A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury

A Sound of Thunder by Ray
Class notes
Introduction and understanding
• What does the word diction mean?
The choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing
What is meant by figurative language?
Figurative languages uses tools such as simile and metaphors
to describe something
But there are others that need to be included...
Uses the words “like” or “as” to compare one
object or idea with another to suggest they are
Example: busy as a bee
The metaphor states a fact or draws a verbal
picture by the use of comparison.
A simile would say you are like something; a
metaphor is more positive - it says you are
Example: You are what you eat.
A figure of speech in which human
characteristics are given to an animal or an
Example: My teddy bear gave me a hug.
The repetition of the same initial letter, sound,
or group of sounds in a series of words.
Alliteration includes tongue twisters.
Example: She sells seashells by the seashore.
The use of a word to describe or imitate a
natural sound or the sound made by an object
or an action.
Example: snap crackle pop
An exaggeration that is so dramatic that no
one would believe the statement is true.
Tall tales are hyperboles.
Example: He was so hungry, he ate that whole
cornfield for lunch, stalks and all.
A cliché is an expression that has been used so
often that it has become trite and sometimes
Example: Many hands make light work.
Team Quiz
• Lets test your figurative language knowledge...
True or False
An example of a simile is: "I really do like ice Cream” 1 pt
"The fog crept on little cat feet" is an example of a metaphor. 1pt
This is the giving of human qualities to non-human things. 2pts
• hyperbole
• personification
• simile
• idiom
• onomatopoeia
Answer personification
"Her hair is as shiny as ebony" is an example of a metaphor. 1pt
An example of alliteration is: "Silently, softly the swans swam on
the lake.“ 1pt
Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the
Beginning of words 1pt
Personification is the name given to the term which describes
giving non-living entities the qualities of a living thing. 1pt
Onomatopoeia is word that sounds like what it means 1pt
Personification is when you make a strong exaggeration. 1pt
A,B,C or D?
1. I was so hungry that I even ate the plate. What type of figurative
language is used in this sentence? 2pts
A) hyperbole
B) metaphor
C) personification
D) simile
Answer: A
2. My father was the sun and the moon to me. What type of
figurative language is used in this sentence?
A) metaphor
B) simile
C) hyperbole
D) personification
Answer: A
3. The rain seemed like an old friend who had finally found us. What type of figurative
language is used in this sentence? 2pts
A) onomatopoeia
B) metaphor
C) personification
D) simile
Answer: D
4. "Smash", when the cup fell off the table. What type of figurative language is used in this
sentence? 2pts
A) personification
B) metaphor
C) onomatopoeia
D) hyperbole
Answer: C
5. He was a library of information about baseball. What type of figurative language is used
in this sentence? 2pts
A) metaphor
B) personification
C) simile
D) hyperbole
Answer: A
Re-read lines
17-35, and
examples of
Make a bet on
how many your
team has found
1. Giving examples describe the tone up to page
224 (4 pts)
2. How does the author create suspense (give
examples 4pts)
• “Why, why,” Eckels twitched his mouth. “It
could reach up and grab the moon.”
What type of figurative language is this? 1pt
Answer: hyperbole
On page 231 identify a areas that you found
particularly interesting. Why did they stand
Give examples of figurative language used on
page 232
Discuss in groups
• Discuss this statement:
“It couldn’t change things. Killing one butterfly
couldn’t be that important! Could it?”
What are your thoughts on this?
1. Which passage from the story contains a figure of speech?
A “Stay on the Path.”
B “They were ready to leave the Machine.”
C “That'd be a paradox.”
D “Each lower leg was a piston . . .”
Answer: D metaphor
2. In this story, Bradbury's diction, or word choice, can best be
described as —
F flat
G vivid
H everyday
J technical
Answer: G
3. Overall, Bradbury's style can best be described as —
A humorous
B matter-of-fact
C sparse
D richly descriptive
Answer: D
4. Which of the following words best describes the mood of “A
Sound of Thunder”?
F relaxed
G quiet
H terrifying
J evil
Answer: H
Your thoughts
What did you think of the story?
What did you like?
What did you dislike?
How well did you think the author used
figurative language?
• Is there anything you would have changed?