FIVE: Advancing the Gospel MISSION THEOLOGY HINDRANCES PROVOCATIONS POSITIONED EQUIPPED Theology of Mission Missional God Jn 14:24 Father sent Jesus on mission Jn 14:24 Father sent Jesus on mission Jn 14:26 Father sent Spirit for mission Jn 14:24 Father sent Jesus on mission Jn 14:26 Father sent Spirit for mission Jn 20:21 Jesus sends us on mission Theology of Mission Missional God Missional Church origins Theology of Mission Missional God Missional Church origins Missional Church example Hindrances to Mission Priority confusion Hindrances to Mission Priority confusion Spirit confusion Hindrances to Mission Priority confusion Spirit confusion Selfishness Provocations to Mission We are called to it Provocations to Mission We are called to it God works through us Provocations to Mission We are called to it God works through us It is urgent Spurgeon: If sinners be damned, let them leap to hell over our bodies. If they perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for. THEOLOGY HINDRANCES PROVOCATIONS POSITIONED EQUIPPED Positioned in a church Positioned in a community • Be prayerful • Be prayerful • Make friends • Be prayerful • Make friends • Live the life • Be prayerful • Make friends • Live the life • All of life • Be prayerful • Make friends • Live the life • All of life • Connect first • Be prayerful • Make friends • Live the life • All of life • Connect first • Questions? Idols? THEOLOGY HINDRANCES PROVOCATIONS POSITIONED EQUIPPED T1: Missional Living Plan T1: Missional Living Plan My mission team T1: Missional Living Plan My mission team My mission arena T1: Missional Living Plan My mission team My mission arena Existing rhythms of life T1: Missional Living Plan My mission team My mission arena Existing rhythms of life New rhythms of life T2: Testimony Belief not behaviour Belief not behaviour Belief not benefits Key thing before Key thing during Key thing since T3: Gospel Outline All have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Rom 3:23 The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus. Rom 6:23 Yet to all who received Him, He gave the right to become children of God. Jn 1:12 Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth and you shall be saved. Rom 10:9 T4: Resources A Gospel presentation A Gospel developer A Gospel defender Read the chapter Do the study guide Practice together