Paris Ile De France: Unregulated Competitive Decentralization

Paris Ile de France, Unregulated competitive decentralization
Christian Lefèvre, Université Paris-Est,
Institut Français d’Urbanisme,
Regional Studies Association Research Network
Governing Metropolitan regions
within a Localist Agenda: London, Paris and Berlin
Second Seminar:
22nd February, 2013
Institutional and policy issues: Articulating scales
3 major periods
 1950-80s : State-led metropolis
 1980-00s: Unfinished decentralization
 2000-today: Unregulated competitive Decentralization
1950-80s : a State-led metropolis
 Major Developments
- La Défense
- Public Transport and road network
- Major housing schemes
- universities, etc.
 New public agencies and public corporations
- District de la région de Paris
1980-00s: Unfinished decentralization
 1982-1983: Decentralization Acts and creation of Regions
 Ile de France as an exception: Planning and Public Transport not transfered to
local governments
2000-today: Unregulated competitive Decentralization
 New powers to the Regional Council
 Too many players: extreme fragmentation
 Concurrent initiatives for territorial leadership
New powers to the Regional Council
 STIF (Public Transport) is controlled by the Region
 A new master plan elaborated by the Regional Council
 State remains in control of transit operators
 State must approve the Master Plan
Too many players: extreme fragmentation
The 1300 municipalities of the Ile de France
The 8 départements
Concurrent initiatives for territorial leadership
 City of Paris: Metropolitan conference, Paris Métropole and Metropolitan
 The State: the Grand Paris project
 Regional Council: Reluctance to participate and not very present
City of Paris: Metropolitan conference 2006-2009
Paris Métropole: 2009
Paris Métropole in 2012
Metropolitan Pole?
The State: the Grand Paris project
 Grand Paris Transport
 The Grand Paris Act (2010)
The OIN (Zones of National Interest) in the Ile de France region
The Grand Paris Transport project
 Competitive Decentralization
 Conflicts of vision and territorial leadership
 No legitimate leader
 No places for dialogue, mediation and negotiation