civicday2012presentation - Bournemouth Civic Society

Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of Positive Action
What we do
Championing Civic Pride
Promoting high standards of planning
and architecture
Securing the protection of features of
historic and public interest
Supporting greater public participation
in planning and town issues
Lobbying for better national, regional
and local planning policies.
Partnership working with residents’,
community and business groups
Member of Civic Voice, Bournemouth
Council for Voluntary Organisations,
Bournemouth 2026 Partnership and
Bournemouth Local Development
Framework Steering Group
Protecting the Green Belt, Listed
Buildings, Conservation Areas and Open
Commenting on planning applications,
development proposals and Council
Meeting with Councillors, Officers,
Architects, Developers and Community
Organising talks, walks, trips and
lunches for our members
Producing regular Newsletters and
Organising Civic Day events
Conducting 2012 Civicwatch survey
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
How we started
In the early 1970s proposals were made to create a vast development on the West Cliff
and at Pier Approach for a conference centre, hotels, casino and residential flats.
The scheme would have seen a huge number of Victorian and Edwardian buildings
demolished, open space built upon, roads closed or diverted and the character and
appearance of the cliffs and seaside changed irrevocably
Many of Bournemouth’s residents associations, community groups, business and
political leaders of all parties and the local Fabians came together to oppose the plans
under the banner of “The Save Bournemouth Campaign”.
The “Save Bournemouth Campaign” was a non-political and effective champion of
good planning , better architecture and the conservation of historic and natural
features that made Bournemouth special.
Having successfully fought off the first scheme on the West Cliff it was decided to
formalise the “Save Bournemouth Campaign” objectives and so Bournemouth Civic
Society was created in November 1972.
Bournemouth Civic Society is a town wide amenity group that was, and remains today,
a registered charity and registered with the Civic Trust (now renamed Civic Voice)
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Some campaigns and activities from 2011
Local Development Framework – The Bournemouth Plan
Town Centre Developments – Pavilion, Nautilus, Winter Gardens, IMAX, Hotel
School, Terrace Mount, Leyton Mount, Westover Road, Pier Theatre, Punshon,
Navitus Windfarm
Listed Buildings in decline - Throop Mill, Throop UR Church and Manse
Boscombe - Surf Reef, Argos Building, The Crescent, Overcliff Drive , BCCA
Travellers’ Sites – Throop and The Lansdowne
Draft National Planning Policy Guidance – 1200 pages to 50’ish.
Localism and Neighbourhood Planning
Supporting Civic Voice – AGM in Sheffield, Workshop in Bristol
Organising and taking part in visits, lunch clubs and talks.
Planning for our 40th Anniversary in November 2012
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Championing the protection of Listed Buildings
Throop UR Church
Throop UR Church The Manse
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Championing the protection of Listed Buildings
Throop Mill
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Defending The Green Belt
Berry Hill
Muscliffe Lane
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Promoting Conservation Areas and protecting
the leafy suburbs
East Cliff
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Promoting Conservation Areas and protecting
the leafy suburbs
West Overcliff Drive
Mc Kinley Road
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Promoting Conservation Areas and protecting
the leafy suburbs
Milner Road
Meyrick Park
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Promoting Conservation Areas and protecting
the leafy suburbs
St Winifreds Road
St Valerie Road
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Promoting Conservation Areas and protecting
the leafy suburbs
St Augustins Road
St Anthonys Road
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Promoting Conservation Areas and protecting
early development
Talbot Woods
Undercliff Drive
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Suggesting historic buildings for Listing
Former Central Fire Station
Stafford Road Law Courts
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Suggesting historic buildings for Listing
Lansdowne College
Echo Building
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Successfully campaigned for station renovation
Bournemouth Railway Station
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Supporting conservation and regeneration plans
Boscombe Crescent
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Welcoming reuse of historic buildings
Westbourne Church now shops
Boscombe Bank now flats
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Campaigning for better new developments
The Lansdowne Student
Southbourne Overcliff flats
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Welcoming investment in public arts and facilities
Russell Cotes Museum, East Cliff
The Pavilion, Westover Road
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Looking for improvements to the town centre
public realm
The Waterfront Building (IMAX)
Pier Approach Flyover and Red
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Arguing for the renovation of character buildings
Cliff End Hotel, East Cliff
Edwardian villas, West Cliff
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Arguing against wall to wall flats and 2nd homes
Boscombe Overcliff flats
Sandbourne Rd Clifftop houses
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Commenting on major planning applications
and strategies
Navitus Wind Farm in Poole Bay
Coastal Management Plan
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Commenting on major planning applications
and strategies
Hengisbury Head Interpretation
Stour Valley Management Plan
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Supporting the Town Centre Master Plan
Bournemouth Bay
Westover Road
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Letting the Council know our views
Town Hall
Town Hall Annexe
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Working with other groups
Friends of Kinson Common
Moordown Historical Association
Bournemouth Civic Society
Celebrating 40 years of positive action
Organising walks, talks, lunches and
trips for members
Pittleworth Manor 2012
Mottisfont Abbey 2012