NEMS/GFS Overview Mark Iredell, Software Team Lead NEMS/GFS Overview topics. GFS nomenclature GFS history GFS resolution GFS in NCEP production GFS & GDAS workflow GSM time split NEMS motivation NEMS structure NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 2 GFS nomenclature (obsolete) MRF Medium Range Forecast Once per day late 10-day global forecast Obsolete when merged into GFS AVN Aviation forecast Twice per day early 72-hour global forecast Obsolete when merged into GFS NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 3 GFS nomenclature (GFS) GFS Global Forecast System Applies to entire suite of jobs from observation processing to data assimilation to forecast model to product generation, including ensemble (GEFS) and aerosol (NGAC) components, but not seasonal component. GFS runs four times per day, with “early” (GFS) and a “late” (GDAS) analysis cycles. NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 4 GFS nomenclature (GDAS) GDAS Global Data Assimilation System Applies to portion of GFS which waits to run well after real-time, assimilates all available observations, cycles upon itself with 9-hour forecasts, has no customer products, but is the backbone for nearly all NCEP numerical prediction guidance. NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 5 GFS nomenclature (apps) GSM Global Spectral Model “Only” the numerical atmospheric prediction forecast model application UPP Unified Post Processor (aka NCEP post) Downstream application creating the master file from which all GFS products are made GSM & UPP combined in NEMS/GFS NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 6 GFS nomenclature (NEMS) NEMS NOAA Environmental Modeling System Applies to the software framework containing NCEP’s numerical models Contains both GSM and UPP components Also contains NGAC and GEFS Also contains NMM-B and FIM Soon will contain HYCOM and MOM5 Uses ESMF and NUOPC to help couple NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 7 GFS history (timeline) Find full history timeline at NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 8 GFS resolution (horizontal) What the heck does “T574” mean? T is triangular, the domain shape in spectral space. Triangular is isotropic on a sphere. 574 is the maximum number of waves around a great circle in any direction, so the shortest wavelength is 40000/574=70 km. The Eulerian GSM uses 3 gridpoints per wave, so T574 is on a 1760 x 880 reduced Gaussian grid, or about 23 km. NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 9 GFS resolution (vertical) Hybrid sigma-pressure vertical coordinate Pressure on interface k equals Ak + Bk ps (linear function of surface pressure) At bottom, A=0, B=1 (sigma) At top, A=0, B=0 (pressure) Pure pressure above 70 mb NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 10 pressure (Pa) GFS resolution (vertical function) thickness (Pa) NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 11 GFS resolution (vertical section) pressure (Pa) GFS 64 hybrid levels on a cross-section along 90 E thickness (Pa) NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 12 GFS in NCEP production CLIMATE CFS GFS + MOM3/4 Oceans Hurricane HYCOM GFDL HWRF (NMM) WaveWatch III ~3.5B Obs / Day ‘Mostly’ Satellite +Radar Global Data Assimilation Global Forecast System Dispersion, Ash, Smoke & Dust North American Mesoscale ARL’s HYSPLIT NMM Severe Weather Regional Data Assimilation NMM + ARW Short-Range Ensemble Forecast Air Quality NMM + ARW + ETA + RSM NAM + EPA/ ARL’s CMAQ North American Ensemble Forecast System GEFS + Canadian Global +… Very Short Range Ensemble Forecasts Rapid Refresh for Aviation ARW + GSI NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School Time-Lagged RR+NAM 13 13 GFS & GDAS workflow (timing and dependencies) NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 14 GFS & GDAS workflow (jobs) N E M S N E M S NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School N E M S 15 GSM time split concept GSM does numerical prediction by integrating a series of timesteps. T574 Eulerian has a 2 minute timestep. Each timestep in the GSM is split by computing and integrating “Dynamics” processes first and then computing and integrating “Physics” processes. NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 16 GSM time split Dynamics Ideal gas law Conservation of mass Conservation of momenturm Pressure gradient force (including mountain torque) Coriolis force Gravity (indirectly in hydrostatic approximation) Conservation of energy (1st law) Transport (aka advection) Energy conversion term Cascade to unresolved scales (2nd law) NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 17 GSM time split Physics Radiation (solar and terrestrial) Surface exchange (land, sea, ice) Turbulence (surface, boundary, and free) Subscale gravity waves Tracer sources and sinks Moist processes Large-scale condensation Shallow convection Deep convection NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 18 NEMS, what is that? NOAA Environmental Modeling System A shared, portable, high performance software superstructure and infrastructure For use in operational prediction models at NCEP NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 19 NEMS motivation Develop a common superstructure for all NCEP models. Modularize large pieces of the models with ESMF components and interfaces, and couple using NUOPC layers and wrappers. Divide atmospheric models down into Dynamics and Physics components but no further. Take history file I/O outside the science parts and into a common Write component. Keep science code and parallelization code in the respective models the same as before. NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 20 NEMS structure MAIN NEMS All boxes represent ESMF components. EARTH(1:NM) Atm Ocean Wrt nemsio, … NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School Ensemble Coupler NEMS superstructure Ice NEMS library 21 NEMS components NAM mesoscale GFS global GSM NMM FIM Model components: Domains(1:ND) Dyn Solver Phy Chem Physics parameterizations Postprocessor Physlib Post Other components: GFS Phy column physics NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School libpost.a 22 NEMS/GFS Overview is over. Thanks. Questions? NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School 23