Personal and Professional attributes for success वस्त्रेण वपष ु ा वाचा ववद्यया ववनयेन च वकारैः पञ्चभिर्हीनैः नरो नायाति गौरवम ् vastreNa vapuShaa vaachaa vidyayaa vinayena cha vakaaraiH pa~nchabhirhInaH naro naayaati gauravam The Way you dress represents what you stand for. Clothing has to be Tidy and Proper , need not be expensive but has to be expressive. वस्त्रेण- vastra (Clothes) Most of the times appearance of a person determines the way he is treated. The presentability of the person contributes more than physical attributes वपष ु ा- Vapusha (appearance) Use simple language and select words that convey precise meaning. It should be clear , understandable, and should be powerful enough to influence your target. वाचा- Vaachaa (Speech) स्वगह ृ े पूज्यते मूर्ःख स्वग्रामे पूज्यते प्रभः स्वदे शे पज् ू यते राजा ववद्वान ् सवखत्र पूज्यते swagRuhe pUjyate mUrkhaH swagraame pUjyate prabhuH svadeshe pUjyate raajaa vidvaan sarvatra pUjyate ववद्यया- Vidya (knowledge) The precious ornament affordable by the poor ,the rich ,the young , the old , the man, and the woman . ववनयेन- Vinaya (humility) All these 5 'va' kaaraa-s (words starting with 'v‘ • Vastra • VapuSha • Vachaa • Vidyaa • Vinaya ) attribute for one’s professional and personal respect and success presented by, Ramya and Ravindra (The poem in the Presentation is extracted from Samskruta Mouktikaani )