PRESENTERER JOLLY JUMPER & BIG MOE NORGES MEST ETTERSPURTE OG HUMORISTISKE BLUES DUO I 2012 er det er 20 siden Jolly Jumper & Big Moe startet deres helt unike musikalske samarbeid NÅ SOM TRIO, KVARTETT ELLER MED FULLT BAND PIANO, PERKUSJON/ TROMMER OG KONTRABASS Siste CD lansert høsten 2011 Kjell Inge Brovoll, alias Jolly Jumper og Jan Erik Moe, alias Big Moe, er blant eliten innen norske blues, og har de siste 10 årene vært blant de mest populære og etterspurte til festivaler og klubb konserter i både inn og utland. Nylig utgav denne helt spesielle duoen sitt fjerde album ‛Welcome To Jimbo Jambo Land‛. 15 sterke låter som høster kjempegode kritikker. Trønder Avisa skrev at denne plate er ‛En Aldri Så Liten Klassiker‛ Kjell Inge Brovoll (f.1965), opprinnelig fra Alstahaug på Helgeland, men har vært bosatt i Stjørdal i mer enn 20 år, er en av Norges beste blues munnspillere og han har markert seg som en meget dyktig låtskriver, samt at han er en av få vokalister i Norge som kan tolke den spesielle stilen som springer ut fra blusens vugge; Mississippi-deltaet ! Jolly har ved flere anledninger de siste 15 årene også turnert og spilt med de aller beste bluesmusikere fra USA og England. Vi kan nevne artister som: Louisiana Red, The Holmes Brothers, Big Jack Johnson, Nine Below Zero, Solomon Bruke, Bernie Marsden, Magic Slim, Michael Roach og Diz Watson. Brovoll er en munnspiller som kan tolke blusens melankoli og harme til det ytterste og er en ettertraktet musiker til å delta på andre artisters innspillinger.Kjell Inge spiller også gitar ‛In the Piedmont Fingerpick Style‛ og er en trollmann på kazoo, vaskebrett og ‛footstomp‛.n I tillegg til å spille, har Kjell Inge drevet artistformidling i mer enn 15 år og er nå grunder og daglig leder for Blues In Hell festivalen. Jan Erik Moe (f.1950), fra Steinkjer har spilt denne amerikanske musikkformen siden midt på 60-tallet. Han startet sitt første bluesband, ‛Milorg Blues Band‛ i 1967 og har holdt på i over 45 år som musiker på hobby basis. Gjennom disse årene har Moe også vært flere turer til USA med gitaren som bagasje og der har han fått anledning til å spille sammen med egne favoritter. Moe har spilt på mange forskjellige blues klubber rundt om i ‛The Bay Area‛ San Fransisco, Berkley og Oakland området. Et av høydepunktene var ‛Blues in The Park‛festivalen i Vaccaville. Jan Erik Moe spilte også i Norges kanskje største rockeband gjennom tidende; Prudence ! Som hovedinstrument har Moe gitarer av forskjellige varianter, både treverk og stål, men bruker også mandolin, banjo og rare ting med strenger på. Jan Erik er også en meget dyktig låtskriver. Til slutt må det også nevnes at Moe er en ‛racer‛ på ‛bass-munnspill‛. Jan Erik fin Steinkjer kommunes kulturpris i 1996. MUSIKKEN Stilen snakker vi om er ekte akustisk Amerikansk country blues og foruten mer og mer egenkomponert materiale, er deler av repertoaret er hentet fra de store stil skaperne på 1920-30-40-tallet, som f.eks. Big Bill Broonzy, Blind Boy Fuller, Tampa Red, Robert Johnson, Texas Alexander, Son House, John Jackson, Mississippi John Hurt, Blind Blake, Bo Carter, Rev, Gary Davis, Leadbelly, Papa Charlie Jackson, Blind Willie McTell, Bukka White, Muddy Waters, Memphis Jug Band, Mississippi Sheiks, Sonny Terry & Brownie McGee, o s v... I tillegg til dyktig fremførelse av musikken får publikum ta del i Jolly Jumper og Big Moes store kunnskap om det svarte Amerikas musikk, historie og kultur. Humor har også en sentral rolle i konsertene til Jolly Jumper & Big Moe, og du vil helt garantert huske denne kvelden lenge. Gutta er også mye brukt i undervisnings sammenheng på skoler, klubber og organisasjoner. De siste årene har Jolly Jumper & Big Moe turnert flittig i Norge med ca. 60 -70 konserter i året og er pr. i dag blant de Norske bluesartister som gjør flest jobber utenlands med festivalspillinger i blant annet Sveits, England, Tyskland, Hellas, Italia, Frankrike, Latvia, Island, Danmark, Finland og Sverige. Jolly Jumper & Big Moe ble utnevnt til ‛Official Ambassadors Of Hell‛ under Hell Blues Festival i 2001. En utmerkelse som ble gitt til personer som på en positiv måte har markedsført Hell/ Stjørdal internasjonalt. Ett av flere høydepunkter de siste årene, var opptreden under en stor kulturfestival i samband med De Olympiske leker i Athen i 2004. Det må også nevnes at Jolly Jumper & Big Moe har besøkt den anerkjente The Great British R & B Festival i England hele 5 ganger og at Blues Sur Seine i Frankrike samt Blue Balls Festival i Sveits har blitt besøkt henholdsvis to og tre ganger.. I 1999 kom debutalbumet ‛Searching The Dessert For The Blues‛ på eget selskap. Denne utgivelsen fikk terningkast 5 både i VG, Dagbladet og Bergens Tidene og ble døråpner for en flott karriere. Det tysk/ amerikanske plateselskapet Ruf Records signerte så Jolly Jumper & Big Moe i 2001 og frem til 2009 lanserte gutta to meget sterke album som ble utgitt i mer enn 20 land rundt om i Europa. ‛Bootleggers Blues‛ kom i 2001 og ‛Rooster Soup‛ i 2004. Mange radiostasjoner har latt sin elsk på musikken og ikke ukjente Paul Jones i BBC Radio, London sa det så treffende: ‛This Is Europe’s Most Exciting Acoustic Blues Duo‛. ‛Rooster Soup‛ høstet mye fin kritikk i både Norsk og internasjonal presse, og hele 15 norske aviser svingte 5 på terningen.......noe som vitner om kvalitet. Bergens Tidende skrev bl.a.: ‛Endelig en norsk bluesplate som låter ekte‛ Humor står sentralt i konsertene og vi garanterer en akustisk bluesaften av de sjeldne. Besøk gjerne Jolly Jumper & Big Moe’s webside: Jolly Jumper & Big Moe - trio, kvartett eller fullt band For booking og nærmere info: Tlf. +47 95 22 46 77 _______________________________________________ Se og hør Jolly Jumper & Big Moe på YouTube CBCD 6602 - Bare Bra Musikk ‛WELCOME TO JIMBO JAMBO LAND‛ 1 - MR CRUMP DON’T LIKE IT ( W.C. Handy/ Georg A. Norton ) This song was originally an instrumental tune named ‚The Memphis Blues‛ and was made by W.C Handy as a campaign song for Edward Crump, a mayoral candidate in Memphis, Tennessee in 1909. Three years later the professional songwriter Georg A. Norton wrote the words before Georg Evans recorded it in September 1912. Norton probably stole most of the lyrics from the old folk song ‛Mama Don’t ‘low‛. The father of Memphis blues guitar, Frank Stokes from the Beale Street Sheiks recorded this nice tune in 1927 as ‚Mr. Crump Don’t ‘Like it‛. 2 - MONDAY MORNING TRAIN ( Kjell Inge Brovoll ) ‚Train # 1 on track two for Hell‛ – Take a seat, close your eyes and join me on this journey with this big fat beautiful steam train. Even if you have a first, second or a third class ticket, please remember that we are all the same, just different characters colouring the world. We had a lot of fun in the studio when we recorded this up tempo song, and our producer Peter, even appear on a sledgehammer. 3 - JUMPIN’ THE QUEUE ( Jan Erik Moe ) The one who is jumpin’ the queue is a bad person. He is selfish and evil. The world is full of such people. They cause economic disasters, wars and are often head of record companies. This one was written one lazy summer night in Santorini, Greece, and we’d like to thank Mr. Gordon for the inspiration. 4 - DECEMBER IN GREECE ( Kjell Inge Brovoll ) After a great tour in Greece a few years ago, this song just came to me. It was 10 below zero when we left Hell five o ‘clock in the morning, and just two flights later we ended up in sunny Athens. December in Greece, Christmas lights on all the orange trees, a taste of olives and feta cheese, oh man what a life, 25 degrees. A special thanks to the lawyer for the early morning whisky served on his four hundred years old office desk. To paint the real Greek feeling on this song, Moe hooked up his old bouzouki. ΓΕΙΑ ΜΑΣ ΓΕΙΑ ΜΑΣ ΓΕΙΑ ΜΑΣ 5 - THE CLICHÈ BLUES ( Jan Erik Moe ) Our lives are full of cliches. There are cliches all over. In our minds, our daily work, in music and in lyrics. This one goes back some years, but it has never been performed live until 2010. Written in a 1930’s kind og style, it is a bit ‚off‛ our blues repertoire. But all the same, it turned out quite well, so we included it. It’s definetely not a cliche from us. 6 - GREASY GREENS ( Amos Easton ) Amos, better known as Bumble Bee Slim, was born in 1905 near Brunswick in Georgia. He moved to Chicago in 1931and became one of the best-selling blues artists of the 1930s. Slim recorded more than 250 songs for a number of variety labels like Bluebird, Paramount and Decca. This amazing song where released on New York based Vocalion Records in 1932 together with piano player Georgia Tom and guitarist Scrapper Blackwell. Bumble Bee Slim moved to LA in the early 1940’s where he lived and performed until he passed away early June 1968. Our version sounds like a very laidback ‚too cool to move‛ JJ Cale. 7 - I’M A HOWLING WOLF ( McKinley Morganfield ) All time favourite Muddy Waters ... we had to record one of his songs on this cd. And therefore we decided to do ‚I’m A Howling Wolf‛, not because it is a typical blues from Muddy, but also as a homage to Chester ‚Howlin’ Wolf‛ Burnett who would have been a 100 years June 12th this year. We can still hear you howl from your grave at Oak Ridge Cemetery on Chicago’s West Side, Wolf. 8 - CAKEWALK INTO TOWN ( Henry St. Claire Fredericks ) Taj Mahal wrote this one. He is a long time favourite in the blues field, and he is the man behind a large number of great records. So what’s a Cakewalk? A Cakewalk is a black entertainment having av cake as a prize for the most accomplished steps and figures in walking. It is also a stage dance developed from walking steps and figures involving a high prance with backward tilt. So, if you’re feeling good, you might cakewalk to the end of the world. 9 - LET’S GET SICK TOGETHER ( John Angelatos/ Kjell Inge Brovoll ) In a way this is part II of the 2005 Greece tour. The lyrics were written in just fifteen minutes by our good friend, the toy collector Mr. Angelatos while he was having a Greek salad and a big glass of Ouzo. Mr. Jolly as they call him down there, made the melody and it all became a swampy tune. Touring with us can be a rough experience, but with the gumbo of good music, a lot of humour, nice friends and good wine, you will survive. 10 - ALCOHOL ( Jan Erik Moe ) Alcohol ... it’s always a question of having respect for the shit. This song was written early one afternoon in a pub, while whatching people coming in for a drink or five. With blodshot eyes, shaky hands, no words, just drink. Scared of getting sober. But why do they drink? In ‚Alcohol‛ we’re tryin’ to find the answer. 11 - DEAD PRESIDENTS ( Williams James Dixon ) Willie Dixon was the King of Chicago blues lyrics. No other brought Muddy Waters and Howlin’ Wolf fame like Willie’s lyrics. This song is about dollar bills. On every dollar there’s a picture of a dead president. We’ve got Lincoln, Jefferson, Hamilton, Jackson, Grant and several others, but the one you should be looking for is a Cleveland. Because a thousand dollar Cleveland is hard to get 12 - I’ll BE THERE ( Rusty Gabard/ Ray Price ) Many country & western people are great singer/songwriters. For example Ray Price who was born in the 1920’s. He wrote and recorded ‚I’ll be there‛ in the 1960’s, and lots of singers have done the same, among them Elvis Presley. We’re doing a funky version which is always fun to play live! 13 - TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL ( Jan Erik Moe ) Remember what you did in the lazy days of summer when you were 16-17? In the mid-60’s when everything was exciting? Girls and music? Well, we didn’t offer school a thought. We were hanging around the boys with guitars and Vespas. Later we found and understood the meaning of life. And that was music and girls. So easy. So meaningful. 14 - SCREAMIN’ JAY ( Kjell Inge Brovoll ) This is a tribute to one of the craziest shock blues and rock’ n roll artists that has ever been on this entire planet. Jalacy Hawkins was born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1929 and passed away with his red snakeskin boots on in Paris ten years ago. He was a great musician, songwriter, producer and actor. Screamin’ Jay Hawkins left behind about 75 children with many different women. His music and screamin’ always get us in good mood, always. The inspiration for this tribute is taken from his song ‚Hong Kong‛. Feel free to laugh, feel free. 15 - SPORTING LIFE BLUES ( Saunders Terrell ) Sonny Terry, one of the finest bluesmen ever, wrote this song. In the late 1970’s bluesman Champion Jack Dupree spent an evening at our house in Steinkjer, Norway. He played such a good version of this song that it’s been glued in our minds ever since that special night. Jack has been dead for more than 18 years now, but we still miss you, old friend. Hør utdrag fra låtene her: Jolly Jumper & Big Moe In the land of American diners, Caddilac’s rolling down the streets, soap operas on the television all day and blues music coming out of the bars you would think i was talking about the U.S. of A. But no, this is Hell in the middle of Norway the home of Blues In Hell, and there are no better exponents of the acoustic Blues than the Ambassadors of Hell Jolly Jumper and Big Moe. With their fourth CD they give us the best in passionate skilled blues music, with searing slide guitar and wailing Harmonica there is an energy and a force that is second to none. Its no wonder they are now touring around Europe and playing festivals to large crowds. When you hear this CD the next thing you will want to do is get to one of their gigs and witness the Hurricane that hits you when these two guys hit the stage, no prisoners taken, sweat rolling down the walls, true Blues in the air you could say you’re in Jimbo Jambo Land. Dennis Greaves, Nine Below Zero, London - UK. June 2010 Flere utgivelser fra Jolly Jumper & Big Moe Searching The Desert For The Blues 1999 – CBCD 6601 Bootleggers Blue 2001 - RUF 1068 Rooster Soup 2004 – RUF 1098