Politica sulla Privacy di LHD srl Ultimo aggiornamento 1° febbraio 2014 LHD srl (di seguito denominata “LHD”) si impegna per proteggere i dati personali comunicati dagli utenti. Di seguito vengono spiegate le modalità con cui LHD protegge i dati personali degli utenti. 1. Che cosa sono i dati personali? I dati personali comprendono qualsiasi informazione che, da sola o collegata ad altre informazioni, consenta di identificare l'utente come un individuo specifico e che sia contenuta all'interno dei dati raccolti da LHD con le modalità indicate di seguito al punto 2, ad esempio: nome, indirizzo postale, numero di telefono, indirizzo e-mail, dati relativi a prodotti o servizi acquistati o utilizzati dall'utente, questionari a cui l'utente abbia partecipato, contatti, informazioni relative a riparazioni o registri di accesso ai siti LHD. 2. In che modo LHD raccoglie i dati personali degli utenti LHD raccoglie i dati personali: 1. 2. 3. attraverso i propri siti Web tramite e-mail, posta, telefono o altri mezzi di comunicazione orale tramite qualsiasi altro mezzo 3. In che modo LHD utilizza i dati personali degli utenti LHD non utilizza i dati degli utenti per scopi diversi da quelli ad essi notificati anticipatamente, ad eccezione dei seguenti casi: 3-1 Dati personali relativi ai clienti 1. 2. per fornire ai clienti i prodotti e i servizi da essi richiesti a LHD 3. nell'ambito di quanto previsto dalle leggi o normative vigenti per rispondere alle richieste dei clienti per ciò che concerne i servizi post-vendita, incluso richieste di informazioni e riparazioni. (In alcuni casi LHD utilizzerà i dati personali degli utenti, ad esempio per comunicare con essi allo scopo di risolvere i problemi verificatisi con i prodotti o i servizi forniti da LHD ai clienti.) 3-2 Dati personali relativi ai partner aziendali 1. per contattare i partner aziendali o comunicare con essi, per l'esecuzione dei contratti o per richiedere l'esecuzione dei contratti stipulati con i partner aziendali, nonché per eseguire eventuali attività ad essi collegati e che riguardano i partner aziendali. 3-4 Dati personali relativi ai candidati a posizioni lavorative 1. per fornire ai candidati le informazioni relative alle domande di impiego presentate e per contattare i candidati 2. per gestire le operazioni che coinvolgono i candidati a posizioni lavorative 4. A chi verranno divulgati i dati personali degli utenti? I dati personali degli utenti non saranno divulgati a terzi senza previo consenso da parte degli utenti, ad eccezione dei seguenti casi: 1. 2. in forme e modalità che rendano i dati non identificabili come appartenenti a uno specifico individuo 3. quando richiesto dalle leggi o normative vigenti. alle aziende consociate e ai partner aziendali di LHD, che sono vincolati da obblighi di confidenzialità nella misura necessaria per ottemperare alle leggi per quanto concerne i dati personali 5. Conformità alle leggi LHD si atterrà alle leggi e normative vigenti in materia di protezione dei dati personali e alle indicazioni diffuse in merito dalle agenzie governative e dalle associazioni industriali di competenza. 6. In che modo LHD gestisce i dati personali degli utenti Per garantire un livello di protezione adeguato per i dati personali, LHD adotterà un efficace regolamento interno, assegnerà ai propri manager il compito di supervisionare le operazioni relative ai dati personali degli utenti e informerà riguardo al suddetto regolamento e all'obbligo di rispettarlo i propri dirigenti, impiegati e lavoratori temporanei. 7. In che modo LHD protegge i dati personali degli utenti La sicurezza dei dati personali degli utenti è estremamente importante per LHD, che si impegna a proteggere i dati da perdite, distruzioni o modifiche. Agli utenti è pertanto garantita la protezione dei dati conferiti a LHD. 8. Richieste relative ai dati personali LHD risponde in modo rapido e adeguato alle richieste relative ai dati personali custoditi, in base all'identità dei dati personali. 9. Cookie Nel corso delle visite ai Siti Web LHD, sul computer dell'utente potrebbe essere inserito un file di piccole dimensioni, denominato "cookie", che consente all'utente di navigare in modo più comodo. Sebbene il computer dell'utente possa essere identificato mediante un cookie, LHD non utilizzerà senza previa notifica per iscritto i cookie, insieme ad altri dati personali, allo scopo di identificare l'utente. È possibile impostare il proprio browser in modo da rifiutare i cookie. 10. Modifiche alla presente Politica sulla Privacy LHD può modificare la presente Politica sulla Privacy in conformità con le modifiche apportate alle leggi vigenti o per un qualsiasi altro motivo. LHD INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PRIVACY STATEMENT Overview LHD srl (“LHD” or “we”) is headquartered in Orbassano, Turin (Italy) and knows that the privacy of personal information is an important concern to our customers and business associates (“you”, “users”, or “your”). This privacy policy addresses personally identifiable information that is collected: a) through all communications you may have with LHD; b) at our websites (collectively, the “Site”); and, c) through offline product and support services (all such personally identifiable information are referred to herein collectively as “personal information”). This policy does not cover information other than personal information as it is described above. Please note that this policy is intended to supply you with information concerning LHD’s collection of personal information and, set forth the commitments LHD is making concerning personal information that LHD collects from you under this policy. By using the Site or providing your personal information to LHD, you agree to the terms and conditions of this privacy policy. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this privacy policy, please do not use the Site or provide your personal information to LHD. Collection of Personal Information LHD collects information from our users in a variety of ways, including through telephone, mail, email and any other forms of communication. The information may be collected from registration and warranty forms, parties dealing with customer service issues, several different points on LHD’s websites, and, at times, from third parties, both at the request of LHD and through referrals to LHD. At times, LHD may collect your personal information, such as your name, e-mail address, home or work address or telephone number, account information and any other personal information. If you choose to make a purchase from us, you will need to provide additional information, such as your credit card number and billing address that is used to create your billing account. Several areas of the Site, for example, where you may request services offered by LHD or where LHD asks you to provide feedback, require you to provide certain personal information. Collecting necessary, as well as certain optional, information will aid LHD in fulfilling these requests. Likewise, your on-line experience is enhanced by information collected by LHD because the gathering of certain information regarding Site activity and visits is analyzed through log files. Information collected includes anonymous data like IP addresses, browser types, referring pages, pages visited and time spent on the Site. This information is used in aggregate to analyze and improve the sites. IP addresses, etc. are not linked to personally identifiable information. Please note that while IP addresses can be tied to personally identifiable information, this is not a practice LHD utilizes at this time. LHD uses Web Trends software to analyze Site activity but not to capture personal information. (More information on Web Trends can be obtained from its website: http://www.webtrends.com). In addition, when you use the Site, information collected through cookies, log files, clear gifs and other similar means may be stored to create a profile of our users. A profile is stored information that LHD keeps relating to you that details our users' viewing preferences. Consequently, collected information is tied to your personally identifiable information to provide offers and improve the content of the Site for you. This profile may be used to tailor your visit to the Site and to direct pertinent marketing promotions to you.. See "Sharing" below. For more information on cookies, please see “Use of Cookies” below. If you receive newsletters or promotional e-mails from LHD, we may collect additional information about you through the use of customized links or similar technologies to determine whether the email was opened and which links were utilized by you in order to provide you more focused e-mail communications or other information. Use of Your Personal Information LHD uses your personal information to deliver services, fulfill your requests, provide customer service, operate and improve its sites and operations, and other generally accepted business related purposes. LHD uses personal information collected to better understand your preferences, respond to your needs and enhance your overall experience with LHD and its business associates. LHD may communicate with you on a regular basis to provide requested services and in regards to issues relating to your business transactions with LHD. The personal information LHD may request from you will be used to fulfill your requests for information and assistance regarding LHD products and services, and other generally accepted business related purposes. LHD usually replies to inquiries and requests via email, US mail or phone. If you prefer a certain method of communication for LHD’s reply, please indicate your preference when making the request. If you indicate an interest in receiving e-mail communications, LHD may periodically send you information about other LHD products and services that LHD feels may be of interest to you. Established users will occasionally receive information on products, services, special deals and/or newsletters. Out of respect for the privacy of our users, LHD presents you with the option to advise LHD of certain types of communications you do not want to receive. See “Your Control Options” below. Occasionally we may invite you to participate in surveys or contests. Participation in these surveys or contests is completely voluntary and the user therefore has a choice whether or not to disclose personal information. The requested personal information typically includes contact information (such as name and shipping address), and demographic information (such as zip code), but the specific personal information collected in any survey may vary. Personal information will be used by the contest or survey sponsors to notify the winners and award prizes and as otherwise provided in the applicable contest rules. Personal information may also be used for purposes of monitoring or improving the use and satisfaction of LHD products, services and websites and for other generally accepted business related purposes. Though LHD may use a service provider to conduct these surveys or contests, LHD will impose reasonable restrictions upon such service providers to require them not use users' personally identifiable information for any purpose other than providing services to LHD. You should carefully review the rules of each survey or contest in which you participate, as they may contain additional important information about LHD's or a sponsor's use of your personal information. To the extent that the terms and conditions of such rules concerning the treatment of your personal information conflict with this privacy policy, the terms and conditions of such rules shall control. On rare occasions it is necessary to send out a strictly service related announcement. For instance, if LHD’s service is temporarily suspended for maintenance, a mailing or e-mail announcement may be sent to you. Generally, if you have provided your e-mail address to LHD, you may not opt-out of these types of communications. Note that these communications are not promotional in nature and you may always opt-out of promotional communications. See “Your Control Options” below. Sharing Except as described in this privacy policy, LHD does not disclose your personal information to third parties outside of LHD without your consent. In addition, LHD does not share your personal information with third parties for third party marketing purposes. In specific instances where your request requires action by a LHD staff member, or LHD service providers, or affiliates LHD may forward or provide access to your personal information. For example, if you inquire about a product or request a quotation, LHD may forward relevant personal information such as contact information, intent to purchase (time, quantity, models, etc.) as well as any special requests, to a dealer. Your information, once transferred, is not subject to the policies of LHD. To fulfill certain requests or in furtherance of generally accepted business related purposes, certain personal information will be disclosed to third party service providers. In many cases, general services require certain personal information be used to provide services to you, such as your name and mailing address, in order to deliver a product that you purchased or other applicable personal information when processing payment from you for the products you purchase. If your specific request requires assistance from one of our service providers, LHD may pass your personal information to them for follow-up. LHD will not sell or rent your personal information to other companies for the purpose of the third parties' marketing purposes without your consent. LHD may also receive personal information from a third party; however, LHD is not committing to handle such information as if we received it directly from you. LHD shares aggregated demographic information with its business associates and advertisers. For example LHD may, on a periodic basis, present information such as the number of users, areas of interest, relationship to LHD, etc. This is not linked to any personal information. When sharing your personal information with third party service providers or business associates, we take reasonable measures to protect the information. Confidentiality and Security When you provide LHD with personal information, your information is protected whether LHD receives it online or offline. We have security measures and tools in place to help protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. When LHD receives personal information (such as name address, phone, e-mail, etc.), on-line, the information is transferred to us by your browser in an encrypted format using industry standard, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. While on a secure page, such as the order form, the lock icon on the bottom of Web browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer becomes locked, as opposed to un-locked, or open, when you are just 'surfing'. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, although we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us through or in connection with the Site. No method of transmitting or storing data is completely secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you feel that the security of any account you might have with us has been compromised), you must immediately notify us of the problem by contacting us in accordance with the "Contact Information", section below (note that physical mail notification will delay the time it takes for us to respond to the problem). LHD reserves the right to disclose information about you and your interaction with us when we believe such disclosure is reasonable and/or appropriate. Though LHD works to preserve user privacy, LHD may need to disclose personal information when required by law, to cooperate with governmental or internal investigations, during judicial proceedings, in response to a court order or legal process served on LHD or its affiliates or to enforce LHD’s rights. Collection and Use of Children’s Personal Information The Site and other LHD on-line materials, although intended for general audiences, are not directed to individuals under the age of 13 and LHD does not knowingly collect personal information from such individuals. We request that individuals under the age of 13 not provide personal information on the Site. If a user identifies himself/herself as under the age of 13, LHD’s on-line services will block such users from providing personal information. We encourage parents to monitor and participate in their children’s activities on the Internet. Your Control Options* Choice of Opt-in / Opt-out. During the times you provide information to LHD on-line on this Site, you are given the opportunity to opt-in to have your information used for other purposes at the point where LHD asks for the information. For example, this Site has an opt-in feature, so that if you want to access certain areas of the Site and receive selected information, but not receive other materials, you can prevent receipt of certain materials by not choosing an Opt-in for those materials. In addition, if you later no longer wish to receive LHD’s e-mail communications, you may opt-out of receiving these by following the instructions included with each e-mail. In certain other materials, such as product registration cards, for example, LHD allows you to select certain preferences for receiving information from LHD. LHD also offers an opt-out mechanism for all communications while registering a product online, or you may contact us at +39-11-900.35.38 to opt-out. *These features apply only to the Site administered by LHD srl. Use of Cookies Your on-line experience with the Site provides additional information to LHD of which you may not be aware. A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user's computer tied to information about the user. LHD uses both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. For the session ID cookie, once users close the browser, the cookie simply terminates. A persistent cookie is a small text file stored on the user's hard drive for an extended period of time. Persistent cookies can be removed by following Internet browser help file directions. Cookies may be used to customize delivery of content or enable special convenience features on this Site. For example, by registering for this Site, a cookie may be set so that you would not have to log in a password more than once or re-enter your contact information into forms, thereby saving time while you are on this Site. If you reject the cookie, you may still use this Site but may have to log in again to access some areas of this Site. For example, you will not be able to take advantage of materials available in the download areas without registering and accepting the resultant cookie. Persistent cookies enable LHD to track and target your interests to enhance your experience on this Site. Links Please understand that some sites provide geographic choices when you enter the Site. Upon selecting a geographic area, however, you may be redirected to a different site, with a different privacy policy. For example, when you visit the site located at http://www.alarlhd.com, you are not visiting a site covered by this policy. The Site may contain links to other sites. Please be aware that LHD is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such other sites. LHD usually distinguishes these third party web sites by methods such as either opening them in a separate browser window or within a frame indicating the area within is not part of the Site. In these instances the privacy policy of the Site will not apply. LHD encourages you to be aware when you leave the Site and to read the privacy policies of each and every website that you visit. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PRIVACY POLICY DOES NOT ADDRESS THE PRIVACY OR INFORMATION PRACTICES OF ANY THIRD PARTIES. Assignment We reserve the right to transfer any and all information that we collect from users to a third party in the event of any merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of LHD's assets or stock (including without limitation in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings). Correcting and Updating Personal Information If your personal information changes, or if you no longer desire LHD’s service, please contact LHD by telephone at +39-11-900.35.38 or by e-mail to info@alarlhd.com to correct or update your personal information. Notification of Changes If LHD decides to amend or update this privacy policy, LHD will post those changes to this privacy policy, accessible from the Site, and other places LHD deems appropriate so you are always aware of what information LHD collects, how LHD uses it, and under what circumstances, if any, LHD discloses it. LHD will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected. LHD may elect to e-mail those of you, who have opted to receive e-mail communications from LHD, notifying you of the changes in LHD’s privacy practices. However, if you have elected not to receive any communication communications from LHD then you will not be contacted about privacy changes. Any changes to our privacy policy will become effective upon posting of the revised privacy policy on the Internet, accessible through the Site. You can determine when this privacy policy was last revised by referring to the “Last Updated” legend at the top of this page. Continued communication with LHD, following such changes constitutes your acceptance of the revised privacy policy then in effect. We encourage you to bookmark this page and to periodically review it to ensure familiarity with the most current version of our privacy policy. Other Information This privacy policy represents the sole, authorized statement of LHD’s practices with respect to the collection of personal information and LHD’s use of such information. Any summaries of this privacy policy generated by third party software or otherwise (for example, in connection with the "Platform for Privacy Preferences" or "P3P") shall have no legal effect, do not bind LHD, shall not be relied upon in substitute for this privacy policy, and neither supersede nor modify this privacy policy. This privacy policy is in the English language. Any translation of this privacy policy shall have no legal validity. In the event of any inconsistency between the English language version hereof and any translation of this privacy policy into another language, this English language version will govern. This privacy policy does not apply to those LHD sites, services and products that do not display or link to this privacy policy or that have their own, different privacy policies. It does not cover information that may be collected through software downloaded from the Site. If you have questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, please contact LHD’s Webmaster by using our AskUs Form. Personal information collected by LHD will be stored and processed in Italy or any other country in which LHD or any of LHD’s third party vendors store or process information. By contacting LHD and providing your personal information, you consent to the collection, use and transfer of your personal information to Italy and around the globe. Your Consent By your interaction and communication with LHD, including the use of the Site, you consent to the collection and use of personal information as outlined in this privacy policy. Contact Information If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact LHD srl. Phone +39-0121-20.22.46 Fax +39-0121-20.22.46 Postal Address: LHD srl, Stradale San Secondo 58B – 10064 – Pinerolo (Turin – Italy) Website URL (http://www.alarlhd.com)