Review Simile and Metaphor

Learning Objective: Today
we will define and identify
similies and metaphors.
Similies are a comparison of
two things that are not usually
thought to be alike.
A simile uses the clue words like or as to make
the comparison.
A simile is an example of figurative language.
Figurative language provides a more “colorful”
way of expressing something.
An example of a simile is:
“Without his glasses, the man was
as blind as a bat!”
What clue word lets you know this
is a simile? as
What two things are being
compared? Man and bat
What does the simile mean?
The man could not see
An example of a simile is:
The boys sounded like a bunch of
wild monkeys.
What clue word lets you know this
is a simile? like
What two things are being
compared? Boys and monkeys
What does the simile mean?
Boys making a lot of noise
An example of a simile is:
This package is as light as a
What clue word lets you know this
is a simile? as
What two things are being
compared? Package and feather
What does the simile mean?
Package is not heavy at all
An example of a simile is:
The wrestler was as strong as a an
What clue word lets you know this
is a simile? as
What two things are being
compared? Wrestler and ox
What does the simile mean?
Strength is being compared
Does the sentence contain a
 The girl’s voice was as quiet as a mouse. yes
 He is as tall as a giraffe.
 She likes to eat ice cream like her
friend. no
 His face turned as white as snow.
Use your whiteboard to
answer yes or no.
Metaphors compare two very different
things as if they were the same in some
 Metaphors do not use as or like to compare.
 For example:
 The sunlight was a shower of gold on the garden.
 It states something as if it is true.
An example of a metaphor is:
The traffic was a long snake of
What two things are being
compared? Traffic and snake
What does the metaphor mean?
there was a long line of
An example of a metaphor is:
To the small children, the tall man
was a mountain.
What two things are being
compared? Man and mountain
What does the metaphor mean?
The man is very big in height
An example of a metaphor is:
The dancer was a spinning top on
the stage.
What two things are being
compared? Dancer and spinning top
What does the metaphor mean?
The dancer moved very fast
on the stage.
Does the sentence contain a
 His bed feels as hard as a rock.
 The cellar was an underground cave.
 My dog is a mop with legs.
 He lifted the weights as if they were
Use your whiteboard to
answer yes or no.