
By: Ashleighh, Lilah, Ian, Marty
• Let’s take you back to the past, during the end
of the Ice Age, to explore and learn about the
life of Cro-Magnons. You’ll learn about when
they lived, their physical appearance, how
they hunted and gathered, what tools they
used, and much more. Now let’s go!
• Cro-Magnons lived in Africa and Asia, and
then they migrated to Europe and America
during the Ice Age around 40,000 years ago.
Appearance & Clothes
• These early humans look a lot like humans today. Their chins were
pointed, their foreheads were flat, and they also had smaller teeth,
heads, and chins than previous early humans. The men were usually
about five feet, four inches to six feet tall; the woman were around
five feet tall, too. The men were about 168 pounds, and the women
were 148 pounds.[3] In cooler climates, they would wear softened
leather to keep warm; during warmer seasons, they wove grass and
sometimes bark clothes. They sewed their clothes with animal gut
string and needles made from other animal’s bones. They made
jewelry from shells, teeth, feathers, and bones. They usually made
necklaces and bracelets. Sometimes they even painted and
tattooed their bodies with natural dyes with colors such as red,
brown, and black. [2]
• Cro-Magnons built permanent huts, so the
homes would be able to last long, through a long
harsh winter during the Ice Age. They built their
houses out of branches and mammoth bones and
covered that with a layer or animal’s skin. These
homes were teepee-style. In the process, they
would dig huge holes in the ground and inserted
the tall poles and tied the top with rope made
from animal guts, and then very carefully, they
would lay the warm furs around the top; then
placed large rocks around the bottom. [4]
• They ate foods from seeds and berries to game
and fish. The gatherers picked and foraged for all
sorts of roots and nuts, berries and seeds. The
hunters hunted for all different types of game,
from reindeer and elands, to seals and fish. They
caught these animals by using home-made bows
and arrows, traps, and nets. They also built rafts
and canoes to ride into the water, and then soon
caught their huge fish and prey.[5]
• Cro-Magnons didn’t let any meat go to waste.
Daily life
• The Cro-Magnons were great hunters. They
were hunters and gatherers. Since they would
get in great moods when it was nice weather,
sometimes after some hard work, they could
actually relax for once if they were done with
hunting and gathering.[6]
Tools & Weapons
• The men were great toolmakers. Weapons,
usually created by the men, were stone axes,
knives, spears. Harpoons, wooden bows, and
sharp stone-tipped arrows were also made
and were usually used for hunting their
• Fire for Cro-Magnons was their only source of
heat during the Ice-Age through the long,
harsh winters. They also used fire to catch
prey. These people got fire from when a
lighting bolt struck. They hoped it would hit a
tree to start a fire, and then Cro-Magnons got
the fire from the tree. Additionally, they would
use flint and stone to create a spark that could
become a fire.[8]
Religion and ceremonies
• Since their lives were very difficult, and because of the
harsh, long Ice Age, Cro-Magnons barely celebrated,
but they’d have to cherish the times they would
celebrate.[8] Though, when someone died, they’d
gather, and they’d put the bodies into the ground. The
religious leader, the Shaman, would put some
ingredients in the grave.
• For their religion, they’d have stories and reenactments
Using animal skin, drums, and percussions, they would
enjoy playing music and dancing/chanting.[9]
• Cro-Magnons were the first of our ancestors
to be capable of pronouncing clear speech so
they could develop more understanding with
their language while hunting and
• Since they could speak, they had more
complex thoughts, and they could plan for the
Paintings and Carvings
• Cro-Magnons used art in their religion and were
also the first of the Early Humans to sculpt, paint,
carve, and to use colors. Their sculptures/little
statues were usually animals or woman figures.
These were made from bone, ivory, antlers, and
• Cave paintings were made of ground up, colored
rocks in the colors/shades of red, orange, brown,
black, and yellow. These paints were stored in
hollow bones. Brushes were made of animal hair
that was tied to small bones.[12]
Quiz Time!
• How long ago did Cro-Magnons live and
• Explain Cro-Magnons’ philosophy about
meat. Also name three food items they ate.
• What was their fire wish?
• They lived 40,000 years ago. They first started
out in Africa and Asia and then migrated to
Europe and America.
• Cro-Magnons never wasted any meat. Three
food items they ate were the following:
Berries, reindeer, and fish.
• Their fire wish was when lightning struck,
they’d hope it’d hit a branch for a fire to
• Now that we’re back to the present time,
let’s summarize what we learned. We learned
that Cro-Magnons were skilled hunters,
terrific toolmakers, the first Early Humans to
speak clearly, and that they were the earliest
-colorful group of Early Men!
1. Early humans packet Cro-Magnon page. 1
2. Cro-Magnon
4. Cro-Magnon
5. Ibid.
6. Early humans packet Cro-Magnon page.
8. Early humans packet Cro-Magnon page. 1
3. Early humans packet Cro-Magnon page. 1
7. Cro-Magnon
More End Notes
• 9. 2. Cro-Magnon
• 10. Early humans packet Cro-Magnon
• 11.
• 12. Early humans packet Cro-Magnon page. 4
• California Visits Ancient Civilizations.
Macmillan/MacGraw Hill: New York, NY, 2007.
• “Cro-Magnon.” Cro-Magnon.
• Kearns, Marsha.“Homo Habilis.” Early Humans.
Creative Teaching Press: CA, 1993.