
Answer the following questions by
clicking on the correct answer.
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image on the correct slides. Move back to
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sorry slide.
The Moon's gravity pulls harder on water than on land,
because water is less dense than rock.
Tides are caused on the side of the Earth nearest the
Moon because the Moon's gravity attracts the water.
Tides are caused by the 23.5-degree tilt of the Earth's
rotational axis to the ecliptic plane.
Tides are caused by the difference in the force of
gravity exerted by the Moon across the sphere of the
The Moon’s gravity creates a tidal force that
stretches Earth along the Earth-Moon line, causing
Earth to bulge both toward and away from the
Amazing Job, move to the next question!
Remember gravity depends on mass (and
distance), not on density.
Try Again!!
Both first and third quarters
Full moon only
New moon only
Third quarter moon only
Both new and full moons
These are the spring tides, when the tidal forces of
the Sun and Moon work together.
Great Job, Move to next question!
Remember we do not have especially low or high
tides at the first and third moons.
Try Again!!
On the portion of Earth facing directly toward the
Moon and on the portion of Earth facing directly
away from the Moon
Anywhere that ocean water laps upon the shore
Only on the portion of the Earth facing directly
toward the Moon
Wherever it is currently noon
These are the approximate locations of the two
tidal bulges. (Approximate because Earth's
rotation pulls the bulge slightly ahead of the
Earth--Moon line.)
Nicely Done, move to the next question!!!
Try Again!!
1 and 3
2 and 4
We have spring tides - meaning the most extreme
high and low tides - at both new moon and full
You Are a Super Star, move to next question!
We actually have neap tides, not spring tides, at
both first and third quarter moon and think about
when spring tides occur.
Try Again!!
1 and 3
2 and 4
We have spring tides - meaning both the highest
high tides and the lowest low tides- at both new
moon and full moon.
Yeah Great Job, move to next slide!!!
Remember we actually have neap tides, not spring
tides, at both first and third quarter moon.
Try Again!!
You have reached the end of your journey in
exploring tides and the force that causes them.