RCW86, Vela Jr., W28に付随する分子雲 福井 康雄 March 13, Nagoya NANTEN & NANTEN2 @Las Campanas, alt.2400m @Atacama, alt.4800m RCW 86 (G315.4 – 2.3) • 人類が記録した最古のSNR ( AD 185 ) – Age ~ 2000 yr • SNR までの距離 ~ 2.8 kpc • ASCA の観測 ( Bamba et al. 2000 等) – SW, NE の rim から、シンクロトロンX線を検出 – ショックで加速された電子起源 • Suzaku の観測 ( Yamaguchi et al. 2008) – NE 領域で硬X線 – East 領域で Fe-K 線、軟X線(thermal 成分) (Yamaguchi et al.2008) Contour 0.5-1.0KeV Image Fe-K map Contour 3.0-6.0KeV Image Fe-K map Integrated intensity of 12CO(J=2-1) -40km/s - -33km/s Left: NANTEN2 12CO(J=2-1) integrated intensity of the RCW86 region for Vlsr = -40 to -33 km/s with 843MHz significance contours overlaid (white). Lowest contour is 0.01 Jy/Beam and interval is 0.02 Jy/Beam. Right: Typical profile example of the 12CO(J=2-1) emission. The velocity scale is form -75 to 5 km/s. Red squares are observing region at 12CO(J=2-1) line. Integrated intensity of 12CO(J=2-1) -60km/s - -50km/s Left: NANTEN2 12CO(J=2-1) integrated intensity of the RCW86 region for Vlsr = -60 to -50 km/s with 843MHz significance contours overlaid (white). Lowest contour is 0.01 Jy/Beam and interval is 0.02 Jy/Beam. Right: Typical profile example of the 12CO(J=2-1) emission. The velocity scale is form -75 to 5 km/s. Red squares are observing region at 12CO(J=2-1) line. 12CO(J=2-1) vs suzaku -40km/s - -33km/s image: 12CO(2-1) integrated intensity for Vlsr = -33 to -40 km/s with suzaku significance contours overlaid (red). Integrated intensity ratio image: 12CO(2-1)/(1-0) integrated intensity ratio. Integrated velocity range is -40 - -33 km/s. Left image contour: 12CO(J=1-0) integrated intensity. Lowest contour is 2 K km/s. contour intervals are 2 K km/s Right image contour: 843MHz radio continuum. Lowest contour is 0.01 Jy/Beam. contour intervals are 0.02 Jy/Beam. Integrated intensity ratio image: 12CO(2-1)/(1-0) integrated intensity ratio. Integrated velocity range is -60 - -50 km/s. Left image contour: 12CO(J=1-0) integrated intensity. Lowest contour is 2 K km/s. contour intervals are 2 K km/s Right image contour: 843MHz radio continuum. Lowest contour is 0.01 Jy/Beam. contour intervals are 0.02 Jy/Beam. Vela Jr. Molecular clouds toward G266.2-1.2 H Column density (Exclude HI contribution) X-CO anticorrelation in Eastern part ↓ Possible absorption by VMR component AXJ0851.9-4617 Distance of VMR = 700±200 pc (Liseau 1992 VLSR = -3 - +25 km/s CO Integrated Intensity Velocity range = - 4 km/s - + 2km/s Black contour: X-ray observation (by Suzaku telescope) Min.contour=15K・km/s Interval=15K・km/s ・Image: HESS Gamma Ray Image (F.Aharonian et al. 2007) ・Contour: CO(J=1-0) (NANTEN) min:1(K・km/s) interval:1(K・km/s) SNR RXJ0852.0-4622(Vela Jr.) ・距離1kpc、年齢は数千年の type 2 のSNR であると推定されている。(2005 川瀬修論) ・HESSによってTeVγ線が受かっているSNRの一 つ。 ・TeVγ線の放射起源を調べるために、NANTEN2 を用いて今期12CO(J=2-1)の観測を行った。 surroundings Three-color images from VLA 90cm(blue), MSX 8 um (red), and SGPS+VLA 20 cm (green). Brogan et al.(2006) Contours are VHE γ-ray observed by H.E.S.S. -levels 4, 5, 6σ. Aharonian et al.(2007) ・composite or mixed-morphology SNR ・dimension 50’×45’ and estimated distance between 1.8 and 3.3 kpc ・Old-age SNR(age 35000 to 150000 yr) ・There are γ-ray sources and HII region in the surroundings. 12CO(J=2-1) spectrum