Articulation of Consonants Töltéssy Zoltán Department of English Linguistics and Literature University of Miskolc Miskolc, Spring 2012 The International Phonetic Alphabet (revised to 2005) © 2005 IPA The International Phonetic Alphabet (revised to 2005) © 2005 IPA Larynx 1 1 Hyoid bone 2 Thyroid cartilage 3 Crycoid cartilage 4 Cartilaginous rings of the trachea 5 Epiglottis 6 Vocal cords/folds 7 Arytenoid cartilages 1 5 2 6 3 4 7 Larynx 2 Cartilages of the larynx 1 Thyroid cartilage 2 Crycoid cartilage 3 Arytenoid cartilages Front view (Source: Laver 1995:84) Rear view Epiglottis Uvula Tonsils Epiglottis Epiglottis of an 18 year old female visible from outside (Source: “Epiglottis.” In: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. <> Updated: 29-02-2012 Retrieved: 30-02-2012) Larynx 3 Thyroid cartilage The anatomy of the larynx Vocal cords Glottis (Source: Roach 1991:27) Crycoid cartilage Arytenoid cartilages Phonation 1 Muscular tensions in the larynx Longitudinal tension Medial compression (Source: “Types of phonation.” In: EEG and voice quality. <> Uploaded: 1997 Retrieved: 30-02-2012 ) Adductive tension Phonation 2 Nil phonation (complete closure) 1 Glottal stop position of the vocal cords (Sources: “Types of phonation.” In: EEG and voice quality. <> Uploaded: 1997 Retrieved: 30-02-2012 Roach 1991:28 and Pintér 1987:14 ) Medial compression of the vocal cords Phonation 3 Nil phonation 2 Natural breath position of the vocal cords (Sources: Roach 1991:27—8 and Pintér 1987:14) Angle of c 45° Phonation 4 Deep sigh position of the broadly abducted vocal cords (Source: “Artikulation (Linguistik).” In: Wikipedia, die freie Enzyklopädie. < uistik)> Updated: 14-02-2012 Retrieved: 3002-2012) Phonation 5 Articulation of /h/ (Source: Pintér 1987:14) Angle of 10° Phonation 6 Modal voice (the vibration of the vocal folds) (Sources: Roach 1991:28 and Pintér 1987:14) Phonation 7 Voiceless whisper phonation (Source: “Types of phonation.” In: EEG and voice quality. <> Uploaded: 1997 Retrieved: 30-02-2012 and Trask 1996:386) Phonation 8 Falsetto Angle of narrower than 10° (Sources: “Types of phonation.” In: EEG and voice quality. <> Uploaded: 1997 Retrieved: 30-02-2012 and Trask 1996:[139]—40) Bibliography Laver 1995 Laver, John. Principles of phonetics. Reprinted. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995, cop. 1994. xxviii, 707 p. : ill. ; 23 cm (Cambridge textbooks in linguistics, ISSN ---) ISBN 978-0-52145655-5 Pintér 1987 Pintér Tamás. English phonetics and phonology = Angol fonetika és fonológia. 4. kiad. Budapest : Tankönyvkiadó, 1987. 152 p. : ill. ; 23.9 cm ISBN --- J 11-890 Roach 1991 Roach, Peter. English phonetics and phonology : a practical course. 2nd edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991. x, 262 p. : ill. ISBN 0-521-40718-4 Trask 1996 Trask, R. L. A dictionary of phonetics and phonology. Reprinted. London ; New York : Routledge, 1996. xiv, 424 p. : ill. ; 23.3 cm ISBN 0-415-11261-3 Webliography “Artikulation (Linguistik).” In: Wikipedia, die freie Enzyklopädie. <> Updated: 14-02-2012 Retrieved: 30-022012) “Epiglottis.” In: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. “Artikulation (Linguistik).” In: Wikipedia, die freie Enzyklopädie. <> Updated: 14-02-2012 Retrieved: 30-02-2012) “Types of phonation.” In: EEG and voice quality. <> Uploaded: 1997 Retrieved: 30-02-2012