The witches

The witches
Roald Dahl
Grandma: she is the grandsons grandma, who helps him kill witches. She is
also his caretaker after his mom and dad die in a brutal car crash, witch he
survives. She also lived in Norway all by herself until his parents died she had
to move to England to take care of him. Is a retired witch tracker and she tells
her grandson many things to try and protect him from them , but that will not
always work.
Narrator: he is a little boy at about the age of eight years old when he is introduced. His
parents were killed in a brutal car crash but he came out of it with only a cut on his
forehead. After his parents die he is forced to go live with his grandma who knows all
about witches which are real , he will soon find out . After being turned into a mouse at
the annual witch meeting he will know everything about witches. He also kills all of the
witches of England while a mouse, including the Grand high witch ruler of all witches !!!
The Grand High Witch: She is the most powerful thing on earth who shoots white hot
sparks out of her eyes, and much more than that too. The Grand High Witch is the ruler
of all the witches in the world. All that she does all day is kill children and make deadly
concoctions to try and kill children . You see all witches hate children, but mostly because
of their smell to witches they all just smell like dogs droppings. She also wears a mask to
cover her hideous face which looks like it has been rotting away for many years
The grandmas house in Norway : small, quiet, peaceful, and all around witches.
Her house in the country side with few neighboring homes . Grandma and the
Narrator live here together for the rest of their lives in Norway.
The Hotel Magnificent : The place
that the main characters (narrator
and Grandma ) go for a vacation it
has a library, workout room, dinner
hall, lobby, ballroom which you can
rent out. The Hotel Magnificent is
also where the Narrator gets turned
into a mouse. Also its where the
annual witch meeting is held, with
the Grand High Witch.
England : the place where the narrator is from. Him and
his grandma have to go live there since she is his only
living relative. England is also the place where The Hotel
Magnificent is , this is where the Grand High Witch is
holding the annual witch meeting.
Internal/ External conflicts
with main characters
An internal conflict in the story is whenever the Grand High Witch turns the
Narrator into a mouse by pouring Formula 86 Delayed Action Mouse-Maker
which turns him into a mouse instantly. The internal conflict is that he is
turned in to a mouse, and how he is dealing with being turned into a mouse.
He actually enjoys being a mouse instead of being upset which you would
think that most people would be.
The Witches: they are definitely an external problem throughout the whole book.
First they are changing kids into mice only to be brutally killed. The witches are
constantly trying to kill children around the world. Because they claim that they
smell of dogs dropping. The narrator will soon have his own conflict with a witch.
At the very beginning of my book it talks
about how he had always gone to go visit his
beloved grandma during the Christmas and
other important holidays of the year. ( He
being the narrator ) He and his parents were
driving to go visit grandma, but when his
parents get into a brutal car accident falling
off of the road, only he survives with only a
small cut on his forehead. Now being that his
parents are dead he is forced to go live with
his grandma his closed living relative.
Events near the middle of the story
The Grandma and
the narrator near the
middle of the story
decide that they
want to go back to
Norway for spring
break. But when
grandma gets sick
and is not aloud to
go that far away from
England because she
would not be close
enough to her
doctors . They must
settle for The Hotel
Magnificent in
England which is
supposed to be really
When Grandma and
the narrator get to The
Hotel Magnificent they
go and check into their
rooms like any normal
guests would but when
the hotel manager says
that the narrators pet
mice are not aloud in
the hotel he must
sneak around to train
them. One day he
sneaks into the hotels
ballroom and starts to
train his mice when a
lot of ladies walk in
with the with the
supposedly RSPCC.
How the conflict was solved
After the narrator was turned into a mouse by the witches who are holding
there annual witch meeting at the hotel him and his grandma are staying
at for there yearly vacation. The ladies of the RSPCC are really all witches
who hate children. After the narrator is caught the Grand High Witch, she
turns him into a mouse. After being turned into a mouse with formula 86
delayed action mouse maker he plans to kill all of the witches of England
with it. By putting it in their food at supper in the hotel. After the narrator
witch is now a mouse sneaks into the kitchen nearly getting killed by the
chef. Not to mention his tail being a little shorter because of a cutting
knife being thrown at it . He sneaks the formula 86 delayed action mouse
maker into the witches soups by pouring it in from a high shelf. Now that
the soup is ready to turn the witches into mice, he sneaks back under the
table that his grandma and Bruno Jenkins are at. Bruno is another boy that
was turned into a mouse by the Grand High Witch who deceived him.
The theme of my book is that, you should not judge people just because of
their appearance to you. This is my theme because in my book witches look
just like regular ladies except for a few differences for instance all witches are
bald, have claws, no toes, large nostrils, blue spit, crazy eyes. But a real witch
always disguises herself very very well.
What I liked about my book ( The Witches) was that there was almost always
something interesting happening. Whether it be the grandma telling a story
about witches. Or a real witch turning something into a mouse
The Grand High Witch said this before she roasted her yearly witch.
She is roasting her because she said that the witches couldn’t wipe
out all of the children of England. “A stupid vitch who answers back
Must burn until her bones are black! “
“A foolish vitch vithout a brain
Must sizzle in the fiery flame!”
“An idiotic vitch like you
Must rrroast upon the barbecue!”
“A vitch who dares to say I'm wrrrong
Vill not be vith us very long!”
Then the Grand High Witch shot white hot flaming sparks out of her
eyes and the witch who spoke was gone!
Who should read this
Someone who should my book would
be a person that likes action or very
entertaining books like mine The