New Hampshire Visit - Flat Stanley Project

Flat Stanley Goes to New
• Hi Kaelyn and Alice. I
made it to New
Hampshire safely. I
am busy learning
about the state and the
people who live here.
When I arrived it was
cold. The temperature
was only 15 degrees
but it soon warmed up.
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• Concord is the state
capitol This is a
picture of the State
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• This is a map of the
state of New
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• I found one way to
learn about a new state
is to read the local
• New Hampshire has
many apple orchards.
The cool fall
temperatures signal
it’s time to harvest the
ripe red apples
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• When winter arrives
the apple trees are
sometimes covered in
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• After reading for
awhile I thought it
would be a good idea
to relax in the hot tub
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• Mount Washington is the
highest peak in New
England It is 6,288 feet
above sea level and at its
peak is so high trees can’t
grow. One of the highest
wind speeds ever recorded
was on Mount
Washington. The wind
reached 231 miles per
hour on April 10th 1934
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• The Old Man of The
Mountain was a famous
landmark for years.
Recently the stone face
fell away. Many people in
New Hampshire were sad
at the loss of this famous
landmark. You will find
his silhouette on many
things related to New
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• Once New Hampshire
had over 400 covered
bridges. Today there
are around 55 that are
still standing. Most are
now considered
historical landmarks
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• I met a new friend
today. His name is
Depp. He is an
Australian Shepherd.
He is considered a
working dog because
he herds animals. I
hope he doesn’t try to
herd me!
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• By Friday the
temperature had made
it all the way to 65
degrees and the snow
was melting fast. I
hurried outside to try
to make a snow angel
but it was hard to find
any snow
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• New Hampshire has
many lakes, it even
has a special nickname
for one part of the
state, “The Lakes
Region”. This is a boat
house on lake
Winnipesauke. Its like
a garage for boats
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
Here are some of the things I
learned while I was in New
The state capitol is Concord
The states nickname is The Granite
There are several famous
landmarks but Mount Washington
is the tallest in New Hampshire
The climate varies by season, in the
winter I need a warm jacket. In the
summer I hope I have my bathing
suit with me.
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• While I was in New
Hampshire I went to
lake Winnipesauke. It
was covered with ice.
• I could see the top of
Mount Washington it
was covered in snow.
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• I had a great time visiting
New Hampshire, I hope I
can return for more fun.
The weather changes
rapidly there, when I
arrived it was cold, a few
days later it was warm (at
least that’s what the
people of New Hampshire
think). Thank you for
sending me on this
Flat Stanley in New Hampshire
• It’s getting close to
dinner and I have to
help set the table so I
am going to go for
now. I hope you
enjoyed the pictures of
my adventure.
• F.S.