Journal: Another name for marijuana
Review: What did we discuss last time?
Class activity- discuss
• Myth
• “Marijuana is harmless”
• Fact= later on…..
Marijuana- Class Activities #1
• 1. Find Section #1 on your packet sheet.
• 2. You will see some numbers and some words there.
• 3. When I say “Go!”, try to memorize as many words
and letters as you can. You will only have about 20
• 4. Now, when I say “Go!”, write as many of the words
and numbers as you can, in order. You will have about
20 seconds.
• 5. How did you do?
• So what?!?!
• One of the things that happens if you smoke a lot of
marijuana is damage to your short-term memory. You
have a hard time remembering little things.
Marijuana- Class Activities #1
Marijuana- Class Activities #1
Marijuana- Class Activities #2
1. Find Section 2 on your sheet.
2. When I say “Go!”, I want you to play the alphabet game like on a car
ride. Say out loud, animals that begin with the next letter in line. Get as
far as you can, use insects, birds, fish too.
3. I will stop you when it is time.
4. Now I would like your table to make a guess:
– How long did that take to guess animals?
5. Now we will repeat this again. However, this time, when I say “Go!”,
do nothing, and say nothing. No cheating, no clocks or watches.
6. When I say stop, we will make guesses again.
7. Last and final guess:
How long do you think it has been since we started the whole activity?
(guessing the animals)
So what?!?
Another thing that happens when you smoke marijuana, is that you lose
your sense of time. A minute may seem like 15 minutes. It makes it
hard to plan things with friends, or get to jobs/classes on time.
Marijuana- Class Activities #2
Marijuana- Class Activities #3
1. Please have a pen or pencil ready.
2. When I say “Go!”, please begin reading the story silently to yourself. As
you are reading, circle any word with an even number of letters in it
(2,4,6,8,10 letters in it).
3. As you are reading, please continue to circle the words, I will be reading
something else, just ignore me. Your assignment is to circle the words.
Teacher reads: “I heard about the boy whose story you’re reading. I guess
it’s a true story. I’m not going to say what happened, but those trains are
really big. I think it’s dangerous to play on the tracks, no matter what sex
you are. I wonder if the principal or the teacher ever did that. I guess not.
But can you imagine getting stuck on the tracks? I would hate to be in that
position. It reminds me of this poem:
‘A peanut sat on a railroad track;
• Its heart was all aflutter.
The 5;19 came around the back• Toot! Toot! Peanut Butter.’
Marijuana- Class Activities #3
• So What?!?
• Did you have any trouble concentrating on
circling the words?
• If you smoke marijuana, then you have a very
hard time concentrating on anything, no matter
how simple the task is.
• Your mind wants to wonder off in all directions.
It’s hard to listen to friends if you can’t
concentrate. This may affect friendships.
Marijuana- Class Activities #3
Marijuana- Class Activities #3
Marijuana- Class Activities #4
• 1. Now look at Section 4 on your paper.
• 2. When I say “Go!”, I would like you to start printing the alphabet
as fast as you can on the lines in Section 4.
• 3. But…I will be interrupting you with questions that you must
answer on your paper.
• 4. When I say “Stop!”, stop exactly where you are and lift up your
pencil and listen to the question. I’ll ask the question and count to 5.
The questions are easy, but you have to write the answer on your
paper right by the alphabet you are printing before I get to 5.
• 5. If you get the wrong answer- or if you don’t finish writing the
answer by the time I get to 5- then you have to start printing the
alphabet allover again.
• 6. If you get the right answer, then you can continue from where
you left off.
Marijuana- Class Activities #4
• Questions: Say, “STOP!” before each
question, and “GO!” after you have counted to
• 1. What is the name of a flower?
• 2. What is our Principal’s name?
• 3. What day was yesterday?
• 4. What is your Mom’s name?
• 5. What’s the name of a breakfast food?
• 6. What is your name?
Marijuana- Class Activities #4
So What?!?
Marijuana slows down your reaction time.
It’s hard to answer easy questions when it
feels as if your are rushed for time. Marijuana
slows you down, so it takes you more time to
react to something- whether it’s someone
asking you a question or a car coming at you
in the street.
Marijuana- Class Activities #4
Marijuana- Class Activities #4
Marijuana- Class Activities #5
• 1. Read the sentence written in section 5. On
the line right below it, I’d like you to copy the
• 2. Write it in cursive, DO NOT PRINT!
• 3. Now I’d like you to copy the sentence again
on the next line, but this time, use your other
• 4. Now, I would like you to copy the sentence
again. Use your other hand. But this time, write
the sentence backwards. Start with the last part
of the last letter, and write it from right to left.
Activity #5
Marijuana- Class Activities #5
• So What?!?!
• If you smoke too much marijuana, you become
uncoordinated. You don’t move your fingers or
your hands the way that you want, and you
certainly can’t drive a car or ride a bike very well.
• Marijuana sometimes makes you feel as if you
don’t have any control over your body.
• Even though you may want to do something,
and may think you can do it, you really can’t.
Marijuana- Class Activities #5
Marijuana- Class Activities #6
• 1. Now look at Section 6 on your paper.
• 2. Read the paragraph to yourself. Even
if you don’t understand it, try to read the
whole thing. I will give you as much time
as you need within reason.
• 3. Try to read every word.
Marijuana- Class Activities #6
You probably thought that the paragraph
you just read was really boring. You may
have misunderstood it, and didn’t get a lot
of the words it used.
People who smoke marijuana over a long
period of time get what is called “burnout”.
Very little interests them-very few things
and people. They give up on trying new
things. Think about the things and people
you find fun and think how it would be to
give up on those things.
Marijuana-Class Activities #6
• So What?!?!
• The paragraph you
just read was really
• Eating an ice cream
Marijuana- Notes (Here and Now
• Marijuana Causes:
1. Short-term memory damages.
2. Loss of sense of time.
3. Loss of concentration.
4. Slower reaction time.
5. Lack of coordination.
6. Lack of interest, also called
Marijuana- Notes
• Where does it hurt?
1. Increased pulse rate by 50%.
2. Bloodshot eyes.
3. Dry mouth and throat.
4. Delayed sexual development.
5. Makes you clumsy.
6. Poorer concentration and less ability to
think and learn.
7. Lung cancer.
Healthy Brain
Marijuana Brain
16 yr. old daily user
Amen Clinics
• Myth:
• “Marijuana is harmless.”
• Fact:
• Smoking marijuana makes it more difficult to
concentrate, learn, and to perform. In addition,
marijuana smoke has more cancer-causing
agents than does cigarette smoke. Marijuana
harms both the mind and the body.
Marijuana- Test Questions
• 1. How long do the chemicals in
marijuana remain in the body?
– A.
– B.
– C.
– D.
Several hours
Several days
Up to a month