-2. i. The second R-value applies when more than half the insulation is on the interior of the mass wall. j. For impact rated fenestration complying with Section R301.2.1.2 of the IRC or Section 1608.1.2 of the IBC, maximum U-factor shall be 0.75 in Zone 2 and 0.65 in Zone 3. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 16 Air Sealing and Insulation IECC 402.4.2 2 options to demonstrate compliance When tested air leakage is < 7 ACH when tested with a blower door at pressure of 33.5 psf (Section 402.4.2.1) Testing after rough in and installation of building envelope penetrations When items listed in Table 402.4.2, applicable to the method of construction, are field verified (Section 402.4.2.2) ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 17 Fireplaces IECC 402.4.3 New wood-burning fireplaces shall have gasketed doors & outdoor combustion air. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 18 Programmable Thermostat Controls IECC 403.1.1 Mandatory Requirements If primary heating system is a forced-air furnace At least one programmable thermostat/dwelling unit Capability to set back or temporarily operate the system to maintain zone temperatures down to 55ºF (13ºC) or up to 85ºF (29ºC) Initially programmed with: heating temperature set point no higher than 70ºF (21ºC) and cooling temperature set point no lower than 78ºF (26ºC)ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 19 Ducts Insulation & Sealing IECC 403.2.1 & 403.2.2 Mandatory Requirements Insulation (Prescriptive) Ducts outside the building envelope: R-8 All other ducts: R-6 Sealing (Mandatory) Joints & seams shall comply with IRC, Section M1601.4.1 Building framing cavities shall not be used as supply ducts ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 20 Duct Tightness Tests IECC 403.2.2 Duct tightness shall be verified by either Post or Rough In Tests − Post construction test Leakage to outdoors: ≤ 8 cfm/per 100 ft2 of conditioned floor area OR Total leakage: ≤ 12 cfm/per 100 ft2 of conditioned floor area • tested at a pressure differential of 0.1 in w.g. (25 Pa) across entire system, including manufacturer’s air handler enclosure All register boots taped or otherwise sealed ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 21 Duct Tightness Tests Rough-in test Total leakage ≤ 6 cfm/per 100 ft2 of conditioned floor area • tested at a pressure differential of 0.1 in w.g. (25 Pa) across roughed-in system, including manufacturer’s air handler enclosure • all register boots taped or otherwise sealed • if air handler not installed at time of test –Total air leakage ≤ 4 cfm/per 100 ft2 Exceptions: Duct tightness test is not required if the air handler and all ducts are located within conditioned space ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 22 Piping Insulation IECC 403.3 & 403.4 Mandatory Requirements Minimum R-3 required on HVAC systems Exception: Piping that conveys fluids between 55 & 105°F Minimum R-2 required on All circulating domestic hot water systems Systems also require a readily accessible manual switch ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 23 Ventilation & Equipment Sizing IECC 403.5 & 403.6 Mandatory Requirements Equipment Sizing IECC references Section M1401.3 of the IRC Load calculations determine the proper capacity (size) of equipment Calculations shall be performed in accordance with ACCA Manual J OR other approved methods ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 24 Snow Melt System Controls IECC 403.8 Mandatory Requirements Snow- and ice-melting system controls Shall include Automatic controls capable of shutting off the system when the pavement temperature > 50ºF and no precipitation is falling; and Automatic or manual control that will allow shutoff when the outdoor temperature is > 40ºF ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 25 Pool Covers IECC 403.9/Comm 63.0403 Mandatory Requirements This section to be amended so that heated pools do NOT require pool covers. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 26 Lighting Equipment (Prescriptive) IECC 404.1 A minimum of 50% of the lamps in permanently installed lighting fixtures shall be high-efficacy lamps Definition of “high-efficacy lamp” Compact fluorescent lamps T-8 or smaller diameter linear fluorescent lamps, or lamps with a minimum efficacy of: 60 lumens/W for lamps > 40 watts, 50 lumens/W for lamps > 15 watts up to 40 watts, and 40 lumens/W for lamps < 15 watts or less. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 27 Simulated Performance Alternative Comm 63.0405 Wisconsin Accepts use of REScheck when set for “2006 IECC” (use “2009 IECC” when the 2009 ICC codes are implemented) Does NOT include both envelope and equipment for trade-offs. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 28 Ch. 4 Posting of Certificate IECC/Comm 63.0401 Permanent Certificate to be posted To be posted on or in the electrical distribution panel To be completed by builder or registered design professional To list predominant R-values of insulation in or on ceiling/roof, walls, foundation (slab basement wall, crawlspace wall and/or floor), Fenestration U-factors & solar heat gain coefficients; HVAC equipment efficiencies. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 29 Ch. 4 Posting of Certificate IECC/Comm 63.0401 Don’t cover or obstruct the visibility of other required labels Certificate lists electric furnace, or baseboard electric heater that is installed No efficiency listed for the above systems ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 30 What are My Building Envelope Options for Complying with the IECC? Section 502 of the IECC (Prescriptive Approach) Use for < 40% of gross wall area in vertical fenestration Use for < 3% of gross roof area in skylights COMcheck Computer Program (per Comm 63.0506) Section 506 Total Building Performance Approach ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 Section 501.2 “Application” requires 90.1 to be used in its ENTIRETY (Envelope, Lighting, Mechanical) if used as an alternate compliance path ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 31 Zone 7 1 2 4 3 5 7 6 8 Zone 6 9 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 10 o 11 32 Changes to IECC Tables 502.1.2 & 502.2(1) Table now separated by occupancy type Non-Group R occupancies use “All other” column Group R occupancies use “Group R” column ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 33 Compliance with Chapter 5 Prescriptive Approach ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 34 Slab-on-Grade Floors IECC 502.2.6 Climate Zone 6 All Other Unheated min. R-10 for 24” All Other Heated min R-15 for 24” Residential Unheated min. R-15 for 24” Residential Heated min. R-20 for 48” Climate Zone 7 All Other Unheated min. R-15 for 24” All Other Heated min. R-20 for 24” Residential Unheated min. R-15 for 24” Residential Heated min. R-20 for 48” ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 35 ASHRAE Fundamental Data Comm 63.0303 Information on thermal properties, performance of building envelope sections, and components and heat transfer shall be obtained from ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals. Exception: Laboratory Testing results See Comm 63.0303 for acceptable test methods ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 36 Hot Gas Bypass (Common in Large Computer Rooms) IECC 502.4.4 Cooling systems can’t use Hot Gas Bypass unless system designed w/ Rated Capacity Maximum Hot Gas Bypass Capacity (% of total capacity) ≤ 240,000 Btu/h 50% > 240,000 Btu/h 25% Multiple steps of unloading; OR Continuous capacity modulation Capacity limited per Table 502.4.4 Exception: Unitary packaged systems w/ cooling capacities < 90,000 Btu/h ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 37 Ch. 5 Commercial Bldgs (Any Height) & High Rise Residential Buildings (> 4 Stories) IECC 501 & Comm 63.0501 ASHRAE 90.1-2007 may be used in its entirety in place of the 2009 IECC requirements for satisfying ALL of the following topics: IECC IECC IECC IECC 502 503 504 505 Building Envelope Building Mechanical Systems Service Water Heating Lighting ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 38 Ch. 5 Commercial Bldgs (Any Height) & High Rise Residential Buildings (> 4 Stories) IECC 501 & Comm 63.0501 Designer’s may NOT mix & match—ie. Lighting & Building Envelope requirements from ASHRAE, with Bldg Mechanical Systems & Service Water Heating from IECC. The design must be COMPLETELY based on either the IECC or ASHRAE for ALL topics referenced. Dept. review will default to IECC, unless designer indicates otherwise on plans. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 39 Demand Controlled Ventilation IECC 503.2.5.1 Demand Control Ventilation is req’d for spaces >500 sf and with an avg. occupant load of 40 per1,000 sf of floor area and served by systems w/one or more of the following: An air-side economizer; Automatic modulating control of the outdoor air damper A design outdoor airflow < 3,000 cfm (Exceptions) Spaces where the supply airflow rate minus any makeup or outgoing transfer air req’t is less than 1,200 cfm ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 40 Demand Controlled Ventilation IECC 503.2.5.1 Sequencing & all associated controls shall be explicitly addressed on the HVAC plan set. Acceptable: The HVAC system shall operate & distribute outdoor air at acceptable levels (as justified by the designer and determined acceptable by the Dept.), when the space is occupied, immaterial if the CO2 sensor has met its operational set-point (to be clearly defined on the plans). Sensor to activate additional outdoor air over baseline Exceptions: Natural ventilation or other listed code exception ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 41 Demand Controlled Ventilation IECC 503.2.5.1 Acceptable: Plans indicate that the HVAC system will distribute outdoor air when the room or space is occupied. The content of CO2 is to be compared between the relief air and the outdoor air. If the difference, as measured in ppm’s, exceeds the predefined set-point as justified to the Dept. and found acceptable, additional outdoor air is to be distributed. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 42 Demand Controlled Ventilation IECC 503.2.5.1 Unacceptable: Plans indicate that the HVAC system will ONLY distribute outdoor air when a pre-defined CO2 set-point is met. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 43 Piping Insulation IECC 503.2.8 All piping serving heating or cooling system must be insulated in accordance with Table 503.2.8 shown below. Exceptions ICC Codes w/WI Amendments (R-5.5) (R-11.1) (R-5.5) (R-7.4) (R-5.5) (R-5.5) 44 Snow Melt System Controls IECC 403.8, 503.2.10 Applicable to snow- and ice-melting systems supplied with energy service through the bldg. Require automatic controls capable of shutting off the system when the pavement temperature is > 50oF and no precipitation is falling and automatic or manual control that will allow shutoff when the outdoor temperature is above 40oF when the the potential for snow or ice is negligible. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 45 Heating Outside a Building IECC 503.2.11 Systems providing heat outside a building shall be radiant systems. Systems shall be controlled by an occupancy sensing device or timer switch, so that the system is automatically de-energized when no occupants are present ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 46 Economizers IECC/COMM Table 63.0503 Unless a listed exception is met (exception #1 is not viable), Economizers are required for: Split systems & water source heat pumps > 54,000 Btu/h Split Systems (furnace & condenser similar to those found in homes, small businesses) All other systems > 33,000 Btu/h Rooftop units, built-up VAV reheat/single fan dual duct, etc. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 47 Economizers IECC 503.3.1/COMM Table 63.0503 & IECC 501.2/Comm 63.0501 2009 IECC ALL Mechanical Building System Requirements Per 2009 IECC Economizer Req’ts IECC 503.3.1/ Comm 63.0503(8)&(9) 1 Exception ALL Building System Req’ts Per ASHRAE 90.12007-- MUST be indicated on BOTH Bldg & HVAC Plans Economizer Req’ts IECC 501.2/ Comm 63.0501(2)/ Comm 63.0503(8)&(9) 9 Exceptions ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 48 Economizers IEBC/COMM 66.0300, 66.0607, 66.0711, 66.0808 IECC/COMM Table 63.0503 “Where a single room or space is supplied by multiple air systems, the aggregate capacity of those systems shall be used in applying the requirement” (ie. for economizers) If the room is served by 2 split furnace/condenser systems, the total cooling capacity for the aggregate systems are referenced when determining when an economizer is required to be ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 49 installed High Rise Residential Bldgs IECC 505.1 IECC Chapter 5 Unique requirement for High Rise Residential Bldgs > 3 stories above grade, and > 3 dwellings or more Lighting within dwelling units where 50% or more of the permanently installed interior light fixtures are fitted with high efficacy lamps. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 50 IECC Interior Controls IECC 505.2.2.3 / COMM 63.0505(1) Daylight Zone control required for Spaces > 250ft2; and Spaces with a Lighting Power Density > 0.6W/ft2; & - Spaces containing 3 or more light fixtures Daylight Zones to have separate controls Vertical & horizontal daylight areas separately switched from general area lighting Must apply lighting reduction controls as per IECC sec. 505.2.2.1 Note – controlling all luminaires using daylighting controls is acceptable. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 51 IECC Interior Controls IECC 505.2.2.3 Daylight Zone Vertical Glazing (windows): S S 2´ Daylight Zone Boundary Daylight Zone Luminaires Ceiling Height Opaque Partition ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 15´ 52 IECC Interior Controls IECC 505.2.2.3 Daylight Zone: Horizontal Glazing (skylights): 10´ 10´ 10´ Daylight Zone ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 53 IECC Interior Power Req. IECC Table 505.5.2 Interior Lighting Power Allowances (ILPA) Footnotes b for Additional Retail Lighting Calculate Additional lighting power as follows: Additional Interior Lighting Power Allowance = 1,000 watts + (Retail Area 1 x 0.6 W/ft2) + (Retail Area 2 x 0.6 W/ft2) + (Retail Area 3 x 1.4 W/ft2) + (Retail Area 4 x 2.5 W/ft2) “Use it or Lose it” ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 54 IECC Interior Power Req. IECC Table 505.5.2 Where: Retail Area 1 = Floor area for all products not listed in Retail Areas 2, 3 or 4; Retail Area 2 = Floor area used for the sale of vehicles, sporting goods and small electronics; Retail Area 3 = The floor area used for the sale of furniture, clothing, cosmetics and artwork; Retail Area 4 = Floor area used for the sale of jewelry, crystal and china. Note: Other merchandise categories are permitted to be included in Retail Areas 2 through 4 based on justification provided to the Dept. deemed as reasonable. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 55 IECC Interior Power Req. Additional Power Allowance Rules: Area must be the display area and NOT the floor area of the space Must be switched on separate circuits from that of other general lighting Must be in addition to general lighting ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 56 IECC Exterior Power Req. IECC 505.6.1 & 505.6.1 IECC 2009 & ASHRAE 2007 are equivalent Applies to lighting powered through the building service IECC Exception - low voltage landscape lighting All exterior luminaires > 100 W shall have an efficacy of 60 L/W unless controlled by a motion sensor (unless it is exempted) ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 57 IECC Exterior Lighting Zones IECC Table 505.6.2(1)] Lighting Zone Description 1 Developed areas of national parks, state parks, forest land, & rural areas 2 Areas predominantly consisting of residential zoning, neighborhood business districts, light industrial w/limited nighttime use & residential mixed use areas All other areas 3 4 High-activity commercial districts in major metropolitan areas as designated by the local ICC Codes w/WIauthority Amendments 58 land use planning IECC Exterior Lighting Zones Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 500 W 600 W 750 W 1300 W 0.06 W/ft2 0.10 W/ft2 0.13 W/ft2 0.7 W/linear foot 0.7 W/linear foot 0.8 W/linear foot 1.0 W/linear foot 0.14 W/ft2 0.14 W/ft2 0.16 W/ft2 0.2 W/ft2 0.75 W/ft2 1.0 W/ft2 1.0 W/ft2 1.0 W/ft2 0.2 W/ft2 59 2 0.3 W/ft Base Site Allowance Tradable Surfaces Uncovered Parking Areas Parking areas and drives 0.04 W/ft 2 Building Grounds Walkways less than 10 ft wide Walkways 10 ft wide or greater Plaza areas, Special Feature Areas Stairways w/WI 2 Amendments Pedestrian TunnelsICC Codes 0.15 W/ft 0.15 W/ft2 Zone 1 NonTradable Surfaces Zone 2 2 Building Facades 270 W per location plus 90 W per add’l ATM per location 2 2 Zone 4 2 0.1 W/ft for each illuminated wall or surface or 2.5 W/linear ft for each illuminated wall or surface length 0.15 W/ft for each illuminated wall or surface or 3.75 W/linear ft for each illuminated wall or surface length 0.2 W/ft for each illuminated wall or surface or 5.0 W/linear ft for each illuminated wall or surface length 270 W per location plus 90 W per add’l ATM per location 270 W per location plus 90 W per add’l ATM per location 270 W per location plus 90 W per add’l ATM per location No allowance Automated teller machines & night depositories Zone 3 2 Loading areas for law enforcement, fire, ambulance & other emergency service vehicles 0.5 W/ft of covered & uncovered area 0.5 W/ft of covered & uncovered area 0.5 W/ft of covered & uncovered area 0.5 W/ft of covered & uncovered area 400 W per drive-through 400 W per drivethrough 400 W per drive-through 400 W per drive-through 800 W per main entry 800 W per main entry 60 Drive-up windows/doors Parking near 24-hour retail entrances 2 800 W per 800 W per main mainCodes entry w/WI Amendments entry ICC 0.75 W/ft of covered & uncovered area 2 0.75 W/ft of covered & uncovered area 2 0.75 W/ft of covered & uncovered area 2 Entrances and gatehouse inspection stations at guarded fac. 2 0.75 W/ft of covered & uncovered area 2 Zone 1 Tradable Surfaces Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Main entries 20 W/linear ft of door width 20 W/linear ft of door width 30 W/linear ft of door width 30 W/linear ft of door width Other doors 20 W/linear ft of door width 20 W/linear ft of door width 20 W/linear ft of door width 20 W/linear ft of door width 0.25 W/ft2 0.25 W/ft2 0.4 W/ft2 0.4 W/ft2 0.6 W/ft2 0.6 W/ft2 0.8 W/ft2 1.0 W/ft2 0.25 W/ft2 0.25 W/ft2 0.5 W/ft2 0.7 W/ft2 Building Entrances and Exits Entry Canopies Sales Canopies Free-standing & attached Outdoor Sales Open areas (including vehicle sales lots) Street frontage for vehicle sales lots in ICC Codes addition to “open No w/WI Amendments 61 30 W/ Simulated Performance Alternative Comm 63.0506 Wisconsin Accepts use of COMcheck when set for “2006 IECC” (use “2009 IECC” when the 2009 ICC codes are implemented) Does NOT include both envelope and equipment for trade-offs. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 62 2009 International Mechanical With Wisconsin Amendments Training As Developed by Randy Dahmen, WI PE John Spalding, WI Architect WI Dept. of Commerce, Safety & Buildings Division, Madison, WI & LaCrosse, WI Web Site: COMMERCE.WI.GOV/SB ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 63 Equipment Clearances IMC 304.6 & 7, IBC 1607.7.3 Public motor vehicle areas-Min. 8 ft above the floor OR if vehicles are capable of passing under appliance, appliance to be installed per manufacturer and not less 1 ft higher than tallest vehicle garage door opening; OR guarded (See IBC for criteria) Private motor vehicle areas-Min. 6 ft above the floor or guarded ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 64 HVAC Equipment Clearances Public Motor Vehicle Area IMC 304.6 & 7 SUSPENDED HEATING EQUIIPMENT 1’ MINIMUM Protection required if clearances cannot be met 8’ min. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 65 HVAC Equipment Clearance to Grade IMC 304.10 Equipment at grade level to be supported on a level concrete slab or other approved material >3” above grade OR shall be suspended not less than >6” above adjoining grade. NOT ACCEPTABLE ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 66 HVAC on Roofs & Elevated Structures IMC 306.5 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 67 Permanent Ladder Requirements IMC 306.5 Ladders > 30 ft in height to be provided with offset sections & landings capable of withstanding 100 lbs /sf. Landing dimensions shall be not less than 18” & not less than the width of the ladder served. A guard rail shall be provided on all open sides of the landing. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 68 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Req’ts IMC 504.1 Clothes dryers to be exhausted per listing. Dryer exhaust systems to be independent of all other systems Section 504 is not to be applied to listed and labeled condensing (ductless) clothes dryers. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 69 Clothes dryer exhausts & water heater vent….oh my!!!!! ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 70 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Req’ts IMC 504.5 Makeup air Installations exhausting > 200 cfm to have makeup air. (one [1] residential clothes dryer) Where a closet is designed for installation of a clothes dryer, an opening having an area of > 100 sq inches to be provided to the closet enclosure or make-up air shall be provided by other approved means. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 71 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Req’ts IMC 504.6.2 & 504.6.3 Duct Installation & Transition Ducts Exhaust ducts to be supported @ 4 ft intervals and secured in place. The insert end of the duct shall extend into the adjoining duct or fitting in the direction of airflow Ducts shall NOT be joined w/ screws or similar fasteners that protrude into the duct Transition ducts to be: listed as having met UL 2158A a maximum of 8 ft in length shall not be concealed within construction ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 72 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Req’ts IMC 504.6.4 Exhaust Duct Limited < 35 ft unless listing allows for longer length ** New duct length reduction table Cleanouts Req’d for each Vertical Riser ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 73 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Req’ts IMC Table 504.6.4.1 subtract from 35’-DRYER EXHAUST DUCT FITTING TYPE 4″ radius mitered 45-degree elbow EQUIVALENT LENGTH 2 ft 6 in 4″ radius mitered 90-degree elbow 5 ft 6″ radius smooth 45-degree elbow 1 ft 6″ radius smooth 90-degree elbow 1 ft 9 in 8″ radius smooth 45-degree elbow 1 ft 8″ radius smooth 90-degree elbow 1 ft 7 in 10″ radius smooth 45-degree elbow 9 in 10″ radius smooth 90-degree elbow 1 ft 6 in ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 74 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Req’ts IMC 504.6.5 Length identification Where the exhaust duct is concealed within the building construction, the equivalent length of the exhaust duct shall be identified on a permanent lab or tag. The label or tag shall to be located < 6 ft of the exhaust duct connection. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 75 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Req’ts IMC 504.6.6 Where space for a clothes dryer is provided, an exhaust duct system shall be installed. Where the clothes dryer is not installed at the time of occupancy, the exhaust duct shall be capped at the location of the future dryer. Exception: where a listed condensing clothes dryer is installed prior to occupancy of structure. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 76 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Req’ts IMC 504.6.7 Protective shield plates shall be placed where nails or screws from finish or other work are likely to penetrate the clothes dryer exhaust duct. Shield plates to be placed on the finished face of all framing members where there is < 1-1/4” between the duct and the finished face of the framing member. Protective shield plates to be steel w/min. thickness of 0.062 “ and extend a minimum of 2” above sole plates and below top plates. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 77 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 78 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Req’ts IMC 504.8 Where a common multistory duct system is designed and installed to convey exhaust from multiple clothes dryers, the construction of the system shall be in accordance with the requirements of this section. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 79 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Req’ts IMC 504.8 Make air shall be provided for the exhaust system Provide cleanout openings at base of shaft with min. 12” by 12” dimensions. Screen shall not be installed at the termination. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 80 Clothes Dryer Exhaust Req’ts IMC 504.8 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 81 Domestic Kitchen Exhaust Equipment IMC 505.2 Makeup air required if capable of exhausting > 400 cfm Shall be equipped with a means of closure Makeup air to be automatically controlled to start & operate simultaneously with the exhaust system ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 82 Type I Kitchen Hood/ Exhaust Duct Reqr’ts IMC 506.3.8, 506.3.9 Horizontal cleanouts must be < 20 Ft apart Access opening to be > 1.5” above the bottom of the duct, other options listed Access door dimensions must be a minimum of 12”/side, --Exception Access door to open without need for tools Personnel entry required if duct dimensions allows entry of personnel (min. access 22” x 20” with properly sized supports) ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 83 Type I Kitchen Hood/ Exhaust Duct Requirements IMC 506.3.8 A cleanout to be provided on inlet & outlet side of inline fan used with any commercial kitchen hood. Cleanouts to be located within 3 ft of the fan duct connections. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 84 Type I Kitchen Exhaust Duct Req’ts IMC 506.3.10.4 A duct enclosure shall be not be required for a grease duct that penetrates ONLY a non-fire-resistance rated roof/ceiling assembly *** Remember: IMC 507.9 requires a minimum clearance of 18” from combustibles. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 85 Type I Kitchen Hood Operating Requirements IMC 507.2.1.1 Type I hoods to be installed to AUTOMATICALLY activate the exhaust fan whenever cooking operations occur Activation may occur through: interlock with the cooking appliance, by means of heat sensors, or by other approved methods ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 86 Heat Sensors Installed Inside Type I Commercial Kitchen Hood ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 87 Type II Kitchen Exhaust Terminations IMC 506.4.2 Exhaust outlets to terminate > 3 ft in any direction from openings into the bldg Outlets to terminate > 10 ft from property lines or bldgs on same lot Outlets to terminate > 10 ft above grade Outlets to terminate > 30 inches above the roof surface Outlets to be protected against weather conditions Outlets shall not be directed onto walkways Outlets to meet the provisions for exterior wall opening protectives in accordance with the IBC ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 88 This is a new idea in building make-up air. The white framework is the base to a pedestal floor fan. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 89 Combustion Air IMC 701.1 Solid fuel-burning appliances shall be provided with combustion air in accordance with the appliance manufacturer’s installation instructions. Oil fired appliances shall be provided w/combustion air per NFPA 31 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 90 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 91 Hydronic Piping Testing IMC 1208 Hydronic Piping Systems (except for ground source heat pump loop systems) to be tested hydrostatically at 1-1/2 times the maximum system design pressure, but not less than 100 psi. Min. duration 15 min. Ground Source Systems to be pressure tested w/water @ 100 psi for 30 min w/ no pressure loss or leaks. If Design vs Actual flow pressure differs by > 10%, the problem shall be identified & corrected. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 92 Pressurizing During Installation IMC 1509.2 Piping to be embedded in concrete shall be pressure tested prior to pouring concrete. During pouring, the pipe shall be maintained at the proposed operating pressure. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 93 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 94 Hydronic Piping Slab/Floor Insulation Installation IMC 1209.5 Radiant piping for: Slab-On-Grade Applications (inclusive of basement floors) to be provided min. R-5 insulation installed beneath the piping. Suspended Floor Applications requires joist bay cavities serving the heating space above to have a min. R-11 insulation installed. Thermal break to be provided of asphalt expansion joint mat’ls or similar at point where a heated slab meets a foundation wall or conductive slab ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 95 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 96 2009 International Fuel Gas Code With Wisconsin Amendments Training As Developed by Randy Dahmen, WI PE John Spalding, WI Architect WI Dept. of Commerce, Safety & Buildings Division, Madison, WI & LaCrosse, WI Web Site: COMMERCE.WI.GOV/SB ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 97 Electrical Bonding IFGC 310.1/Comm 16/NEC 250.104(B) Above ground portion of a gas piping system (other than CSST) is to be bonded to an effective ground-fault current path. Gas piping, other than CSST, to be considered to be bonded where it is connected to appliances that are connected to the equipment grouping conductor of the circuit supplying that appliance. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 98 Electrical Bonding (CSST) IFGC 310.1.1/Comm 16/NEC 250.104(B) The Dept. requires that the clamp be used on a hard pipe, and NOT on the CSST itself. An licensed electrician is not required unless the bonding is occurring within the electrical box, or local rules are stricter ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 99 ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 100 Electrical Bonding (CSST) IFGC 310.1.1/Comm 16/NEC 250.104(B) Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (CSST) gas piping systems shall be bonded to the electrical service grounding electrode system at the point where the gas service enters the building. The bonding jumper shall not be smaller than 6 AWG copper wire or equivalent ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 101 Plastic Piping Used for Venting IFGC 503.4.1.1 Plastic pipe & fittings used to vent appliances to be installed in accordance with appliance manufacturer’s installation instructions. Where a primer is required, the primer shall be of a contrasting color. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 102 Gas Cooking Appliances IFGC 623 Open-top broiler units hoods to have a min. clearance of 24” to be maintained between the cooking top and combustible material above the hood, such as cabinets. A minimum clearance of 30” is required above other household cooking appliances. Req’t reduced to 24” where 1 of 3 listed exceptions are met. ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 103 Questions????? ICC Codes w/WI Amendments 104