The Ecclesiastical Rococo in Austria, Bohemia, and Germany Italian Precedent Transformed St. Charles Borromeus, Vienna, by J.B.Fischer von Erlach, 1713-15 St. Charles Borromeus S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, 1565, by Andrea Palladio Is it rococo or baroque? Architecture in the Austro-Hungarian empire after the Thirty Years’ War often exhibited the qualities of “Machtkunst.” St. Nicholas on the Small Side, Prague (Bohemia) 1702-51 designed by Christoph Dientzenhofer, dome completed by Killian Ignaz Dientzenhofer Is it rococo or baroque? Jesuit Church of St. Nicholas on the Small Side, Prague Church of Il Gesu, Rome The curvilinearity of the illusionistic paintings in combination with the actual curvilinear rhythms of the architecture create a kind of warpage of the space. The Asam Brothers at Weltenburg and Rohr Religious Experience Evoked through Material The Benedictine Abbey Church of Sts. Martin and George at Weltenburg (Bavaria) 1716-1751 by Cosmas Damian Asam with Egid Quirin Asam The façade of the abbey church Former Augustinian Abbey Church of the Assumption of the Virgin at Rohr (Bavaria) 1717-19 by Cosmas Damian Asam with Egid Quirin Asam The Pilgrimage Church of the Fourteen Saints (“Vierzehnheiligen”) (Bavaria) 1742ff by Balthasar Neumann