Partners in Care - Jane Thornton & John Bangs

Surrey Care Association
9th October 2012
“CARERS look after family, partners or friends
in need of help because they are ill, frail or
have a disability. The care they provide is
Planning our work:
A multi agency group for carers work in Surrey.
Includes carers as equal partners
Commissioning and Development Strategy
Young Carers Strategy and Action Plan
Surrey has 106,700 carers who save the nation
an estimated £1.595 billion a year.
We also have an estimated 12,000 young carers.
The National Carers Strategy emphasises the
importance of working with carers as partners in
care ........
... And also supporting carers own needs for a “a
life outside of caring
New stronger duty to assess and provide
services to meet carers needs. From April
2015 councils will need to provide:
More Breaks
More Carer Personal Budgets
Better information
Statutory duty to provide preventative services
Estimated Cost £3.4 Million a year in Surrey
plus some extra assessment costs
- Young Carers Support Service
- A Voice for Carers/ Carer Awareness/Training
- GP Carers Recognition Project and Breaks
- Enabling Carers Training (small grants)
- Carers Back Care Service
- Carers and Employment Service
- Independent Local Carers Support Services
- Leisure Services (Learning Disabilities)
- Mental Health Carers Support Service
- Benefits Advice for Carers
Nearly 2000 responses
70% were woman and 30% men.
60% were caring over 50 hours a week
Almost 100% had a health condition
35% thought their condition had worsened due
to caring
Over half were caring for someone with a
physical disability.
40% were caring for people with mental health
issues including dementia.
75% lived with the person they were caring for
 Identify
 Provide Carers with information
 Refer to other services
 A friendly face and someone to listen
 A partnership approach
Co-designed ‘Carers Care
Pathway’ linked to patient
care pathways and hospital
discharge procedures.
To support heath staff in
identifying, recognising and
supporting carers
(including young carers).
New training resources
and practitioners check list
Launched September 2012
Multi Agency Dementia Strategy
19 Dementia Navigators employed by Alzheimer’s
ELOC Breaks service
Regional Innovation Funding for improving carers
Advice/ Information project launch September
Joint work around information provision
Promote the availability of breaks
New Carers Awareness Training resources
And E-Learning
“Providers” involved in “response to Bill
John Bangs
Senior Manager Carers
Surrey County Council
Jane Thornton
Action for Carers Surrey