Taiga - 19-164 - home

By: Dana Al Ali
The Taiga is the largest terrestrial Biome on the planet.
What is it made up of?
A Taiga is a forest made up of different kind of trees, these
Coniferous Pines
Elm Trees.
Climate: The winters are very long and heavy with snowfall
although the summers are short and breezy. The
Temperatures in the summer are about 64 degrees to 72
degrees but in winter it sometimes it drops to about -14 c
Since the Taiga is the largest Biome. It spreads
through North America, Scandinavia, Eastern
Europe & Russia.
 Fire Lillies
 Winter Greens
 Berries
 Balsam Fir
 Pink Lady's-Slipper
 Roundleaf Sundew
 Evergreens have a variety of physical adaptations. The
way the ever-green adapts includes its shape, leaf type,
root and color.
 During the winter the Ever-Green doesn’t get much
energy because the sun is low and the soil is very cold.
 These animals have lived through the harsh winters
and warm summers easily because of the thickness of
their fur and hunting food.
 A Wolverine adapts to its biome easily because of their
fur which is really thick long black and brown, with
yellow whitish stripes which can camouflage and
blend into the wildlife. This helps the Wolverine to
adapt and hunt.
 A Wolverine doesn’t hunt, it eats any animal it
A Fox adapts into the Taiga with the “depth” of its fur which keeps out the
coldness of the Winter. A Fox hunts in the Summer for birds, reptiles and
small animals because of the wildlife surrounding the fox but in winter it
hunts for insects and fruit.
In winter, as known Bears hibernate but as soon as
Summer arrives they enter the forest and begin to hunt
and eat salmon from the rivers of the Taiga.
A bear’s fur is really bushy which helps it survive and
adapt into the freezing winters of the Taiga.
 A Lynx adapts to its Biome easily with its thick white,
brown and sometimes black fur. Its paws that are large
to hunt with and grip ice and snow simply.
 Lynx’s sleep the day and hunt at night. The eat various
small animals and rodents. These Lynx animals are
afraid of humans and keep a distance when
encountered with one.
 A Moose can survive through the harsh winters,
through their dense bodies that are full of fat and thick
fur that keeps them from the cold.
 Unlike any other of the animals in the Taiga, the
moose is a herbivore. The plants and berries feed the
 Back in the early days, Mammoths Sloths and the
Saber Tooth Tigers were hunted by our ancestors and
were extinct also, back then they hunted Beavers and
Minks even those are near to disappearing, Nowadays
we have led more damage and danger of extinction to
animals than they did 400 years ago. The Taiga, is on
the edge of life, because of us humans cutting down its
trees for our own needs.
 I think that people should start being aware of the Biomes
that will no longer exist also, should treasure them because
they have existed for more than 2,000 years.
 I think that people should start becoming more ecofriendly. Stop building dams and mining because it kills the
nature and animals because they need their home to
survive. It blocks of the air for people too.
A&01NA=na = Fox 1
http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/elm%20trees - Elm Tree
http://wesbiomes.weebly.com/uploads/8/8/8/3/8883471/4076899_orig.jpg - Taiga #1
http://bioexpedition.com/taiga-biome/ - Taiga #2
http://ohesvictory-science.wikispaces.com/file/view/TAIGAPic.jpg/32681414/352x258/TAIGAPic.jpg Taiga #3
http://www.discoverwildlife.com/sites/default/files/images/P6020529.preview.JPG - Taiga #4
http://bioexpedition.com/taiga-biome/ - information
http://www.manta-2000.com/clanwolverine/wolver.htm - facts on Wolverines
http://finnature.com/files/2011/05/ahma_1756_10.jpg - Wolverine 1
nw=195&start=45&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:57,s:0,i:340 - Wolverine 2
 http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/naturelibrary/images/ic/credit/640x395/w/wo/
wolverine/wolverine_1.jpg- wolverine 3
http://www.flickr.com/photos/roblee/98951666/in/set-1357853/ - fox 2
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fuzzy_Freddy.jpg - fox 3
http://www.flickr.com/photos/roblee/102165753/in/set-1357853/- fox 4
http://www.eoearth.org/files/121001_121100/121067/300pxNorthern_Canadian_Shield_taiga_2.jpg- owl 1
http://www.birds-of-denmark.dk/images/lapugle234afront.jpg - owl 2
100008/5889793-eagle-owl-in-the-morning-in-the-middle-of-oldtaiga-wood.jpg - owl 3
halifax_9_-04.JPG- Canadian Flag
http://globial.com/globialtalksbusiness/wpcontent/uploads/2012/01/sweden.jpg - Swedish Flag
http://www.thelocationguide.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Norway7.jpg -Nowaish Flag
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Xn_O-mM2sFk/TN2IVL4TnZI/AAAAAAAADts/X1hjni0JZ0/s1600/AmericanFlag.jpg - American Flag
http://www.fdwallpapers.com/misc/images/russian-flag.jpg - Russian Flag
http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4119/4803152863_e8360171b1_z.jpg - Fire Lily
http://www.fond-ecran-image.fr/galerie-membre/lynx/lynx-aux-aguets-01.jpg - Lynx
http://www.naturephoto-cz.com/photos/others/lynx-3162.jpg - lynx 2
http://www.zoocrew.eu/images/spotlight/soslynx/lynx2.jpg - Lynx 3
http://cdn1.arkive.org/media/2C/2C0394AB-DC7E-442E-8E29-6B5937885D1C/Presentation.Large/Brown-bearwalking-Alaskan-population.jpg - Bear
http://bearsoftheworld.net/images/bears/brown_bear_ru.jpg - bear 2
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-70SUc0O_Ytw/Ta7QEHs7zVI/AAAAAAAAAPg/OPpyiCVKUAg/s1600/Brown-Bear5.jpg - bear 3
http://ww2.valdosta.edu/~ckbeck/moose2.jpg - Moose
http://huntdrop.com/uploads/gamecams/monster-moose2.jpg - moose 2
http://cdn.anchorage.net/sites/anchorage.net/files/styles/homepage_slider_1400700/public/Flower%20Moose_Wayde%20Carroll_1400x700.jpg - Moose
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN4PRKZdP5Q - Video, information
http://www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org/theearth/nov12/taiga-evergreen-plants.jpg - plants
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110304135151AAljsDu - Information about Plants