MapReduce 資工碩一 黃威凱 Outline Purpose Example Method Advanced 資工碩一 黃威凱 PURPOSE 資工碩一 黃威凱 Purpose Data mining Data processing 資工碩一 黃威凱 EXAMPLE 資工碩一 黃威凱 Example Find the maximum temperature of year National Climatic Data Center(NCDC) ◦ The data is stored using a line-oriented ASCII format , in which each line is a record ◦ There is a directory for each year from 1901 to 2001 ,each containing a gzipped file for each weather station with its readings for that year 資工碩一 黃威凱 Example(Data format) 資工碩一 黃威凱 Example (Gzipped file, example for 1990) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ % ls raw/1990 | head 010010-99999-1990.gz 010014-99999-1990.gz 010015-99999-1990.gz 010016-99999-1990.gz 010017-99999-1990.gz 010030-99999-1990.gz 010040-99999-1990.gz 010080-99999-1990.gz 010100-99999-1990.gz 010150-99999-1990.gz 資工碩一 黃威凱 METHOD 資工碩一 黃威凱 Method Analzing the data with Unix tools Analzing the data with Hadoop 資工碩一 黃威凱 Method(Unix tools) 資工碩一 黃威凱 Method(Unix tools) Here is the beginning of a run: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ % ./ 1901 317 1902 244 1903 289 1904 256 1905 283 ... The complete run for the century took 42 minutes in one run single EC2 High-CPU Extra Large Instance. 資工碩一 黃威凱 Method(Hadoop) Use MapReduce ◦ Map Shuffle ◦ Reduce 資工碩一 黃威凱 Method(Hadoop) Map function ◦ Pull out the year and the air temperature ◦ Transform key-value pairs 資工碩一 黃威凱 Method(Hadoop) Map function ◦ The shuffle Each reduce task is fed by many map tasks. 資工碩一 黃威凱 Method(Hadoop) Reduce function ◦ Iterate through the list and pick up the maximum reading ◦ Input (1949, [111, 78]) (1950, [0, 22, -11]) ◦ Output: (1949, 111) (1950, 22) 資工碩一 黃威凱 Method(Hadoop) Data flow 資工碩一 黃威凱 Method(Hadoop) Java MapReduce-Mapper example 資工碩一 黃威凱 Method(Hadoop) Java MapReduce-Reduce example 資工碩一 黃威凱 Method(Hadoop) Java MapReduce-Job example 資工碩一 黃威凱 ADVANCED 資工碩一 黃威凱 Advanced Case1 資工碩一 黃威凱 Advanced Case2 資工碩一 黃威凱 Advanced Case3 資工碩一 黃威凱 Advanced Combiner Functions on Map output ◦ Example Map input1: (1950, 0), (1950, 20), (1950, 10) Map input2: (1950, 25), (1950, 15) After shuffle: Map1: (1950, [0,20,10]) Map2: (1950, [25,15]) No Use Combiner to reduce input (1950, [0, 20, 10, 25, 15]) Use Combiner to reduce input (1950, [20, 25]) 資工碩一 黃威凱