Marianas Trench_23April2013

By Jenelle Blumer
The Marianas Trench. Hmm… that strikes a
bell, doesn’t it? Its the name of a Canadian
band! Not even close.
In truth, there is a band by the name of the
Marianas Trench. However, the Marianas
Trench I researched about is the deepest part
of the world’s oceans, a trench located in the
western Pacific Ocean, to the east of the
Mariana Islands. It is an extreme environment.
While thousands have climbed Mount
Everest, the highest peak on earth, only a
precious few have ventured down to the deep,
dark, mysterious crack in the floor of the
The deepest part of the Trench is Challenger
Deep, a deep crack in the Trench
approximately 35,994 feet (10,971 m) in depth.
The Mariana/Marianas Trench is a crescent shaped scar in
the ocean floor of the Atlantic. It measures more than 1,500
miles (2,550 kilometers) long and 43 miles (69 kilometers)
wide on average. It was formed when two tectonic
plates collide. At the collision point, one of the plates dives
beneath the other into the Earth’s mantle, creating an ocean
trench. It is cloaked in darkness with the water pressure
weighing tons, and surprisingly contains many significant
types and breed of fish despite the pressure, which increases
with depth.
Mariana Trench was claimed by Spain in 1668. Spain
established a colony there and gave the islands the official
title of Las Marianas in honor of Spanish Queen Mariana of
Did you know that the moon has been more explored than
the Mariana Trench?
It is extremely difficult to measure the depth of the Marianas
Trench, due to the difficult task of delivering instrumentation
to such a remote location and then obtaining accurate
readings. However, the most recent measurement of the
Trench, obtained by a U.S. research team in (GEBCO Gazetteer
of Undersea Feature Names in 2011), recorded the depth as
10,994 metres, yet with only a width of 43 miles. The first
attempt as measuring the depth of the Trench was in 1875
during the Challenger Expedition, when a sounding of 26,850
feet (8,184 metres) was obtained near the southern end of the
If there is any trouble in understanding the depth of the
Mariana Trench, just look at it this way— if somebody were to
fit Mt. Everest, the highest land mountain on earth at 29035
feet, into the Challenger Deep, there would still be at least
7000 feet left over. That’s how deep it is.
The water pressure on the floor of the
trench is more than 8 tons per square
inch (703 kilograms per square meter),
the equivalent of having 50 jumbo jets
piled on top of a person! Most of the
trench is black, with no significant
source of light except for glowing fish.
The trench's floor has hydrothermal vents that emit highly
acidic fluids. The temperature around the vents can reach
temperatures of 572 degrees F (300 degrees C). Conversely, the
water at the seabed floor is very basic and hovers between 34
and 40 degrees F (1.1 and 4.4 degrees C). The contrast between
the two creates an ever-changing and nearly-toxic
environment. Even so, miraculously, life thrives.
The first time humans descended into the Challenger Deep was more than 50 years
ago, when Don Walsh and Jacques Piccard boarded a bathyscaphe called the Trieste
to pinpoint and survey the area.
The bathyscaphe, meaning deep boat, was Swiss designed and Italian built.
The two of crew that boarded it were both Oceanographers, and both successfully
completed Project Nekton.
Jacques Piccard was actually the son of Auguste Piccard, who designed the Trieste.
Because of the fact that Auguste broke the highest altitude hot-air balloon, the
Piccard family holds the record of highest altitude balloon fight AND deepest ocean
Don Walsh, the other crew member, had been associated with ocean science,
engineering, and marine policy for over 50 years. HE was an officer for the U.S. navy.
A big problem that occurred was that when the Trieste landed on the bottom gently,
the clouds of silt rose and did not settle before the Trieste rose back up again, thus
preventing them from taking any clear pictures in the Challenger Deep
Technology used to
The waters covering our planet are vast, taking up over
70 percent of its surface. Beyond the coastlines of
Earth’s major continents, however, the ocean remains
virtually unexplored due to the risk of the danger
waiting beyond the calm waves as seen from a beach.
Engineering is an important part of Oceanology. After
all, ocean exploration isn’t all about throwing off your
clothes and jumping in, right?
Technology is very essential in cases of Extreme
Environments, which in this case would be the
Mariana Trench, because of obstacles that await us,
such as…
Water pressure (over 8 tons per square inch)
Lack of Oxygen
Must possess permit
Very cold (1-4 degrees Celsius)
Noxious fumes released from hypothermal vents
Unknown and possibly dangerous creatures
If anything goes wrong, it’s a long way home
Vessels are probably the most critical element in any venture beyond the
shores. In the case of research vessels the ships must also be equipped with
special tools and technology that allow scientists to explore ocean
environments. Research vessels are highly advanced mobile research stations,
providing stable platforms from which explorers can deploy equipment, divers,
and submersibles. Not only that, these vessels carry electronics, computers, and
navigational and communications systems.
Submersibles are small vehicles designed to operate underwater. Unlike
submarines, submersibles cannot go very far by themselves; they rely on a larger
vessel, such as a ship, to carry them to their destination, charge their batteries, or
supply air and oxygen. Many submersibles these days are ROVs (Remotely Operated
Vehicles). Instead of traveling with the ROV, the operator stays on the ship and
controls it remotely by computer, while watching video images sent back by the
submersible. ROVs are particularly useful for exploring in water that is too deep or
dangerous for humans.
Submersibles are small vehicles designed to operate underwater. Unlike
submarines, submersibles cannot go very far by themselves; they rely on a larger
vessel, such as a ship, to carry them to their destination, charge their batteries, or
supply air and oxygen. Many submersibles these days are ROVs (Remotely
Operated Vehicles). Instead of traveling with the ROV, the operator stays on the
ship and controls it remotely by computer, while watching video images sent back
by the submersible. ROVs are particularly useful for exploring in water that is too
deep or dangerous for humans.
Certain tools, such as sondes, CTDs, and drifters, provide specific information
about the ocean environment. Other instruments, such as satellites, provide
generalized data from which a wide range of observations can be made. The
information gathered from the instruments deployed in the oceans and the sky will
help us answer many questions about our world.
When depths are not too great or conditions are not too unsafe, divers can descend
into the water to explore the ocean realm firsthand. However, we are creatures
evolved to live on land. Unaided by technology, people are about as helpless
underwater as a fish on grass. The two most common types of diving are Scuba
Diving and Technical Diving. Scuba diving is the most extensively used system for
breathing underwater by recreational divers throughout the world and in various
forms is also widely used to perform underwater work for military, scientific, and
commercial purposes. Technical diving often involves the use of special gas
mixtures (other than compressed air) for breathing.
 Canada is one of the world’s leaders in Oceanography. After
all, it is embedded next to 3 oceans. Although the
contribution towards exploration of Mariana Trench isn’t the
most, Canada is experienced in Oceanology of different parts
of the earth. Some of the companies they own are:
 The Marine Institute, a Fisheries and Marine Institute of
Memorial University of Newfoundland
 The Department of Science in the Dalhousie University,
Canada's premier location for oceanographic research and
 Ocean Technology Centre
The government has established several firms up and down the
country that specialise in research and producing ocean
Why is exploring
Mariana Trench so
As populations grew, ancient peoples explored Extreme
Environments to find new places to live. They also
explored to find food, water, and other resources. Today,
people explore to learn about the world and the
universe, rather than to find a new place to live.
However, some scientists and politicians talk about
having a human colony on the Moon or Mars some day.
It is important to explore Marianas Trench for unknown
objects or animals that could help us in some way, for
example to help us develop a new cure for cancer. We
could also set up bases in Oceans, as planned in outer
Mind Your Carbon Footprint and Reduce Energy
Reduce the effects of climate change on the ocean by leaving
the car at home when you can and being conscious of your
energy use at home and work.
2. Make Safe, Sustainable Seafood Choices
Try not to order or buy seafood for meals— fish and marine animals are dying out
and the best thing to do to solve the problem is to try to stop devouring them.
3. Use Fewer Plastic Products
Plastics always end up in the ocean and kill thousands of marine life a year. To
shorten the number, carry a reusable water bottle, store food in non-disposable
containers, bring your own cloth tote or other reusable bag when shopping, and
recycle whenever possible.
4. Help Take Care of the Beach
Whether you enjoy diving, surfing, or relaxing on the beach, always clean up after
yourself. Explore and appreciate the ocean without interfering with wildlife or
removing rocks and coral. Go even further by encouraging others to respect the
marine environment or by participating in local beach cleanups.
5. Don't Purchase Items That Exploit Marine Life
Certain products contribute to the harming of fragile coral reefs and marine
populations. Avoid purchasing items such as coral jewelry, tortoiseshell hair
accessories (made from hawksbill turtles), and shark products.
6. Be an Ocean-Friendly Pet Owner
Read pet food labels and consider seafood sustainability when choosing a diet for
your pet. Never flush cat litter, which can contain pathogens harmful to marine
life. Avoid stocking your aquarium with wild-caught saltwater fish, and never
release any aquarium fish into the ocean or other bodies of water, a practice that
can introduce non-native species harmful to the existing ecosystem.
7. Support Organizations Working to Protect the Ocean
Many institutes and organizations are fighting to protect ocean habitats and
marine wildlife. Find a national organization and consider giving financial support
or volunteering for hands-on work or advocacy. If you live near the coast, join up
with a local branch or group and get involved in projects close to home.
8. Influence Change in Your Community
Research the ocean policies of public officials before you vote or contact your local
representatives to let them know you support marine conservation projects.
Consider patronizing restaurants and grocery stores that offer only sustainable
seafood, and speak up about your concerns if you spot a threatened species on the
menu or at the seafood counter.
9. Travel the Ocean Responsibly
Practice responsible boating, kayaking, and other recreational
activities on the water. Never throw anything overboard, and
be aware of marine life in the waters around you. If you’re set
on taking a cruise for your next vacation, do some research to find the most ecofriendly option.
10. Educate Yourself About Oceans and Marine Life
All life on Earth is connected to the ocean and its inhabitants. The more you learn
about the issues facing this vital system, the more you’ll want to help ensure its
health—then share that knowledge to educate and inspire others.
The Mariana Trench was once proposed as a nuclear waste disposal site, in hope that
tectonic plate subduction occurring at the
site might eventually push the nuclear waste deep into the Earth's mantle. This is a
bad idea— plate subduction zones are associated with very large mega thrust
earthquakes! Besides, ocean dumping is prohibited bylaw.