
“And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on
all the face of the earth and has determined their preappointed
times and the boundaries of their dwellings.” Acts 17:26
Taken from Jentezen Franklin’s book, “Right People, Right Place, Right Plan”.
Proper Placement
• Sometimes God can place us right where he wants us, but it is
then up to us to follow through with what we are supposed to
do. Other times we don’t allow God to place us where he wants
us. We then miss what God has preappointed for us.
One of God’s primary purposes for your life is proper
placement. Being in the right place at the right time is an
important key to discovering God’s will for your life.
When we do our own thing we miss the place that God wants
us to be.
• God has the proper placement for your life. God had a place he
created for Adam and Eve, the garden. He had them where he
wanted them to be, but they decided to do things different than
what God had planned.
• You can be in the place God’s wants you to be in, but still make
the wrong choices like Adam and Eve. It’s all about following
God and including him in your whole life! Find out what God’s
assignment is for you.
• You will have to spend time travailing in prayer (Romans 8:2627) 26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to
pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who
searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s
people in accordance with the will of God
fasting, and reading God’s word to find out what that
assignment and place are.
• Paul wrote, “God has set the members, each one of them, in the
body just as He pleased” 1 Corinthians 12:18
• God comes to you right where you are and gives you a purpose,
a mission, and a place.
• 1. It releases supernatural provisions in your life.
• 2. It provides protection.
• 3. It demands the death of pride.
• 4. It is often preceded by a season of discomfort.
• 5. It prevents exposure to sinful situations and temptations you
would encounter if improperly placed.
• 6. It can help you to avoid future problems.
• 1 Kings 17:2-4 describes supernatural provision: 2 Then the
word of the LORD came to Elijah: 3 “Leave here, turn eastward
and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. 4 You will drink
from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you
with food there.”
• During a famine, God gave Elijah clear instruction, saying, in
effect, “Go to Cherith. I have commanded the ravens to feed you
there. God told Elijah that if he moved to the right place,
supernatural provision would show up. Divine supply follows
divine placement. If Elijah had went any other place, then the
ravens would not have fed him.
• God holds your place of supernatural provision ----- God has a
“there” for you.
• Just about the time that Elijah thought that he had God all
figured out, suddenly the brook dried up and the ravens stopped
bringing food.
• God allowed the brook to dry up to drive Elijah back to his
source. We are to seek God’s face not his hand. We want a
handout and God wants a face-off.
• God gave Elijah a new plan, 1 Kings 17:9, 9 “Go at once to
Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I have directed
a widow there to supply you with food.”
• Discern the place of blessings for your life.
• If God says I will bless you “there”, and you insist on staying
“here”, then you’re going to miss His provision. Everything was
dependent on Elijah being in the right location.
• Sometimes, the place God has for you won’t appear to be a
place of blessing.
• In Exodus 33:21, God said to Moses, “Here is a place by Me,
and you shall stand on the rock.” God has a place reserved for
you on the rock. If you move there, God will supernaturally
provide all you need to do His will.
• A wrong place is any place where you know your Christian walk
is compromised.
• When Adam and Eve were with God, Satan never showed up.
He approached Eve when she was absent from God’s presence.
• As long as Peter stayed near Jesus’s side, he was strong in
faith --- absent from His presence --- he denied Christ three
• Job
• There is protection in His presence. Don’t stray too far from the
body of Christ, which is the church, or you’ll become easy prey
for the enemy.
• Proper placement demands the death of pride. Pride is one of
the main obstacles blocking your move to the right place.
Swelling up with pride allows you to say “I’m not doing that”
• Elijah was a great and mighty man of God. He had called down
fire from Heaven and it killed 450 prophets of Baal.
• When instructed to seek help from the widow in 1 Kings, He
could have said, “I’m not going to lower myself by asking for
help from that woman.” But he didn’t allow pride to keep him
from the right place.
• Getting to the right place can often be preceded by a season of
• Until your misery factor exceeds your fear factor, you won’t
• When a mother eagle wants her eaglets to learn how to fly, she
begins to tear up the nest. She removes the animal fur to
expose the briars and thorns. Suddenly the nest isn’t such a
comfortable place anymore, so the eaglets swiftly desire to
stretch their wings and learn to soar.
• You’ll never soar if you’re too comfortable. You will never
change what you are willing to tolerate.
• Being in the right place can also prevent exposure to sinful
situations and temptations.
• The first words that God spoke to Adam after he sinned referred
to Adam’s location. “Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him,
`Where are you?`” Genesis 3:9
• Adam’s sin drove him away from the place specifically prepared
for him.
• Lot was the nephew of Abram, but he left his uncle and moved
to Sodom. Lot saw an opportunity to get rich and moved to
Sodom. Eventually he lost his wife in the process because he
wasn’t where he was supposed to be.
• Living within the proper placement of God can make all the
difference between a life of blessing and a life of sorrow.
• Life won’t always be fine and dandy, but having the right people
in your life, being in the right place, and following God’s plan
can help avert many potential problems in life.
• How do you find that right place? If you have sin in your life,
repent. Pray for God’s forgiveness and divine direction.
• Psalm 92:13 says, “Those who are planted in the house of the
Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.”
• Get yourself grounded and rooted in church and God’s word.
• The prodigal son finally realized that he was in the wrong place,
living in a pigpen, when he said, “I will arise and go to my
father.” Luke 15:18. He was saying, in effect, “I’m leaving the
wrong place and going back to the right place.
• Don’t wait until you’re in the pigpen to realize that you’re in the
wrong place.
• Pray for God’s guidance. You are not asking God for something
that he knows nothing of. Acts 17:26 says, “And he has made
from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of
the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the
boundaries of their dwellings.
• God has assigned a place for you and has set a time for you to
be there.
• Jentezen Franklin writes that he believes you are safer fighting
in a war within the will of God than spending a day at the beach
outside the will of God.
• If God closes one door, he will open another one But don’t linger
out in the hall too long.
• “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.” Psalm
• Learn to listen to your inner voice of discernment. God has a
Sea World assignment for you.
• People are counting on you to be sensitive enough to shine His
light into their darkness.