PRIVACY & IT COMPLIANCE March 2015 THE USE OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES TO GEO-LOCALIZE THE SMARTPHONES By means of the recent resolution n. 32/2015, the Italian DPA has authorized the use of new technologies aimed at geolocalizing people missing in the mountains, in order to make much more efficient and precise the rescue operations. More in detail, the Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (Cnsas) has brought to the attention of the Italian DPA two new systems, which will transmit the geo-localization data of the missing people’s smartphones to the Cnas’ operations centre, without both the intervention of a telephone operator and the consent of the people to be helped. The geo-localization will occur only after the formal activation of the researches by the emergency units. The personal data collected will refer only to the geographic position of the missing people and these data will be processed exclusively as long as it is necessary to the correct geo-localization, in order to protect either the life or the physical integrity of the data subjects. The Italian DPA has recognized the use of such new technologies as lawful and compliant with its previous resolution issued in the 2008 with regard to the same matter. For further information: Rocco Panetta,