- Scripture Unpacked

Presentation 49
Presentation 49
Many film producers have discovered that a story can
be dramatically told by interweaving scenes from
different locations but which take place in the same
timeframe. This is how John chose to tell his story,
intertwining the story of Peter's denial with that of the
Jewish and Roman trials. In this way the vulnerability
and failures so common to Christian experience are
set against the hatred of Caiaphas and the
indifference of Pilate.
Mark gives his account of Peter’s denial simply yet no
less forcefully. Remember that Peter is most likely
Mark’s source and so the blunt realism of his account
should not surprise us.
Presentation 49
Jesus’ words in v 27 “you will all fall away”, are
expanded by Luke to read, "Simon, Simon, Satan has
asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you,
Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you
have turned back, strengthen your brothers." Lk.
It is a graphic description. Peter was told that he
would be blown about like chaff in the wind at
threshing time. And that knowledge had caused
Jesus to pray. There is a serene confidence in Jesus’
words revealing his assurance of victory despite the
casualties that his side would take. “Satan has asked
to sift you… BUT I have prayed.” As in Gethsemane,
once again we see that, prayer is the key!
Presentation 49
Peter’s Denial
While witnesses were bearing false testimony inside
during Jesus’ trial Peter, who could have been the chief
defence witnesses, was in the courtyard. But Peter had
failed to take seriously Jesus’ caution in Gethsemane to
pray lest he fall into temptation?
Would Peter’s self-confidence which presumably keep him
from praying now exacerbate his hostility? Unlike his
Master, Peter had no assurance that God’s purposes were
being worked out in the process of events. This arrest and
trial was not a scenario he had envisaged. He had no
peace of mind that God was in control. Instead, a
tremendous sense of unrest, dread and uncertainty
gripped him.
Presentation 49
Peter’s Denial
Panic will invariably be the experience of people in
crisis who have no persuasion that God is in control.
Would the pattern of events have been different if
Peter was not parlaysed by fear? Not that a bold
witness for the defence would have influenced the
verdict but it would have comforted Jesus. He had
three opportunities to stand up for Jesus but failed
to take them. In fact he distanced himself from
Jesus. Do we sometimes do that? We have a God
given opportunity to speak out for him yet we
remain silent, intimidated by the prospect of
ridicule or worse. By our speech and action we can
convey the impression that we have little interest in
Jesus or his gospel.
Presentation 49
Peter’s Denial
Peter did what was for him the unthinkable .
“While Peter was below in the courtyard, one
of the servant girls of the high priest came by.
When she saw Peter warming himself, she
looked closely at him. `You also were with that
Nazarene, Jesus,’ she said. But he denied it. `I
don't know or understand what you’re talking
about,’ he said, and went out into the entryway.”
Jesus had told Peter he would deny him. Peter
had been appalled at the suggestion, loudly
protesting that if even everyone else fell away,
he would not!
Presentation 49
Peter’s Denial
A second time, “when the servant girl saw him
there, she said again to those standing around,
`This fellow is one of them.” Again he denied it.
Remember, this is the man who hours earlier
had said, “Even if all fall away, I will not,” v29.
Shortly after the first two denials those
standing near said to Peter, `Surely you are one
of them, for you are a Galilean.’ He began to
call down curses on himself, [a sign of protest,
and an affirmation that he is not lying] and he
swore to them, `I don't know this man you’re
talking about.’”
Presentation 49
Peter’s Denial
According to v72, “Immediately the rooster
crowed the second time. Then Peter
remembered the word Jesus had spoken to
him: `Before the rooster crows twice you will
disown me three times.’ And he broke down
and wept.”
Realizing the horror of his action, Peter is
absolutely crushed. His heart is pierced. He
collapses under his burden. Peter is
discovering precisely what it means to carry
one’s cross and to be identified with Jesus in
the presence of those who hate our Lord. Its
not as easy as he had imagined!
Presentation 49
Peter’s Denial
How poignant is Luke’s record, ‘The Lord turned and
looked straight at Peter’ Lk. 26v61. This look took
place after Peter’s third denial. It was not an, “I told
you so,” triumphalistic sort of look, but one of bitter
disappointment that said, “I have endured depths of
agony and known great anguish of heart for you. Are
you unprepared to bear the lighter burden of
confessing you are mine? I have called upon you to
bear a cross but remember I am carrying the heavier
end of the cross. I have told you that you will suffer for
my sake but you will never suffer as I have suffered.”
The love and disappointment in Jesus’ eyes melted
proud Peter’s heart. He dissolved into tears .
Presentation 49
Peter’s Denial
In the aftermath of our denial s does Jesus give us a
look that says; “Remember Gethsemane, remember
Calvary, remember all that I have borne for you. Are
you able to bear so little for me?”
Are there times when, like Peter, we have to face the
awful truth about ourselves and recognise we are not
as strong, or brave as we thought? Do we weep tears
of repentance . It is not an impersonal code a morality
that we offended but a friend, a Saviour, who has
poured out his life for us. Peter’s tears marked the
beginning of a way back to God. It is the man who has
no tears for his denials of Jesus who is in a more
serious position!
Presentation 49
Peter’s Denial
On three occasions Peter had denied that he
even knew Jesus, despite having previously,
boldly proclaimed that he would never fall
away. By the time Mark’s Gospel was written
some thirty or so years after Jesus’ death and
resurrection, Peter’s story was well known in
the church, but Peter was still the rock, one of
the key leaders of the Christian church.
As a result the account of Peter’s stumbling
would also have been comforting to those early
Christians who were facing persecution from
Rome and struggling to remain faithful to
Christ. The message of Peter’s life was not
one of ‘fail and your out!’
Presentation 49
Peter’s Denial
Thankfully, our salvation rests upon the faithfulness of
Christ and not our own. However, God would use Peter’s
experience of cowardice as a refining fire and bring Peter
through his self-inflicted ordeal in a way that would
strengthen and equip him for leadership in the church.
When we fail God do not forget that his grace is much
greater than our sin. Have you denied Christ when faced
with the pressure of non-Christian friends and family? Is
there forgiveness and the prospect of fruitful service for
you? Yes, this is assured the broken and repentant heart.
We must not write people off because of their early
failures. Paul learned this in his dealings with John Mark.
Compare Acts 15v36-38 with 2Tim. 4v11
Presentation 49
In Defence Of Peter
Many reading the gospel for the first time are surprised
by Peter’s denial. After all Peter was not only a close
friend and disciple of Jesus but one who had shown
himself to be no shrinking violet! He was Jesus’ man!
Had the denial come from someone like the rich young
ruler we would not be surprised for he loved riches more
than Jesus and "went away sorrowful." Or, we might
expect denial to have come from those one who watched
Jesus at a distance, but who never confessed him as Lord.
But this was Peter - the bold, the courageous, who was on
record as saying, "Even if all fall away ,I never will." v29.
Surely, if Peter fell, then anyone can fall , from the
strongest to the weakest. In fact it’s often the strongest
who are in the greatest danger.
Presentation 49
In Defence Of Peter
It is easy from our present day perspective to be too
hard on Peter. A number of positive things need to be
born in mind.
First, he at least followed Jesus after his arrest. The
others scattered into the enveloping darkness and
kept running till they felt they were safe. But Peter,
along with the unnamed disciple of Jn. 18 v15,
probably John, followed the arresting party back to
the high priest's house. John may have been the
young man mentioned in Mk. 14v 51. True, Peter
failed but he failed in a situation that none of the
other disciples had dared enter. He failed, not
because he was a coward, but because he was brave.
Presentation 49
In Defence Of Peter
Secondly, Peter followed Jesus because he loved him.
Common sense may have argued ‘run for safety’ but Peter
wanted to know what would become of Jesus. He would
never have been in the courtyard if he not loved Jesus
Thirdly, Peter had tried to defend Jesus in Gethsemane
with his sword. True his behaviour was reprimanded by
Jesus but it revealed a passionate (though misguided)
concern for his Master.
Finally, Peter was the disciple who had made the
confession that Jesus was "the Christ, the Son of the living
God”. Peter was no pathetic follower of Jesus. He was one
of the best of them. Yet it he who falls, not only dreadfully
but speedily and with such slight provocation.
Presentation 49
The Steps In His Fall
If Peter was as we have suggested one of the strongest
of the disciples and yet he could fall in such a way, it is
important to ask what steps led to that fall In order that
we might avoid them. There are a number to consider.
First, Peter was overconfident. When Jesus warned his
disciples that they were going to abandon him, Peter ‘s
response had been, "Lord, I don’t know about this
motley bunch, they’re not the kind of people whom I’d
have chosen as disciples. They may deny you - but you
have one man you can depend upon, Peter." When
Jesus repeated his warning , Peter replied, "Even if I
have to die with you, I will never disown you." v31
Presentation 49
The Steps In His Fall
If we indulge in such over-confidence and think that we are
invulnerable because we are strong, wise and talented,
able to grasp and deal with the dangers facing us, then
we’re well on our way to falling. Jesus says, "Without me
you can do nothing“ Jn.15v5 . Nothing means nothing!
Whenever we forget that, we are in trouble.
Secondly, remember that in Gethsemane Peter failed to
pray while Jesus did not. If we were to choose someone
who, in our opinion, did not need to pray, it would be
Jesus. But while Jesus was pouring out his soul before his
heavenly Father, Peter was sleeping. We often fail to pray
because we are not convinced of its absolute necessity.
Presentation 49
The Steps In His Fall
Thirdly, the man once stood at Jesus side is found
sharing the comfort of Jesus’ enemy’s fire. He was not
prepared to identify himself as a follower of Jesus but
nevertheless was happy to benefit from the comfort
made available by Jesus’ enemies. This causes us to ask,
‘Are we more at home in our culture , and in this world’s
society and do we find more comfort from it than we
find with Jesus and his people?’
I am not suggesting that we should somehow become
detached from the world and give ourselves to
monastic living. We are to be ‘in the world’. But- and
this is the point - we’re ‘not to be of it’. We are to be
with Christ at his side in the midst of a world that is
opposed to his rule.
Presentation 49
The Steps In His Fall
What would we say if asked, “Did I see you with
Jesus?” We are with Jesus whenever we spend time in
fellowship with him, in Bible study, prayer or worship.
And if we spend time with him it will show. It cannot
be hidden! Your family will notice, workmates will
notice, church folk will notice . And if you are identified
as having spent time with Jesus, certain things will be
expected of you?
Oh, I know that often non-Christians can expect too
much of believers, they demand something
approaching perfection. We’re not perfect. But there is
a sense in which the world and fellow Christians are
right to expect certain things of us.
Presentation 49
The Steps In His Fall
What kind of things? Jesus’ priorities should be
our priorities. His values should be our values. We
are not at liberty to assume the world's values
and adopt the world's theology. Our theology and
values must be his. We should be filled with joy
and holiness. We should stand for God’s truth
and engage in mission. There should be an
observable unity among Christ’s people.
And all we do should be marked by love. The
world has a right to expect certain patterns of
behaviour if we are Jesus’ men and women!
The world will question us just as it questioned
Presentation 49
The story of Peter’s denial is powerfully instructive. None of us are so strong that
we can lower our guard against similar temptations to unfaithfulness.
The example of Peter’s fall is here that we might learn from it. In particular we must
recognise that past failure does not disqualify us from future fruitfulness. That
God’s grace wonderfully rehabilitated Peter does not mean that we can be
indifferent to falling into sin.
It is surely better to be spared the heartbreak
and tears that Peter endured. View yourself
as a vulnerable child in need of protection.
Cry to God to keep you faithful for, “if you
think you are standing firm, be careful that
you don’t fall!” 1Cor. 10v12
Presentation 49